20:09:50 <jzb> #startmeeting 20:09:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 26 20:09:50 2014 UTC. The chair is jzb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:09:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:09:54 <jzb> just in case 20:10:17 <jzb> #topic F21 composes 20:10:42 <jzb> #info looks like there is a TC4 for Atomic 20:10:47 <jzb> #link http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21-Alpha-TC4/Cloud/Images/x86_64/ 20:11:07 <nirik> and i686 too. ;) 20:11:12 <nirik> FWIW 20:12:16 <jzb> nirik: thanks 20:12:16 <nirik> yeah, hopefully with TC5 there will be a wide announcement to test. 20:12:34 <jzb> nirik: can I put that down as an action? 20:13:05 <nirik> sure, but TC5 could have some other problem... but as soon as we have something fully viable it will get announced. 20:13:12 <jzb> sounds good 20:13:44 <jzb> #action nirik when we have a viable Atomic TC nirik will make sure it's announced. 20:14:02 * nirik nods 20:14:12 <jzb> #action jzb once we have a viable Atomic TC jzb will try to arrange a test day 20:14:30 <jzb> nirik: anything else from rel-eng? 20:14:31 <dustymabe> jzb: an atomic test day? 20:14:38 <jzb> dustymabe: yuppers 20:14:48 <jzb> dustymabe: I see what you did there. 20:15:01 <dustymabe> jzb: :) 20:15:19 <dustymabe> jzb: so that won't happen to be on the same day as rdo/cloud 20:15:28 <dustymabe> assuming we have one of those? 20:15:41 <jzb> dustymabe: maybe, maybe not. Slightly different groups, I expect. 20:15:56 * jzb wonders if we could get a public facing set of servers to spin up RDO then test Atomic ... hmmm. 20:16:47 <jzb> dustymabe: any items to report / discuss this week? 20:17:22 <dustymabe> jzb: not really. I have some items for cloud that I am working with number80 on. Waiting on him to send me some info for that 20:17:26 <dustymabe> jzb: nothing atomic specific 20:18:13 <jzb> dustymabe: OK 20:18:15 <jzb> thanks 20:18:17 <dustymabe> jzb: if we want to do a test day we should probably work out some test cases for people to run through 20:18:47 <jzb> do we have any test case templates? 20:19:20 <dustymabe> jzb: not that I am aware of.. but I don't know much :) 20:21:00 <jzb> #action jzb research test case possibilities for Atomic 20:21:07 <jzb> oddshocks: anything to report this week? 20:21:54 <nirik> he's moving, so likely not around... 20:22:04 <nirik> but should be back later this week I think 20:22:24 <jzb> nirik: ah, thanks 20:22:56 <nirik> I hope to get with him when he's back and get setup so fedimg can upload to our fedora infrastructure cloud... 20:22:59 <jzb> OK, I just got back from LinuxCon last week + about 4 weeks of solid travel right before that 20:23:03 <jzb> so I've got nothin 20:23:18 <nirik> :) 20:23:28 <dustymabe> jzb: glad to have you back.. hoping to watch your pres from linuxcon soon 20:23:41 <jzb> dustymabe: were they recorded? 20:23:47 <jzb> dustymabe: I didn't see any cameras. 20:23:50 <dustymabe> I thought so.. could be wrong 20:24:02 <jzb> dustymabe: I wrote up my package talk, but I don't recall it being video'ed 20:24:17 <dustymabe> got it.. that should be good enough then 20:24:35 <jzb> #topic any new business? 20:24:48 <jzb> any new business we need to discuss? If not, I move we all go do productive things. 20:26:24 <stickster> jzb: Argh, I missed the meeting ping, apologies. Also, oddshocks is getting his internet set up at his new apt. in SEA. 20:26:46 <jzb> stickster: OK 20:26:52 <jzb> stickster: A little jealous... but OK 20:26:53 * stickster sees nirik was here, thanks for covering. 20:26:57 * jzb loves SEA 20:27:00 <nirik> no worries. ;) 20:27:26 <jzb> alrighty - well, I think we're good to go for this week. 20:27:33 <jzb> stickster: anything to add? 20:28:10 <stickster> jzb: I did ask oddshocks to check in with walters + and on list now that he's settling in 20:28:20 <stickster> Other than that, nothing substantial from me. Typical PHB. 20:29:13 <jzb> Groovy 20:29:18 <jzb> OK, have a spiffy week all! 20:29:20 <jzb> #endmeeting