15:02:14 <quaid> #startmeeting 15:02:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 12 15:02:14 2010 UTC. The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:57 <quaid> #topic Summer Coding SIG meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_Coding_SIG#Agenda 15:05:10 <quaid> #meetingname Summer Coding SIG 15:05:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'summer_coding_sig' 15:06:17 <quaid> #topic Task review from previous week 15:06:20 <quaid> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-05-05/fedora-meeting.2010-05-05-15.00.html 15:06:34 <quaid> #info No tasks carried over save existing open tasks 15:06:57 <quaid> #topic Schedule review 15:07:27 <quaid> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_Coding_2010_schedule 15:07:43 <quaid> #info 13 May is last day for ideas pages 15:07:52 <quaid> #task announce last 24 hours for ideas 15:08:09 <quaid> #task close idea wiki pages (somehow) 15:08:34 <quaid> #task alert students that we are one week away from deadline for their proposal 15:09:03 <quaid> #task quaid fill private mentor list with currently known potential mentors so we can begin discussions 15:09:15 <quaid> #task remind everyone about how the public side of proposal discussions is going to go 15:09:36 <quaid> #info 8 days left to find more funding or community sponsors for this round 15:09:59 * quaid done with his schedule review, waits to see if others have anything 15:11:43 <quaid> #topic Update on unresolved or open tasks 15:11:58 <quaid> #info Indifex and Transifex.net are new community sponsors 15:12:14 * gwerra is around 15:12:35 <quaid> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/summer-coding/2010-May/000087.html 15:12:39 <quaid> gwerra: howdy 15:12:55 <gwerra> quaid: good, whats up with you, doing a meeting all by yourself ? :) 15:13:01 * gwerra knows that feeling 15:13:42 <quaid> #info quaid has been talking with Red Hat folks about approaching partners for sponsorship; it being too late for this summer, we are going to look for beginning-level sponsors for the Sep-Feb, some of whom should commit for next Apr-Aug. 15:13:50 <quaid> gwerra: ayup :) 15:14:10 <quaid> but you have to do the meetings when you say you will, or people stop thinking there is something to show up for :) 15:14:27 <gwerra> Yeah I know that :) 15:14:37 <gwerra> Its good you do it and pass on the information :) 15:14:50 <quaid> #info quaid has not had any additional funding sponsors arise 15:15:03 <quaid> #info program needs to plan on going with what we have so far in sponsors 15:15:49 <quaid> #task quaid to get confirmation from RHT Brno that they are going ahead with running their local internships through FSC2010 15:16:30 * pwbarnes dashes in. 15:16:52 <quaid> hey pwbarnes 15:17:05 <pwbarnes> Heya, quaid! 15:17:22 <quaid> gregdek_: you need a Fedora Freenode mask if you don't have one already :) 15:17:35 * quaid hangs on to let pwbarnes read the backscroll 15:17:42 * pwbarnes is caught up. 15:17:51 <quaid> there we go :) 15:18:03 <quaid> yeah, it's a short log 15:18:17 <quaid> as it happens, that was all I had so far. 15:18:36 <quaid> I'm very optimistic about the future with more sponsors, but not so much with this summer. 15:18:44 * quaid isn't really a very good fundraiser :/ 15:18:58 <pwbarnes> I am glad that you have been able to put so much effort into this. I have not had the same kind of time to work on it this year, not even as much as I had expected. 15:19:52 <pwbarnes> Nonetheless, if you have any tasks for me, do not hesitate to ask. 15:19:59 <quaid> I have a plan that by this time next summer, we have a program with lots of involvement from other corporate sponsors. 15:20:05 <quaid> well, it's the sponsoring thing at this point mainly ... 15:20:22 <quaid> I'll make sure to do stuff for Fedora Weekly News after this, and some announcements 15:20:30 <quaid> but if anyone has any ideas or can help call people or whatever ... 15:20:38 <quaid> break out the business cards from past conferences :) 15:27:08 * quaid is taking a few moments to write a blog post 15:31:54 <quaid> blag away! 15:32:11 <quaid> #topic All other business 15:32:21 <quaid> Anyone have anything else for this Summer Coding meeting? 15:32:51 * gwerra has nothing 15:34:40 <quaid> ok, then, closing down in 5 15:34:41 <quaid> 4 15:34:42 <quaid> 3 15:34:43 <quaid> 2 15:34:43 <quaid> 1 15:34:48 <quaid> and so it is written! 15:34:51 <quaid> #endmeeting