04:00:21 <tuanta_> #startmeeting 04:00:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Nov 22 04:00:21 2014 UTC. The chair is tuanta_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:00:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:00:32 <tuanta_> #meetingname APAC 20141122 04:00:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac_20141122' 04:00:38 <tuanta_> #topic Roll call 04:00:42 <tuanta_> .fas tuanta 04:00:45 <zodbot> tuanta_: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:00:57 <tuanta_> #chair tuanta 04:00:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: tuanta tuanta_ 04:00:59 <banas_> .fas sarupbanskota 04:01:00 <zodbot> banas_: sarupbanskota 'Sarup Banskota' <sbanskota08@gmail.com> - testoid 'testoid' <sarupbanskota@live.in> 04:01:16 <banas_> .fasinfo sarupbanskota 04:01:17 <zodbot> banas_: User: sarupbanskota, Name: Sarup Banskota, email: sbanskota08@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-03-28, IRC Nick: banas, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 04:01:20 <zodbot> banas_: Unapproved Groups: summer-coding 04:01:24 <zodbot> banas_: Approved Groups: ambassadors designteam cla_done cla_fpca 04:01:32 <tuanta> #chair banas_ 04:01:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ tuanta tuanta_ 04:01:37 <banas_> although I have to leave in half an hour, I have a train to catch :) 04:01:40 <tuanta> #unchair tuanta_ 04:01:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ tuanta tuanta_ 04:01:54 <tuanta> banas_, that's alright 04:03:10 <tuanta> #info Topic FAD recap: Event Priority 04:03:22 <tuanta> #info Topic Upcoming F21 Release Parties 04:03:42 <tuanta> #info Topic Media production with EMEA 04:03:49 <tuanta> #info Topic Tickets 04:04:03 <pravins> hi all 04:04:13 <tuanta> #info Topic Announcements 04:04:17 <tuanta> #chair pravins 04:04:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ pravins tuanta tuanta_ 04:04:20 <tuanta> hi pravins 04:04:22 <banas_> tuanta: if it's not a problem, could my ticket be tickets before half an hour? I have attached all the info, but if there are any questions, I can answer that way :) 04:04:25 <pravins> hi tuanta :) 04:04:27 <banas_> hi pravins :) 04:04:38 <banas_> *discussed 04:04:39 <pravins> hi banas_ :) 04:04:47 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 04:04:49 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 04:05:50 <tuanta> #chair gnokii 04:05:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ gnokii pravins tuanta tuanta_ 04:05:57 <gnokii> tuanta: can you ping me when you need something from me, I listen in but I am in the middle of the fedora join workshop 04:06:07 <tuanta> lets move on now 04:06:20 <tuanta> #topic Announcements 04:06:46 <tuanta> #info Council election is running 04:07:01 * pravins voted 04:07:04 <tuanta> please cast your vote asap 04:07:14 * tuanta has done too :) 04:07:55 <tuanta> #the first APAC FAD has been finished 04:08:05 <tuanta> #info the first APAC FAD has been finished 04:08:08 * banas_ wants to read the interviews they listed while on train today 04:08:21 <tuanta> please check out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014#Purpose for more information 04:08:51 <tuanta> #topic Tickets 04:09:40 <tuanta> we do this at first for banas_. He needs to leave the meeting sooner for a train 04:09:47 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/161 04:09:49 <banas_> yep, thanks! 04:10:14 <pravins> tuanta: sure 04:10:17 <banas_> I have all the info listed on the comments/my blog/report, but if there are any questions, I'm here :) 04:10:42 <tuanta> banas_, I saw your report. that event was interesting 04:11:23 <tuanta> how much did you spend for it? 04:11:27 <banas_> yep, although I would have loved to see more technical contributors interested, I found few who'd like to contribute to badges 04:11:32 <banas_> tuanta: 40usd 04:11:38 <rtnpro> Hi all 04:11:39 <banas_> approx 04:11:41 <tuanta> #chair zsun 04:11:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ gnokii pravins tuanta tuanta_ zsun 04:11:42 <zsun> sorry for being late 04:11:43 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 04:11:45 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 04:11:47 <tuanta> #chair rtnpro 04:11:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ gnokii pravins rtnpro tuanta tuanta_ zsun 04:11:48 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsu 04:11:49 <zodbot> zsun: Sorry, but you don't exist 04:11:52 <banas_> hi zsun, hi rtnpro 04:11:57 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsun 04:12:00 <rtnpro> banas_, Hi 04:12:35 <pravins> hi zsun rtnpro :) 04:12:44 <rtnpro> pravins, Heya 04:12:58 <tuanta> banas_, your event has not been listed in the budget plan. however, the expense was not much and results seem really impressed 04:13:57 <banas_> yep, I'm sorry about the impromptu nature of the event. although we did adjust some during the hanoi meetup, 100$ 04:14:08 <tuanta> I'd love to support you. however, next times, please put it into the budget plan and do preparation for it much sooner 04:14:30 <tuanta> banas_, I remember 04:14:34 <tuanta> voting? 04:14:44 <banas_> yep, I will : 04:14:45 <banas_> :) 04:14:46 <tuanta> or any questions? 04:15:17 <tuanta> zsun, pravins rtnpro gnokii: any questions? 04:15:23 <pravins> banas_: did you sen event report on Ambassador mailing list? 04:15:24 <rtnpro> tuanta, nope 04:15:36 * zsun will not vote since still reading the log 04:15:52 <banas_> pravins: um, let me check :) 04:16:21 <banas_> yep, I did pravins. 04:16:29 <pravins> banas_: great, thanks :) 04:16:32 <tuanta> banas_, one more thing: please re-scan all receipts into a PDF file (a strict rule which help izhar much) 04:16:54 <banas_> alright, I'll do it once I'm back - maybe in 2 days or so? 04:17:05 <tuanta> ok, banas_ 04:17:22 <tuanta> +1 from me 04:17:23 <pravins> tuanta: looks good to me. 04:17:41 <pravins> +! 04:17:44 <pravins> +1 04:17:59 <tuanta> rtnpro, zsun, gnokii ? 04:18:06 <tuanta> and banas_, of course. 04:18:11 * zsun +1 04:18:13 <rtnpro> +1 04:18:18 <banas_> oh, I get to vote? +1 04:18:47 <tuanta> #agreed Support for Coimbatore Contribution Camp, APAC ticket #161 04:19:16 <tuanta> #topic FAD recap: Event Priority 04:19:21 <banas_> thank you :) 04:19:36 <tuanta> #undo 04:19:36 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x19318c50> 04:19:36 <hanthana> .fas snavin 04:19:37 <zodbot> hanthana: snavin 'Danishka Navin' <danishka@gmail.com> 04:19:57 <tuanta> #action banas_ to update all the receipts in a PDF file 04:20:00 <tuanta> #topic FAD recap: Event Priority 04:20:05 <tuanta> #chair hanthana 04:20:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas_ gnokii hanthana pravins rtnpro tuanta tuanta_ zsun 04:20:05 <banas_> yep, I will. 04:20:23 <banas_> I'll stay for another 10 minutes, and then leave 04:20:46 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014/events 04:20:55 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/163 04:21:21 <tuanta> during the FAD last weekend, we made this list of events and estimated budget for each 04:22:32 <tuanta> the total budget, however, is a bit high and it is not easy to protect for. OSAS may cut it down during the budget allocation phase (next January) 04:23:35 <tuanta> so we need to set priority for each then in that case, we will see how to adjust the budget for each (cut some low priority events out, or reduce their budget, etc.) 04:23:42 <tuanta> that's the idea 04:23:50 <tuanta> any comments? 04:24:22 <pravins> tuanta: i think we can also track quarterly and see if any event not happening or if we are saving budget we can use it for upcoming. 04:24:26 <hanthana> + we should look for impact from the event 04:25:13 <tuanta> pravins, that would be nice, but it is in running phase, not in planning phase 04:25:21 <hanthana> no just amount of attendees but are they really in to IT, will they join Fedora as contributors or we can icrease user base 04:25:34 <hanthana> s/icrease/increase 04:25:40 <alick> .hellomynameis alick 04:25:41 <zodbot> alick: alick 'Zhao Tao' <alick9188@gmail.com> 04:25:45 <tuanta> #chair alick 04:25:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: alick banas_ gnokii hanthana pravins rtnpro tuanta tuanta_ zsun 04:25:47 <zsun> hi alick 04:25:55 <pravins> tuanta: is it? i see events are reported from "March 13-15th 2015 " on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014/events 04:26:12 <pravins> might be i am missing something. 04:26:13 <tuanta> alick, we are talking about setting priority for each events we estimated during FAD 04:26:49 <tuanta> pravins, the fiscal year 2016 is starting from March 2015 04:27:04 <tuanta> to Feb 2016 04:27:23 <tuanta> pravins, is that your question? 04:27:34 <banas_> seems like an interesting discussion - we should track how many contributors ended up sticking post event and consider that when assigning priorities, over anything else, imo. 04:27:46 <tuanta> that list is our next FY events 04:27:51 <pravins> tuanta: yes. thanks. :) 04:27:53 <tuanta> pravins, make sense? 04:27:54 <alick> tuanta: +1 for the idea 04:28:01 <banas_> anyway, i gotta run now! so I'll see you all soon :) bye! 04:28:13 <rtnpro> tuanta, I have a question 04:28:42 <tuanta> so please check out my proposed priorities and comment on the Trac ticket 04:28:47 <tuanta> rtnpro, go ahead 04:28:49 <rtnpro> tuanta, we are now holding Fedora meetups in Bangalore, on a monthly basis 04:28:53 <pravins> tuanta: do you want to open up ticket? i.e. criteria for comparing two event while providing budget? 04:29:13 <rtnpro> tuanta, we don't need any funding for such meetups 04:29:19 <tuanta> pravins, no. please comment all to the ticket #163 04:29:26 <pravins> tuanta: sure 04:29:37 <rtnpro> tuanta, where should I add those meetup events in the wiki? 04:29:43 <tuanta> rtnpro, you can list them onto the wiki as well 04:29:51 <rtnpro> tuanta, ok 04:29:52 <tuanta> with comments 04:30:37 <tuanta> have you got any ideas at this moment about my proposed priority? 04:31:00 <hanthana> I just post here :) 04:31:33 <tuanta> hanthana, where is here? 04:32:04 <tuanta> please do not edit that page directly. it would make it more confused at this time 04:32:13 <hanthana> we should look for impact from the event. not just amount of attendees but are they really in to IT, will they join Fedora as contributors or we can increase user base 04:32:27 <hanthana> tuanta, ^ 04:34:07 <tuanta> hanthana, we did that during FAD 04:34:44 <tuanta> now is time for making decision to set priority for each event (which we missed out during FAD) 04:34:59 <alick> tuanta: i just skimmed it and it looks good to me 04:35:12 <tuanta> thanks alick 04:35:21 <alick> tuanta: but maybe not everyone have seen it? 04:35:38 <pravins> tuanta: aha you have provided priority there. 04:35:42 <tuanta> should we let to make decision in the next meeting? 04:35:55 <pravins> tuanta: will be very helpful, if you document on what basis you have provided priority. 04:36:22 <alick> tuanta: yes, better give people some more time. (but anyway set a deadline) 04:36:30 <tuanta> pravins, that discussed during FAD. we will need to add more notes 04:36:32 <zsun> tuanta: just went through the priority and I think it is fine with me. 04:36:43 <zsun> alick: +1 since it is a long table 04:37:34 <tuanta> so we will let 2 more weeks to discuss on that then make the decision in the next meeting 04:37:43 <tuanta> is it fair enough? 04:38:00 <hanthana> +1 04:38:03 <pravins> tuanta: also one whether priorities are in ascending or descending order? :) (1 means high or low) 04:38:08 <alick> tuanta: and we can calculate the budget of priority 1 events, pri 1&2, and so on. 04:38:15 * pravins just trying to make it more clear 04:38:17 <tuanta> pravins, 1 is highest 04:38:42 <tuanta> #info 1 is the highest priority in that events list 04:39:04 <tuanta> +1 alick. good idea 04:39:27 <hanthana> can you add this information above the table in the wiki. 04:39:49 <tuanta> hanthana, ok. I will 04:40:26 <tuanta> #action everyone to checkout the priority on events list, and add more ideas, comments to the Trac ticket to discuss 04:40:43 <pravins> tuanta: looks good. 04:40:54 <tuanta> #idea then we will make the final decision in the next meeting 04:41:03 <tuanta> thanks all :) 04:41:20 <tuanta> #topic Topic Upcoming F21 Release Parties 04:41:25 <tuanta> #undo 04:41:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0xf612c50> 04:41:30 <tuanta> #topic Upcoming F21 Release Parties 04:41:40 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2014-November/023000.html 04:41:58 <tuanta> you may all read this notification from FAmSCo? 04:42:09 <tuanta> the release date is so close now 04:42:18 <tuanta> so please prepare for your release parties 04:42:19 <pravins> tuanta: yes, Jiri announced last week. 04:42:20 <zsun> yes. And I raised this out in Chinese our meeting yesterday 04:42:35 <zsun> s/Chinese our/Chinese 04:43:11 <tuanta> please make sure to create your event page, add it into RP events list and ask for fund 04:43:15 <tuanta> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F21_release_events 04:43:27 <pravins> tuanta: i am trying to host one in Mumbai (me AT pune 200km from Mumbai) 04:43:40 <tuanta> the budget limit for each release party is $100 as usual 04:43:47 <tuanta> cool, pravins 04:43:51 <tuanta> and zsun 04:43:59 <pravins> so, i would like to travel from Pune to Mumbai with 4-5 contrbutors 04:44:01 <tuanta> we will have one in Hanoi too :) 04:44:23 <tuanta> there are no ambassadors in Mumbai? 04:44:29 <rtnpro> We are going to have one in Bangalore, as well :) 04:44:39 <hanthana> we have one in Singapore 04:44:41 <pravins> tuanta: AFAIK no one is there 04:44:57 <pravins> but it will require additional budget for travel (around INR4000 = $70 ) 04:45:05 <tuanta> pravins, rtnpro: please estimate the budget. Note that, normally, budget limit is $100 04:45:12 <tuanta> #info the budget limit for each release party is $100 as usual 04:45:12 <pravins> is it possible to get that? 04:45:21 <hanthana> most probably Sri Lanka RP on early Feb 04:45:21 <rtnpro> t 04:45:38 <rtnpro> tuanta, that's ok :) 04:45:52 <tuanta> hanthana, normally, release party should be in a month after release date 04:46:15 <alick> zsun: relparty in Beijing scheduled in late December, can you confirm? 04:46:38 <hanthana> there are some difficulties for us do it within a month 04:46:40 <tuanta> however, it would be fine to make it further because it is our first tiem to make three flavors: Workstation, Server and Cloud 04:46:44 <hanthana> I hope you understand 04:46:46 <zsun> alick: I will talk with you in details after I am back in Beijing 04:47:09 <zsun> And I still have not add it to wiki now 04:47:25 <hanthana> I will organize Sri Lanka event within a month if you pay my travel from Singapore to Sri Lanka :) 04:47:38 <tuanta> hanthana, me? no way? 04:47:47 <hanthana> lol :D 04:47:51 <tuanta> :D 04:47:53 <pravins> hanthana: that is what tuanta saying budget is $100 :) 04:48:15 <hanthana> that's why I said early Feb 04:48:29 <tuanta> anything else for release parties? 04:48:41 <pravins> but at any way we must celebrate this Fedora release fullest. 04:48:45 <tuanta> you all understand the process? 04:49:17 <pravins> its Fedora release almost after one year 04:49:22 <tuanta> if you need any further support, please do not hesitate to ping me on IRC or drop me an email 04:49:28 <pravins> last was on "2013-12-17 " 04:50:02 <tuanta> +1 pravins. That's alos a good reason to make more release parties later han a month as usual 04:50:08 <hanthana> tuanta, thanks bro! 04:50:13 <tuanta> s/han/than 04:50:21 <tuanta> hanthana, you are welcome 04:50:27 <hanthana> :) 04:50:31 <tuanta> next topic? 04:51:22 <pravins> tuanta: yes 04:51:31 <tuanta> #action everyone to prepare for Fedora 21 release parties 04:51:33 <tuanta> #topic Media production with EMEA 04:52:34 <tuanta> this topic has been discussed during the last FAD 04:52:38 <tuanta> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-fad/2014-11-16/fedora-fad.2014-11-16-03.57.log.html#l-23 04:53:11 <tuanta> Jiri dropped me an email to ask if APAC would like to produce media together with EMEA 04:54:01 <tuanta> producing it in mass (say 6,000 instead of 3,000) would make the price down 04:54:10 <tuanta> (per each DVD) 04:54:55 <tuanta> then gnokii can help us to send all of them to a central location in APAC to distribute to all other countris 04:54:56 <pravins> agree !! 04:55:01 <zsun> it would be a good idea for DVD. But still, difficult to post to mainland China maybe 04:55:47 <tuanta> we need to make 2 decisions: producing with EMEA (Yes/No) and how many DVDs would we need? 04:56:07 <tuanta> zsun, it is not easy here, in Vietnam :( 04:56:43 <zsun> tuanta: If it is decided,I may try to communicate with Red Hat Beijing to see if there is any solution 04:57:00 <tuanta> it is not easy to send it via postal. but it fine enough to take it back from an event 04:57:10 <tuanta> zsun, good idea 04:57:20 <pravins> tuanta: normally the DVD forecast can be done based on last 4 years numbers. 04:57:45 <pravins> do we have number of DVD's used in last few years? 04:57:50 <hanthana> do we have numbers? 04:57:51 <tuanta> pravins, actually, we do not have that number 04:57:59 <hanthana> i meant how much each community required? 04:58:13 <tuanta> we have about 8-10 countries (active, I meant) 04:58:26 <tuanta> so I think 2,000 is fine enough 04:58:41 <pravins> tuanta: at least how many we manufactured last year or before that? 04:59:06 <tuanta> pravins, we have never done central production for DVD 04:59:17 <hanthana> Harish will be producing them and currently we are planning to add an QR code that point to fedora.sg (to be create content) 04:59:24 <tuanta> in the past, each country did it themselves 04:59:28 <pravins> great, at least we are starting from this year :) 04:59:32 <hanthana> but earlier he use to point fedoraproject.org 04:59:35 <tuanta> +1 pravins 04:59:39 <zsun> I am even not sure if 2,000 is enough for whole apac. 04:59:56 <pravins> if we start counting from the number of events 05:00:17 <pravins> say for each event 100 or as per expected audience. Guess from audience. It can help 05:00:18 <tuanta> hanthana, I remember that we agreed to put all DVD in Red Hat Singapore office to make it easier to distribute, right? 05:00:21 <zsun> maybe we can ask each community to calculate and sum up next meeting? 05:00:45 <tuanta> pravins, so, maybe 3,000. We should try then fix it 05:01:15 <tuanta> zsun, Jiri is preparing to produce it. he needs our answer by Monday 05:01:16 <hanthana> producing them under Red Hat Singapore or Red Hat pune office will help to distribute them under RH's cost 05:01:40 <zsun> tuanta: Woo. Ok 05:02:04 <alick> tuanta: Jiri means F21 DVDs? 05:02:06 <pravins> hanthana: are you sure RH bears cost for distributing media? 05:02:08 <tuanta> we are all agree to produce it together with EMEA? 05:02:12 <tuanta> alick, yes 05:02:41 <hanthana> pravins, as I remember sidesh also confirm this 05:02:43 <tuanta> pravins, EMEA doing hat in RH office 05:02:48 <tuanta> s/hat/that 05:02:52 <alick> tuanta: ahh, I don't think we discuss F21 DVDs at FAD, 05:02:56 <pravins> in that case, it is niceee :) 05:03:02 <tuanta> alick, http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-fad/2014-11-16/fedora-fad.2014-11-16-03.57.log.html#l-23 05:03:09 <alick> since F21 is currently fiscal year. 05:03:24 <tuanta> yes, we did, alick 05:03:32 <hanthana> but one thing, Harish is too busy and we should check with him. we may meet again on next week 05:03:43 <tuanta> we can start it this year 05:03:58 <tuanta> using this year budget 05:04:23 <tuanta> ok, we will decide that location to put it later 05:04:26 <alick> tuanta: then do we have a way and enough time to distribute them? 05:05:01 <alick> I do not remember we discussed how to ship them from EMEA to APAC... 05:05:03 <tuanta> now we should focus on producing it with EMEA and how many of them 05:05:19 <zsun> tuanta alick, If for F21 Rel party, for mainland China I prefer to ask Red Hat Beijing for help receive that directly 05:05:31 <tuanta> alick, Jiri will send them to gnokii, then gnokii send to us 05:06:01 <tuanta> zsun, it may not in time for all release parties, but it is still fine for all other events 05:06:11 <zsun> tuanta: ok 05:06:17 <tuanta> hi hanthana 05:06:19 <pravins> tuanta: for release parties we need to find some alternative. 05:06:21 <tuanta> sorry :) 05:06:21 <alick> tuanta: ok, i see, but I prefer to do it from the next fiscal year. 05:06:23 <tuanta> hi harish 05:06:26 <hanthana> hi tuanta 05:06:41 <hanthana> hi harish :) 05:06:41 <alick> F21 is quite close. 05:06:41 <pravins> Release party is the time when most of the people want to update with new release. 05:06:44 <tuanta> alick, F21 media is also for next FY events 05:06:56 <harish> hi 05:06:58 <tuanta> the next release date (for F22) maybe in the middle of 2015 05:07:06 <harish> hi tuanta hanthana 05:07:26 <tuanta> harish, we are talking about how to distribute DVD in APAC 05:07:28 <hanthana> harish, is it possible to produce over 2000 DVDs from RH Singapore? 05:07:46 <harish> 2000? may be tricky. 1000 should be possible. 05:07:54 <tuanta> for cheaper cost, we can produce them in EMEA (together with them) 05:07:57 <alick> tuanta: i see your point. but I do have concerns 05:08:00 <harish> i will need to check the cost differential. 05:08:08 <tuanta> then send it to a central location in APAC 05:08:17 <hanthana> ok, what if RH Singapore take care of few countries? 05:08:26 <alick> tuanta: gnokii mentioned the contract between China and ASEAN countries, but it is effective starting next year. 05:08:32 <hanthana> while RH India/Beijin handle rest? 05:08:59 <tuanta> alick, it would not solve our issue, IMHO 05:09:35 <hanthana> if we need 2000 this can be handle by two different RH office 05:09:47 <tuanta> harish, making them together with EMEA would make it much cheaper 05:09:49 <harish> i can send a bunch to RH India (perhaps in Bangalore) and to RH China (perhaps Beijing) and get the media sent out from there. let me see if there are "customs" issues for internal company transfer 05:09:51 <alick> tuanta: yes, so it might incur issues shipping from like Singapore to China 05:10:35 <alick> that's my concern 05:10:42 <hanthana> harish, Sidesh may try to get it done from RH Pune office for India but we should double check 05:10:43 <tuanta> harish, we are planning a lot of events next year then we can distribute it directly to each person 05:10:47 <alick> harish: thx for helping to check that! 05:10:55 <harish> alick, if i do a rh singapore -> rh china perhaps things will be slightly easier. 05:11:11 <zsun> harish: I think so as well 05:11:20 <tuanta> +1 harish. I think so too 05:11:30 <alick> harish: yes, just to make sure 05:11:47 <tuanta> so it's time to make decision. Do you all agree to make it together with EMEA? 05:11:51 <harish> i just need someone to pick stuff up in rh china (in beijing) 05:12:05 <harish> how many is EMEA making? 05:12:09 <tuanta> +1 from me 05:12:15 <tuanta> 3,000 05:12:18 <zsun> harish: I will communicate with guys there for this 05:12:33 <harish> zsun, in rh beijing i assume. 05:12:35 <tuanta> and we can make it additional 3,000, I think 05:12:52 <harish> so emea will make 6000? 05:12:58 <harish> 3000 for us? 05:13:07 <tuanta> then EMEA guy can send all to Singapore office. harish will send 1,000 to India, 1,000 to China, something like that 05:13:15 <tuanta> harish, yes 05:13:21 <harish> that'll be dandy. 05:13:22 <hanthana> cost of producing EMEA may expensive :( 05:13:25 <tuanta> any other idea? 05:13:54 <hanthana> EMEA > RH SG and RH India 05:14:13 <tuanta> hanthana, it is not. let me check on the ticket 05:14:15 <harish> who in emea is doing this? 05:14:29 <tuanta> harish, Jiri. he is asking me 05:14:37 <harish> ok. 05:14:42 <tuanta> he needs confirmation by Mondya 05:14:48 <hanthana> oh 05:14:56 <harish> check with Jiri if he can make more and ship them to me. 05:15:11 <harish> if not, I can do some here. 05:15:13 <tuanta> hanthana, he has sent that email since FAD 05:15:50 <tuanta> harish, he asked me if we want to do with him. he will make more then send to APAC 05:16:18 <harish> perfect if he can do so. 05:16:29 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/422 05:16:48 <tuanta> hanthana, that is the EMEA ticket for producing media 05:17:18 <tuanta> you can see, it is much cheaper for more media 05:17:33 <tuanta> that's why Jiri asked us if we would like to join 05:17:41 <hanthana> then lets do from EMEA 05:17:52 <tuanta> +1 from me (already) 05:17:56 <hanthana> +1 05:17:57 <tuanta> any more vote? 05:18:02 <harish> +1 05:18:04 <zsun> tuanta: I have concern 05:18:22 <tuanta> zsun, please say it out 05:18:22 <zsun> It is not so cheap IMO 05:18:48 <tuanta> zsun, how much does it cost in China? 05:19:05 <hanthana> harish, feel free to let me know if you need a help on redistributing them :) 05:19:08 <tuanta> it is a good quality DVD, with sleeve 05:19:22 <tuanta> harish, how much does it cost in Singapore? 05:19:27 <harish> hanthana, sure. where are you based in? 05:19:30 <tuanta> +1 hanthana 05:19:40 <hanthana> .fas snavin 05:19:41 <zodbot> hanthana: snavin 'Danishka Navin' <danishka@gmail.com> 05:19:49 <zsun> if it is printed, CNY 2/pcs for 100pcs. And additional about CNY 2/pcs for 100 cover. But not sure if the quality is as good as EMEA ones. 05:19:56 <harish> :-) 05:19:58 <tuanta> harish, hanthana stays under the Merlion :) 05:19:59 <hanthana> harish Singapore lah 05:20:17 <tuanta> zsun, USD please 05:20:19 <alick> zsun: it is cheap with sleeves to me 05:20:57 <harish> hanthana, ok lah 05:21:01 <zsun> alick: Oh, so I may calculated wrong? 05:21:21 <tuanta> how much, in USD, zsun? 05:21:22 <hanthana> you should count not just production cost in China but, packing, TAX and postage cost 05:21:33 <tuanta> +1 hanthana 05:21:41 <alick> looking at 5000pcs, total is $0.34+0.22=0.56 05:21:58 <tuanta> alick, it is more expensive than in EMEA 05:22:04 <tuanta> $.36 05:22:16 <tuanta> ah, sorry 05:22:45 <hanthana> I can visit one day to RH Singapore office and help to harish to redistribute them 05:22:49 <zsun> tuanta: since we need to make a conclusion, I think I will give a conditional +1 and then calculate more clearly and let others know later 05:23:06 <tuanta> I don't think we need booklet cover 05:23:11 <hanthana> when we suppose to receive them from EMEA? 05:23:43 <tuanta> hanthana, less than a week after it done in EMEA, I think so 05:23:50 <hanthana> cool 05:23:59 <tuanta> I need to check this with gnokii and Jiri 05:24:09 <tuanta> so, voting? :) 05:24:19 <tuanta> just 2 "+1" 05:24:45 <tuanta> zsun, alick, harish, rtnpro, pravins 05:24:54 <tuanta> your opinion? 05:24:56 * zsun +1 for the moment 05:24:57 <pravins> +1 from me. 05:24:59 <alick> zsun: how you calculate it? 05:25:05 <harish> +1 05:25:26 <zsun> alick: I will ask for vendor to see what the price will be for 1000/2000/3000 etc. 05:25:28 <tuanta> #agreed producing DVDs together with EMEA 05:25:53 <pravins> tuanta: my question is how can we get media for release parties? it should be done locally for some smaller quantities 05:26:03 <tuanta> #action tuanta to answer to Jiri and comfirm him the time 05:26:04 <pravins> and release party is time when most of the users expect media. 05:26:14 <tuanta> pravins, yes 05:26:34 <tuanta> I mentioned that before :) 05:26:39 <zsun> #action zsun contact with RH Beijing to see if they can help receive the DVDs 05:26:47 <alick> pravins: i think with EMEA they ask for swags before they want to hold relparty. tuanta can you confirm? 05:27:06 <tuanta> correct, alick 05:27:25 <tuanta> but we have not got a central store for swags in APAC now 05:27:34 <tuanta> we will make it 05:27:53 <rtnpro> +1 05:28:11 <tuanta> and the number is 3,000, right? 05:28:52 <tuanta> #info the number of DVDs produced in EMEA is 3,000 05:28:55 <hanthana> will EMEA produce swags for us or we do our own? 05:29:17 <tuanta> hanthana, we can do it in EMEA too 05:29:29 <tuanta> the more quantity, the cheaper price 05:29:48 <tuanta> I will send that question to Jiri and Sirko too 05:30:09 <tuanta> #action tuanta to ask Jiri and Sirko if we can produce swags together (EMEA and APAC) 05:30:18 <tuanta> that's all today? 05:30:24 <tuanta> #topic Open Floor 05:30:38 <tuanta> too many important stuffs today 05:30:50 <tuanta> sorry for the late meeting :) 05:31:06 <tuanta> any more things to discuss? 05:31:10 <tuanta> nope from me 05:31:31 <pravins> tuanta: can you take care for reimbursment for https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/151 ? 05:32:10 <tuanta> pravins, it has been marked as ready-for-reimbursement and assigned to izhar 05:32:18 <pravins> tuanta: great 05:32:19 <tuanta> now you need to wait for him 05:32:20 <pravins> thanks a lot :) 05:32:34 <tuanta> I will end the meeting in a minute 05:32:50 <zsun> tuanta: I hear from Beijing LUG that Ubuntu community in China always have difficulties in receiving swags. So I think we need to figure out which is the best way to distribute swags for each country 05:32:58 <zsun> before actually sending it 05:33:08 <hanthana> my point is if we produce both DVD and swags together in EMEA it might easy to handle 05:33:26 <tuanta> zsun, we are trying a new way: from RH Singapore to RH Beijing 05:33:35 <tuanta> +1 hanthana 05:33:42 <zsun> Oh, ok. This may work better. 05:33:55 <tuanta> zsun, harish is doing it 05:34:14 <zsun> thanks harish. IMO, RH Beijing is trying to involve Fedora community these days 05:34:24 <hanthana> great! 05:34:24 <harish> zsun, yes i am aware 05:34:30 <zsun> s/involve/involve in/ 05:35:00 <zsun> I do not have more issue now. 05:35:15 <hanthana> :) 05:38:05 <tuanta> #endmeeting