14:07:16 <mvollmer> #startmeeting weekly meeting 14:07:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 20 14:07:16 2017 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:07:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:07:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting' 14:07:22 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 14:07:23 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 14:07:39 <larsu> .hello larsu 14:07:40 <zodbot> larsu: larsu 'Lars Karlitski' <lars@karlitski.net> 14:07:48 <garrett> .hello garrett 14:07:49 <zodbot> garrett: garrett 'Garrett LeSage' <garrett@lesage.us> 14:08:20 <mvollmer> #topic Agenda 14:08:46 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 14:08:47 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 14:09:38 <andreasn> garrett: is garbage collector a good topic, perhaps? 14:09:57 <garrett> andreasn: sure, I suppose, if people would like to talk about it? 14:10:15 <andreasn> I think I'm up for talking about it :) 14:11:03 <andreasn> * garbage collection/task killer 14:13:13 <mvollmer> okay 14:13:22 <mvollmer> #topic garbage collection/task killer 14:14:30 <andreasn> #link https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Feature:-Task-Killer#resources 14:14:44 <andreasn> garrett: what is the current status of this? 14:15:16 <garrett> I've been looking into ways to determine if iframes can be inspected to figure out their impact on system resources 14:15:22 <garrett> such as RAM, CPU, etc. 14:15:49 <garrett> andreasn and I were talking about making it possible to manually kill parts of cockpit, and we decided the best place might be the about box to do this 14:16:10 <garrett> but it would be a little odd to have a listing of the various components without some sort of way to determine which might be using the most resources 14:16:45 <andreasn> yeah, only having it be triggered by a shortcut can make it hard to discover for those who wants to get to it, and easy to accidentally trigger for those that are not interested in it 14:16:48 <garrett> for web pages, there are only limited ways to look into this, but I found an API that's cross-browser that we can use to weigh parts of cockpit that use iframes against other parts 14:17:08 <garrett> ideally, no one should really have to manually kill parts of cockpit 14:17:08 <andreasn> that's really cool 14:17:21 <garrett> in normal usage 14:17:31 <garrett> this is mainly meant as a developer/debugging tool 14:17:48 <garrett> I would suspect most people having issues with pages in their browser would just reload 14:18:32 <garrett> but it would be nice to see how heavyweight some parts of cockpit are 14:19:12 <garrett> with this information, we could possibly have an automatic task killer that can figure out if it needs to shut down parts of cockpit (which can be re-loaded on the fly) 14:20:15 <andreasn> really good research 14:20:19 <garrett> today, I made 2 little snippets that demonstrate figuring out resource usage with Cockpit is possible _today_, if you copy and paste them into your browser's devtools console 14:20:24 <andreasn> 👍 14:20:38 <andreasn> is the next step wireframes? 14:20:52 <garrett> we could use something like this to create a task list, and show it in an enhanced about box 14:20:57 <garrett> yes, the next step is wireframes 14:21:07 <garrett> I didn't want to jump into mockups without knowing if this would even be possible 14:21:17 <garrett> but, thankfully, it looks like we can do this 14:21:28 <andreasn> do you think it would help with stories and workflows, just to spell it out properly? 14:21:40 <andreasn> just one quick and small one 14:21:44 <garrett> andreasn: spell what out properly? 14:21:53 <andreasn> the scope of the feature 14:21:58 <garrett> oh, certainly 14:22:10 <andreasn> just something small and quick 14:22:31 <andreasn> "Jeff is a Cockpit plugin developer. He needs to debug the garbage collection" 14:22:38 <andreasn> or something along the lines of that 14:22:54 <garrett> the one issue I see with that, is this only shows you resources on load 14:22:56 <garrett> not the current page 14:23:13 <garrett> that is, if canvas is involved, then that could spike the CPU and resource usage 14:23:25 <garrett> even if you manipulate the DOM a bunch, it could impact both as well 14:23:37 <garrett> this is just a quick comparison between parts 14:23:47 <andreasn> so it should not be aimed towards plugin developers? 14:23:55 <andreasn> but rather core contributors? 14:24:05 <garrett> no, probably not, unless they're interested in load information 14:24:15 <garrett> however, some browsers can give you this information in-browser also 14:24:36 <garrett> but this would enable someone to kill off a task within cockpit 14:25:12 <andreasn> sounds good. I think the stories could really help specify who this is for, because that's been a bit fuzzy for me 14:25:19 <garrett> OK 14:25:27 <garrett> well, I was just told that we should have task killing in 14:25:38 <andreasn> because at first it felt like "task killing for everyone and their brother" 14:25:41 <garrett> and it sounded like a developer-focused feature from when we talked about it as a team previously 14:25:46 <andreasn> yeah 14:26:00 <garrett> the thing is, people should not _have to_ kill tasks 14:26:05 <andreasn> right 14:27:23 <andreasn> but really good progress so far. 14:27:31 <andreasn> I guess that was that on that. EOT? 14:27:38 <garrett> thanks! 14:27:48 <garrett> I think that's everything, unless other people want to speak up about it 14:31:20 <mvollmer> alright! 14:31:25 <mvollmer> #topic Any other business 14:32:11 <andreasn> none from me 14:32:49 <garrett> that's it from me 14:33:04 <mvollmer> nice :) 14:33:09 <mvollmer> thanks! 14:33:12 <mvollmer> #endmeeting