17:01:04 <dgilmore> #startmeeting releng-demo 17:01:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 19 17:01:04 2016 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng-demo' 17:01:40 <acarter> http://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/acarter-fedora-docker-atomic-tooling/wiki/demo-videos 17:03:08 <bowlofeggs> is anyone able to see this video? 17:03:46 <bowlofeggs> (on youtube? i don't have a google account for hangouts…) 17:04:02 <jgreguske> it is on youtube (eventually) 17:04:46 <acarter> bowlofeggs, I see it 17:04:51 <acarter> bowlofeggs, there is a bit of a lag 17:04:54 <acarter> but you should see it now 17:05:06 <bowlofeggs> hmm 17:05:07 <acarter> (on youtube) 17:05:24 <bowlofeggs> it's complaining about not liking my browser (i've tried firefox and seamonkey( 17:05:33 <bowlofeggs> which are admittedly kind of the same browser 17:05:35 <acarter> bowlofeggs, you've broken it again haven't you? 17:05:37 <bowlofeggs> but that's also all i have 17:05:40 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 17:05:44 <bowlofeggs> i might have 17:06:05 <acarter> bowlofeggs, I'm not sure what to tell you other than it will be posted for viewing later if you need to wrestle with it? :( 17:06:14 <acarter> bowlofeggs, did this work for you last time? 17:06:21 <bowlofeggs> yeah it worked last time 17:06:26 <bowlofeggs> same browser 17:06:41 <acarter> bowlofeggs, ok then I definitely blame you 17:06:43 <acarter> ;) 17:07:08 <bowlofeggs> lol wut 17:10:15 <bowlofeggs> i think it might be getting broadcast in a codec that fedora doesn't ship firefox with, maybe? 17:12:02 <acarter> hmmm 17:14:52 <Southern_Gentlem> bowlofeggs, then how did it work before 17:17:21 <bowlofeggs> Southern_Gentlem: i'm not sure - is it possible that it was broadcast with a different codec in the past? 17:17:39 <bowlofeggs> there was a mozilla bug filed about youtube around christmas 17:17:59 <bowlofeggs> it was about how google disabled some youtube functionality when it detected the firefox useragent 17:18:10 <bowlofeggs> which is not very friendly ☹ 17:18:21 <acarter> :< 17:18:24 <Southern_Gentlem> bowlofeggs, which video 17:18:29 <bowlofeggs> i think the firefox fix was to report the wrong user agent string? 17:18:48 <bowlofeggs> Southern_Gentlem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG4uoV5u8nk 17:18:54 <bowlofeggs> i also might not have the newest firefox 17:19:01 <bowlofeggs> i'll see if updating helps 17:19:16 <Southern_Gentlem> yep i see dennis 17:20:03 <bowlofeggs> looks like i have 43.0.3-1 17:20:08 <bowlofeggs> which i think is the newest 17:20:28 <Southern_Gentlem> in firefox and chrome 17:20:44 <bowlofeggs> Southern_Gentlem: do you have flash and/or non-free codecs? 17:21:00 <bowlofeggs> like h.264? 17:21:08 <bowlofeggs> i wonder if it's that one 17:21:24 <Southern_Gentlem> no flash 17:21:28 <Southern_Gentlem> html5 17:21:43 <Southern_Gentlem> of course chrome has its own pepperflash 17:21:47 <bowlofeggs> yeah 17:22:02 <bowlofeggs> it might be the codec 17:22:11 <bowlofeggs> well whatever 17:22:15 <bowlofeggs> i'll catch up later 17:22:17 <Southern_Gentlem> yes i have nonfree codecs loaded from rpmfusion 17:22:23 <bowlofeggs> ah yeah that's probably it 17:24:12 <bowlofeggs> hahaha, well it works in pure cyanogenmod 17:24:16 <bowlofeggs> so i can see it on my phone 17:24:25 <bowlofeggs> wish i thougth of that 23 minutes ago 17:26:44 <dgilmore> #fedora-releng for further questions 17:27:02 <dgilmore> #endmeeting