#meeting:fedoraproject.org: riscv-sig
Meeting started by @nirik:matrix.scrye.com at 16:00:03 UTC
Meeting summary
- INFO: agenda doc: https://hackmd.io/SPrxvhU0Sv2l5Ox7zqg01A (@nirik:matrix.scrye.com, 16:00:14)
- TOPIC:introductions (@nirik:matrix.scrye.com, 16:00:19)
- TOPIC:Current Status (@nirik:matrix.scrye.com, 16:09:40)
- LINK: https://abologna.gitlab.io/fedora-riscv-tracker/ (@nirik:matrix.scrye.com, 16:12:30)
- TOPIC:Short term plans (@nirik:matrix.scrye.com, 16:22:23)
- TOPIC:Open Floor (@nirik:matrix.scrye.com, 16:55:07)
- INFO: A git overlay is needed for some time as it is not feasible to migrate from due to the dynamic nature of the upstream riscv work in many instances. This overlay will be removed before it can be part of the main Fedora koji, but will take time and nontrivial effort. (@nhanlon:beeper.com, 16:57:07)
- INFO: To manage the overlays, one option is to utilize a user and group (riscv)--similar to theĀ packitĀ user on src.fp.o. This group would grant SIG members access to fork into the riscv-user namespace--if possible. (@nhanlon:beeper.com, 16:57:13)
- ACTION: nirik to look into whether we can use groups in the way described above to grant permissions for members of a group to fork rpms. (@nhanlon:beeper.com, 16:57:22)
Meeting ended at 17:00:17 UTC
Action items
- nirik to look into whether we can use groups in the way described above to grant permissions for members of a group to fork rpms.
People present (lines said)
- @davidlt:matrix.org (56)
- @nirik:matrix.scrye.com (56)
- @nhanlon:beeper.com (43)
- @abologna:matrix.org (42)
- @conan_kudo:matrix.org (41)
- @rwmj:matrix.org (20)
- @jonathanspw:fedora.im (15)
- @zodbot:fedora.im (4)
- @jmontleon:fedora.im (4)
- @jefro:matrix.org (3)
- @meetbot:fedora.im (3)
- @wmat:matrix.org (2)
- @aeperezt:matrix.org (2)
- @khanicov:matrix.org (1)
- @timaeos:matrix.nexaeos.io (1)