12:59:59 <sgallagh> #startmeeting rolekit (2015-10-13) 13:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 13 12:59:59 2015 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:00 <sgallagh> #meetingname rolekitweekly 13:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rolekitweekly' 13:00:00 <sgallagh> #chair sgallagh twoerner nilsph 13:00:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: nilsph sgallagh twoerner 13:00:00 <sgallagh> #topic init process 13:00:11 <sgallagh> Good morning folks. 13:00:14 <twoerner> .hello twoerner 13:00:15 <zodbot> twoerner: twoerner 'Thomas Woerner' <twoerner@redhat.com> 13:00:18 <nilsph> .hello nphilipp 13:00:19 <zodbot> nilsph: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 13:00:56 <sgallagh> Looks like everyone is here 13:01:00 <sgallagh> #topic Agenda 13:01:24 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Fedora 23 Final Steps 13:01:33 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Fedora 24 Planning 13:01:55 <sgallagh> Any other topics for the agenda? 13:02:22 <twoerner> nothing from me atm 13:02:52 <sgallagh> #topic Fedora 23 Final Steps 13:03:06 <sgallagh> #info Fedora 23 entered Final Freeze as of midnight UTC today 13:03:21 <sgallagh> Unfortunately, rolekit is still in updates-testing. 13:03:30 <twoerner> oh, bad 13:03:45 <sgallagh> I proposed it for a Freeze Exception on the grounds that the anaconda support is only useful if it's part of the frozen package set. 13:04:03 <sgallagh> In order to get that approved, I *really* need you two to test the latest package and give it karma. 13:04:50 <sgallagh> It's more likely to be approved as an FE that way 13:05:25 <twoerner> ok.. do you have a set of test we should do? 13:05:30 <twoerner> tests 13:05:56 <sgallagh> twoerner: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Server_Test 13:06:08 <sgallagh> There are a couple basic tests there for rolekit 13:06:17 <sgallagh> That, plus deploy at least one role from kickstart, please 13:06:43 <twoerner> ohh.. from kickstart... :-) 13:06:53 <sgallagh> You'll need to tweak the kickstart file to pull the package in from another repo somewhere. 13:06:54 <sgallagh> Since it's not on the media 13:07:54 <sgallagh> #action twoerner and nilsph to test the rolekit- package and provide karma in Bodhi 13:08:05 <twoerner> what is the karma atm? 13:08:10 <sgallagh> twoerner: 0 13:08:11 <nilsph> 0 presumably 13:08:15 <twoerner> oups! 13:08:30 <twoerner> it seems there are no testers for server outthere 13:08:54 <sgallagh> Note, F24 TC6 didn't build Server due to a bug, so use the TC1 images to test for now. 13:09:15 <sgallagh> twoerner: rolekit usually only gets testing during release validation, which is unfortunate. 13:09:28 <sgallagh> That's why we need to be better at doing so ourselves :) 13:10:04 <nilsph> F24? 13:10:25 <twoerner> sgallagh: will you also test? 13:10:38 <sgallagh> twoerner: Of course, but I can't give karma since I filed the update 13:10:47 <twoerner> ok :-) 13:11:19 <sgallagh> I always run through all the release validation tests every milestone. 13:11:49 <sgallagh> As soon as TC7 is out, I'll be doing that. 13:12:00 <twoerner> do you have a link to the TC1 iso? 13:12:09 <sgallagh> http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/ 13:12:15 <nilsph> twoerner: netinst or complete DVD? 13:12:21 <sgallagh> Or rather: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/23_TC1/Server/ 13:12:30 <nilsph> here's the directory https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/23_TC1/Server/x86_64/iso/ 13:12:50 <sgallagh> nilsph: Ideally, split the work and each do one of the two. 13:12:50 <twoerner> yes, thanks 13:13:07 <nilsph> do we have any KS files from which to start? 13:13:28 <sgallagh> nilsph: https://sgallagh.fedorapeople.org/kickstarts/f23/dc.ks 13:13:36 <sgallagh> I used that one for F23 Beta testing 13:13:43 <sgallagh> You will need to tweak it 13:13:51 <nilsph> to pickup the new rolekit 13:14:09 <sgallagh> Which reminds me, let me add the latest package to that COPR 13:14:13 <sgallagh> so you can just use that repo 13:14:24 <twoerner> sgallagh: that would be great 13:14:48 <nilsph> sgallagh: uhm s/rawhide/f23/ there? 13:15:23 <sgallagh> nilsph: Yes, there was no F23 build for COPR when I created that 13:15:25 <nilsph> twoerner: which one do you want to test? 13:15:32 <sgallagh> It's available now and I'm building it that way 13:15:45 <nilsph> I mean they shouldn't make much difference, should they? 13:16:20 <sgallagh> nilsph: No, they shouldn't 13:16:36 <sgallagh> "should" is my least-favorite word. We have a long history :) 13:17:06 <twoerner> nilsph: are you talking about full DVD or netinstall? 13:17:14 <nilsph> twoerner: yes 13:17:48 <twoerner> nilsph: I would push the tree on my PXE/TFTP server for simple installation maybe 13:18:01 <twoerner> but I could also use the DVD or netinstall.. 13:18:04 <nilsph> twoerner: ok, I'll grab one of the ISOs then 13:18:08 <twoerner> the line here is fast... 13:19:03 <sgallagh> OK, so let's move on to F24 planning. 13:19:18 <sgallagh> Feel free to ping me at any time if you have trouble with the testing 13:19:38 <sgallagh> #topic Fedora 24 Planning 13:20:22 <sgallagh> I'm still working on getting a clear directive from our consumers on what new features we need 13:20:33 <sgallagh> But there are a couple that are very clear and should be prioritized. 13:21:21 <sgallagh> 1) Job-control / progress monitoring 13:22:00 <sgallagh> This is pretty much critical for us to achieve adoption. So that's P0 in my mind. 13:22:52 <sgallagh> 2) Firewall control based on deployment settings rather than role defaults 13:23:37 <sgallagh> 3) Out-of-tree role creation (including walkthrough documentation) 13:24:44 <sgallagh> So those three things are fundamental. There are not yet any clearly-defined new roles for this cycle, but I hope to have something on that for next week. 13:25:36 <sgallagh> Conveniently, there are three high-level tasks and three developers around :) 13:26:18 <sgallagh> (Item 3 will be slightly dependent upon Item 2, but can be worked on in parallel) 13:27:04 <twoerner> it would be needed to define exactly what should be possible and forbidden 13:27:22 <sgallagh> twoerner: "it" being the role creation documentation? 13:27:27 <nilsph> is there a document that fleshes these three requirements out a bit? 13:27:40 <sgallagh> nilsph: Nope! ;-) 13:27:45 <sgallagh> Not yet, anyway 13:28:07 <sgallagh> Item 1) is going to involve a sit-down with the Cockpit folks who will be the first consumers of it. 13:28:21 <sgallagh> They've agreed to help us by providing requirements and mock-ups 13:28:57 <sgallagh> twoerner: Given that it's firmly in your wheelhouse, would you be okay taking on 2) ? 13:29:52 <sgallagh> twoerner: For reference, that's basically https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/7 13:29:53 <nilsph> Yeah, looking at the three who does what almost suggests itself. 13:30:01 <twoerner> yes 13:30:45 <sgallagh> nilsph: Actually, I was curious which of 1) or 3) you'd want to take on. 13:32:10 <nilsph> sgallagh: as I've still not yet wrapped my head around how we do async (and AIUI we want to change it anyway) I think I'd be more comfortable with 3) instead of 1) 13:32:36 <sgallagh> Works for me. 13:32:48 <sgallagh> nilsph: As for the async, I don't think we plan to change too much of it. 13:33:08 <nilsph> move from our own impl to what's in Py3k that's how I understood it 13:33:10 <sgallagh> There's a couple features in Python 3.4 that lets us simplify a bit, but it's functionally the same 13:33:26 <sgallagh> It will just read cleaner 13:33:47 <sgallagh> But I'm fine with having you take on the out-of-tree role stuff 13:33:47 <nilsph> but my understanding of async is found wanting, so... :) 13:33:56 <sgallagh> Works for me 13:34:00 <sgallagh> /me assigns issues 13:35:47 <sgallagh> nilsph: This may involve the creation of a -devel package and possibly working with the DevAssistant folks to get a framework in place for creating new roles. 13:35:59 <nilsph> mhm 13:36:11 <sgallagh> Right now it's kind of an "umbrella" ticket. We'll split it up into individual tasks as they become apparent 13:36:39 <nilsph> though I don't quite understand the need for a -devel package for something in Python 13:36:53 <sgallagh> nilsph: Well, that was probably not an accurate statement 13:37:02 <sgallagh> /me thinks in C terms a lot 13:37:28 <sgallagh> #action sgallagh to work on the job-control/progress monitoring feature 13:37:37 <nilsph> well, if we do something for devassistant, that stuff would go to -devel I think 13:37:41 <sgallagh> #action twoerner to work on the firewall configuration options 13:37:52 <sgallagh> #action nilsph to work on supporting out-of-tree role creation 13:38:12 <nilsph> but devassistant shouldn't be necessary for writing a new role, so... :) 13:38:18 <sgallagh> nilsph: I'm trusting you to figure that out and report back :) 13:38:39 <sgallagh> Right, it should not be necessary, but if we can make it really convenient that way, that would be a win for both projects. 13:38:47 <nilsph> of course 13:38:49 <sgallagh> (And would play nice with the Workstation crowd) 13:42:24 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor 13:42:38 <sgallagh> That's all I had for an agenda today and there are no un-triaged issues. 13:42:42 <sgallagh> Anything for Open Floor? 13:44:17 <sgallagh> OK, I'll take that to be a "no". 13:44:19 <nilsph> I've looked into CI a small bit, what I told you before. 13:44:25 <sgallagh> Oh, right. 13:44:31 <sgallagh> #topic Continuous Integration 13:45:02 <nilsph> Maybe I missed something obvious, because I haven't set up CI frameworks before. 13:45:05 <sgallagh> So, I asked nilsph to look into what degree of CI we could set up to test both rolekit and by extension Fedora Server, since we exercise a fair amount of it. 13:45:16 <sgallagh> Yeah, neither have I 13:45:27 <sgallagh> But it seems to be How It's Done, these days. 13:46:00 <nilsph> You find bits and pieces for (or rather: against) integrating Vagrant and Jenkins or Travis CI, but they're mostly about problems people are experiencing. 13:46:28 <sgallagh> That reminds me; I need to check whether anyone unbroke Vagrant yet :) 13:46:34 <sgallagh> (on F23) 13:47:24 <nilsph> We should probably ask the QA guys who are working on CI on their side if they think there's an obvious way to test something in pre-defined VM images, because AIUI that's what we want to do re: CI. 13:47:29 <sgallagh> nilsph: Feel free to #info anything you've discovered 13:48:03 <nilsph> I'm tempted to # info "not much" but I think I'll keep myself in check for now :) 13:48:12 <sgallagh> Yeah, and discuss things with the Cockpit guys. They've got a framework that exercises a lot of Fedora; we might be able to pair up with them 13:48:19 <nilsph> yeah right 13:48:31 <sgallagh> ? 13:48:35 <nilsph> so, pick the brains of the cockpit and QA crowd 13:49:14 <nilsph> sgallagh: verbal confirmation that you mentioned this before ;) 13:49:24 <sgallagh> nilsph: (OK, just FYI, the phrase "yeah right" is always read in a sarcastic, passive-aggressive tone by Americans. So I parsed that as "not going to happen" at first) 13:50:03 <nilsph> sgallagh: figured that now. 13:50:10 <sgallagh> It's all good. 13:50:22 <sgallagh> OK, I have to get to another meeting in a few minutes. 13:50:23 <nilsph> Should have caught that earlier because it's similar for "Ja ja!" in German. 13:50:53 <sgallagh> #action nilsph to pick the brains of the Cockpit and QA crowd about CI 13:51:01 <sgallagh> OK, anything else this week? 13:51:31 <nilsph> not from me 13:51:36 <nilsph> twoerner: ? 13:52:21 <twoerner> let me read 13:52:28 <twoerner> some lines back 13:53:38 <twoerner> nothing more form me 13:53:46 <twoerner> more/additinal/ 13:55:00 <sgallagh> OK. 13:55:09 <sgallagh> Thanks for coming, folks. I think we've got a plan for now. 13:56:03 <sgallagh> #endmeeting