16:30:02 <decause> #startmeeting 16:30:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 5 16:30:02 2015 UTC. The chair is decause. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:30:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:17 <decause> #chair yn1v robyduck sesivany 16:30:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause robyduck sesivany yn1v 16:30:32 <decause> #topic Rollcall 16:30:36 <decause> .hello decuse 16:30:37 <zodbot> decause: Sorry, but you don't exist 16:30:41 <decause> .hello decause 16:30:43 <zodbot> decause: decause 'None' <decause@redhat.com> 16:30:55 <sgallagh> decause: This is Ambassadors? (You forgot the meeting name) 16:31:25 <decause> sgallagh: still getting the hang of zodbot :P 16:31:41 <sgallagh> #halp 16:31:49 <sgallagh> oh right, not chaired. 16:31:55 <decause> #chair sgallagh 16:31:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause robyduck sesivany sgallagh yn1v 16:31:59 <sgallagh> #halp 16:32:11 <sgallagh> ... that used to show commands 16:32:20 <sgallagh> #meetingname Ambassadors 16:32:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ambassadors' 16:32:30 <decause> sgallagh: it now is a way for you to request help/contributions, IIRC 16:32:42 <sgallagh> /me should really join the Ambassadors formally. 16:32:47 <decause> there is even a fedmsg topic for it I reckon 16:33:02 <decause> so we're still in rollcall 16:33:06 <decause> is anyone else here? 16:33:14 <decause> robyduck: 16:33:17 <decause> yn1v: 16:33:25 <decause> othere FAMSco peeps? 16:34:39 <yn1v> sorry, got a call 16:35:14 <decause> yn1v: no worries 16:35:16 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 16:35:17 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 16:35:35 <decause> anybody else? 16:35:55 <yn1v> Do I start over with the FUDCon Cordoba 2015 to have it on record? 16:36:07 <decause> yeah, we'll change the topic now 16:36:23 <decause> #topic FUDCon Cordoba 2015 16:36:39 <yn1v> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Cordoba_2015 16:37:03 <yn1v> I wrote to FAmSCo list about the need to push the approval. 16:37:29 <yn1v> I feel that I over steppen writing also to Mattew Miller 16:37:42 <yn1v> Matthew updated the process for approval 16:37:55 <decause> 12:35 [ bkircher ] [ harrow ] [ langdon ] [ nb ] [ roshi ] [ vpavlin ] 16:38:08 <yn1v> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process#Decision_process 16:38:17 <decause> :/ paste-fail, sorry folks 16:38:23 <yn1v> so, he gave the approval for FUDCon LATAM 16:38:47 <yn1v> and passed the ball to budget people to make it happen. 16:39:07 <yn1v> he said form budget side is okey, it just formalities. 16:39:16 * robyduck here on mobile 16:39:23 <decause> so long as FAMSco is ok with the bid, I'm here (as budget people and FCL) to approve it too 16:39:36 <robyduck> +1 for cordoba 16:41:01 <yn1v> I am not sure I have a vote, but +1 ...after all I am doing what I can to make it happen 16:43:10 <decause> perhaps we should seek quorum via mail-list if there isn't enough FAMSco representation here today? 16:44:52 <sesivany> yeah, I have no problem with the bid either: +1 16:45:45 <sesivany> decause: that's probably the only way to communicate and vote in FAmSCo because whenever I'm here to chair the meeting, it's just me and robyduck :-/ 16:47:04 <yn1v> Usually FAmSCo has been a double check over the regional decision 16:47:12 <decause> sesivany: understood 16:48:30 <decause> I'm ready to support FAmSco's decision, whatever it is 16:50:56 <sesivany> decause: the final decision was always on FPL, FAmSCo has always had just an advisory role. 16:51:30 <decause> if you feel that FAmSco is in approval of the Cordoba bid, and there are no objections, then we've followed the process and can move on to the next step 16:51:34 <sesivany> decause: or more precisely FPL or budget owner 16:52:02 <decause> sesivany: nod nod 16:52:49 <sesivany> decause: I always understood is as a "blessing" that FAmSCo gave to show that we're ok with the bid, but it was just to help the budget owner/FPL make the decision. 16:53:04 <sesivany> not a hard requirement for the process. 16:53:23 <decause> sesivany: understood 16:54:08 <decause> in that case, I don't think we're blocking on anyone. FPL and FCL and Budget people are all in favor of Cordoba Proposal 16:54:18 <sesivany> decause: so I don't think we need to get enough votes in FAmSCo, all members who are here are ok with it, no one objected on the mailing list, I think we can proceed with it. 16:54:26 <decause> sesivany: #agreed 16:54:36 <decause> done 16:54:45 <decause> #topic Open Floor 16:55:05 <decause> anything else we should cover today? 16:55:25 <decause> #topic FOSCo 16:56:23 <sesivany> any progress there? as you can see FAmSCo is in the state of clinical death. 16:56:31 <decause> This week, there has been discussion on the council-discuss list about FOSCo. I'm going to be speaking with cwickert and others about FOSCo, and would encourage anyone in FAMSco who wants to be part of the conversation to chime in. 16:57:07 <decause> I'll report back here next week 16:57:52 <sesivany> decause: it's probably better to just communite on the famsco mailing list. 16:58:03 <decause> sesivany: ok, can do 16:58:10 <sesivany> other members are more likely to read it and answer. 16:58:18 <decause> #action decause post to famsco mailing list about FOSCo meetings later this week 16:58:47 <decause> anything else we should cover today? 16:59:25 <sesivany> decause: my original proposal is pretty much the same what cwickert proposed recently which I think is still the discussed proposal. 16:59:44 <sesivany> decause: so my and cwickert's opinions are very similar. 17:00:02 <decause> sesivany: nod nod 17:00:07 <decause> sesivany: links? 17:00:15 <sesivany> to what? 17:00:38 <decause> proposals (for meeting minutes) 17:00:47 <sesivany> mnt... 17:01:40 <sesivany> decause: my original proposal is here: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/373#comment:5 17:01:53 <decause> sesivany: thanks 17:02:17 <sesivany> decause: I cannot find cwickert's, but I think it only differed in number of elected seats. 17:02:24 <decause> sesivany: gotcha 17:02:37 <decause> anything else for today? 17:03:02 <sesivany> not from me, I actually need to run away again :/ 17:03:05 <decause> kk 17:03:14 <decause> thanks everyone for attending :) 17:03:20 <decause> #endmeeting