#fedora-meeting: Board (2014-10-06)
Meeting started by mattdm at 17:00:43 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Welcomes, hellos, etc. (mattdm, 17:00:49)
- Agenda (mattdm, 17:06:46)
- https://fedorahosted.org/board/ticket/12
- Is consensus process adequately described? (mattdm, 17:09:18)
- ACTION: mattdm to
update draft to clarify that lack of consensus is negative votes
(esp in the context of the deadlock scenario) (mattdm,
- ACTION: mattdm to add
that any project member can ask for lazy consensus to be extended to
full consensus if they have a concern (mattdm,
- Term limits? (mattdm, 17:51:26)
- ACTION: mattdm to
remove six-month "cooloff" period from elected seats (mattdm,
- Selection of area-representative seats (particularly outreach) (mattdm, 17:53:48)
- we agree to engage FAmSCo now to handle this
election but those of us who are interested in broader outreach
leadership can pursue it (mattdm,
- Minor: change order as gholms suggests? (mattdm, 18:02:39)
- Other? (mattdm, 18:05:54)
- diversity advisor (mattdm, 18:06:41)
- Next steps! (mattdm, 18:16:53)
- ACTION: mattdm to
make ticket for board vote by Wednesday. (mattdm,
- ACTION: inode0 to
(attempt) to write general broad announcement of coming
change (mattdm,
Meeting ended at 18:26:11 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mattdm to update draft to clarify that lack of consensus is negative votes (esp in the context of the deadlock scenario)
- mattdm to add that any project member can ask for lazy consensus to be extended to full consensus if they have a concern
- mattdm to remove six-month "cooloff" period from elected seats
- mattdm to make ticket for board vote by Wednesday.
- inode0 to (attempt) to write general broad announcement of coming change
Action items, by person
- inode0
- inode0 to (attempt) to write general broad announcement of coming change
- mattdm
- mattdm to update draft to clarify that lack of consensus is negative votes (esp in the context of the deadlock scenario)
- mattdm to add that any project member can ask for lazy consensus to be extended to full consensus if they have a concern
- mattdm to remove six-month "cooloff" period from elected seats
- mattdm to make ticket for board vote by Wednesday.
People present (lines said)
- mattdm (141)
- number80 (48)
- inode0 (44)
- jwb (37)
- gholms (21)
- cwickert (17)
- yn1v (15)
- zodbot (7)
- misc (4)
- jreznik (2)
- mjg59 (0)
- Sparks (0)
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