20:02:06 <robyduck> #startmeeting 20:02:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 3 20:02:06 2015 UTC. The chair is robyduck. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:02:21 <robyduck> #meetingname websites 20:02:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'websites' 20:02:28 <robyduck> #topic Roll Call 20:02:45 * robyduck 20:02:55 * croberts croberts 20:02:56 * asrob is here 20:03:01 <robyduck> so how many are around? 20:03:02 * croberts is here 20:03:38 <robyduck> ok, anyway, 4 topics I wanted to discuss and to organize 20:03:57 <robyduck> we don't have much time, and if you want to help would be great 20:04:08 <croberts> yeah sure 20:04:25 <robyduck> #topic F22 Beta websites 20:04:51 <robyduck> next thursday we have readiness meeting and most of the pages should be set at that point 20:05:13 <robyduck> f22-beta branch is where we code them 20:06:00 <robyduck> it shouldn't be too much work, we have set up a lot of variables which makes it very easy to move from Alpha to Beta 20:06:11 <robyduck> did you follow the procedure a bit for Alpha? 20:06:32 <asrob> no, I did not :( 20:06:55 <robyduck> ok, we need to work on getfedora.org and spins.fpo 20:07:05 <robyduck> both have prerelease pages 20:07:44 <robyduck> and both have global variables 20:08:26 <robyduck> the main work is in the ticket 20:08:41 <robyduck> .webticket 317 20:08:42 <zodbot> robyduck: #317 (Prepare webpages for F22 Beta release) – fedora-websites - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/317 20:08:49 <asrob> got it 20:08:52 <croberts> ok 20:10:01 <robyduck> if you want you can start working on it, but we're very close to dead line. We can also speak about that at the end 20:11:38 <robyduck> for beta we have another topic: Release Counter 20:12:09 <robyduck> normally we start with a countdown on the websites and also have an external release counter 20:12:35 <robyduck> it's the first time we are on getfedora for prerelease pages, and we actually don't have one 20:13:03 <croberts> robyduck: how much time do we have 20:13:30 <robyduck> well, normally we start with it about 20 days before GA 20:13:58 <robyduck> but we'd need to write a new script, test it and deploy it 20:14:25 <robyduck> Design team won't do the banners anymore 20:15:00 <robyduck> the thought was to have one single banner and overlay the remaining days with a python script 20:15:22 * robyduck is for dropping it for F22, we can do this again for F23 20:15:48 <robyduck> but if you have an idea or wnat to code it, you're welcome ^^ 20:16:21 <robyduck> opinions? 20:18:12 <robyduck> well, then let's not plan with it for now 20:18:19 <asrob> well, I like that idea (single banner and overlay the remaining days with a script) but I don't know python 20:18:55 <robyduck> ok 20:19:17 <robyduck> anything else for beta? 20:19:28 <asrob> - 20:19:35 <robyduck> :) 20:20:15 <robyduck> deadline for Beta is clear, next thursday 20:20:29 <asrob> yeah, that's right 20:20:40 <robyduck> #info FInish most of Beta tasks within readiness meeting 20:21:02 <robyduck> let's move on 20:21:06 <asrob> okay 20:21:20 <robyduck> #topic Spins websites redesign 20:21:34 <robyduck> that's the main argument today 20:21:44 <robyduck> .webticket 315 20:21:45 <zodbot> robyduck: #315 (New website for Spins-ARM-Docker) – fedora-websites - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/315 20:22:01 <robyduck> branch is spins-redesign 20:23:29 <robyduck> so, let me say two things here 20:23:50 <robyduck> spins.fpo actually is very confusing, content is old and we have ARM and docker there 20:24:25 <robyduck> we added also prerelease pages.... 20:24:55 <robyduck> the idea is to split the content 20:25:16 <robyduck> we want to redesign spins.fpo and keep the subdomain 20:25:37 <robyduck> and we'd like to have a new website, a name could be labs.fpo 20:26:01 <robyduck> Desktop Spins (like KDE, Xfce...) would go under spins.fpo 20:26:28 <robyduck> while the functional spins (security, games...) will be under labs.fpo 20:26:44 <asrob> okay 20:27:00 <robyduck> ARM and even more Docker are not so hard to do, they don't need too much work, and will live also under labs.fpo 20:27:25 <robyduck> both websites will be modern and mobile friendly 20:27:44 <robyduck> same as for getfedora and start.fpo (bootstrap) 20:28:20 <robyduck> we don't have much time and the first website we want to work on is spins.fpo 20:29:25 <robyduck> I'm saying "we" because I also mean design team. Mo did some nice mockups and my idea is to work very close with SIGs to get a good text content 20:29:49 <robyduck> is it all clear for now? any questions? 20:30:39 <robyduck> asrob: croberts ? 20:30:55 <asrob> it's clear for me 20:31:02 <robyduck> fine :) 20:31:40 <robyduck> we are using a design repo to get the mockups 20:31:48 <robyduck> https://github.com/fedoradesign/fedora-spins 20:32:25 <robyduck> these are done for spins.fpo 20:32:46 <robyduck> the main index would be something like this 20:32:58 <robyduck> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fedoradesign/fedora-spins/master/desktops/mockupv1.1.png 20:33:46 <robyduck> just show the screenshots of the Desktop Spins and link them to the $SPIN specific page 20:34:02 <robyduck> the screenshots fade in and out as soon as you scroll down 20:34:29 <robyduck> this should be easy, because we don't need any JS here. Can be done with CSS 20:34:47 <asrob> cool :) 20:35:08 <robyduck> the header is very similar to getfedora.org 20:35:13 <robyduck> the footer is the same 20:35:47 <robyduck> The basic idea for the spins pages is to have a template we can use for all 20:36:24 <robyduck> so every single $SPIN will have the same page, but I know not every spin will have all contents, but anyway 20:36:34 <asrob> that is a good idea 20:36:46 <robyduck> yeah, it makes it much easier 20:36:50 <robyduck> a complete tremplate is the one we have for KDE 20:37:02 <robyduck> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fedoradesign/fedora-spins/master/desktops/spins-mockup_spin-detailsv1.0.png 20:38:06 <robyduck> the structure is very easy to code with bootstrap, Some icons are fontawesome 20:39:22 <asrob> yes, it looks great 20:40:01 <robyduck> finally, also the download page can be a sort of template 20:40:13 <robyduck> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fedoradesign/fedora-spins/master/desktops/spins-mockup_spin-downloadv1.0.png 20:40:40 <robyduck> but I'm not for adding torrent files here 20:40:55 <robyduck> we dont' have them in getfedora, let's be consistent 20:41:06 <asrob> sure 20:41:39 <robyduck> same as above, thsi page is very similar to getfedora, so we have most of the code 20:41:48 <robyduck> s/thsi/this 20:42:36 <robyduck> opinions? 20:43:23 * robyduck likes them very much, they are not confusing and easy to navigate. 20:44:20 <asrob> I like it and it is good that we have most of the code therefore we can code them easily 20:44:58 <robyduck> yeah, mostly. It will not be easy to get it all done but we can make it 20:45:16 <asrob> :) 20:45:45 <robyduck> the best would be to get spins.fpo finished by max 25th of this months 20:45:50 <robyduck> month* 20:45:58 <robyduck> so, 20 days 20:46:35 <robyduck> the other 20 days we will code labs.fpo and the F22 final webpages :D 20:46:41 <asrob> :) 20:46:46 <robyduck> lol 20:47:11 <robyduck> I don't know if these deadlines are reasonable, but I'd like to try it 20:47:14 <asrob> I hope I will have enough time to help you 20:47:24 <robyduck> mmhh 20:47:40 * robyduck hopes to have many people working on it 20:48:03 <robyduck> croberts: still here? 20:48:59 <robyduck> asrob: I think spins.fpo can be done within 20 days, I'm not sure about the content, but anyway. 20:49:32 <asrob> yeah, +1 20:49:35 <robyduck> We have 5 Desktop Spins, we have quite a bit of code available from getfedora.org 20:50:04 <robyduck> this should be not so hard 20:50:56 <robyduck> #topic Working Plan 20:51:12 <robyduck> seems we are just 2 right now 20:51:33 <robyduck> but I'm sure people will read the log and join us 20:51:55 <robyduck> asrob: do you like to work on one of these projects? 20:52:10 <asrob> sure 20:52:21 <robyduck> (I'd say we can speak about final websites and labs.fpo in 2-3 weeks) 20:52:29 <robyduck> which? 20:52:31 <robyduck> Both? 20:52:38 <asrob> yes, both 20:52:43 <robyduck> \o/ 20:53:01 <asrob> just give me some tickets where I can start :) 20:53:30 <robyduck> asrob: tickets are just 2 20:54:04 <robyduck> you can just start. We have a websites SOP which I'm rewriting slowly 20:54:21 <robyduck> asrob: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fedoradesign/fedora-spins/master/desktops/spins-mockup_spin-downloadv1.0.png 20:54:25 <asrob> those ones you said before? 20:54:27 <robyduck> hmm, wrong 20:54:35 <robyduck> yeah 20:54:39 <robyduck> 315 and 317 20:54:41 <robyduck> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/fedorawebsites.txt 20:54:57 <robyduck> what you see for Alpha is mostly valid for Beta too 20:55:03 <asrob> okay 20:55:45 <robyduck> asrob: if you want to start on beta, I can clean up spins.fpo and prepare the directory to start working 20:56:03 <asrob> that would be good, thanks :) 20:56:11 <robyduck> cool 20:57:10 <robyduck> the steps in the SOP should be clear, you can follow them. If you have questions just ask here 20:57:57 <asrob> got it 20:58:40 <robyduck> cool 20:58:59 <robyduck> any other things? Doubts? Proposals? 20:59:20 <asrob> not yet 20:59:41 <robyduck> #info robyduck to clean up spins.fpo in the spins-redesign branch to start working 21:00:12 <robyduck> #info asrob starts moving Alpha websites to F22 Beta 21:02:25 <robyduck> ok then let's not make it too long, if people are reading the minutes just jump into #fedora-websites if you like to help 21:02:40 <robyduck> asrob: croberts thanks for coming 21:02:59 <robyduck> #endmeeting