#gluster-meeting: Weekly Gluster Community Meeting
Meeting started by ndevos at 12:01:05 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Agenda:
- Roll Call (ndevos, 12:01:25)
- Action Items from last week (ndevos, 12:03:37)
- ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes (ndevos, 12:03:41)
- raghu to call for volunteers and help from maintainers for doing backports listed by rwareing to 3.6.8 (ndevos, 12:04:19)
- rastar and msvbhat to publish a test exit criterion for major/minor releases on gluster.org (ndevos, 12:06:14)
- http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2015-December/047423.html
- feedback on the "Gluster testing matrix"
requested, results will be included in glusterweb (ndevos,
- ACTION: msvbhat and
rastar to follow up on the results of the "Gluster testing matrix"
email (ndevos,
- kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github (ndevos, 12:10:44)
- hagarth to decide on 3.7.7 release manager (ndevos, 12:11:38)
- amye to get on top of disucssion on long-term releases (ndevos, 12:13:57)
- hagarth to post Gluster Monthly News this week (ndevos, 12:18:54)
- weekly newsletters, we'll be moving to monthly
starting in January to be able to highlight what's going on in the
project, upcoming events and meetups, ways to get involved
- hagarth to create 3.6.8 for bugzilla version (ndevos, 12:29:14)
- raghu to ask for volunteers for release manager for 3.6.8 (ndevos, 12:30:28)
- http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.gluster.maintainers/145
- kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the codebase (ndevos, 12:32:26)
- rastar to continue the discussion on rebase+fast forward as an option to gerrit submit type (ndevos, 12:33:44)
- rebase+fastforward patch submission in Gerrit
depends on the regression testing that is needed to be done
- maintainers need to read the "Gluster testing
matrix" email and reply to the rebase+fastforward notes in
there (ndevos,
- ACTION: rtalur/rastar
will send a seperate email about the Gerrit patch merge strategies
to the maintainers list (ndevos,
- GlusterFS 3.7 (ndevos, 12:44:59)
- HELP: need a volunteer
release manager for 3.7.7 (ndevos,
- GlusterFS 3.6 (ndevos, 12:46:58)
- GlusterFS 3.5 (ndevos, 12:51:32)
- GlusterFS 3.8 (ndevos, 12:53:07)
- https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-3.8-features
- Gluster 4.0 (ndevos, 12:54:05)
- Open Floor (ndevos, 12:56:14)
- Weekly reminder to announce Gluster attendance
of events: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-events (ndevos,
- REMINDER to put (even minor) interesting topics
on https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-weekly-news (ndevos,
- Etherpad for backport requests
https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-backport-requests (ndevos,
- Gluster meetup in Bengaluru
http://www.meetup.com/glusterfs-India/events/227287952/ (ndevos,
Meeting ended at 13:00:23 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- msvbhat and rastar to follow up on the results of the "Gluster testing matrix" email
- rtalur/rastar will send a seperate email about the Gerrit patch merge strategies to the maintainers list
Action items, by person
- msvbhat
- msvbhat and rastar to follow up on the results of the "Gluster testing matrix" email
- rtalur
- rtalur/rastar will send a seperate email about the Gerrit patch merge strategies to the maintainers list
People present (lines said)
- ndevos (121)
- amye (16)
- rtalur (15)
- msvbhat (13)
- obnox (10)
- jiffin (4)
- Manikandan (4)
- zodbot (4)
- raghu (4)
- kkeithley (4)
- glusterbot (3)
- skoduri (2)
- atinm (2)
- pranithk (2)
- sankarshan (2)
- anoopcs (1)
- hagarth (1)
- Saravana_ (1)
- sac (1)
- hgowtham (1)
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