13:02:06 <mvollmer> #startmeeting Weekly Meeting 13:02:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 16 13:02:06 2016 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:02:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting' 13:02:44 <petervo> i think it is 13:02:52 <andreasn> "Whit Monday" 13:02:56 <andreasn> seems so 13:03:13 <andreasn> Whitsuntide 13:04:04 <mvollmer> oh. 13:04:15 <mvollmer> okay, hmm. 13:04:30 <mvollmer> let's have a quick one 13:04:34 <mvollmer> #topic Agenda 13:05:21 <mvollmer> i can say something about docker storage setup... :-) 13:05:30 <mvollmer> that takes way longer than estimated 13:05:42 <andreasn> sounds good 13:05:43 <mvollmer> * DSS 13:05:49 <mvollmer> anything else? 13:05:53 <mvollmer> any guests? 13:06:15 <andreasn> I'm still researching Kube events, but that doesn't deserve it's own point I think 13:06:19 <mvollmer> doesn't look like it. 13:06:22 <mvollmer> aright 13:06:28 <mvollmer> #topic Docker storage setup 13:06:31 <mvollmer> still on going 13:06:49 <mvollmer> "add" is almost in the "atomic storage" command 13:07:14 <mvollmer> I'll park the reset-and-reduce code inside Cockpit 13:07:22 <mvollmer> and start writing integration tests for us. 13:08:04 <andreasn> garrett asked for some help to get started with the workflow of putting the html+css in there, so I'll be helping him out with that tomorrow 13:08:05 <mvollmer> while dan et al are figuring out the color of the bikeshed. ;-) 13:08:17 <mvollmer> cool 13:08:30 <andreasn> he's also off today, since germany 13:08:42 <andreasn> because germany I mean 13:09:00 <mvollmer> right 13:09:34 <mvollmer> what should I do after docker-storage? 13:09:46 <mvollmer> I guess some networking and some storage polish 13:09:52 <andreasn> I think that will be clear after the meeting tomorrow 13:09:58 <mvollmer> heh, true. 13:11:12 <andreasn> but I also think it's a matter of what interest you as a factor as well 13:11:27 <andreasn> so bring those thoughts to the meeting tomorrow 13:11:57 <mvollmer> sure 13:12:12 <mvollmer> okay, that's it then, I guess? 13:12:37 <andreasn> yeah, I think so 13:12:46 <mvollmer> #endmeeting