15:00:09 <AdamW> #startmeeting Bugzappers 2010-07-27 15:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 27 15:00:09 2010 UTC. The chair is AdamW. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:36 <AdamW> #meetingname bugzappers 15:01:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'bugzappers' 15:01:39 <AdamW> #topic gathering 15:01:43 <AdamW> morning folks, how's it going? 15:01:50 <AdamW> sorry i'm a bit slow, multitasking 15:02:43 <j_dulaney> I've decided to see how things are on the Bugzappers side, just trying to expand my Fedora knowledge 15:02:44 * fenris02 waves 15:03:05 <AdamW> morning j_dulaney 15:03:15 <AdamW> poelcat: around? couple of the topics are yours 15:03:21 <AdamW> jraber: around? 15:03:56 <poelcat> AdamW: hi 15:05:31 <AdamW> well, we need jraber for the triage stats update, so let's leave that for now and go to poelcat's topics 15:05:45 <AdamW> #topic F14 housekeeping 15:05:58 <AdamW> poelcat listed this as "Need help and owners for this page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/HouseKeeping/Fedora14. Biggest help right now is updating the queries and proofing all the text." 15:06:03 <AdamW> is this still current? i lose track 15:07:26 <poelcat> AdamW i didn't get any feedback on the rawhide rebase section 15:07:39 <AdamW> morning tcpip 15:07:49 <tcpip4000> hi AdamW, all 15:07:56 <poelcat> would be good to get a second pair of eyes or three to make sure I didn't mess something up 15:08:20 * AdamW does a quick scan of it 15:09:24 <poelcat> #info: rawhide rebase is scheduled to run at the end of the week 15:09:27 <AdamW> i see one package review in the list that's filed against the wrong component 15:09:38 <AdamW> other than that, looks good to me 15:11:19 <AdamW> anyone else see any problems with that? 15:13:04 * jeff_hann is here 15:13:16 <poelcat> AdamW: the silent majoirty agrees :) 15:13:37 <AdamW> heh, always a handy thing to have around. or, well, not, iyswim. 15:13:40 <AdamW> :P 15:13:43 <AdamW> okay, last topic then 15:13:56 <AdamW> #topic blocker triage SOP 15:14:01 <AdamW> another poelcat special 15:14:05 <AdamW> "Need help nagging developers for feedback in blocker bugs. Could we create a template for comments and a simple SOP of things triagers should review blocker bugs for? " 15:14:13 <AdamW> honestly this might have to wait till we have more people around, slow meeting today 15:14:23 <poelcat> okay 15:14:29 <fenris02> there are not that many blockers at this point 15:14:33 <poelcat> the background or idea is here... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting#Requesting_Status_Before_The_Meeting 15:14:41 <AdamW> fenris02: sure, but it helps to get this sorted before there are :) 15:14:56 <fenris02> point 15:14:56 <AdamW> fenris02: the number of blockers will mushroom as soon as we get our first manual test point (alpha tc) and even more when alpha goes public 15:15:11 * poelcat has observed that one of the biggest time consumers at the blocker review meetings is operating with very little information and trying to fill in gaps 15:15:18 * jraber joins. 15:15:25 <AdamW> poelcat: indeed 15:15:31 <poelcat> in a perfect world if we have that information before the meeting we can make decisions, get status faster and move on 15:16:00 <poelcat> so i thought the bugzappers might be able to help me cruise the bug list before the meeting and try to prod things along 15:16:21 <AdamW> basically the key info is 'what is the impact of this bug, who is responsible for fixing it (implication that SOMEONE has to be), when is it going to be fixed' 15:16:49 <poelcat> AdamW: right, thus the three questions in the example 15:16:51 <fenris02> a checklist would be nice 15:17:32 <poelcat> on a related note i'm also going to be spamming, i mean, mailing devel list with blocker bugs that don't appear to be making progress or worked 15:17:44 <poelcat> so help there would be appreciated to 15:17:45 <poelcat> too 15:17:58 <AdamW> help of what kind? 15:18:23 <poelcat> reviewing the bugs and generating the email and sending it 15:18:44 <poelcat> this is only for bugs where it appears nothing is happening 15:18:44 <fenris02> one weekly nag-email you mean? 15:18:51 <poelcat> fenris02: daily 15:18:58 <poelcat> or maybe every other day 15:19:21 <fenris02> more than 2-3x/wk is likely to be circular filed imho 15:19:54 <AdamW> it may be hard to co-ordinate with casual helpers too, at that schedule... 15:20:47 <poelcat> yes, it might not be optimal, but i'm trying to do *something* about getting the bugs we already know about addressed so we have time for the emergencies that come the day before RC :) 15:20:58 * fenris02 nods 15:21:18 <AdamW> sure 15:21:56 <AdamW> like i say we're lightly peopled today...it might be best to go to the list with the idea and maybe on a case-to-case basis for now poke in fedora-qa when you want/need help? 15:22:14 <poelcat> okay 15:22:38 <poelcat> that's all 15:24:01 <jraber> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Metrics 15:24:16 <AdamW> #topic triage metric update 15:24:22 <AdamW> any news, jraber? 15:24:35 <AdamW> on my side i'm still waiting for a few more queries to be available before i send out an email 15:25:12 <jraber> Updated that page with the latest info. Now we have 7,30,60,90 days for each of the available metrics 15:25:33 <jraber> (Hmm...except the last one. I'll fix that.) 15:26:30 <jraber> According to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:BugZappers/Metrics I am only lacking 1 'metric' 15:26:37 <jraber> "# of 'Triaged' bugs CLOSED in last xx Days by # of days since Triaged flag was set " 15:26:42 <fenris02> do you have some automated way of populating that wiki page ? 15:27:05 <jraber> At the moment, no. I had one, but I changed the format. 15:27:35 <jraber> Now I want to finalize the look of that page, then I will fix the script to generate the entire page. Then we can just copy/paste 15:27:49 <AdamW> nice 15:28:16 <jraber> I would like to add links to bugzilla queries next to each of the numbers 15:28:29 <AdamW> yeah that'd be nice 15:28:51 <AdamW> i'll try again to write my prospective email update and see if there's any numbers i'd like to put in it that aren't listed 15:28:58 <jraber> Did I see something on the test list about sortable tables? Anybody know about that? 15:29:01 <AdamW> or at least i'll try, f14 stuff is looking a bit chaotic right now 15:29:30 <AdamW> jraber: yes, see for instance https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_14_Alpha_TC1_Install for a nice usage of it 15:29:38 <AdamW> expandable and sortable 15:29:49 <jraber> great thanks! 15:30:15 <fenris02> neat 15:30:29 <jraber> Yeah, looks fancier. The standard tables were a little 'weak' 15:31:34 <jraber> ok. So my goal is to implement the fancier tables, and add links to buglists (where possible) 15:32:24 <AdamW> cool. 15:32:41 <AdamW> #action jraber working on the final metric, making the wiki page update automatically, and implementing shinier tables 15:32:49 <AdamW> #action adamw to try again to send a test triage stats email 15:34:31 <fenris02> are there more bugzappers that might be enticed somehow to helping out ? 15:34:48 <AdamW> so far jraber is the volunteer squadron =) 15:35:10 <AdamW> #topic open floor 15:35:12 <AdamW> any other business? 15:36:18 <jraber> erm...I haven't yet updated the wiki page regarding setting the 'triaged' keyword. That was an action from last week 15:36:29 <jraber> So I'll try to get it done tonight 15:36:33 <AdamW> tut tut 15:36:35 <AdamW> :P 15:36:36 <AdamW> thanks 15:37:04 <jraber> That's all for me folk. $dayjob calls. 15:38:22 <AdamW> okey dokey 15:38:25 <AdamW> thanks for coming everyone 15:39:10 <fenris02> cheers, and thanks for organizing it :) 15:39:14 <AdamW> #endmeeting