13:01:17 <mvollmer> #startmeeting weekly meeting 13:01:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 2 13:01:17 2016 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting' 13:01:24 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 13:01:25 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:01:25 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 13:01:31 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:02:21 <larsu> .hello larsu 13:02:22 <zodbot> larsu: larsu 'Lars Uebernickel' <lars@uebernic.de> 13:02:29 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 13:02:30 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 13:03:08 <mvollmer> #topic Agenda 13:03:24 <github> [cockpit] dperpeet pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vwDNP 13:03:24 <github> cockpit/master 1d46457 Stef Walter: test: Add aweiteka to the GitHub test whitelist... 13:03:24 <mvollmer> * docker storage setup 13:03:33 <harish__> .hello harish 13:03:38 <zodbot> harish__: harish 'Harishwar' <harishwar91@yahoo.co.in> 13:04:14 <dperpeet> * react components 13:04:24 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 13:04:25 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 13:04:28 <andreasn> * Kube nodes view 13:04:49 <dperpeet> * google summer of code 13:05:02 <stefw> .hello stefw 13:05:04 <zodbot> stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' <stefw@redhat.com> 13:06:07 <mulhern> .hello mulhern 13:06:08 <mvollmer> okay! 13:06:08 <zodbot> mulhern: mulhern 'None' <amulhern@redhat.com> 13:06:29 <mvollmer> okay, let's way a bit for more topics 13:06:36 <mvollmer> *wait 13:06:55 <dperpeet> mvollmer, I think we can start and just make note of more when they come in 13:07:09 <mvollmer> sure 13:07:18 <mvollmer> #topic docker storage setup 13:07:39 <mvollmer> so I am getting closer to the end of the tunnel 13:08:00 <mvollmer> i think I have a okayish prototype 13:08:17 <mvollmer> I'll make a pull request for Cockpit with that so that people can play with it 13:08:47 <mvollmer> sorry, the prototype is for the new "atomic storage ..." commands 13:08:59 <mvollmer> the cockpit code is 'final'. 13:09:00 <stefw> that's pretty cool ... and i guess dan walsh is working on those too? 13:09:15 <mvollmer> yes, dan has started working on the same thing. 13:09:26 <mvollmer> good to see how similar his reset approach is to mine 13:09:31 <mvollmer> just minor details 13:09:52 <stefw> oh cool. and fsimonce was asking about declarative commands as well 13:10:02 <mvollmer> the biggest thing I did was rewrite how we compute disk usage stats 13:10:08 <stefw> ie: make it match this config x/y/z ... 13:10:48 <mvollmer> yeah, did he want declarative? 13:10:56 <mvollmer> or did he just ask for clarification? 13:11:36 <stefw> i guess it's worth figuring that out 13:11:36 <mvollmer> anyway, I expect some discussion re the disk usage code in my prototype 13:11:44 <stefw> because i think he was hoping to apply a given config to N machines 13:12:21 <mvollmer> the existing code assumes that docker is running all the time, but i think it would be nice to work with the docker storage also when docker is not running 13:12:26 <mvollmer> but maybe that is just not important 13:12:47 <mvollmer> in any case, I think "atomic storage" should expose the usage stats 13:13:01 <stefw> yup 13:13:13 <mvollmer> even if it gets them from docker now 13:13:35 <mvollmer> i just think the usage stats right now are not really excellent 13:13:55 <mvollmer> so, independent task, probably 13:14:03 <mvollmer> anyway 13:14:08 <mvollmer> good progress 13:14:18 <mvollmer> need help with the layout etc 13:14:19 <stefw> cool 13:14:26 <mvollmer> I'll talk to garret 13:14:44 * garrett scrolls up on IRC a bit 13:14:54 <mvollmer> I made a very quick screencast last friday, should I make a better one? 13:15:08 <stefw> up to you 13:15:14 <stefw> i already sent the one last friday around 13:15:17 <mvollmer> yes 13:15:42 <mvollmer> there is no real proof in it that it all actually worked... could have been fake. :-) 13:16:30 <mvollmer> okay, I'd say that's it. 13:17:24 <mvollmer> #topic react components 13:17:38 <dperpeet> ok, lars and I did a bit of work on this in the past week 13:18:11 <dperpeet> one bit of formality is that we agreed on changing the cockpit coding guideline for react related code: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Cockpit-Coding-Guidelines#jsstyle 13:18:39 <dperpeet> among other things, in order to be consistent with react, code should use camelCase 13:19:04 <dperpeet> this deviates from what we previously used, but it should make everything a bit more consistent 13:19:06 <mvollmer> small initial letter? 13:19:12 <dperpeet> yup 13:19:15 <larsu> ya, mixedCamel 13:19:19 <dperpeet> react classes start with a CapitalLetter 13:19:38 <dperpeet> that's how it guesses at stuff in jsx 13:19:46 <dperpeet> <myClass /> won't work properly 13:19:48 <stefw> in the angular code we also started doing that 13:20:05 <larsu> dperpeet: no, it's how it distinguishes between html and react tags 13:20:15 <larsu> if it starts with a lower case letter, it leaves it as is 13:20:21 <dperpeet> this is not worth changing old code for, but I think we should try to use the new style for new code 13:20:29 <dperpeet> larsu exactly 13:20:40 <dperpeet> react tags are react classes 13:20:52 <dperpeet> and not capitalizing myClass won't work as expected 13:21:15 <larsu> indeed 13:21:19 <dperpeet> anyway, we started putting some standard components into base1 13:21:44 <dperpeet> they are currently bundled and can be included via base1/cockpit-components.js 13:22:24 <dperpeet> since we don't unify the namespaces yet, code still needs to require the individual modules to use them, e.g. base1/cockpit-components-listing 13:23:00 <dperpeet> code that does this is in the playground and on the setroubleshoot page 13:23:16 <dperpeet> more standard components will be added as they are created and used in multiple places 13:23:38 <dperpeet> mvollmer, would you like me to move the dialog to base1? 13:24:47 <dperpeet> anyway, that's in on react components at this point 13:25:58 <mvollmer> tuned is not the final place, so, yeah, I am fine with moving it 13:26:09 <mvollmer> but I also don't mind getting it from tuned. 13:26:31 <dperpeet> ok, I'll move it when time allows 13:26:42 <mvollmer> yeah, thanks 13:27:14 <mvollmer> done? 13:27:28 <dperpeet> with this topic, yes 13:27:44 <mvollmer> #topic Kube nodes view 13:28:36 <andreasn> finished the research and design for this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockpit-project/cockpit-design/master/kubernetes/node-view.png 13:28:56 <andreasn> peter and stef gave some feedback on Thursday 13:29:01 <andreasn> so I'm working through that 13:29:12 <andreasn> that's pretty much it on that from me 13:29:59 <mvollmer> looks nice! 13:30:41 <andreasn> still missing some updates details and how exactly to dive into a specific node 13:30:44 <andreasn> but that's coming 13:31:48 <andreasn> eot 13:32:06 <mvollmer> #topic google summer of code 13:32:15 <harish__> Hey 13:32:28 <harish__> let me introduce myself 13:32:32 <dperpeet> welcome, harish__ 13:32:43 <harish__> thank you 13:32:47 <harish__> I am Harish I'm a 3rd year Btech CS student from India 13:32:58 <harish__> Thank you both mentors and community for selecting me in GSoC 2016 13:33:17 <harish__> and i wish to make timer support available by the end of gsoc or before. 13:33:40 <harish__> I will be developing timer support with help from mentors dperpeet, petervo 13:33:40 <andreasn> hi harish__, nice to meet you! 13:33:48 <dperpeet> I'm looking forward to seeing that happen 13:33:55 <harish__> nice to meet you too 13:33:59 <dperpeet> do you have a blog where you post updates? 13:34:22 <harish__> no. I will start one 13:34:33 <dperpeet> that would be great 13:34:48 <dperpeet> I recommend that you start with some bug fixes to get into Cockpit 13:35:00 <harish__> okay 13:35:27 <harish__> this week i intend to understand cockpit codebase 13:35:59 <harish__> also try out cockpit's dbus to set some of the properties for both unit services and timers 13:36:34 <harish__> in the prototype i created i didnt do that. 13:37:12 <dperpeet> maybe you can create something in the playground to demo dbus 13:37:22 <dperpeet> that would actually be nice to have there 13:37:38 <harish__> yea. 13:37:46 <dperpeet> what do you think mvollmer? 13:38:17 <mvollmer> sounds good! :-) 13:39:02 <harish__> okay :-) 13:39:45 <harish__> also i want to make a dbus connection to a timer and change its already set properties. 13:40:12 <dperpeet> ok 13:40:25 <dperpeet> let me know if you want some ideas on what to demo in the playground :) 13:40:26 <harish__> this is what i have planned for this week. hopes to achieve more :) 13:40:38 <harish__> okay 13:40:41 <harish__> :) 13:41:58 <dperpeet> end of topic I believe 13:42:25 <harish__> dperpeet, 13:42:39 <harish__> should i modify the current prototype? 13:43:12 <dperpeet> let's discuss that on #cockpit outside of the weekly meeting 13:43:22 <harish__> okay. :) 13:43:30 <harish__> that's it from me . 13:43:38 <mvollmer> alright! 13:43:44 <mvollmer> #topic open floor 13:44:24 <dperpeet> I would like to welcome aweiteka to the testing whitelist 13:44:34 <dperpeet> thanks for the steady contributions! 13:44:34 <mvollmer> welcome! 13:44:38 <mvollmer> :-) 13:45:34 <aweiteka> thanks! 13:45:41 <stefw> we lost one of the test machines 13:45:58 <mvollmer> ouch 13:46:02 <mvollmer> did we get new ones? 13:46:09 <stefw> so there's 4 of them working on testing stuff ... and many more tests have shown. i think we're up to around 90 total 13:46:20 <dperpeet> yes, that's blocking on me currently 13:46:31 <stefw> well we have some available, and the plan was to try and set them up in a standard way, so we can spool up more easily 13:46:33 <dperpeet> I will make this a priority on Wednesday 13:46:48 <dperpeet> it should be available soon 13:46:56 <dperpeet> I don't see a blocker to getting that running this week 13:47:15 <mvollmer> cool, that is good news! 13:47:17 <dperpeet> _ari_ did the difficult parts 13:47:25 <mvollmer> i can make time available if that is of any help 13:47:41 <dperpeet> I will be traveling tomorrow, but I'll get on it Wednesday 13:48:33 <mvollmer> super 13:50:20 <mvollmer> okay, looks like we are done, no? 13:50:48 <andreasn> I think so, yes 13:51:19 <mvollmer> thanks everyone! 13:51:21 <mvollmer> #endmeeting