13:00:34 <mclasen> #startmeeting Team Silverblue 13:00:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 25 13:00:34 2018 UTC. 13:00:34 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:34 <zodbot> The chair is mclasen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'team_silverblue' 13:00:42 <misc> hi 13:00:51 <mclasen> #topic Roll call 13:01:07 <mclasen> #chair misc 13:01:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: mclasen misc 13:01:12 <kalev> hello 13:01:16 <mclasen> #chair kalev 13:01:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: kalev mclasen misc 13:02:27 <miabbott> .hello miabbott 13:02:29 <zodbot> miabbott: miabbott 'Micah Abbott' <miabbott@redhat.com> 13:02:34 <mclasen> #chair miabbott 13:02:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: kalev mclasen miabbott misc 13:03:16 <mclasen> I don't see sanja around. lets see if owen is here 13:03:40 * otaylor is here 13:03:48 <mclasen> #chair otaylor 13:03:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: kalev mclasen miabbott misc otaylor 13:04:18 <mclasen> ok, I guess we can get going 13:05:14 <mclasen> I don't see any issues marked for meeting, so I guess we just do follow-ups from last time, and status updates 13:05:32 <mclasen> or is there other topics that we should put on the agenda ? 13:06:14 <mclasen> alright then 13:06:37 <mclasen> starting with follow-ups 13:06:56 <mclasen> #topic rebranding - https://pagure.io/teamsilverblue/issue/20 13:07:25 <mclasen> #info I did create issues for various components 13:07:43 <mclasen> #info and I also created a Fedora Change: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Silverblue 13:08:45 <mclasen> I'll keep that updated 13:09:15 <mclasen> next follow-up: 13:09:27 <mclasen> #topic Silverblue and Flatpak talks 13:09:48 <kalev> thanks for leading all the rebranding effort, mclasen 13:09:58 <mclasen> #info some flock talks have been added to https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/502 now 13:11:28 <mclasen> moving on to status updates on other f29 targeted work 13:11:47 <mclasen> #topic status updates of ongoing work 13:11:59 <mclasen> owen, do you have any news to report on flatpak building ? 13:13:00 <mclasen> otaylor: ^ 13:13:58 <otaylor> mclasen: Oh, sorry. Not of interest.. we're *very* close to having a build done in staging 13:14:13 <mclasen> still good to hear 13:14:19 <kalev> ooh, nice nice 13:15:15 <mclasen> kalev, do you have an update on relevant things in gnome-software ? 13:15:44 <kalev> I started working on layered package install for gnome-software last week 13:15:59 <kalev> this needs new api for rpm-ostreed, working on that now 13:16:10 <kalev> that's all from me 13:16:29 <mclasen> ok 13:17:30 <mclasen> I guess since sanja is not here, I'll mention the coreos.fedoraproject.org launch happened last week 13:18:04 <mclasen> it affects silverblue in so far as there is now a fedora-wide discourse instance, and we'll look getting the silverblue one moved over there 13:18:29 <misc> mhh taht's still not Fedora infra supported 13:18:56 <misc> so i would refrain from calling it "fedora wide instance" 13:19:04 <mclasen> well, ok 13:19:21 <misc> especially since no one is officially the owner of the instance 13:19:28 <mclasen> you probably know more about it than me 13:21:35 <mclasen> I don't have any other updates, so I guess we can make this a short meeting, just a minute of 13:21:40 <mclasen> #topic open floor 13:23:19 <mclasen> #endmeeting