14:00:54 <mvollmer> #startmeeting weekly meeting 14:00:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 1 14:00:54 2016 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting' 14:01:01 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 14:01:02 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 14:01:37 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 14:01:38 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 14:01:54 <stefw> .hello stefw 14:01:55 <zodbot> stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' <stefw@redhat.com> 14:02:39 <mvollmer> #topic Agenda 14:03:05 <mvollmer> * new sink (low prio) 14:03:09 <stefw> * Devconf presentation 14:03:44 <dperpeet> * test image size (virtual machines) 14:03:58 <mvollmer> * iscsi update 14:05:32 <mvollmer> * weekly images 14:05:37 <mvollmer> let's go 14:05:46 <mvollmer> #topic Devconf presentation 14:06:06 <stefw> i've added a folder here with some work on the Devconf presentation 14:06:06 <stefw> https://github.com/stefwalter/cockpit-slides 14:06:17 <stefw> and am waiting for contributions from Peter and Dominik for their parts of the slides 14:06:23 <stefw> actually here: https://github.com/stefwalter/cockpit-slides/tree/master/devconf 14:06:50 <stefw> since the tuned stuff landed, and now with mvollmer's work on weekly image updates 14:07:04 <petervo> I'm working on writing and recording video, should have something to add soon 14:07:05 <stefw> we're in a pretty good place to be talking about things that people would like to contribute to or interact with 14:07:18 <stefw> I've updated the Hackfest tutorials so they work with the new CSP changes 14:07:30 <dperpeet> I think I will add something on tuned later tonight or tomorrow morning 14:07:31 <stefw> and i think we'll want to do a 0.94 release tomorrow to have things in good shape 14:07:58 <stefw> dperpeet, are you thinking someone else will write the selinux related stuff? 14:08:13 <dperpeet> stefw, no, that's coming too 14:08:27 <stefw> oh good, i guess we should talk about whether we want to practice tomorrow 14:08:57 <dperpeet> talk tomorrow or talk about practicing tomorrow? 14:09:12 <stefw> actually practice 14:09:40 <dperpeet> we can do that early tomorrow, if you wish 14:09:47 <stefw> ok cool 14:10:15 <stefw> the other thing remaining is that we need to give karma to https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/cockpit-0.93-1.fc23 14:10:51 <stefw> i can post the commands used 14:10:52 <stefw> if that helps 14:11:29 <dperpeet> what is the rpmlint failure?' 14:11:32 <dperpeet> I can't access the log 14:11:46 <stefw> not sure 14:11:52 <stefw> rpmlint always has broken failures 14:13:06 <dperpeet> ok 14:13:19 <stefw> that's probably it on that topic 14:14:08 <mvollmer> nice multihost demo 14:14:20 <mvollmer> #topic test image size (virtual machines) 14:14:34 <dperpeet> I talked about this with mvollmer on irc 14:14:59 <dperpeet> and we can reduce the sparse image size a bit, about 700MiB for f23 14:15:28 <dperpeet> at the cost of increasing the non-sparse image size (reported size) 14:15:42 <mvollmer> how does that look after compressing? 14:15:45 <dperpeet> is this something we want to do? I believe so 14:15:54 <dperpeet> I didn't check that 14:15:59 <dperpeet> it shouild also help 14:16:06 <dperpeet> since compression looks at everything 14:16:25 <dperpeet> https://github.com/dperpeet/cockpit/commit/f40817fdd09a2aafb35510dc8c299a5be3a14bcd 14:16:34 <mvollmer> it should be faster, at the least 14:17:02 <dperpeet> mvollmer and I believe this is a good reason to port our setup scripts to be more modular 14:17:14 <dperpeet> some already support that, they're in test/lib 14:17:16 <mvollmer> yes 14:17:34 <dperpeet> I wouldn't want to add libguestfs to the vm creation anymore 14:17:40 <dperpeet> this should be inside the setup script, in my opinion 14:17:47 <dperpeet> and a per configuration choice 14:18:35 <mvollmer> no objections here. 14:18:47 <dperpeet> ok 14:19:13 <dperpeet> this is rather low priority, let me know if it becomes more important suddenly 14:19:16 <dperpeet> end of topic 14:19:34 <mvollmer> #topic iscsi update 14:19:47 <mvollmer> so I have been poking at #2807 a bit 14:19:56 <mvollmer> rebased, etc 14:20:12 <mvollmer> the necessary versions of everything are in F23 updates-testing now 14:20:21 <mvollmer> and the test passes 14:20:31 <dperpeet> nice 14:20:42 <mvollmer> storaged should go to fedora-23 stable any day now, I think. 14:21:07 <mvollmer> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-6dcf004b0e 14:21:11 <mvollmer> let's see what happens 14:21:21 <mvollmer> the iscsi patch needs to go, too, I guess. 14:21:56 <mvollmer> so I will be monitoring this 14:23:19 <mvollmer> eot 14:23:30 <mvollmer> #topic weekly images 14:23:52 <mvollmer> we are pretty close to automatically making weekly images 14:24:00 <dperpeet> yay on that 14:24:12 <dperpeet> and it was nice to see the bots opening so many branches and pull requests last week 14:24:21 <stefw> yup 14:24:23 <mvollmer> i have been running this on my laptop, but the real test comes when we merge to master 14:25:19 <mvollmer> the new sink has been deployed, so yeah, looks like we finally get this! :-) 14:25:35 <mvollmer> let's see how this behaves in practice 14:25:51 <mvollmer> how we deal with changes that need to go along with the new images, for example 14:26:17 <dperpeet> well, I think we can probably cherry pick the commit and roll with it 14:26:30 <mvollmer> and how fast we overflow our quota 14:26:41 <dperpeet> quota can be added :) 14:26:51 <mvollmer> well... 14:27:03 <mvollmer> okay, a quick summary how this goes in practice? 14:27:18 <mvollmer> when github-task decides to refresh a a image: 14:27:24 <mvollmer> - opens a issue with "bot" label 14:27:30 <mvollmer> - description has link to log 14:27:47 <mvollmer> - when done with image or when it fails, adds a comment 14:27:55 <mvollmer> - turns issue into pull request 14:28:04 <mvollmer> - explicitly triggers some tests that are relevant 14:28:36 <mvollmer> when image creation fails, the pull request is still created, with a deliberately broken image link 14:28:43 <mvollmer> so all tests should fail quickly 14:28:44 <dperpeet> the trigger is notable: e.g. a fedora 23 image will also trigger a fedora-atomic check 14:29:37 <mvollmer> yeah, because fedora-atomic builds on fedora-23 14:29:56 <mvollmer> i wasn't sure when to trigger the "image/..." tests 14:30:05 <mvollmer> do they use any of the regular images? 14:30:42 <stefw> i think so 14:30:45 <stefw> we need to rename those 14:30:55 <stefw> otherwise they get confusing 14:31:04 <stefw> even though it was nice to call them container "images" 14:31:10 <stefw> they're really better called "containers" 14:31:36 <petervo> yeah, that's what the test dir is called anyways 14:32:03 <petervo> they use fedora-23 built rpms 14:32:10 <mvollmer> should we move the old tests into a directory as well? 14:32:33 <mvollmer> mv check-verify verify/run-tests 14:33:19 <dperpeet> I think this would make sense 14:33:49 <dperpeet> better grouping than filename magic 14:34:06 <mvollmer> yeah 14:34:22 <mvollmer> okay, I can take that action point 14:35:10 <mvollmer> #action mvo to move old 'verify' tests into their own directory 14:35:55 <mvollmer> okay, next? 14:36:17 <mvollmer> hmm, nothing left, really. 14:36:21 <mvollmer> #topic new sink 14:36:29 <mvollmer> so there is a new sink version 14:36:39 <mvollmer> and master will start using the new API soon 14:36:44 <mvollmer> I hope :-) 14:37:17 <mvollmer> now the sink can make pretty arbitrary REST requests to github 14:37:21 <mvollmer> which is pretty cool 14:37:45 <mvollmer> so if you are using your own sink, you need to update it 14:38:14 <dperpeet> now all we need to do is get rid of the badge-related code 14:38:20 <mvollmer> yeah 14:38:50 <dperpeet> monitoring github would be more consistent than hijacking the logging service 14:38:58 <dperpeet> with the rest of Cockpit 14:39:11 <dperpeet> and as stefw said, it would be nice to use http://shields.io/ 14:39:41 <mvollmer> so, we want a service that takes a github url to a commit and a context and returns a badge png, right? 14:39:56 <mvollmer> (it also takes some text, color etc for the badge I guess) 14:40:48 <dperpeet> yeah, and either scanning or with github hooks 14:40:57 <mvollmer> can we cobble together something on fedorapeople ourselves? 14:41:27 <mvollmer> hmm, why scanning? 14:41:40 <mvollmer> to go from "master" -> sha1? 14:41:42 <dperpeet> github hooks are preferable 14:41:51 <dperpeet> that get called when master changes 14:41:57 <dperpeet> or we have results 14:42:11 <dperpeet> I think we can push this issue back a bit 14:42:19 <mvollmer> yes 14:42:21 <dperpeet> and discuss it when it's implementation time 14:45:41 <mvollmer> here is an issue that should soon turn into a pull request: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/3651 14:46:00 <mvollmer> half of the time is spent compressing and uploading the image 14:46:06 <mvollmer> with no visible progress 14:46:11 <mvollmer> we could improve that, too 14:46:34 <dperpeet> it's probably a question of flushing 14:46:38 <dperpeet> among other things 14:46:49 <mvollmer> also, let's see how the real CI machines do this 14:47:02 <mvollmer> they hopefully have a fatter pipe to our image store 14:48:45 <mvollmer> #topic open floor 14:50:18 <stefw> Be sure to give karma to: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/cockpit-0.93-1.fc23 14:50:39 <dperpeet> already on it 14:51:52 <dperpeet> it's stable 14:52:08 <dperpeet> or rather, it has enough karma 14:58:17 <mvollmer> okay 14:58:20 <mvollmer> #endmeeting