17:04:51 <gregdek> #startmeeting ansible-commmunity-working-group 17:04:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 4 17:04:51 2017 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:04:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible-commmunity-working-group' 17:04:52 <rbergeron> lol 17:04:55 <jlk> geez gregdek, get your stuff together. 17:04:58 <gregdek> #chair rbergeron 17:04:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron 17:05:05 <gregdek> #char chouseknecht 17:05:07 <gregdek> Grr 17:05:16 <jlk> charvar? 17:05:19 <gregdek> (chouseknecht bursts into flame!) 17:05:19 <jlk> float? 17:05:21 <rbergeron> jlk ;) 17:05:24 <gregdek> #chair chouseknecht 17:05:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: chouseknecht gregdek rbergeron 17:05:40 <gregdek> #topic open floor 17:05:51 <gregdek> Anything in particular we want to discuss first before diving into backlog? 17:06:31 <rbergeron> not me 17:06:55 <chouseknecht> Yes 17:07:22 <chouseknecht> Meet ups in Krakow and Warsaw, since I'm headed there 17:07:45 <chouseknecht> Notice they have never gotten off the ground 17:08:06 <rbergeron> this happens :) 17:08:36 <chouseknecht> asaprykin: r u around? 17:08:55 <gregdek> Let me look for contacts. 17:08:57 <asaprykin> yes, what's up 17:09:07 <gregdek> hey asaprykin :) 17:09:35 <rbergeron> ohhai 17:09:42 <chouseknecht> If get a Meetup together while I'm in town, would u be interested in chairing it? 17:09:54 <gregdek> Bartek was semi-active in Warsaw for a while. We've never had a meetup leader in Krakow. 17:10:11 <gregdek> Wanna throw asaprykin to the sharks immediately, hm? :) 17:10:51 <chouseknecht> Just thinking out loud. He doesn't have to, if he's not comfortable with it. 17:10:55 <gregdek> :) 17:11:18 <gregdek> asaprykin have you ever been to a meetup event of any kind? 17:11:42 <gregdek> I don't want to even think about asking asaprykin to host a meetup until he's at least been to one :) 17:11:53 <chouseknecht> LOL 17:11:59 <chouseknecht> Good point! 17:12:28 <gregdek> But since you will be close to Warsaw, I'll reach out and put you in touch with Bartek. 17:12:35 <chouseknecht> Well, I can introduce him to the whole world of Meetup! 17:12:40 <gregdek> He may also have some contacts that can help us find a space in Krakow. 17:12:40 <asaprykin> @gregdek actually yes, I'm active Python meetups participant, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to host one 17:13:13 <chouseknecht> We could host it at the coworker space. Just have to schedule it with them. 17:13:30 <gregdek> asaprykin ok, that's good to know. We may be able to find someone in Krakow who can help us, and you'll be an excellent resource if we can find a local organizer. 17:13:56 <asaprykin> AFAIK in Krakow tech meetups are usually hosted in Krakowski Park Technologiczny 17:14:56 <asaprykin> As least recent AI Meetup happened there 17:15:01 <gregdek> asaprykin any contacts that we might be able to reach out to? 17:15:18 <chouseknecht> I'm not at computer. gregdek, can u email the guy that started the Meetup Krakow page? Maybe we can help him get it off the ground? 17:15:20 <gregdek> chouseknecht: what dates are you there again? reaching out to bartek now and will cc you 17:15:31 <gregdek> I was the guy who started the Krakow meetup :) 17:15:36 <chouseknecht> 23 - 27 17:16:30 <chouseknecht> If he's amenable, maybe we can do it that Wed. 17:16:56 <asaprykin> http://www.kpt.krakow.pl/en/contact/ 17:17:22 <gregdek> ok. I'll ping first to see if he's still available. 17:17:37 <gregdek> thx asaprykin 17:18:43 <gregdek> OK, I pinged Bart. If he answers back, I'll put him in touch with you chouseknecht 17:18:43 <asaprykin> Co-working space might be also suitable, but I doubt 17:19:00 <gregdek> For a starting meetup, even 20 people would be a good number 17:19:16 <gregdek> Anyway. Let's start with Bart and see where that goes. 17:19:40 <gregdek> #action gregdek will reach out to Bart from Ansible Warsaw re: meetup 17:19:41 <chouseknecht> Cool! 17:20:03 <gregdek> Anything else in open floor? 17:21:34 <gregdek> afk 2m if nothing else I'll move on to backlog 17:24:06 <gregdek> ok! 17:25:06 <gregdek> Looks like 9 issues unlabeled: 17:25:07 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Alabel 17:25:15 <gregdek> Triage those right quick... 17:26:03 <gregdek> 262 is hackfest guidelines, moving to outreach... 17:26:33 <gregdek> 261 is mechanism for identifying unmaintained modules. 17:26:40 <gregdek> That's a big one, and I'll mark as cwg. 17:27:42 <gregdek> 250. Hmm. rbergeron? 17:27:54 <gregdek> I guess this is a cwg issue? 17:28:16 <rbergeron> 250... /me looks 17:28:38 <rbergeron> oh. yes 17:28:53 <rbergeron> mostly: every time i go to the meetings page to find the link to the core team meeting agenda 17:28:58 <rbergeron> i have to go digging 17:29:03 <gregdek> To me, the real question here is "why is core not basically a working group?" 17:29:11 <gregdek> Because it kinda is. 17:30:45 <rbergeron> Becasue there's this, https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/master/meetings/core-team.yaml 17:31:32 <rbergeron> but that only appears in the list of files in community/meetings, not really linked from community/meetings, or in the wiki 17:31:55 <gregdek> We can easily set up a Core Working Group page and wiki space that just points to this stuff, right? 17:32:00 <gregdek> Is there any reason not to do that? 17:32:12 <rbergeron> so i could just.. link that link to the meetings page, but yeah, just having an organized core working group page is a thing. 17:32:16 <rbergeron> if we want to call it that -- i mean 17:32:16 <gregdek> We've even got a core label. 17:32:30 <gregdek> And I think it was created for exactly that thing. 17:32:31 <rbergeron> yeah. 17:32:32 <rbergeron> i dunno. 17:32:34 <rbergeron> *shrug* 17:32:50 <rbergeron> Just made a note that it was hard to find consistently unless you had the historical record in your head. 17:32:53 <gregdek> OK, so I'm gonna call that "set up Core WG pages" and we can just do that. 17:32:55 <rbergeron> and it could be improved. 17:32:56 <gregdek> Any objection? 17:33:32 <rbergeron> nope 17:33:41 <gregdek> ok, one sec... 17:33:55 <jlk> make it so. 17:34:34 <gregdek> OK, it's renamed and tagged cwg. 17:34:40 <rbergeron> um 17:34:43 <rbergeron> thats the community working group 17:34:45 <rbergeron> ;) 17:34:51 <gregdek> Yes! 17:35:01 <gregdek> Because cwg is gonna set up the pages. Core team ain't doin' that. :) 17:35:05 <rbergeron> oh 17:35:11 <rbergeron> i thought you meant you set up the things themselves 17:35:22 <rbergeron> sorry, i am slow today 17:35:27 <gregdek> 'sok :) 17:35:43 <gregdek> 242 is logging IRC channels. 17:36:15 <gregdek> I'd actually like to talk about that. gundalow, around? 17:36:48 <gregdek> Because we don't do that by default, and we could maybe use meetbot in a certain way to do some of that, but otherwise I think it's a new bot. 17:37:17 <gregdek> It might be a very simple bot, but still, someone would have to write it and look after it. 17:38:01 <gregdek> I can also ask zodbot friends. 17:38:04 <gregdek> (which I'm doing now.) 17:38:21 <rbergeron> i'm not particularly in favor of the idea at a high level, but i am not of the mindset to argue against it either, so :) 17:39:36 <gregdek> Yep, I wouldn't do it without BIG WARNINGS 17:39:47 <gregdek> So I'm asking in #fedora-admin now. 17:40:45 <rbergeron> the warnings and all that aren't what i'm worried about, it's "if that's where the discussion is," does that discussion involve decision making, and does that essentially say "you must be here 24/7 to participate in the discussion which could involve decisions at any given time" 17:41:06 <gregdek> Well, that's kind of the community concern, I think. 17:41:11 <rbergeron> if there's something worth writing down, just do an ad hoc meeting and capture the info for transparency. 17:41:19 <gregdek> So approach one is "log everything so I know I never missed a crucial convo". 17:41:19 <rbergeron> discussion doesn't always equal agreement 17:41:40 <rbergeron> never missing is different from never having enough warning to participate in a crucial convo and influence it 17:41:40 <gregdek> Approach two is "make sure that srs convos end up getting meeting-ified." 17:41:50 * gregdek nods 17:41:55 <gregdek> It's a good point. 17:42:11 <rbergeron> and if decisions are made, or attempted to be made, ad hoc, then provide people with the logs and ask for folks to provide feedback before calling it done 17:42:30 <gregdek> ok. 17:42:43 <gregdek> So I'm gonna tag that issue as cwg and add that feedback. 17:42:47 <rbergeron> in which case -- using zodbot to log all day, which can solve different issues, ... well, now he's a meeting all day long and there's no way to end the meeting and send things out. :) 17:42:51 <gregdek> brb. 17:43:05 <jlk> I agree with rbergeron, fwiw. 17:43:54 <jlk> logging should be a active thought, "lets make a convo and maybe decision and share this". Expecting everything to be logged in perpetuity is .. weird. 17:45:32 <rbergeron> jlk: though the openstack channels do have eavesdrop for 24/7 readback on everything, don't they? 17:45:47 <gregdek> Anyone can set up their own tool to do that, though. 17:45:57 <gregdek> People who are savvy and think they need that already have a lot of ways to do it. 17:45:58 <rbergeron> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/ 17:46:10 <jlk> interesting 17:46:21 <gregdek> And people who aren't savvy should probably be given the courtesy of knowing when the important convos are taking place. 17:46:35 <rbergeron> but meetings are almost always explicitly happening in a channel -- i think the eavesdrop angle is largely to be able to retroactively look into CoC type things 17:47:08 <gregdek> ok, I've tagged the issue cwg, we can continue to discuss 17:47:14 <rbergeron> I'm not against it from that angle, per se, albeit with a big brother feeling of oddness 17:47:17 <gregdek> (but I'm considering closing wontfix at this point) 17:47:34 <gregdek> because I think you're right, rbergeron -- the actual problem we're trying to solve is different and more important. 17:47:51 <rbergeron> but -- doign it for "official discussions" sounds different from just community chat 17:48:30 <rbergeron> gregdek: for "see how this works," maybe consider cutting and pasting this irc discussion into the issue for "further feedback where a decision was not made" :) 17:48:54 <rbergeron> "but we are sharing it for broader transparency in a place with more context / searchability" 17:48:58 <rbergeron> i guess 17:49:00 <rbergeron> shrug. NEXT ITEM! 17:49:02 <rbergeron> or something 17:49:04 <gregdek> I can always just link to the meeting logs :) 17:49:10 <rbergeron> there you go 17:49:22 <rbergeron> zodbot is so nice now 17:49:46 <gregdek> next is 239, which is proper versioning of docs.ansible.com/community which i tagged and assigned to gundalow, since he's already looking at that 17:50:00 <rbergeron> *nod* 17:50:16 <gregdek> 234 I'm working actively on, just tagged it cwg 17:51:24 <gregdek> 229 was vmware working group, but looks like event might already have passed 17:51:35 <gregdek> I tagged and pinged the creator 17:51:47 <rbergeron> k 17:51:59 <gregdek> robyn handled 219 17:52:28 <gregdek> And 169 is preexisting opens from the community docs merge, which i'll tag cwg and we need to continue to break down 17:52:51 <gregdek> OK, so that's all untriaged issues. 17:52:58 <gregdek> Which leaves us 8 minutes to handle actual issues, LOL 17:53:03 <gregdek> Any hot ones? 17:53:43 <rbergeron> i have no fires. just ... ongoing kindling of things and stuff that i could probably push harder on but also, life 17:54:01 <gregdek> yup 17:54:03 <gregdek> ditto :) 17:54:09 <gregdek> But I'm hacking away at things. 17:55:25 <rbergeron> hooray! 17:55:29 <rbergeron> hooray for hacking 17:57:08 <gregdek> ok, then. 17:57:21 <gregdek> Anyone with anything else? 17:58:25 <rbergeron> nope 17:58:37 <gregdek> #endmeeting