14:00:23 <mvollmer> #startmeeting weekly meeting 14:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 7 14:00:23 2016 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting' 14:00:26 <andreasn_> others that are not only you and me are allowed to run the meeting as well :) 14:00:28 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 14:00:29 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 14:00:33 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 14:00:40 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 14:00:42 <mvollmer> #topic Agenda 14:00:55 <andreasn> #troubleshooting 14:01:03 <andreasn> #storage fixes 14:01:12 <mvollmer> #fedora-24 14:01:38 <mvollmer> let's wait a bit 14:01:43 <andreasn> sure 14:01:46 * mvollmer makes tea 14:02:54 * larsu wonders how this works 14:03:07 <larsu> .hello larsu 14:03:08 <zodbot> larsu: Sorry, but you don't exist 14:03:13 <larsu> uh oh 14:03:18 <mvollmer> :-) 14:03:30 <mvollmer> the .hello is for your fedorapeople account 14:03:36 <mvollmer> i don't know why we do it, actually 14:03:50 <mvollmer> to connect your irc nick with the fedora account 14:04:00 <larsu> me neither, but it seemed like something I should do if I want to attend the meeting :) 14:04:16 <mvollmer> yeah, hmm. 14:04:32 <mvollmer> i guess you will be in the transscript anyway 14:05:33 <mvollmer> alright, let's go 14:05:40 <mvollmer> larsu, anything for the agenda? 14:06:22 <larsu> could talk about #debian real quick - but there's no a lot of news 14:06:45 <mvollmer> sounds good 14:07:02 <mvollmer> (heh, did we just invent a new #convention? :-) 14:07:12 <andreasn> hehe 14:07:22 <mvollmer> #topic Troubleshooting 14:07:32 <andreasn> all right 14:07:49 <andreasn> so I met with larsu, stefw and dperpeet to talk about this a bit more in detail 14:08:05 <andreasn> #link https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Feature:-Troubleshooting 14:08:38 <andreasn> and there are some things that is currently missing in the design 14:08:46 <andreasn> such as, how do you dismiss things 14:09:11 <mvollmer> yeah, didn't we have some idea? 14:09:12 <andreasn> and possibly never have them show ever again 14:09:15 <mvollmer> *ideas 14:09:39 <andreasn> and one idea there is to make it a dashboard display thing 14:09:58 <mvollmer> we would store dismissals in the journal 14:10:18 <andreasn> because you might not care about SELinux errors on the highest level, but it makes sense to still show it on the SELinux page 14:10:28 <mvollmer> or are you talking about 'filters' that also apply to future events? 14:10:35 <mvollmer> right 14:10:48 <andreasn> yes, exactly, and mostly about how the user experience of that would be 14:11:11 <andreasn> so I have some more work to do there 14:11:16 <mvollmer> yeah, and then we are talking about, is the dashboard config per user, per machine, or what 14:11:29 <mvollmer> i guess we have to tackle this 14:11:35 <larsu> mvollmer: we could have something like "I've seen these errors" in the journal, but not "I never want to see this kind of error again" 14:11:37 <andreasn> yes, exactly 14:11:51 <mvollmer> larsu, yes 14:12:18 <andreasn> the third option would be "per browser", but that is just terrible if an admin has several devices 14:12:29 <mvollmer> it could be like the machine color, "i want this machine to be blue, and not show selinux errors" 14:12:38 <larsu> right 14:13:26 <andreasn> there is also the case where you are several admins per server. If I have a server that I admin together with larsu, he might care deeply about the selinux errors, while I don't 14:13:39 <mvollmer> yep 14:13:43 <mvollmer> and he might hate blue 14:14:05 <andreasn> or be unable to see the difference between the red and the green server, due to color blindness 14:14:12 <andreasn> etc 14:14:36 <mvollmer> but the color could be treated like the hostname, and there might be a sticker on the actual machine in that color etc 14:14:47 <mvollmer> so it makes sense to not make it per-user 14:14:48 <andreasn> yes, that's true 14:15:29 <mvollmer> we used to have pictures of the simpsons on our machines... 14:15:52 <mvollmer> anyway 14:16:14 <andreasn> at Nokia or at Red Hat? 14:16:21 <mvollmer> andreasn, can we make progress without these configurations? just with dismissals? 14:16:28 <mvollmer> andreasn, at the university 14:16:32 <stefw> mvollmer, yes, i think so 14:16:33 <andreasn> ah 14:17:01 * larsu is still unsure about the whole dismissal concept to be honest 14:17:22 <mvollmer> implementation or ui? 14:17:26 <larsu> ui 14:17:26 <andreasn> so I think the best is to work out the lower levels first, such as the selinux page, the container page (for the scanning), storage page errors etc. 14:17:44 <larsu> mvollmer: but I trust you guys to know more about the use cases than I do right now :) 14:17:48 <stefw> andreasn, is going to work on the initial designs for it 14:18:05 <mvollmer> andreasn, yes, that sounds good 14:18:50 <andreasn> it seems I'm also didn't post a link to the OSX server notification settings ui 14:18:56 <andreasn> I'll add that to the page 14:19:22 <andreasn> but there is previous art from Windows server, vsphere and some oracle ui there 14:20:29 <andreasn> there was also the question of being able to carry out actions already at the highest level 14:21:24 <mvollmer> repair actions? 14:21:36 <mvollmer> or just dismissal? 14:21:37 <andreasn> yes, I think so, right stefw? 14:21:55 <stefw> well dismissal and rescan/refresh for cases where it makes sense 14:22:10 <mvollmer> okay 14:22:42 <andreasn> I think that was it. Still a lot of details to figure out 14:23:03 <andreasn> but it's making progress 14:23:07 <mvollmer> really nice 14:23:10 <andreasn> eot 14:23:18 <mvollmer> thanks! 14:23:28 <mvollmer> #topic storage fixes 14:23:35 <mvollmer> andreasn? 14:23:45 <andreasn> ah, yes 14:24:11 <andreasn> so we made good progress of the first of the storage papercuts 14:24:44 <andreasn> I also sent a note to the Patternfly mailing list about the slider element 14:25:18 <andreasn> and Matt, who's involved in another storage project said they probably have use for it there too 14:25:43 <andreasn> so we'll see if it ends up in Patternfly proper in the end 14:26:02 <mvollmer> that'd be nice 14:26:03 <andreasn> I filed an issue about it here https://github.com/patternfly/patternfly/issues/210 14:26:20 <mvollmer> the storage sliders are unfortunately blocked on some "devil in the details" 14:26:23 <andreasn> so there is a bit of html+css for it, but how much javascript is it? 14:26:30 <stefw> too much 14:26:59 <andreasn> one minor issue is also that it does inline styling 14:27:06 <andreasn> when it sets the width 14:27:09 <stefw> i need to see how much can be removed 14:27:13 <stefw> hmmm, interesting 14:27:17 <stefw> i'm working on CSP for the docker page 14:27:20 <stefw> so that's a good thing to fix 14:27:45 <stefw> hmmm, i don't think that's inline styling actually 14:27:48 <stefw> due to jQuery magic 14:27:54 <stefw> it sets the style property directly 14:27:57 <stefw> rather than using the style= attribute 14:28:06 <stefw> or is there something else i'm missing? 14:28:09 <stefw> it works with CSP 14:28:12 <andreasn> oh 14:28:13 <stefw> without the inline-style exception 14:28:21 <stefw> at least git master does 14:28:55 <andreasn> <div style="width: 67.9167%;" class="slider-bar"><div class="slider-thumb"></div></div> 14:29:05 <andreasn> is what I get in my browser 14:29:37 <andreasn> but that is not vunerable to CSP? 14:29:59 <stefw> that's the result, 14:30:09 <stefw> of the inspector 14:30:15 <andreasn> aah 14:30:15 <stefw> and not what the code is doing 14:30:21 <stefw> but i'll keep my eye open for this 14:30:24 <stefw> it's a good thing to check for 14:30:27 <andreasn> yeah 14:30:57 <mvollmer> there is more stuff coming re storage polish 14:31:14 <andreasn> what do you want to tackle next? 14:31:17 <mvollmer> andreasn, do you have any priorities in mind? 14:31:27 <mvollmer> not sure 14:31:39 <mvollmer> you have some layout ideas for the details page, right? 14:31:46 <andreasn> prefilled names? or is that full of bees? 14:32:03 <mvollmer> no, i don't think so 14:32:10 <andreasn> yes, that I do. I have some mockups, but I need to go over that again briefly 14:32:15 <mvollmer> ok 14:32:25 <mvollmer> there is also the big raid thing 14:32:32 <mvollmer> where we use lvm2 to make raids 14:32:42 <mvollmer> that needs work in storaged also 14:33:04 <andreasn> I tried to read up on that, but I kind of didn't quite understand it 14:33:14 <mvollmer> my plan is to first make a bigger dialog for creating logical volumes 14:33:29 <mvollmer> where you can select the kind of volume you wantr 14:33:37 <mvollmer> maybe finally tackle stripes 14:33:50 <andreasn> ah, so not only raid0, because that is what it is not basically? 14:34:00 <andreasn> not/now 14:34:10 <mvollmer> all raid types 14:34:46 <andreasn> so right now when one creates a volume, you just get name and disk selection 14:34:52 <andreasn> but also a raid control in that case? 14:35:13 <mvollmer> hmm 14:35:25 <mvollmer> when you create a volume _group_, you get name and disks. 14:35:38 <mvollmer> when you create a volume, you get name and size 14:35:44 <mvollmer> and in the future 14:35:56 <mvollmer> possibly type (raid5, raid6, ...) 14:36:03 <mvollmer> and stripes 14:36:05 <andreasn> ah, right 14:36:06 <mvollmer> and chunk size 14:36:23 <mvollmer> and metadata size 14:36:37 <mvollmer> and metadata chunksize 14:36:42 <mvollmer> :) 14:36:51 <mvollmer> well, there are lots, we have to stop somehwere 14:37:08 <andreasn> yes 14:37:23 <mvollmer> question: should a "thin pool" be a kind of volume? or something else entirely 14:37:34 <mvollmer> you can't make a filesystem on it 14:37:46 <mvollmer> but it has the some kind of options 14:37:50 <mvollmer> when creating one 14:38:03 <mvollmer> so I guess we put it in the same dialog 14:38:09 <andreasn> what is thin pools now again? 14:38:19 <mvollmer> this will be more clear as I work on it, I hope 14:38:47 <mvollmer> you can have "thinly provisioned volumes", which are bigger than the disk that you have 14:38:52 <andreasn> oh, that thing 14:39:04 <mvollmer> so you can lie to your customers 14:39:20 <mvollmer> but you need a "pool" for those volumes 14:39:31 <andreasn> mulkieran also filed a bunch of multipath issues 14:39:35 <mvollmer> we can maybe hide these pools a bit better 14:39:54 <mvollmer> yes, I have to check those 14:40:05 <mvollmer> i guess they are all correct 14:40:16 <mvollmer> but need to be fixed lower in the stack 14:40:22 <andreasn> ah, right 14:40:35 <andreasn> better move on with the agenda I guess 14:40:35 <mvollmer> people have promised d-bus apis for multipath 14:40:40 <andreasn> 40 minutes in already 14:40:46 <mvollmer> so this will be good input for them 14:40:51 <mvollmer> right 14:41:15 <mvollmer> #topic Fedora 24 14:41:30 <mvollmer> stefw has started with Fedora 24 14:41:36 <mvollmer> and I am continuing 14:41:54 <mvollmer> number of little details, but I think it looks good 14:42:10 <mvollmer> pretty good actually for something that was just branched 14:42:35 <mvollmer> we need --allowerasing to install docker, for example 14:42:44 <mvollmer> which shouldn't be necessary later on 14:43:16 <mvollmer> and switch off gpgcheck, I guess 14:43:26 <andreasn> oh, f24 branched properly now? 14:43:52 <mvollmer> yes, looks like it. :-) 14:44:55 <mvollmer> andreasn, was there some trouble? I haven't heard any news either way 14:45:24 <andreasn> there was a massive breakdownish thing with glibc locales or something 14:45:27 <andreasn> but I think it was sorted out 14:45:34 <mvollmer> oh 14:46:20 <mvollmer> okay 14:46:27 <mvollmer> #topic Debian 14:46:31 <mvollmer> larsu? 14:46:49 <larsu> ya, like I said, not a lot of news 14:47:10 <larsu> I've reached out to mbiebl and andreas (who did the storaged work) 14:47:13 <andreasn> https://www.happyassassin.net/2016/02/29/fedora-24-and-rawhide-whats-goin-on-aka-why-is-everything-awful/ 14:47:22 <andreasn> that was the F24 thing 14:47:57 <larsu> mbiebl hasn't resoponded yet and andreas isn't interested in maintaining storaged or cockpit in debian (not enough time), but he'd help out and maybe even co-maintain 14:48:06 <mvollmer> okay 14:48:22 <mvollmer> storaged upstream is also interested in packaging for debian 14:48:23 <stefw> one question that came up was whether it would help if we made our own repository 14:48:28 <larsu> he put a first storaged package into experimental - I tried it and it works fine (some modules seem disabled though) 14:48:38 <stefw> whether interim, or to demonstrate that the packaging work is largely done, testing is underway 14:48:42 <andreasn> note - Andreas Henriksson, not me :) 14:48:43 <larsu> we could pull that for our CI testing if we want 14:48:51 <mvollmer> yes 14:48:55 <larsu> andreasn: right, sorry, I don't know his nick 14:49:18 <larsu> mvollmer: "yes" we want to? 14:49:36 <mvollmer> "yes" we could :-) 14:49:48 <mvollmer> i think we want, yeah 14:49:52 <larsu> would allow us to enable more tests 14:50:24 <larsu> and shouldn't be that hard to do, just enable experimental for those packages 14:50:25 <mvollmer> yep 14:50:34 <larsu> ok I'll look into that 14:50:53 <mvollmer> great 14:51:03 <larsu> I agree with stefw, having a repository would be a good way to show people what's already working 14:51:17 <larsu> and maybe motivate someone to do the additional work to get it in 14:51:19 <stefw> ideally we would have a builder, perhaps osbs? 14:51:25 <stefw> opensuse build service? 14:51:33 <stefw> i believe it can build debian stuff 14:51:37 <stefw> or is there a better approach? 14:51:41 <mvollmer> yes, that looked workable 14:51:48 <larsu> oh it can? That'd be cool 14:52:59 <larsu> I'll look into that as well 14:53:52 <mvollmer> if we would be able to upload to experimental 14:54:06 <mvollmer> would we do that as sources, or as source+binary? 14:54:19 <mvollmer> i.e., would that allow us to use a debian builder? 14:55:15 <larsu> there are builders for experimental afaik 14:55:35 * larsu wonders what it takes to get upload rights for that... 14:55:57 <mvollmer> experimental also needs to go through NEW, right? 14:56:15 <larsu> not sure 14:56:26 * larsu doesn't know the debian process well 14:56:28 <mvollmer> going through NEW is a important milestone, I'd say 14:57:12 <mvollmer> once we pass that, my understanding is that cockpit would be ready to be distributed by debian, legally etc 14:57:18 <larsu> the NEW queue has stuff for experimental in it, so I guess so 14:57:24 <larsu> but storaged is already in there... 14:58:12 <stefw> i think that because none of us are able to push directly into any debian repo 14:58:21 <stefw> it's important for us to have a repo of what we consider to be latest and stable 14:58:27 <larsu> right 14:58:31 <stefw> that allows other packagers from debian based operating systems 14:58:38 <stefw> to pull from that repo at the schedule that they thing is best 14:58:51 <stefw> think 14:59:23 <larsu> should we maintain two versions of the package then? One for CI and one for release? 15:00:42 <stefw> i don't think we would maintain the CI built packages in a repo 15:00:47 <stefw> or is there a good reason to do so? 15:01:15 <larsu> I mean the debian directory 15:01:26 <larsu> I wonder how much of a difference there would be between the two 15:02:01 <stefw> in the RPMs we do have some differences 15:02:08 <stefw> you can search for 'gitcommit' in the tools/cockpit.spec 15:02:10 <stefw> to give you an idea 15:02:31 <stefw> some of it is intermittent ... eg: a feature is ready for merging to master ... but not ready for release 15:03:20 <larsu> seems to be stuff like "turn on debug info" as well? 15:03:51 <stefw> yup, force debug info to be included 15:03:57 <stefw> the test-assets stuff should be killed soon 15:04:03 <stefw> so there won't be that much difference 15:04:15 <stefw> it'll basically boil down to building from a tarball vs building from a git extract (ie: autogen.sh vs configure) 15:04:20 <stefw> versions 15:04:26 <stefw> debuginfo tweaks 15:04:30 <stefw> stuff like that 15:04:38 <larsu> right 15:05:53 <mvollmer> done? 15:06:08 <mvollmer> #topic aob 15:06:08 <larsu> yeah I think so 15:07:05 <mvollmer> okay! 15:07:11 <mvollmer> thanks everyone. 15:07:18 <mvollmer> #endmeeting