04:00:11 <dramsey> #startmeeting 04:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 9 04:00:11 2012 UTC. The chair is dramsey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:00:11 <FranciscoD> heya dan :) 04:00:16 <dramsey> #meetingname APAC 04:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 04:00:17 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 04:00:18 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:00:21 <dan408> .fas vicodan 04:00:24 <zodbot> dan408: vicodan 'Dan Mashal' <dan.mashal@gmail.com> 04:00:25 <dramsey> #chair tuanta dan408 FranciscoD 04:00:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD dan408 dramsey tuanta 04:00:26 <jurank_dankkal> .fas jurankdankkal 04:00:27 <zodbot> jurank_dankkal: jurankdankkal 'Prima Yogi Loviniltra' <yogi@numoss.org> 04:00:35 * FranciscoD Ankur Sinha ankursinha AT fp.o 04:00:46 <dan408> hello. 04:00:48 <dramsey> #chair jurank_dankkal 04:00:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD dan408 dramsey jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:00:52 <bckurera> .fas bckurera 04:00:53 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 04:00:54 <dramsey> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-06-09#Agenda 04:00:58 <dramsey> #chair bckurera 04:00:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:00:59 <tuanta> #chair bckurera 04:00:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:01:02 <tuanta> :) 04:01:08 <dramsey> .fas dramsey 04:01:09 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com> 04:01:19 <dramsey> #topic Ambassador Pinging 04:01:28 <dramsey> Hello Everyone! 04:01:28 <dan408> ponging 04:01:55 <dramsey> #chair 04:01:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:02:23 <dramsey> Welcome to our APAC Meeting. 04:02:40 <dramsey> Next topic? 04:02:53 <dramsey> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-06-09#Agenda 04:03:03 <bckurera> +1 04:03:05 <harish> greetings all. 04:03:07 <dramsey> #topic Review *ACTION* items from the last meeting 04:03:12 <dramsey> Hello Harish 04:03:15 <dramsey> #chair harish 04:03:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey harish jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:03:16 <dan408> hello 04:03:37 <FranciscoD> small agenda, lets get started :D 04:04:04 <dramsey> Any updates for our Action Items? 04:04:19 <bckurera> we are on the *action item section* 04:04:57 <FranciscoD> none from me 04:05:15 <dramsey> okay, so just the 6. everyone all we should update all upcoming F17 release parties onto wiki 04:05:27 * FranciscoD has something for open floor 04:05:37 <tuanta> ok, so next? 04:05:37 <dramsey> Please, go FranciscoD 04:06:04 <FranciscoD> next++ 04:06:11 <dramsey> Okay, next theng 04:06:15 <dramsey> s/theng/then 04:06:19 <FranciscoD> dramsey: I'll wait for the topic to change :) 04:06:24 <dramsey> Okay. 04:06:53 <dramsey> #topic APAC for FAmSCO ==> News From FAmSCo is reborn 04:06:54 <dramsey> :D 04:07:00 <tuanta> Congratulations to bckurera as the new FAmSCo 04:07:02 <dramsey> Go dudes. 8-) 04:07:04 <FranciscoD> :) 04:07:08 <dramsey> +1 04:07:09 <dan408> congrats bckurera!!! 04:07:12 <jurank_dankkal> +1 04:07:20 <hircus|> hi all 04:07:27 <harish> +1 04:07:28 <tuanta> #chair hircus| 04:07:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey harish hircus| jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:07:31 <dramsey> #chair hircusj 04:07:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey harish hircusj hircus| jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:07:38 <hircus|> .fas salimma on mobile, sorry for bad connection 04:07:38 <zodbot> hircus|: 'salimma on mobile, sorry for bad connection' Not Found! 04:07:45 <hircus|> .fas salimma 04:07:46 <zodbot> hircus|: salimma 'Michel Alexandre Salim' <michel+fdr@sylvestre.me> 04:07:59 <hircus|> bckurera: congrats! 04:08:25 <dramsey> #chair bckurera 04:08:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey harish hircusj hircus| jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:08:45 * bckurera internet connection sucks 04:08:47 <dramsey> Outstanding and fantastci! 04:09:00 <tuanta> I think we should recover the topic "News from FAmSCo" back from the next APAC meeting 04:09:10 <dramsey> +1 Tuan - tuanta 04:09:46 <bckurera> ! 04:09:50 <tuanta> I believe that bckurera will attend our meeting more often than the former FAmSCo 04:09:56 <dramsey> Please, bckurera 04:10:32 <bckurera> Yeah as usual I ll be in APAC meetings and report 04:10:55 <bckurera> so we can have the News From FAmSCo from the next meeting 04:11:20 <bckurera> and thanks everyone who supported and voted for me and other candidates from APAC 04:11:22 <bckurera> eof 04:11:53 <tuanta> great! 04:12:00 <tuanta> next now? 04:12:25 <dramsey> Next topic, sounds good, okay?> 04:12:28 <bckurera> please 04:12:28 <tuanta> +1 04:12:36 <dramsey> #topic APAC Events and Status of F17 Release Parties 04:12:42 <tuanta> ! 04:12:44 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#FY13_Q2_.28June_2012_-_August_2012.29_3 04:12:50 <dramsey> Yes, Tuan, please 04:13:17 <tuanta> our release party in Hanoi done: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F17_Hanoi 04:13:27 <dramsey> #chair hircus 04:13:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey harish hircus hircusj hircus| jurank_dankkal tuanta 04:13:36 <tuanta> event report here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F17_Hanoi 04:13:43 <FranciscoD> awesome :) 04:13:43 <tuanta> http://vn.fedoracommunity.org/2012/06/07/event-report-fedora-17-release-party/ 04:13:48 <harish> good stuff tuanta 04:14:00 * FranciscoD saw photos on facebook :P 04:14:30 * bckurera great work tuanta read the report 04:14:33 <tuanta> I am recollecting receipts to post onto the ticket 04:14:34 <tuanta> eof. 04:14:37 <dramsey> 8-) Wonderful, Tuan. 8-) 04:15:09 <dramsey> Other news? 04:15:10 <FranciscoD> ! 04:15:14 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_release_events 04:15:22 <dramsey> Yes, FranciscoD, please 04:15:46 <FranciscoD> I'm just reporting this on behalf of the folks 04:15:55 <FranciscoD> there was a FAD at the Pune red-hat office 04:15:59 <FranciscoD> logs etc were sent to the list 04:16:07 <FranciscoD> mbuf, mether etc had organized it 04:16:26 <FranciscoD> http://www.shakthimaan.com/Mambo/gallery/album81 04:16:37 <FranciscoD> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Pune_2012_June_02 04:16:56 <tuanta> ! 04:17:02 <FranciscoD> There was also a yummy fedora cake there :) 04:17:04 <FranciscoD> eof 04:17:06 <dramsey> :) Cool, Ankur. :) 04:17:09 <dramsey> Thank you. 04:17:12 <dramsey> Yes, Tuan 04:17:14 <tuanta> one more, we will try to organize two other events in Hue and HCMC, but they may be on the end of June or begin of July. eof. 04:17:37 <tuanta> we are planning for the first FAD in Vietnam on August too 04:17:38 <tuanta> eof 04:18:00 <dramsey> Excellent, Tuan. 04:18:05 <bckurera> tuanta will support you ! 04:18:10 <dramsey> +1 04:18:18 <FranciscoD> :D 04:18:47 <dramsey> Other news? This is great to read. 04:18:55 <dramsey> or next topic? 04:19:22 <tuanta> ok, so fast :) 04:19:35 <tuanta> Open Floor would be longer 04:19:41 <dramsey> hahaha 04:19:47 <bckurera> +1 04:20:01 <dramsey> So next topic? 04:20:37 <tuanta> +1 04:20:39 <dramsey> #topic Review APAC trac tickets 04:20:51 <dramsey> Tuan - I "recollect" something about hircus... 04:21:05 <dramsey> hircus, do you have a "Ticket?" 04:21:13 <dramsey> Or question for a future ticket? 04:21:30 <bckurera> yeah we have 04:21:31 <bckurera> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 04:21:38 <bckurera> there are 3 tickets to be discussed 04:21:49 <dramsey> +1 bckurera, please continue 04:21:50 <dramsey> :) 04:21:58 <bckurera> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/27 04:22:11 <tuanta> ! 04:22:20 <dramsey> Yes, Tuan, please 04:22:27 <tuanta> one thing: how about the command ".apacticket"? 04:22:34 <tuanta> is it ready for us? 04:22:35 <tuanta> eof 04:22:46 <dramsey> Good question, we must find out. 04:22:48 <dramsey> eof 04:22:50 <bckurera> We discussed this ticket last meeting as well 04:22:58 <jurank_dankkal> ! 04:23:12 <bckurera> I think jurank_dankkal is here today. 04:23:39 <dramsey> Okay, jurank_dankkal, continue 04:23:45 <jurank_dankkal> yep I already upload my invoice to fedorapeople cz the space attachment in the ticket is to small 04:23:51 <bckurera> jurank_dankkal ping 04:24:07 <jurank_dankkal> and I've add new budget 04:24:18 <jurank_dankkal> bckurera, ping 04:24:19 <bckurera> Yes tuanta it is 04:24:50 <tuanta> .apacticket 27 04:24:58 <tuanta> ? :) 04:24:59 <bckurera> any update on the ticket jurank_dankkal 04:25:23 <bckurera> I think we can #agree with the budget, any comment on this ticket? 04:25:37 <tuanta> ! 04:25:47 <jurank_dankkal> what about the travel sponsorship? 04:26:33 <tuanta> ! 04:26:42 <dramsey> Yes, Tuan 04:26:46 <tuanta> How much is the total budget for this FAD? 04:26:46 <bckurera> Travel sponsorship in a separate ticket but included into FAD budget. 04:26:56 <bckurera> tuanta pease 04:27:13 <jurank_dankkal> tuanta, the total is $286 04:27:23 <tuanta> I think it's best to have the only one fund request ticket for the whole budget 04:27:35 <dramsey> +1 04:27:41 <tuanta> Now I am not sure the total budget!?!! 04:27:43 <jurank_dankkal> bckurera, oke, are you also going? 04:27:57 <tuanta> so it's difficult for us to get an agreement 04:27:59 <tuanta> eof. 04:28:10 <jurank_dankkal> tuanta, $286 is except travel for hircus n kushal 04:28:43 <tuanta> jurank_dankkal, so please add those budgets to 04:28:52 <bckurera> tuanta I think having separate tickets for travel subsidies it is easy to trac them 04:29:31 <jurank_dankkal> so what I must to do separate it or what? 04:29:35 <bckurera> jurank_dankkal : we need to figure out how much required for hircus and kushal ? 04:29:35 <bckurera> any idea? 04:29:41 <tuanta> just one thing: where I can see the total budget? 04:29:53 <jurank_dankkal> +1 bckurera 04:29:57 <tuanta> we should have one unique place to list them all 04:30:23 <dramsey> #chair maktrix 04:30:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera dan408 dramsey harish hircus hircusj hircus| jurank_dankkal maktrix tuanta 04:30:23 <bckurera> tuanta we can use the event page for that, as we are doing. 04:30:29 <jurank_dankkal> tuanta, I already create the list budget in ticket n also wiki 04:31:11 <jurank_dankkal> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Padang_2012 04:31:31 <tuanta> let me say: 04:31:37 <bckurera> however without travel subsidies the amount(USD 286) for FAD is agreed. any comments or disagreements? 04:32:24 <jurank_dankkal> thx bckurera 04:32:28 <tuanta> 1. all money should be changed to USD (It doesn't make sense to us in local currencies :) 04:32:56 <tuanta> 2. I do not see any place where the total budget shown 04:33:23 <tuanta> you meant: the organizing cost, travel cost for two people, etc. 04:33:32 <tuanta> where I can see the total? 04:33:34 <tuanta> eof. 04:33:44 <jurank_dankkal> 1. yep I alaready convert it from rupiah to USD 04:35:08 <jurank_dankkal> 2. the request was new (today), so I have not had time to find info about the budget from them to update to wiki 04:35:31 <jurank_dankkal> because we still confused is the fedora will support travel sponsorship for FAD 04:35:38 <jurank_dankkal> eof 04:35:48 <tuanta> jurank_dankkal: so, please update the wiki first, then we can come back later 04:35:54 <dramsey> Cool guys. 04:36:02 <dramsey> ! 04:36:03 <tuanta> via mailing list, ticket, and then the next meeting 04:36:10 <tuanta> please, dramsey 04:36:19 <dramsey> So sounds like an action updates and such? 04:36:21 <dramsey> eof 04:36:26 <dramsey> #chair bckurera_ 04:36:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera bckurera_ dan408 dramsey harish hircus hircusj hircus| jurank_dankkal maktrix tuanta 04:36:28 <tuanta> yes, +1 04:36:33 <jurank_dankkal> tuanta, about the budget of travel sponsorship? it will be separate or not? 04:37:18 <tuanta> #action jurank_dankkal update the Padang FAD wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Padang_2012 for total budget 04:37:37 <tuanta> jurank_dankkal: let me say my idea: 04:38:47 <tuanta> you should have one unique place to list all budgets; mark which budgets would you like to have Fedora support 04:39:00 <bckurera_> ! 04:39:25 <tuanta> and then, you can open one ticket for all; or open separated ones for each 04:39:26 <tuanta> eof 04:39:39 <tuanta> I prefer one for all 04:40:02 <tuanta> personally, of course :) 04:40:08 <tuanta> please, bckurera_\ 04:40:14 <bckurera_> IMO maintain the total budget and cost breakdown on FAD wiki page open separate travel subsidy request on trac per person, so that it is easy to track, discuss and agree. 04:40:28 <bckurera_> eof 04:40:53 <tuanta> it should be fine too, bckurera 04:41:09 <tuanta> just now: I do not see any place where total budget listed 04:41:32 <tuanta> #chair cmpitg 04:41:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD bckurera bckurera_ cmpitg dan408 dramsey harish hircus hircusj hircus| jurank_dankkal maktrix tuanta 04:41:50 <tuanta> hello my friend, cmpitg :) 04:42:14 <tuanta> you should introduce yourself in Open Floor section 04:42:18 <cmpitg> Hi tuanta :-) 04:42:44 <tuanta> anything else, jurank_dankkal? 04:42:45 * bckurera we have another 2 tickets to go 04:42:52 <jurank_dankkal> oke tuanta and bckurera I'll update my wiki.. 04:42:53 <tuanta> does it make sense all? 04:43:02 <tuanta> yes, bckurera 04:43:06 <tuanta> next ticket please 04:43:08 <dramsey> +1 go 04:43:09 <jurank_dankkal> so about the budget $286 is #agree right? 04:43:18 <jurank_dankkal> oke next ticket :) 04:43:21 <tuanta> jurank_dankkal: not sure 04:43:41 <bckurera> yes before that can we mark it #agree 04:44:03 <tuanta> it should be left to the next meeting. during that, we will: update wiki, discuss all in ticket, mailing list, wiki... 04:44:06 <jurank_dankkal> tuanta, oke after I update my wiki and the ticket with travel sponsorship, I'll follow up again.. :) 04:44:28 <bckurera> FAmSCo has shown green light, but we should mark it agree too 04:44:37 <bckurera> it is good to agree on this amount so that they can start producing media and stickers and other stuffs 04:44:45 <jurank_dankkal> +1 bckurera 04:45:13 <bckurera> if no one is having any disagreement, shall we mark it #agree ? 04:45:33 <jurank_dankkal> that's what I mean, what about the ticket will be separate n If the $286 is agree we can move on to produce our stuff 04:45:58 <jurank_dankkal> and I'll update later about the travel sponsorship 04:45:59 <bckurera> jurank_dankkal : That is what I mean 04:46:07 <tuanta> I still want to see the total budget 04:46:07 <jurank_dankkal> +1 bckurera 04:46:19 <tuanta> but if everyone see this is fine, we can go 04:46:36 * harish i need to step away from the keyboard and might not be back before the meeting ends. 04:46:42 <bckurera> Is there any disagreement on ticket 27 : Funding Request for FAD Padang ? 04:46:46 <dramsey> harish, thank you. 04:46:48 <tuanta> harish, see you later 04:47:19 <tuanta> bckurera: I told my idea(s) 04:47:55 <bckurera> jurank_dankkal : Can you wait another 2 weeks, will it be a problem? 04:48:11 <jurank_dankkal> bckurera, yep it's okay.. :) 04:48:17 <dramsey> Cool. 04:48:22 <bckurera> ok thanks then will move 04:48:26 <dramsey> Next "two" tickets. 04:48:43 <bckurera> Ticket 28 04:48:49 <bckurera> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/28 04:48:54 <bckurera> tuanta it is yours ! 04:48:58 <tuanta> it's mine :) 04:49:07 <tuanta> for Fedora 17 release party in Hanoi 04:49:30 <tuanta> the event has been done; that fund has been spent :) 04:49:49 <tuanta> it's similar as previous parties 04:50:00 <bckurera> #info Ticket 27 was discussed and will re-visit on next meeting 04:50:50 <bckurera> #action jurank_dankkal : Update the event wiki page with total budget and cost breakdown, open separate trac tickets for fund requests 04:51:05 <bckurera> tuanta good work 04:51:18 <bckurera> any comment on ticket 28? 04:51:48 <bckurera> Funding request for USD 145, shall we mark it #agree? 04:51:54 <tuanta> as my last update, the actual cost may be less than estimation 04:52:10 <tuanta> I am recollecting all receipts 04:52:25 <tuanta> then reimburse the actual one 04:53:15 <bckurera> If there is no comment or disagreement shall we mark ticket 28, USD 145 agree then? 04:53:21 <dramsey> +1 #AGREE 04:53:27 <maktrix> +1 04:54:11 <jurank_dankkal> +1 04:54:17 <cmpitg> +1 #agree 04:54:26 <tuanta> thanks :) 04:54:28 <bckurera> ok will move then 04:54:30 <bckurera> #agree Ticket 28: Funding request for F17 release party Hanoi, USD 145 04:54:49 <bckurera> the next one is ticket 29 and reported by me 04:55:10 <tuanta> by the way, cmpitg is also in organizing team 04:55:12 <bckurera> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/29 04:55:35 <cmpitg> :-) 04:55:42 <bckurera> total cost would be USD 263 for 300 CDs and 300 DVD 04:56:11 <maktrix> less than a dollaer per CD/DVD 04:56:11 <bckurera> This would be the amount for the F18 cycle, we are using with in Sri Lanka 04:56:52 <bckurera> yes maktrix, 4 color printed media 04:57:07 <tuanta> why F18? 04:57:17 <tuanta> that gets me confused 04:57:23 <bckurera> ohhh sorry it is F17, mistake 04:57:27 <tuanta> lol 04:57:38 <tuanta> yes, thanks 04:57:48 <tuanta> that should be fine, I think 04:57:54 <tuanta> I do not have any more questions 04:57:59 <bckurera> any comments, disagreements on this ticket 29? 04:58:31 <bckurera> or shall we mark it agree, ticket 29 for USD 263? 04:58:38 <jurank_dankkal> +1 04:58:41 <maktrix> +1 agree 04:59:22 <tuanta> +1 04:59:25 <cmpitg> +1 04:59:26 <dramsey> +1 #AGREE 04:59:31 <dramsey> Move forward.... 04:59:31 <bckurera> #agree Ticket 29: F17 Media Production for Sri Lanka, USD 263 04:59:42 <bckurera> Thanks and we are done with tickets 04:59:47 <dramsey> Next topic? 04:59:52 <bckurera> yes please 04:59:53 <tuanta> money considerations take us a half an hour :D 04:59:56 <dramsey> #topic Open Floor 04:59:59 <dramsey> ! 05:00:07 <tuanta> please 05:00:21 <dramsey> Sees at jurank_dankkal ping harish about pre-payments on http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-05-26/apac-fam-biweekly.2012-05-26-03.58.html was wondering if that was done. 05:00:22 <dramsey> eof 05:00:26 <maktrix> tuanta: seems to be money is in good hands. :D 05:00:33 <tuanta> and then, cmpitg, please introduce yourself 05:00:52 <jurank_dankkal> dramsey, yes it done, I already ping harish via email 05:01:08 <tuanta> what done? 05:01:15 <tuanta> the ping or the pre-payment? 05:01:28 <cmpitg> tuanta: Okay, right after this discussion 05:01:43 <jurank_dankkal> harish, will ship the CD n swags to me in early of June 05:02:20 <tuanta> yes, great! so you can have some stuffs, do not need to produce them locally yourself 05:02:26 <dramsey> +1 05:02:34 <dramsey> Thank you all for coming, so now speak freely! 05:02:38 <dramsey> eof 05:02:55 <tuanta> I wonder if it is necessary to update your fudning request ticket too then? 05:02:56 <FranciscoD> ! 05:03:03 <tuanta> FranciscoD, please :) 05:03:06 <dramsey> Yes, Ankur 05:03:14 <tuanta> s/fudning/funding 05:03:21 <FranciscoD> just wanted your views on this: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/classroom/2012-June/thread.html 05:03:26 <FranciscoD> :) 05:03:31 <FranciscoD> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/classroom/2012-June/000273.html 05:03:31 <dramsey> 8-) 05:03:40 <tuanta> great, :) 05:03:57 <bckurera> ! 05:03:59 <FranciscoD> I feel we need to improve the channel of communication between the community and folks looking to contribute 05:04:04 <FranciscoD> so, I'm working on it 05:04:09 <tuanta> +1 FranciscoD 05:04:16 <dramsey> +1 05:04:18 <FranciscoD> still in the infancy, as the thread will tell you :) 05:04:19 <FranciscoD> eof 05:04:23 <dramsey> ! 05:04:37 <tuanta> cmpitg, your turn, I think 05:04:39 <maktrix> +1 FranciscoD 05:04:49 <cmpitg> tuanta: Just a bit more :-) 05:04:50 <cmpitg> ! 05:05:09 <tuanta> hurry up and then give turn to bckurera and dramsey 05:05:22 * bckurera waiting ... :) 05:05:31 <cmpitg> OK. I just want to introduce myself a bit 05:05:42 <cmpitg> My name is Duong Nguyen and I'm from Vietnam 05:05:58 <dramsey> Hi cmpitg :) 05:06:01 <cmpitg> I've just joined Fedora Ambassador more than a week ago 05:06:06 <cmpitg> Hi dramsey :-) 05:06:12 * FranciscoD welcomes cmpitg :) 05:06:18 <tuanta> .fas cmpitg 05:06:19 <zodbot> tuanta: cmpitg '' <cmpitg@gmail.com> 05:06:20 * bckurera I read the user page https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Cmpitg ; welcome to the board ! 05:06:26 <tuanta> .fasinfo cmpitg 05:06:27 <zodbot> tuanta: User: cmpitg, Name: None, email: cmpitg@gmail.com, Creation: 2012-05-22, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: None, Locale: None, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 05:06:30 <cmpitg> Currently, we are having 4 official ambassadors: tuanta, me, nangthang, and Mario Behling 05:06:30 <zodbot> tuanta: Approved Groups: ambassadors cla_fpca cla_done 05:06:48 <cmpitg> Thank you guys :-) 05:07:13 <cmpitg> eof 05:07:32 <tuanta> then bckurera, pleasel then dramsey 05:08:01 <bckurera> As discussed it is good if we can get some contributors to FADs, but we need to make sure the cost is minimal, however we can check with the nearest countries and ask their help, keeping the budget low. 05:08:21 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 05:08:22 <bckurera> however we can discuss those and with the budget left we can have some wonderful FADs around APAC 05:08:46 <tuanta> totally agree 05:08:51 <bckurera> therefore if you need please ask, if possible will definitely support you ! 05:08:52 <bckurera> eof 05:09:24 <tuanta> we have budget for organizing events like FAD; just keep them spent as effective as possible 05:09:29 <bckurera> dramsey please 05:09:40 <dramsey> Notes - arifiauo updated the http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reimbursements page 05:09:48 <dramsey> #action All we should update all upcoming F17 release parties onto wiki 05:10:04 <dramsey> Question - FranciscoD make text agenda draft for next meeting ? 05:10:05 <dramsey> eof 05:10:25 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-06-23 05:10:28 <FranciscoD> hum? 05:10:46 <FranciscoD> alrighty, I'll do it :) 05:10:57 <dan408> FranciscoD for president basically 05:11:02 <dramsey> +1 I remember, someone was to send "text" to you. 05:11:02 <tuanta> :) 05:11:26 <dramsey> Thank you. eof 05:11:36 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD make next meeting agenda 05:11:37 <dramsey> Anything else or end meeting? 05:11:47 <tuanta> no more from me :D 05:11:53 <FranciscoD> please do take a look at the classroom list thread that I've pointed to 05:11:55 <FranciscoD> nothing else 05:12:01 <dan408> hadouken 05:12:02 <dan408> ok im done 05:12:05 <jurank_dankkal> nohing from me 05:12:07 <FranciscoD> :D 05:12:12 <bckurera> another great meeting ! 05:12:14 <dramsey> FranciscoD, want an #info ? 05:12:16 <dramsey> :D 05:12:18 <dramsey> Thank you all for attending. Doing "countdown" just in case... 05:12:34 <FranciscoD> dramsey: it's already in links, :) 05:12:37 <dramsey> +1 05:12:38 <dramsey> 5 05:12:41 <dramsey> 4 05:12:44 <dramsey> 3 05:12:45 <dramsey> 2 05:12:45 <dramsey> 1 05:12:47 <tuanta> FranciscoD: note that we should leave a half an hour for money discussion in next meetings :) 05:12:48 <bckurera> Thanks for your time FAms 05:12:54 <dramsey> 0.5 05:13:02 <dramsey> +1 Tuan, that is why I moved fast.... 05:13:06 <dramsey> #endmeeting