19:02:48 <gregdek> #startmeeting community working group 19:02:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 28 19:02:48 2016 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'community_working_group' 19:02:52 <gregdek> Hi everybody. 19:02:59 <gregdek> #topic roll call 19:03:24 <gregdek> (don't think rbergeron is around, she's conferencing, so this will just be open floor most likely if anyone needs to chat) 19:03:52 * gundalow is lurking 19:04:24 <crawler> Hi gregdek, i would like to ask a question or two regarding https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/issues/4857 if nobody else wants to talk :) 19:05:05 <gregdek> crawler: that's generally a topic for the Core Modules meeting, which this is not -- see https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/master/MEETINGS.md for the schedule -- but I'm happy to chat about it. 19:05:16 <gregdek> I'm not a core developer though, so I might not be much help, LOL 19:05:19 * gregdek looks 19:05:51 <crawler> Ok, its not that complicated, few of us in company want to write an elbv2 module for ansible as a part of ansible-extras, since we belive that it would not be possible to push it in core 19:05:53 <gregdek> Ah, a feature suggestion. 19:06:18 <gregdek> New module! 19:06:22 <gregdek> I'd say go ahead. 19:07:16 <gregdek> Starting in 2.3 (i.e. right after this release) we're going to start liberalizing the Extras processes (and tightening up the Core processes). So by the time you're ready to submit, we should have some simpler and clearer processes for acceptance. 19:07:30 <gregdek> If the question is "is this module a good idea" the answer should be "it's a good idea if people use it." 19:07:41 <crawler> We thought its better to ask first before we start, we would really like to see this feature in ansible, since we need it alot 19:08:14 <gregdek> You'll be writing it anyway for yourselves, right? 19:08:14 <crawler> we where just wondering would it be accepted in extras 19:08:19 <crawler> Yes 19:08:26 <jimi|ansible> what would the difference be for elbv2? 19:08:39 <crawler> it has to use boto3 19:08:52 <crawler> since boto2 does not have support for elbv2 19:09:30 <gregdek> So long as it conforms to the policy guidelines, it should be accepted into extras at some point. 19:09:32 <gundalow> I believe all new modules should use boto3 anyway, so that's fine 19:09:33 <jimi|ansible> we've started moving towards boto3 in some of our other modules, it may be better to just move elb to that 19:09:43 <gregdek> But this ^^^ may be correct. 19:09:58 <crawler> we where looking in lets say https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/blob/devel/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_peer.py 19:10:03 <gregdek> Does that mean just patching the current elb modules? 19:10:10 <crawler> it uses boto3, but as i said, its better to ask 19:10:59 <crawler> our idea is maybe to push in extras first 19:11:45 <crawler> not sure about patching current elb module 19:12:10 <jimi|ansible> crawler: in the past we would have deprecated the old one and rewritten it. In the future the process will change a bit with the module metadata changes we're planning 19:12:32 <jimi|ansible> essentially i believe that would downgrade the stability of the module as it's a rewrite 19:12:48 <crawler> exactly 19:13:11 <jimi|ansible> but yeah i wouldn't want elb hacked in place, that'd be just as messy and buggy 19:13:28 <crawler> thats what we thought also 19:13:54 <gregdek> Then I think that's the answer. Rewrite it in the hopes of deprecating the original at some point. And yes, we'll accept it when it meets the guidelines. (Which I hope will be 100% automated soon) 19:13:56 <jimi|ansible> so yeah, long story short we're not opposed to it :) 19:14:18 <crawler> Ok, ill pass the notes and we will start with writing, thank you guys 19:14:20 <jimi|ansible> just make sure it's backwards compatible in terms of params (as much as possible) with the existing elb module so it's a smooth deprecation 19:14:29 <gregdek> Thanks crawler! Great question. 19:14:54 <crawler> Ok, i hope we will have it soon at the review, thanks again ;) 19:39:16 <gregdek> OK, that's clearly enough open floor. See you next week. ;) 19:39:18 <gregdek> #endmeeting