13:14:40 <nphilipp> #startmeeting rolekit (2015-08-11) 13:14:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 11 13:14:40 2015 UTC. The chair is nphilipp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:14:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:14:55 <nphilipp> #meetingname rolekitweekly 13:14:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rolekitweekly' 13:15:23 <nphilipp> #topic status 13:16:06 <nphilipp> #chair nphilipp twoerner 13:16:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: nphilipp twoerner 13:16:59 <nphilipp> not sure if this is by the book :) 13:17:08 <nphilipp> I'm basically aping what sgallagh_afk did last week 13:17:20 <nphilipp> is aping even the right word? 13:18:32 <twoerner> I think: "no" :-) 13:19:04 <twoerner> imitating would be better in my opinion 13:19:15 <nphilipp> monkey sees monkey learns 13:19:17 <nphilipp> anyway 13:19:20 <nphilipp> status 13:19:45 <twoerner> ok.. start 13:19:59 <nphilipp> do we now mention every single commit? I hope not 13:20:09 <nphilipp> sgallagh_afk: you'll have much fun reading this :) 13:20:14 <twoerner> no.. just overall I think 13:20:26 <twoerner> overview 13:23:14 <nphilipp> #info Status nphilipp: committed fixes for issues #28 "redeploy should accept JSON settings via stdin as well" and #31 ",`rolectl` and `rolectl list` without further arguments should return a non-zero exit code", the former for review only so far 13:23:24 <nphilipp> oh that's already to verbose 13:23:50 <nphilipp> #info Status nphilipp: besides that a couple of minor fixes and reviews 13:23:56 <nphilipp> twoerner: ? 13:25:54 <twoerner> #info Status twoerner: Anylysis of issue #24 "Convert rolekit to different dbus implementation" 13:26:17 <twoerner> with first results for gdbus and pyqt dbus use 13:27:47 <twoerner> #info review of #179 "Support deferred deployment", fixes needed 13:28:02 <twoerner> I think this is all form my side so far 13:28:50 <nphilipp> okie 13:29:06 <nphilipp> anything else, twoerner? 13:29:13 <twoerner> nope 13:29:16 <nphilipp> goodie 13:29:38 <nphilipp> #endmeeting