13:01:58 <andreasn> #startmeeting Weekly Cockpit meeting 13:01:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 19 13:01:58 2017 UTC. The chair is andreasn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_cockpit_meeting' 13:02:03 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 13:02:04 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 13:02:13 <pitti> .hello martinpitt 13:02:14 <zodbot> pitti: martinpitt 'Martin Pitt' <martin@piware.de> 13:02:36 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:02:38 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:03:29 <andreasn> #topic agenda 13:04:31 <dperpeet> * subscriptions in cockpit 13:05:52 <andreasn> sounds good 13:05:56 <andreasn> anything else? 13:06:10 <pitti> not from me 13:06:38 <andreasn> all right 13:06:44 <andreasn> #topic Subscriptions in Cockpit 13:06:55 <dperpeet> so we have an existing package for cockpit 13:06:58 <dperpeet> that deals with subscriptions 13:07:46 <dperpeet> but since the underlying technology (subscription-manager, candlepin) are being somewhat overhauled regarding their APIs, we need to adapt 13:07:58 <dperpeet> away from screen scraping, more towards dbus 13:08:02 <dperpeet> which is awesome! 13:08:04 <andreasn> nice! 13:08:12 <dperpeet> so we wanted to take this opportunity and work on an out of tree plugin 13:08:17 <dperpeet> https://github.com/cockpit-project/subscription-manager 13:08:55 <dperpeet> at this point, it's more about getting an out of tree plugin working with proper CI than about the actual content (working with subscriptions) 13:09:12 <dperpeet> the idea is that when someone opens a PR against subscription-manager, it is tested against cockpit 13:09:33 <dperpeet> and if something changes in cockpit, we can also check whether we're breaking subscription-manager 13:10:03 <dperpeet> mvollmer, are there any reasons not to add metadata and treat this as an app for cockpit? 13:10:44 <dperpeet> from what I understand it's just an rpm with metadata 13:10:46 <andreasn> is the plan to port the current UI over, or to also support handling of repositories from https://trello.com/c/6fPm7FIi/354-spike-subscriptions-and-repositories ? 13:10:58 <mvollmer> technically, none, but I guess this isn't really a add-on. 13:11:07 <mvollmer> i.e., rhel should have that, always 13:11:28 <mvollmer> dperpeet, or am I confused? 13:11:49 <dperpeet> andreasn, the plan is to provide all the interaction that a user would expect from a subscriptions ui 13:11:50 <mvollmer> is this about th next version of pkg/subscriptions? 13:11:54 <dperpeet> not just limited to the current set 13:12:05 <andreasn> ah, ok 13:12:09 <dperpeet> mvollmer, yes, but not tied to the cockpit packages 13:12:39 <dperpeet> mvollmer, I thought it would be a nice way to add it if not installed 13:12:51 <dperpeet> but we can always add that in later 13:12:52 <mvollmer> yeah 13:13:07 <mvollmer> but, would it be an "Application", or a "Cockpit extension" 13:13:24 <mvollmer> for example, we might turn LVM support into a cockpit storage extension 13:13:24 <dperpeet> it wouldn't work without cockpit 13:13:38 <dperpeet> https://github.com/cockpit-project/subscription-manager/pull/2/commits/3ce9846d69037afc05c35ad0b768a0d06b47ae8e#diff-c4675f15e44500f58d074e6ee1eae8c2 13:13:58 <dperpeet> I modeled this after your freeipa example 13:16:02 <mvollmer> yes, should work 13:16:11 <mvollmer> (needs an icon! :-) 13:16:18 <dperpeet> andreasn ^ 13:16:19 <dperpeet> :) 13:16:32 <dperpeet> ok, thanks for the feedback 13:16:59 <dperpeet> my current step is to figure out the testing 13:17:11 <dperpeet> end of topic 13:17:14 <andreasn> thanks! 13:17:20 <andreasn> #topic Open Floor 13:18:57 <andreasn> going once 13:19:00 <andreasn> twice 13:19:02 <andreasn> third 13:19:09 <andreasn> all right, that's it for today 13:19:12 <andreasn> #endmeeting