20:59:09 <brunowolff> #startmeeting 20:59:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 23 20:59:09 2010 UTC. The chair is brunowolff. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:59:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:59:21 <brunowolff> #meetingname spins-sig 20:59:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'spins-sig' 20:59:30 <brunowolff> #chair brunowolff nirik 20:59:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: brunowolff nirik 20:59:40 <nirik> morning. 20:59:41 * jsmith lurks 20:59:45 <brunowolff> #topic Who's here? 21:00:49 <brunowolff> #topic Spins status 21:00:58 <brunowolff> Today's meeting will probably be short. 21:01:22 <brunowolff> I don't have stuff ready for review, so the main topic is spins status for the alpha. 21:01:38 <nirik> I think alpha is ok... post alpha many of the spins are not composing. ;( 21:01:42 <brunowolff> Currently nautilus-sendto is blocking rebuilds of most of the spins. 21:01:42 <nirik> broken deps. 21:02:05 <brunowolff> Except for Games, they all got built around the 18th and are probably reasonable. 21:02:14 <brunowolff> The Games Spin is hosed though. 21:02:49 <nirik> wesnoth? 21:02:52 <brunowolff> Because of various things blocking rebuilds, it hasn't been rebuilt since the splash screen bug was fixed. 21:03:43 * satellit_ lurks 21:03:56 <brunowolff> Well late soname bumps didn't help. Wesnoth got rebuilt for boost, but before the rebuild got moved to updates an upstream bug fix release was done. 21:04:11 <nirik> ah, bummer. 21:04:23 <nirik> welcome satellit_, jsmith. ;) 21:04:31 <brunowolff> That got requested for updates last Friday and it still isn't in. That kind of latency doesn't help either. 21:04:34 <satellit_> : ) 21:05:08 <brunowolff> But the nautilus-sendto in testing that fixes the dep issue has negative karma, so it won't be going to updates. 21:05:23 <brunowolff> So Games won't be usable for a bit. 21:05:30 <nirik> :( 21:05:57 <brunowolff> I don't know if that is a big deal or not, as we aren't pushing the extra spins too heavily for the alpha and beta. 21:06:24 <nirik> yeah, as soon as it composes it should appear tho 21:06:25 <brunowolff> I added a comment to the retrospective asking that broken deps NOT be allowed in stable. 21:06:41 <nirik> well, autoqa is needed to prevent that. 21:06:58 <brunowolff> autoqa is pretty close now isn't it? 21:07:45 <nirik> getting there... 21:08:19 <brunowolff> We could try to do something heroic for the Games Spin, but I don't think the demand justifies it. I'd just suggest that people try other spins for the alpha or wait a week for an updated Games spin. 21:08:32 <nirik> ok 21:09:46 <brunowolff> If you feel comfortable living with the Games Spin being in a bad state at the alpha, given the above options, then I think we should just leave things. 21:10:09 <brunowolff> Except maybe that needs to be in some alpha documentation? 21:10:13 <nirik> yeah, I think it's not ideal, but not sure must else can be done for now. 21:10:22 <nirik> common bugs? 21:10:34 <brunowolff> That's what I was wondering. 21:10:52 <brunowolff> Would that be in the docs' team area? 21:11:04 <nirik> or release notes? 21:11:10 <nirik> do we have release notes for alpha? 21:11:27 <brunowolff> I was thinking of asking the docs team about where to note that. 21:11:47 <nirik> yeah, sounds good. 21:12:15 <brunowolff> #info Games Spin will be bad at alpha release 21:12:42 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will ask on docs list about where Games Spin status should be documented. 21:12:47 <brunowolff> #topic other 21:13:18 <brunowolff> As I said, I don't have docs ready for review today, so we've covered stuff from the agenda. 21:13:30 <nirik> ok. were there any deadlines at alpha for us? 21:13:50 <brunowolff> Spin owners were supposed to look at their spins. 21:14:17 <nirik> yeah... 21:14:36 <brunowolff> Security Lab said they didn't get much done in that regard but have a hackfest coming up in September where they'll do some significant testing. 21:15:09 <brunowolff> The testing sign off is just for GA. And I need to pick out a set of minimal tests for spin owners. 21:16:16 <brunowolff> Design team wanted to know when the spins list was final. I added a note to the process docs about that, but didn't ask for a change to the 21:16:34 <nirik> we should get poelcat to make that change on his master list... 21:17:10 <brunowolff> project time line. It's part of dealing with the spins list is final entry already there. 21:18:17 <brunowolff> It seemed like one event to me, and that it should be documented on our end. 21:19:39 <nirik> yep. I agree. 21:20:12 <brunowolff> One other thing we need to watch is orphan blocking is coming at the end of this week. 21:20:28 <brunowolff> Currently the Games Spin at leats, will be affected by this. 21:20:51 <brunowolff> poker2d is orphaned, and I don't know it well enough or have time to save it. 21:21:10 <nirik> yeah, might have to make adjustments... 21:21:15 <brunowolff> Other spins might also be affected, but I don't know. 21:21:44 <brunowolff> I don't think this will caused builds to fail though, just error messages in the logs. 21:23:16 <brunowolff> Anything else anyone wants discussed today? 21:23:21 * nirik has nothing. 21:23:31 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will send out the minutes. 21:23:59 <brunowolff> OK, thanks for attending. 21:24:04 <brunowolff> #endmeeting