#atomic Meeting
Meeting started by jzb at 18:02:06 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- dgilmore is short on time today due to F21
release tasks leftover, will have to defer to next week (stickster,
- Compose scripts (stickster, 18:16:17)
- Fedora mainline compose scripts don't have the
capability to be run locally; tools are the same, but configuration
may not allow someone to actually make images (stickster,
- highest priority goal is a cloud image that
boots in at least KVM and OpenStack and an ostree repo with a
mirrorlist that we can pull updates from (stickster,
- ACTION: jzb figure
out who's got the ball with mirrormanager. (jzb,
- ACTION: oddshocks
will look into Mirrormanager changes and report back (jzb,
- jzb thanks oddshocks profusely (jzb,
- ACTION: oddshocks to
send note to cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org when AMIs are
ready (jzb,
Meeting ended at 18:51:34 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jzb figure out who's got the ball with mirrormanager.
- oddshocks will look into Mirrormanager changes and report back
- oddshocks to send note to cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org when AMIs are ready
Action items, by person
- jzb
- jzb figure out who's got the ball with mirrormanager.
- oddshocks
- oddshocks will look into Mirrormanager changes and report back
- oddshocks to send note to cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org when AMIs are ready
People present (lines said)
- stickster (42)
- walters (29)
- jzb (27)
- dgilmore (22)
- oddshocks (15)
- smooge (6)
- geppetto (5)
- centbot (4)
- zodbot (4)
- jbrooks (1)
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