21:02:24 <brunowolff> #startmeeting 21:02:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 5 21:02:24 2010 UTC. The chair is brunowolff. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:02:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:02:35 <brunowolff> #meetingname spins-sig 21:02:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'spins-sig' 21:02:45 * nirik is around I suppose. 21:02:46 <brunowolff> #chair brunowolff nirik 21:02:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: brunowolff nirik 21:02:57 <brunowolff> #topic who is heer 21:03:14 <brunowolff> Who else is here besides nirik and I? 21:03:55 * nirik notes its a holiday in much of the US today. 21:04:13 <brunowolff> #topic Requiring spin owners to confirm their spins for GA 21:04:22 <brunowolff> Yeah, I am off work today myself. 21:04:36 <nirik> I mailed the list last week. 21:04:40 <nirik> we got several replied. 21:04:43 <nirik> replies. 21:04:50 <brunowolff> If you want to go early, the thing I'd really like to get done is whether or not we can require 21:05:00 <DiscordianUK> Evening 21:05:04 <brunowolff> spin owners to sign off on their spins for GA release. 21:05:15 <nirik> I need to check the replies against the list of f13 spin owners. 21:05:20 <nirik> hey DiscordianUK 21:05:44 * DiscordianUK has joined as I'm interested in the security and music spins 21:05:57 <brunowolff> I didn't see anyone speak out against it on the mailing list, but before taking up how it might work with 21:06:12 <brunowolff> releng, I wanted to be fairly sure we would do that. 21:06:15 <nirik> brunowolff: well, I think thats better than pushing out something that we don't know for sure has been tested. 21:06:54 <brunowolff> Barring any last second nay saying, I'll ask releng about how they'd like it to work. 21:07:19 <nirik> ok. 21:07:24 <brunowolff> Primarily if Jesse (or whoever) wants to hear from the spin owners or rather from the wrangler who would 21:07:32 <brunowolff> hear from the spin owners. 21:07:50 <brunowolff> Also the timing and practical fallback options. 21:08:07 <nirik> we have not heard from: AOS, electronic-lab, lxde it looks like. 21:08:35 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will talk to releng about spin testing for GA release. 21:08:44 <brunowolff> #topic recurring spins 21:08:45 <DiscordianUK> lxde was very late in F13 21:08:49 <nirik> DiscordianUK: is there a group working on a music spin this cycle? any idea on the status? 21:09:12 <nirik> there were last minute bugs requiring it to be re-spun. 21:09:13 <DiscordianUK> There's a mailing list 21:09:17 <brunowolff> #info niirk has heard back from all but AOS, electronic-lab and LXDE. 21:09:33 <DiscordianUK> I'll try and shake some life into the music spin 21:09:33 * maxamillion is here ... late ... but here 21:10:05 <DiscordianUK> we've got much of PlanetCCRMA now in our repos 21:10:20 <nirik> DiscordianUK: ok. Submission deadlines are coming up fast. ;) 21:10:49 <DiscordianUK> I'll see what I can do 21:11:13 <brunowolff> It should be in ready for wrangler state pretty much now, so as soon as we get a wrangler they can look at it. 21:11:19 <DiscordianUK> It can't be an official spin anyway 21:11:28 <nirik> DiscordianUK: why not? needs non free stuff? 21:11:29 <DiscordianUK> Because it needs non-free stuff 21:11:29 <brunowolff> Were you going for an iso release or just a kickstart file? 21:11:42 <nirik> maxamillion: we need to update the Xfce spin page. ;) 21:12:29 <brunowolff> nirik, do you know what page is used to check for spins to get iso releases? The security spin got released 21:12:32 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_Recurring_Releases 21:12:43 <brunowolff> in spite of not being in the F13 category. 21:13:10 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/13/Spins I think? 21:13:30 <brunowolff> Since we don't have a wrangler yet, I'll try to go through all of the spin pages this week and properly set their categories 21:13:40 <brunowolff> and create links to the previous version. 21:13:47 <nirik> that would be great, we should also update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/14/Spins 21:14:08 <nirik> but I can ping those 3 we didn't hear from before we do that... since we need to know if they are going to go on in f14. 21:14:24 <nirik> cwickert: you around? 21:14:41 <maxamillion> nirik: yeah, I know ... :( 21:15:04 <brunowolff> Thanks, I'll need to make sure that page is mentioned in the spins process somewhere. 21:15:36 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will review spin pages for categories and for having links to the previous release. 21:16:05 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will create an F14 version of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/13/Spins 21:16:17 <cwickert> nirik: yes, I'm here 21:16:28 <nirik> cwickert: I assume LXDE is going to continue in f14? :) 21:16:34 <nirik> lxde spin that is. 21:16:37 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will make sure the spin release page is mentioned in the spin process (and wrangler pages). 21:16:38 * liknus is here also....Pierros papadeas 21:16:45 <cwickert> yes, do I need to do anything to make this happen? 21:17:13 <brunowolff> It should be put in the ready for wrangler category. 21:17:53 <brunowolff> That way we know you want it reviewed for F14. Assuming no big changes, the other thing is that we are looking 21:18:13 <cwickert> brunowolff: ok 21:18:18 <brunowolff> at requiring a sign off by the spin owners that the version for GA has been tested. 21:18:34 <nirik> liknus: welcome. 21:18:44 <brunowolff> How exactly that will work hasn't been decided yet. I'll be talking to releng about that. 21:19:04 * cmpahar watches :D 21:19:53 <brunowolff> #info Now only AOS and electronic lab haven't been heard from. 21:20:06 <nirik> #info nirik has mailed spin owners for those spins now. 21:20:07 <brunowolff> #topic wrangler? 21:20:38 <brunowolff> So I have a high level overview of the wrangler position written up, that will need further development. 21:20:44 <nirik> yeah, good work on that. 21:20:57 <brunowolff> Is there anything bad in that page, that would prevent removing draft? 21:21:22 <brunowolff> Are we ready to try again for a wrangler? 21:21:50 <nirik> I think that looks fine, I'd be happy if we can find one. ;) 21:21:53 <brunowolff> I can do the initial after release wiki page changes, but we need to start doing reviews soon. 21:22:34 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will remove draft from wrangler page, but will make sure it's noted somewhere that more details will be added later. 21:23:10 <brunowolff> It might make sense to wait until after I meet with releng to see if they want to go through the wrangler for that. 21:23:15 <nirik> ok. 21:23:27 <nirik> then perhaps advertise on devel-announce ? 21:24:35 <brunowolff> That seems reasonable. 21:24:56 <nirik> ok. 21:25:06 <nirik> any other topics to cover today? 21:25:32 <brunowolff> It looks like releng meets on Fridays, so I'll add a ticket to request a chance to talk at the next one. 21:25:51 <nirik> ok 21:26:00 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will file a ticket with releng to talk about spin testing for GA. 21:26:18 <brunowolff> I think we have covered the most important stuff. 21:26:32 <brunowolff> #topic open 21:26:47 <brunowolff> Anyone else have anything important to talk about today? 21:27:08 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will email meeting results 21:27:20 <nirik> I can't think of anything urgent... 21:27:27 <dafrito> Random question: do you guys manage the content on spins.fp.o? 21:27:28 <brunowolff> Ending in 30 ... 21:27:39 <nirik> dafrito: nope... thats websites... with content from spins. 21:27:40 <brunowolff> git 21:28:16 <brunowolff> I misunderstood the question. 21:28:16 <dafrito> nirik: I figured, thanks. Some of the info blurbs for the spins are rather uninformative; I was wondering who to bring that up with 21:28:37 <nirik> dafrito: input welcome. ;) 21:28:53 <nirik> I'd say mail the spins list and we can pass the content to websites if it's improved... 21:28:58 <brunowolff> Probably the Design Team, though they'd probably go back to the Spin Owner. 21:29:26 <dafrito> Sure, I'll write something up :) 21:30:02 <brunowolff> Anything else? Restarting the 30 second countdown. 21:30:35 <brunowolff> #endmeeting