13:32:06 <chandankumar> #startmeeting RDO Office Hour - 2017-09-12 13:32:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 12 13:32:06 2017 UTC. The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:32:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:32:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_office_hour_-_2017-09-12' 13:32:08 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 12 13:32:06 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:32:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:32:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_office_hour___2017_09_12' 13:32:42 <chandankumar> apevec: jpena number80 jruzicka snecklifter PagliaccisCloud time for office hour 13:32:49 <chandankumar> #topic Roll Call 13:32:53 <chandankumar> \o/ 13:32:57 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: hello 13:33:00 <jpena> o/ 13:33:06 <jatanmalde> \o/ 13:33:13 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: Welcome to RDO community :-) 13:33:20 <jatanmalde> Thank you chandankumar 13:33:24 <chandankumar> #chair jpena jatanmalde 13:33:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: chandankumar jatanmalde jpena 13:33:25 <openstack> Current chairs: chandankumar jatanmalde jpena 13:33:40 <PagliaccisCloud> 0/ 13:33:46 <chandankumar> #chair PagliaccisCloud 13:33:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud chandankumar jatanmalde jpena 13:33:46 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud chandankumar jatanmalde jpena 13:33:50 <aditya_r> Hi, chandankumar 13:33:57 <chandankumar> #chair aditya_r 13:33:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud aditya_r chandankumar jatanmalde jpena 13:33:59 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud aditya_r chandankumar jatanmalde jpena 13:34:01 <chandankumar> aditya_r: Hello 13:34:09 <chandankumar> aditya_r: Welcome to RDO community :-) 13:34:13 <jatanmalde> #help how do we use the rebase 13:34:37 <jatanmalde> rebase helpper 13:34:38 <aditya_r> Thanks, chandankumar 13:35:26 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: https://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/additional-git-workflow/rebase.html 13:35:43 <jatanmalde> Thanks chandankumar 13:35:51 <chandankumar> Agenda for today's office hour: 13:36:21 <chandankumar> * Easyfix Review cleanup: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/status:open+branch:rpm-master+easyfix 13:36:39 <chandankumar> * Add some more easyfix: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/easyfix/issues/ 13:37:07 <chandankumar> that's it, today i have not too much. 13:37:26 <chandankumar> if you are looking for next step of contribution, we can talk here 13:37:44 <jatanmalde> sure chandankumar 13:37:49 <jatanmalde> Hi guys 13:38:18 <rbowen> Good morning, foks. 13:38:20 <jatanmalde> I am Jatan Malde and I have just started contributing to RDO 13:38:26 <rbowen> Welcome, jatanmalde! 13:38:49 <jatanmalde> I want to understand the how things work when a rpm is created 13:39:25 <jatanmalde> Hows does spec file plays role during packaging ? 13:42:42 <dmsimard> apevec: cloudslave is on cico cloud, not rdo cloud 13:42:53 <dmsimard> apevec: and yes, we can probably bump the ram up. 13:43:54 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: spec file is a plain text file containing information about the package and instructions required for building and compilling the package 13:44:00 <chandankumar> by RPM 13:44:26 <dmsimard> rbowen: you need to tell us where the interviews are 13:44:35 * dmsimard sends emails, tweets and IRC to figure it out 13:44:38 <rbowen> I haven't found out yet. 13:44:42 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: you can read about this how you can create a sample spec file and build package https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package 13:44:44 <rbowen> I got in last night at 11:30 13:44:50 <rbowen> And I'm waiting for the reg desk to open 13:44:55 <dmsimard> rbowen: ok, let me know when you know ? I got tristanC with me and he's the first interviewee 13:45:01 <rbowen> If you know where Erin is, that'd be great. 13:45:23 <dmsimard> rbowen: I don't know Erin but she seemed to mention yesterday that we could poke her if there was any problems 13:45:28 <dmsimard> let me find int 13:45:35 <rdogerrit> Javier Peña proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9372 13:45:48 <rbowen> I'm down in the lunch room. About to pack up and go back to the registration desk 13:45:59 <jatanmalde> chandankumar: so do we write the dependences for the packages in that spec file ? 13:46:04 <dmsimard> rbowen: the folks at the registration desk would probably know 13:46:19 <rbowen> I was over there a few minutes ago and they weren't set up yet. About to head back over. 13:46:20 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: yup, those are under BuildRequired and Requires 13:46:32 <jatanmalde> chandankumar: Great 13:46:43 <chandankumar> Requires: runtime dependencies when you actually run the application 13:46:53 <chandankumar> BuildRequires: while building 13:47:10 <jatanmalde> chandankumar: yeah I had seen those in the spec file 13:48:15 <jatanmalde> chandankumar: thanks 13:49:10 <jatanmalde> chandankumar: how can I contribute more towards rdo ? 13:50:18 <aditya_r> yes, how can we contribute more ? 13:52:04 <snecklifter> aditya_r: jatanmalde: hello and nice one for the good work on the easyfixes 13:52:33 <aditya_r> thanks, snecklifter 13:52:35 <rbowen> dmsimard: I'm on the Atrium level, by the restaurant. 13:52:42 <rbowen> (Or, I will be in about 10 minutes) 13:53:33 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, thanks 13:53:36 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: aditya_r http://rdoproject.org/contribute/ as per this page you can start as a packager, developer, tester, documentation writer 13:54:15 <chandankumar> RDO has lots of openstack packages, a collection of tools which powers RDO. 13:54:28 <jatanmalde> chandankumar: sure, I had a look in it and packager sounds interesting. 13:55:28 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: have you been able to rebase ok? 13:55:45 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: I tried it here 13:55:51 <jatanmalde> I could do the rebase 13:56:07 <snecklifter> Can you try here? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/9231/ 13:56:30 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: aditya_r https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/intro-packaging/ explains the packaging process in RDO 13:57:07 <snecklifter> https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/add-packages/#how-to-add-a-new-openstack-package-to-rdo-trunk 13:57:08 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: yeah sure, but I have few doubts before I could start on it 13:57:15 <snecklifter> ^^ is also a good link 13:57:37 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: I would read the doc provided earilier here and would go accordingly 13:57:39 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: are you logged into Gerrit? If so just click rebase and ok 13:57:51 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, Yes I am 13:58:03 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: do you see the rebase button on the page? 13:58:06 <rdogerrit> Jatan Malde proposed openstack/oslo-vmware-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variable https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9231 13:58:10 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, Yes 13:58:13 <sfbender> Jakub Ružička created rdopkg master: doc: update README.md with current information https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/9668 13:58:17 <snecklifter> ^^^ easy! 13:58:24 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, I did it and it worked i guess. 13:58:48 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: it did! 13:59:06 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: okay 13:59:10 <snecklifter> aditya_r: your turn 13:59:12 <snecklifter> https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/9393/ 13:59:25 <aditya_r> ok 13:59:34 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/9229/ 13:59:37 <chandankumar> Apart from packaging, if you know python, you can look into rdopkg, dlrn and upstream openstack projects 13:59:52 <snecklifter> also https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/9227/ 14:00:08 <rdogerrit> Jatan Malde proposed openstack/oslo-context-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to the global variable https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9229 14:00:24 <chandankumar> puppet + python -> packstack , puppet-openstack 14:00:26 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: done with it ,I guess 14:00:42 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, sure will look into it. 14:00:43 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: also 9227 14:00:45 <chandankumar> Ansible is heavily used in RDO infrastructure, you can take a look at tripleo-quickstart 14:01:08 <chandankumar> I would suggest pick one and proceed with that 14:01:32 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, sure sir, 14:01:42 <chandankumar> we are here to help you. 14:02:00 <chandankumar> contributing to RDO Project helps you to contribute to OpenStack upstream and also helps growing the RDO Community. 14:02:28 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: That shows error cannot rebase due to conflict during merge 14:02:45 <chandankumar> Ah last you can improve RDO website docs here: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website 14:02:55 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: ah ok, in that case you will need to do a manual rebase, a bit harder 14:03:19 <snecklifter> chandankumar: do you know a good link to some docs on manual rebasing? 14:03:21 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: okay. 14:03:33 <chandankumar> snecklifter: https://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/additional-git-workflow/rebase.html 14:03:46 <snecklifter> chandankumar: doh! should have scrolled up 14:04:08 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, I am using the same one 14:04:42 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: the Gerrit web UI can only handle basic rebasing, it works for a lot but not all 14:05:20 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, Are you talking about the rebase button ? 14:05:28 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: yes 14:05:45 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: Yeah that is not working this time. 14:06:12 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: yes, I understand 14:07:38 <weshay> apevec, build error caused at least in part due to a 404 on from centos infra http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-jewel/repodata/repomd.xml 14:07:47 <weshay> I can hit from my laptop though 14:10:13 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/vitrageclient-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9366 14:12:50 <apevec> weshay, hmm, you're saying it's 404 from inside ci.centos ? 14:12:57 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: What should the parameter be used after git rebase 14:12:57 <apevec> dmsimard, jpena ^ 14:13:09 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: I am little confused 14:13:33 <hewbrocca> ramishra, apevec, social you guys connect on those heat backports? 14:14:13 <apevec> hewbrocca, there isn't match to connect, just heat-stable-maint need to approve it 14:14:26 <apevec> ramishra is chasing them iiuc 14:14:27 <ramishra> hewbrocca: it's all approved now 14:14:41 <jpena> apevec: I've just tested from a machine inside ci.centos and the link seems accessible, maybe a network blip? 14:14:59 <apevec> 404 wouldn't be network... 14:15:24 <apevec> maybe it was missing during repo regen or something? 14:15:43 <weshay> adarazs, fyi ^ 14:15:45 <weshay> updated the bug 14:15:49 <snecklifter> jatanmalde: parameter? 14:16:13 <weshay> apevec, it may be blocked from the internal ci.centos infra 14:16:17 <jatanmalde> snecklifter: git rebase <parameter> 14:16:19 <weshay> someone with access to slaves could check 14:16:27 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: git review -d <gerrit-number> 14:16:28 <jatanmalde> snecklifter, :should it be rpm-master 14:16:34 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: git checkout rpm-master 14:16:35 <apevec> weshay, that's what jpena just did iiuc 14:16:40 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: git pull 14:16:45 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: git checkout - 14:16:45 <apevec> weshay, works now 14:16:47 <weshay> ah.. my irc dropped 14:16:58 <weshay> ok.. probably worth a rekick then 14:16:59 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: git rebase -i rpm-master 14:17:16 <weshay> ack on rekick, apevec adarazs ? 14:17:21 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: if you get merge conflict, use git status 14:17:23 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, ack 14:17:26 <adarazs> weshay: so even if there's more problem with that job, I think we should open a different bug for it; the sudo problem will be solved by the change I proposed. 14:17:40 <apevec> weshay, nack, let's get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/502984/ merged first 14:17:41 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: fix the conflict, then git add -u 14:17:42 <aditya_r> chandankumar: ok I got it now. 14:17:56 <apevec> adarazs, agreed 14:17:56 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: git status -> it will tell the next step 14:17:57 <weshay> apevec, you can get the logs from the workspace 14:18:07 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, ack 14:18:08 <chandankumar> git rebase --continue then git review rpm-master 14:18:13 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, working on it 14:18:13 <apevec> weshay, link? 14:19:00 <adarazs> apevec, weshay: $ curl http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-jewel/repodata/repomd.xml -- it worked from rdo-jenkins-2.ci.centos.org 14:19:41 <weshay> apevec, https://ci.centos.org/job/tripleo-quickstart-promote-pike-build-images/ws/collected_files/ 14:19:41 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/oslo-log-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description by global variable. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9428 14:22:36 <rdogerrit> Aditya Ramteke created openstack/openstacksdk-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variable https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9448 14:28:42 <rdogerrit> Christopher Brown created openstack/heat-distgit rpm-master: use service global everywhere https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9449 14:28:50 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/networking-l2gw-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9371 14:30:35 <weshay> apevec, adarazs I've rekicked, I suspect will hit repo issues again 14:31:00 <apevec> weshay, ah, that killed workspace 14:31:03 <apevec> ok 14:31:20 <weshay> apevec, we'll have it back in 15 min 14:33:04 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/os-faults-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9373 14:33:06 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/microversion-parse-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9375 14:37:22 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/cursive-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9376 14:37:38 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/congressclient-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9379 14:41:10 <adarazs> apevec, jpena: I verified that the new "promotion-get" call works with the dlrnapi_client using this change (both command line and python based call) 14:41:16 <adarazs> apevec, jpena: can we merge it? https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/9338 14:41:32 <adarazs> (and make a pip release :) 14:42:22 <sfbender> Merged rdopkg master: make spec file Then assert more descriptive https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/9619 14:42:32 <apevec> was DLRN change deployed? 14:42:57 <jpena> apevec: yes, I did it yesterday 14:43:02 <apevec> cool 14:43:43 <sfbender> Merged rdopkg master: distgitmagic run guard for default log_run https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/9620 14:43:45 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/congress-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9378 14:44:25 <adarazs> also I tried all the centos apis (master-uc, pike, ocata, newton) and they returned some promoted hashes already. 14:46:51 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/networking-fujitsu-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9382 14:46:52 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/mox3-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9380 14:46:54 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/oslo-concurrency-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9369 14:46:57 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/openstackclient-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9367 14:56:38 <weshay> adarazs, apevec this is odd http://chunk.io/weshayutin/0f32c7b47fc548ed9e34600ac83d5652 14:56:59 <weshay> jewel worked but getting another issue, /dev/pts 14:57:38 <rdogerrit> Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn master: Bring Fedora support up to date https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9340 14:57:42 <apevec> hmm 14:57:55 <apevec> why is the script creating /dev/pts ? 14:57:55 <weshay> adarazs, sshnaidm|ptg trown "build_image_isolated" should be on or off for ci.centos? 14:58:01 <adarazs> yeah, that looks like that file somehow got in a list of mkdir -p arguments. 14:58:03 <weshay> I think off 14:58:29 <apevec> script is overcloud_image_build_script.sh - where is from? 14:58:38 <weshay> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/roles/build-images/templates/overcloud-image-build.sh.j2#L6-L13 14:58:40 <adarazs> weshay: when I saw it it was on. it's off for upstream. 14:58:49 <weshay> I think that option is only used in multinode? 14:58:57 <weshay> I'm really not sure 14:59:06 <adarazs> weshay: isolated makes everything run with virt-customize commands. 14:59:10 <apevec> adarazs, it's off upstream b/c upstream infra clouds do not have nested kvm 14:59:17 <chandankumar> jatanmalde: please remove one extra space from top https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/9231/6/python-oslo-vmware.spec 14:59:24 <adarazs> weshay: which is better because everything runs inside an undercloud env, instead of just on the virthost directly. 14:59:39 <sshnaidm|ptg> weshay, for upstream it should be definitely off, but I'm not sure about centos.ci 15:00:06 <apevec> cico nodes are real HW, so libguestfs should work 15:00:17 <sshnaidm|ptg> apevec, I think we had more reasons for that, not only kvm nested, but don't remember now.. 15:00:28 <weshay> sshnaidm|ptg, adarazs that hasn't changed in 9months 15:00:28 <apevec> but eitherway, this is now failing on this particular mkdir, let's just mkdir -p ? 15:00:38 <weshay> sure 15:00:40 <apevec> sshnaidm|ptg, it is just too slow w/o nested kvm 15:00:50 <apevec> that was the main reason to turn it off 15:01:04 <sshnaidm|ptg> apevec, we had nested kvm on upstream before, but never did isolated images 15:01:46 <apevec> weshay, there is NOTE from trown, maybe this got fixed in libguestfs 15:01:58 <sshnaidm|ptg> weshay, I think it should be "on" for ci.centos, but trown should know better.. 15:01:58 <apevec> lemme see libguestfs versions 15:03:00 <sshnaidm|ptg> weshay, apevec where is the log with "mkdir"..? 15:03:03 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, ack 15:03:15 <weshay> sshnaidm|ptg, https://ci.centos.org/job/tripleo-quickstart-promote-pike-build-images/ws/collected_files/ 15:03:32 <ykarel> libguestfs-1.36.3-2.fc25.x86_64 15:04:03 <apevec> fc25? 15:04:04 <rdogerrit> Jatan Malde proposed openstack/oslo-vmware-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variable https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9231 15:04:21 <jatanmalde> chandankumar, Done 15:04:21 <ykarel> sorry: libguestfs-1.32.7-3.el7_3.3.x86_64 15:05:56 <apevec> ykarel, where is that version? 15:06:17 <apevec> failing job had libguestfs-1.36.3-6.el7_4.3.x86_64 15:06:18 <sshnaidm|ptg> apevec, weshay so maybe we don't need the "mount" too: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/c37733767381a005483f50fdef3e3817a92c3375/roles/build-images/templates/overcloud-image-build.sh.j2#L12 15:06:19 <ykarel> updates, http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/updates/x86_64/Packages/ 15:06:29 <rdogerrit> Attila Darazs proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add DLRN API based promoter script https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9390 15:06:34 <ykarel> installed in the environment i reproduced 15:07:30 <apevec> ykarel, ok, so that's 7.3 version, that one was used in the last good image build job 15:07:47 <apevec> and failing is 7.4 version, CR got enabled in ci.centos http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cr/x86_64/Packages/ 15:08:14 <ykarel> apevec, ack 15:08:21 <apevec> weshay, dmsimard, jpena ^ so it's fixed in 7.4 and trown's workaround needs to be removed in oooq 15:08:32 <apevec> or made idempotent with mkdir -p 15:08:41 <apevec> so it works with both 7.3 and 7.4 ? 15:08:48 <weshay> easy enough 15:08:52 <apevec> who is sending the patch? 15:08:59 <apevec> last blocker! 15:09:10 <apevec> (famous last word?) 15:09:13 <gregwork> is rally part of the core rdo deployment (ocata) ? 15:10:05 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/oslo-log-distgit rpm-master: Added the doc_guard https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9429 15:10:17 <chandankumar> gregwork: we ship rally packages with rdo. 15:10:39 <chandankumar> gregwork: i am little confused with word "core rdo deployment". 15:11:12 <gregwork> chandankumar: is it part of the overcloud ? or something I have to add in after ? 15:11:43 <chandankumar> gregwork: no, you need to install seperatly on undercloud through yum. 15:12:04 <gregwork> chandankumar: on the director node i imagine ? 15:12:15 <chandankumar> gregwork: yup 15:12:49 <chandankumar> gregwork: https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2016/10/how-to-run-rally-on-packstack/ it is based on packstack it might help 15:13:09 <snecklifter> jpena: are you around? I'm trying to re-enable tests on saharaclient but not sure where to look for the right commands 15:13:22 <jpena> snecklifter: yes, I'm here 15:13:59 <snecklifter> jpena: great, I'm sorting through various spec files trying to reenable unit tests 15:14:06 <gregwork> chandankumar: do you know if openstack-rally makes it into whatever redhat ships with osp 15:14:23 <chandankumar> gregwork: yup it is available in RHOSP 15:14:53 <gregwork> alright, just need to find the channel it is in i guess 15:14:54 <snecklifter> I've tried to reuse the same commands from sahara but it just comes back "Ran 0 tests in 0.000s" 15:15:01 <gregwork> yum install openstack-rally on director had no hits 15:15:24 <jpena> snecklifter: when that happens, 99% of the time it's because we have missing build requirements 15:15:36 <chandankumar> gregwork: i am not sure about the right channel, but if you using RDO, you can easy grab it 15:15:38 <snecklifter> jpena: ah ok, so it doesnt error? 15:15:44 <jpena> namely testscenario, testtools and some similar packages 15:15:53 <snecklifter> jpena: ok 15:15:59 <jpena> snecklifter: not on python2. On python3 (fedora), it shows a proper error 15:16:34 <jpena> snecklifter: https://github.com/openstack/python-saharaclient/blob/master/test-requirements.txt should be our starting point 15:16:40 <snecklifter> jpena: understood, thanks for the guidance, I'll keep digging 15:16:50 <snecklifter> jpena: yes, just looking at that now 15:17:32 <chandankumar> jpena: another helpful step is https://github.com/openstack/python-saharaclient/blob/master/tox.ini#L35 15:17:58 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variables. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9372 15:18:00 <chandankumar> sorry 15:18:06 <chandankumar> snecklifter: ^^ 15:22:27 <snecklifter> chandankumar: thanks, testing now 15:22:45 <rdogerrit> Jatan Malde proposed openstack/oslo-vmware-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description to global variable https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9231 15:24:21 <dmsimard> adarazs, weshay: registry cleanup is still in progress to resolve the ongoing issues -- monitoring it to see when it's finished and I'll re-enable the access 15:24:36 <weshay> thanks dmsimard 15:26:08 <rdogerrit> Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn master: Fix run-dlrn.sh to avoid unknown arguments https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9418 15:27:58 <apevec> dmsimard, kill 40k images? 15:28:21 <dmsimard> apevec: I was half drunk on my bed last night and fell asleep watching the deletion in progress :( 15:28:33 <dmsimard> and since I didn't start it in a screen it didn't finish 15:28:35 <apevec> dmsimard, btw, cloudslave05 RAM is non-issue, it was redherring during debug 15:28:38 <apevec> see LP for updates 15:28:52 <dmsimard> apevec: ok, just saying we have the opportunity to bump the flavor if need be 15:28:58 <snecklifter> sounds like the PTG is going well then :) 15:29:02 <apevec> dmsimard, you see, problem was you were only half drunk :) 15:29:25 <chandankumar> apevec: how can we request a new component "python-tempestconf" for RDO in bugzilla? 15:30:50 <apevec> chandankumar, email bz maintainer ticket and CC me 15:31:00 <apevec> number80, ^ what's that email ? 15:31:34 <number80> ha 15:31:38 <number80> lemme find it 15:31:40 <apevec> chandankumar, while at it, request Pike 15:31:52 <chandankumar> apevec: yes 15:32:07 <chandankumar> tosky: sending a bz component request for python-temepstconf 15:32:19 <tosky> chandankumar: great! 15:32:24 <number80> bugzilla-requests AT redhat DOT com 15:32:50 <apevec> chandankumar, and cleanup Juno-Mitaka from Version: field list 15:33:03 <chandankumar> apevec: ack! 15:33:06 <apevec> also Target Release 15:33:32 <apevec> that currently has Juno-Mitaka and trunk 15:33:42 <number80> chandankumar: you need these info for new components => https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/oENuNhtXThxcwpd5lIEF8A 15:35:23 <rdogerrit> Jatan Malde proposed openstack/heat-distgit rpm-master: Moved the description by global variables https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9227 15:35:44 <apevec> adarazs, weshay, sshnaidm|ptg - anyone sending tqe fix with mkdir -p or should I ? 15:36:09 <adarazs> apevec: I won't have time for it today. 15:36:18 <apevec> ack, I'll send it 15:36:38 <apevec> 1liner, can do! :) 15:40:15 <chandankumar> #endmeeting