13:02:09 <kalev> #startmeeting Team Silverblue 13:02:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 6 13:02:09 2018 UTC. 13:02:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:02:09 <zodbot> The chair is kalev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:02:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'team_silverblue' 13:02:15 <kalev> morning everybody 13:02:35 <aday> hi hi 13:02:36 <kalev> mclasen asked me to run the meeting today as he's at the airport and about to board 13:02:45 <kalev> #topic Roll call 13:06:31 <kalev> alright, so it looks like we have me, aday, otaylor, and maybe mclasen is around for a bit as well 13:06:49 <mclasen> I'm here, sortof 13:06:53 <kalev> #topic rawhide composes 13:07:24 <kalev> I am not totally up to date if we have had a successful Atomic Workstation compose for rawhide now, but it was broken for several weeks 13:07:29 <mclasen> still not going, as far as I can tell from running rpm-ostree upgrade on my system 13:07:30 <kalev> let me find the ticket 13:08:12 <kalev> at first there was a mismatch between the repodata tree that it's being composed against (workstation) and the package list it's using 13:08:19 <kalev> it was trying to use a package that wasn't in the workstation tree 13:08:35 <kalev> then that got fixed, but some other general rawhide issues prevented a successful compose 13:08:57 <kalev> aha, here it is: https://pagure.io/teamsilverblue/issue/22 13:10:09 <mclasen> I see this: * fedora/rawhide/x86_64/workstation 13:10:11 <mclasen> Latest Commit (56.6 kB): 13:10:13 <mclasen> 942d0fa0d62ed7f260b6e9a833c02a7f5d9bcddc4f0654c4c2f15dae86e2c35c 13:10:15 <mclasen> Timestamp (ostree.commit.timestamp): 2018-06-23T05:14:16-04 13:10:19 <mclasen> so still stuck at the june 23 compose 13:10:37 <walters> i think something's not syncing the repo 13:10:37 <kalev> I think this is the log from the latest compose: 13:10:39 <kalev> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/rawhide/latest-Fedora-Rawhide/logs/x86_64/AtomicWorkstation/ostree-4/runroot.log 13:10:46 <kalev> error: No package matches 'flatpak-builder' 13:10:53 <mclasen> grr 13:10:56 <walters> it might be the ostree repo isn't sync'd out unless everything works - similarly to the rpm-md 13:11:01 <mclasen> thats the stupid tree thing again ? 13:11:05 <kalev> yeah, I believe so 13:11:34 <mclasen> for no benefit at all :-( 13:11:35 <walters> hm, that one should have been fixed by https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/pull-request/303 13:12:01 <kalev> the log above is from Aug 2 13:12:14 <kalev> and later composes have failed for unrelated reasons :( 13:12:26 <kalev> I guess we can assume this is fixed then 13:13:44 <mclasen> walters: one thing to note about this situation: 13:14:04 <mclasen> once the base image falls behind the repo like this, package layering is basically not working anymore 13:14:20 <walters> yeah 13:14:23 <kalev> I think the rojig idea was supposed to fix that, right? 13:14:28 <mclasen> I've been unable to get things layered because it will inevitably replace base stuff 13:14:45 <walters> yep, rojig is getting closer 13:15:13 <mclasen> but rojig won't help for lack of composes 13:16:00 <walters> yeah, tying everything together as one unit doesn't really scale 13:17:36 <kalev> #info latest issue from Aug 2. was error: No package matches 'flatpak-builder', this is now fixed 13:17:57 <kalev> #info later rawhide composes have been failing for unrelated reasons 13:18:13 <kalev> ok, and the other topic 13:18:26 <kalev> #topic gnome-software rpm-ostree support 13:18:53 <kalev> I've added a few things in the mean time that are going to appear in gnome-software 3.29.90 13:19:26 <kalev> there's distro upgrade support now, which is just using hardcoded ref names for now 13:20:03 <kalev> so that when the pkgdb json file gets updated and says that F29 is publicly available, then F28 gnome-software would offer an upgrade to F29 13:20:20 <kalev> then I've done some work on package layering, can now remove layered packages 13:20:28 <walters> that's cool 13:20:44 <kalev> and poked a bit at installing layered packages, which needs rpm-ostreed support -- I've played with this a bit but still WIP 13:21:13 <kalev> and then hooked up some progress info so that gnome-software progressbars move a bit better 13:21:26 <kalev> that's the update :) 13:22:11 <kalev> any other topics for today? 13:22:51 <walters> back to the composes briefly, one thing we can do is setup development streams forked off f28; or fork off the compose - the current situation is that silverblue doesn't ship if classic fails, but the converse isn't true 13:23:11 <kalev> #info gnome-software 3.29.90 has gained distro upgrade support (e.g. F28->F29), layered package removal, better progress reporting 13:24:35 * kalev nods. 13:25:23 <kalev> oh well, at least F28 composes seem to be in a pretty good shape 13:26:02 <kalev> and F29 is hopefully going to stabilize as well once it's forked off from rawhide 13:27:08 <kalev> #topic Open Floor 13:27:12 <mclasen> oh, here is a question I have: I think I've seen some noises about somebody doing a kde variant of silverblue 13:27:22 <mclasen> is anybody following that or knows more about it ? 13:27:41 <miabbott> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/kinoite-a-kde-and-now-xfce-version-of-fedora-silverblue/147/10 13:27:46 <miabbott> kde and xfce now ^^ 13:28:18 <kalev> we're having enough trouble keeping the one compose we have working 13:28:28 <kalev> I think I'd be against adding more before this one is reliable :) 13:30:30 <miabbott> agreed. it's great to see someone taking the time to create this variant, though 13:31:06 * kalev nods. 13:32:40 <kalev> alright, let's end the meeting 13:33:03 <walters> kalev: when you get a chance could you comment on https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/397 13:33:27 <kalev> walters: sure, will do 13:34:00 <kalev> mclasen: where should I send the meeting minutes when done? desktop@ list or somewhere else too? 13:34:26 <mclasen> we have them on the silverblue website - somewhere 13:34:31 <kalev> ahh 13:34:37 <otaylor> Quick status update on flatpaks: once we got flatpaks building in osbs in staging, I was able to use that to finish up the rest of the code - flatpak appstream support for registries, rpkg support, bodhi support, the registry index (regindexer) - basically need to get that landed and deployed- which is largely the goal of the hackfest this friday at flock if we can't get it done first (I think we'll have enough done first so t 13:34:40 <otaylor> hat people can try creating Fedora flatpaks there) 13:35:36 <mclasen> great 13:35:49 <kalev> #info good progress with flatpak building in osbs in staging, more discussions to follow at Flock this Friday 13:36:05 <kalev> otaylor: awesome! 13:36:26 <kalev> aha, found the page: https://teamsilverblue.org/contribute/meeting-logs 13:37:16 <kalev> alright, thanks for coming everybody! 13:37:19 <kalev> #endmeeting