18:01:24 <samccann> #startmeeting Community Working Group 18:01:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 12 18:01:24 2023 UTC. 18:01:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:01:24 <zodbot> The chair is samccann. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:01:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'community_working_group' 18:01:27 <cyberpear> o/ 18:01:33 <anwesha[m]> Hello 18:01:41 <samccann> @room Meeting time! 18:01:46 <samccann> #chair anwesha 18:01:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: anwesha samccann 18:01:49 <oranod> o/ 18:01:51 <gotmax23> .hi 18:01:52 <zodbot> gotmax23: gotmax23 'Maxwell G' <maxwell@gtmx.me> 18:02:01 <samccann> #chair cyberpear Don Naro gotmax23 18:02:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Don Naro anwesha cyberpear gotmax23 samccann 18:02:12 <samccann> #info Agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/679 / Topics: https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics 18:02:26 <samccann> #topic Updates 18:02:35 <samccann> #info Ansible 8.0.0.a1 in the works today, sorry for the delay. Includes ansible-core 2.15.b2 18:02:48 <maxamillion> .hello2 18:02:49 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 18:02:49 <samccann> might actually be out already? 18:02:57 <gotmax23> anwesha: I acked it. Thanks! 18:02:58 <samccann> #chair maxamillion 18:02:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: Don Naro anwesha cyberpear gotmax23 maxamillion samccann 18:03:04 <Leo[m]> Hi all 18:03:15 <samccann> #chair Leo 18:03:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: Don Leo Naro anwesha cyberpear gotmax23 maxamillion samccann 18:03:28 <samccann> #info new docsite is live at docs.ansible.com. Very few people choosing to go to the old site so seems a success! 18:03:39 <samccann> #topic community.grafana and grafana.grafana merger CLA requirement 18:03:43 <cybette_> o/ 18:03:51 <samccann> #chair cybette 18:03:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Don Leo Naro anwesha cyberpear cybette gotmax23 maxamillion samccann 18:03:53 <samccann> #info discussion: https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/212 18:04:00 <samccann> #info last comment suggests merger won't happen. 18:04:08 <gotmax23> I'm a bit unsure about the new docsite. I still can't figure out how to click through to access the community section/collections index 18:04:20 <samccann> gotmax23: 18:04:45 <samccann> can you open an issue for that https://github.com/ansible/docsite 18:04:54 <samccann> I admit I've had a similar problem 18:05:27 <oranod> gotmax23: you know, that could be on me. there might even already be an issue for that here: https://github.com/ansible/jinja-docsite/issues/78 18:05:27 <gotmax23> meh, I didn't phrase that well. That made it sound like I didn't like the new site at all. I just meant that one part could be better displayed 😃. 18:05:44 <samccann> coolness 18:06:20 <oranod> there's defo still some work to do. I'll get cracking on that one though, if it's the same as what you were referring to. 18:07:20 <samccann> #info no active votes at this time 18:07:45 <samccann> #topic Ansible roadmaps 18:07:57 <samccann> #info - created a project roadmap so we track alpha/beta etc releases - https://github.com/orgs/ansible-community/projects/7/views/1 18:08:01 <Leo[m]> oranod: +1, had the same issue. But was on mobile, had the double burger top bar and dismissed it for later. Then forgot. 😅 18:08:13 <samccann> That's to help us stay on track with the alpha/beta/rc etc 18:08:13 <gotmax23> wait, should we finish the grafana thing? 18:08:22 <samccann> oh yeah got ahead of myself 18:08:43 <gotmax23> nah, it's my fault for interrupting :) 18:08:54 <samccann> So the last comment on the graphana issue was that they couldn't comply so thus won't merge the two collections 18:09:00 <samccann> https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/212 18:09:06 <gotmax23> right 18:09:08 <gotmax23> that makes me sad 18:09:41 <acozine> o/ 18:09:48 * gotmax23 waves 18:09:51 <samccann> #chair acozine 18:09:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Don Leo Naro acozine anwesha cyberpear cybette gotmax23 maxamillion samccann 18:10:12 <samccann> is there anything else we can/should do about the graphana issue? 18:10:12 <acozine> sorry I'm late - notifications REALLY don't work when you don't have your client running ;) 18:10:16 <samccann> s/graphana/grafana/ 18:10:20 <samccann> hehehe 18:11:25 <Leo[m]> samccann: If they are not merging, and community is not being maintained, that means it's going to be deprecated... Right? 18:12:17 <gotmax23> are you referring to https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/212#issuecomment-1478353759? 18:12:35 <samccann> gotmax23: yes 18:12:51 <samccann> are there next steps (like starting deprecation in ansible 8 or 9)? 18:13:11 <samccann> or asking grafana to maintain both for now? 18:14:38 <samccann> oh reading the discussion a bit better... 18:15:00 <remindbot[m]> @cybette:ansible.im cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting 18:15:43 <cyberpear> fwiw, I think openstack generally requires CLA but dropped the requirement for the ansible collection (but only after I complained) 18:15:56 <acozine> I can't find anywhere where they say explicitly why they want to require a CLA 18:16:29 <gotmax23> I'm not sure if that means that community.grafana is completely unmaintained and should be removed 18:17:24 <acozine> yeah, it seems like the person maintaining the community collection is the same person or one of the same people maintaining the corporate collection? 18:17:29 <gotmax23> I think they offer an "enterprise license" / paid version 18:18:38 <gotmax23> acozine: I don't think it's the same person. rrey is maintaining the community one and 18:18:39 <gotmax23> ishanjainn the grafana one. 18:19:02 <acozine> ah, but rrey can't do it any more, right? 18:19:18 <gotmax23> > I have not been able to give time to the collection maintenance for several months now and having Grafana involved sounded a good opportunity to avoid its death. 18:19:57 <gotmax23> if community.grafana is going to die anyways, then I guess grafana.grafana might as well absorb the content 18:20:01 <samccann> so thinking out loud - if community.grafana passes the 'test' as unmaintained, seems we do need to start the deprecation process. And maybe grafana swoops in before it's removed to solve it all, or maybe it goes away like other unmaintained collections 18:20:25 <acozine> it seems like either way we end up with one collection with a CLA - either the work gets merged together into the collection with the CLA, or the community collection gets no maintenance and only the collection with the CLA continues to be usable 18:20:46 <samccann> gotmax23: wouldn't that be erm.. a license violation? If grafana.grafana takes the code, don't they have to take the license? 18:21:09 <gotmax23> I'm upset about that, but I'd rather have the code the community wrote maintained by someone instead of completely dying 18:21:19 <gotmax23> samccann: not if they get the community members who wrote it to sign the CLA 18:21:20 <acozine> agreed 18:21:47 <acozine> I hope we can find maintainers for it in future 18:21:48 <samccann> gotmax23: yeah do not like the feel of that for sure (community people having to sign a CLA so their work doesn't die) 18:22:40 <samccann> but there's nothing we can do to stop something like that (a corp asking a contributor sign away rights). 18:23:11 <samccann> So, are we agreed we need to start the deprecation process on community.grafana? 18:23:23 <samccann> or do we need more peeps chiming in? I know a few are out today 18:23:32 * gotmax23 is mostly speculating about the reason for the CLA. I'm not sure why they need it for the collection. Sometimes, it's just a corporate policy for all of the the company's OSS 18:23:45 <samccann> I'm also happy to just add this as a comment in the issue and see who responds 18:23:53 <gotmax23> yeah, that sounds like a good idea :) 18:24:30 <samccann> done 18:24:39 <gotmax23> obviously, we should see what rrey thinks about that 18:25:09 <samccann> #topic not allowing any more CLAs 18:25:27 <samccann> #info discussion: https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/221 18:25:27 <gotmax23> I'm still onboard with this :) 18:25:30 <samccann> seems like a good next topic :-) 18:25:46 <gotmax23> yup! 18:26:07 <gotmax23> does anyone have major objections? 18:26:12 <gotmax23> I'm thinking I should start a vote 18:26:59 <samccann> for the cluless... what is DCO? 18:27:26 <gotmax23> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developer_Certificate_of_Origin 18:27:59 <samccann> cool thanks 18:28:00 <cyberpear> demonstrated as `Signed-off-by` on a git commit, usually 18:28:07 <samccann> and yea, I'm +1 for starting a vote on this one. 18:28:12 <gotmax23> cyberpear: right 18:28:15 <Leo[m]> I'm not sure a hard no is a good idea without checking why they did it for example, and if there are other valid cases and how to handle those 18:28:31 <samccann> is there an 'easy' way to see what other collections might have a CLA already? 18:28:52 <Leo[m]> they cited the ASF CLA as source for ex. not sure it includes the patent clause there, but ASF has an individual CLA and corporate CLA for ex 18:29:35 <gotmax23> basically, it's a simple agreement that confirms the contributor has the right to submit the code they're contributing 18:30:00 <remindbot[m]> @cybette:ansible.im cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting 18:30:07 <samccann> Leo: I guess it depends on our philosophy for the Ansible package. 18:30:51 <samccann> like if 99% of the package doesn't have a CLA, would a contributor notice that THIS particular one she's about to add a module to does have one? 18:30:54 <acozine> usually a CLA says "I, the contributor, understand that neither I nor my employer has any right to claim this contribution, and that the repository's owner does have that right" 18:31:05 <samccann> thanks 18:31:10 <Leo[m]> samccann: yes, that's why I wouldn't rush it. going one way or the other should be researched a bit imo 18:31:17 <acozine> samccann: they'd notice if they try to contribute 18:31:31 <acozine> the contribution won't be accepted unless they sign the CLA 18:31:51 <samccann> just not sure how frequently an open source contributor hits that CLA in their day to day so to speak. Is it rare, or everyone allows it but potentially Ansible so to speak 18:32:09 <gotmax23> https://paste.sr.ht/~gotmax23/00df144f8b0d12f3017e575e53ad0222fa5239d6 18:32:11 <samccann> acozine: thanks that helps 18:32:32 <acozine> I don't immediately know of other collections that have one. But again, you wouldn't necessarily know until/unless you contribute 18:33:09 <samccann> Thanks gotmax23 ! so we have a small handful that include CLAs already 18:33:24 <gotmax23> I did some naiive grepping. it looks like the purestorage collections and the netapp_eseries collections do. 18:34:05 <samccann> So I agree w/ Leo, we should probably put more thoughts/ideas in the discussion 18:34:51 <gotmax23> To note, here is what's written in Red Hat's open source participation guidelines 18:34:57 <gotmax23> > Red Hat-led projects do not use contributor license agreements (CLAs), copyright assignment, or other formal contributor agreements, apart from rare exceptions specifically approved by Red Hat Legal. We have learned from experience that these mechanisms can be a significant barrier to building communities around the projects we sponsor. However, we encourage all Red Hat-led projects to use the DCO. 18:35:12 <samccann> as for what it means for us to say no CLAs.. and to what extent we might 'harm' the user community, vs allow CLAs and... the contributor decides at PR time whether to sign it 18:35:42 <gotmax23> (Fedora is one of those "rare exceptions" they're trying to get rid of, but the Fedora CLA doesn't actually require copyright assignment) 18:37:29 <gotmax23> I don't think contributors should be asked to sign away their rights or have other hindrances to contribution. If collections want to have these, than they can always be on Galaxy but not in the package. 18:37:30 <acozine> I think there are two major pitfalls with CLAs. The first one is that signing one puts a lot of people off - they think "I don't really know what this says, I'm not going to sign it right now" and they never get back around to it. So we lose contributors and contributions. 18:38:15 <acozine> The second pitfall is that there can be hard feelings if someone else starts making money off some code that a community contributor wrote 18:38:23 <gotmax23> Even if the contributor is fine with signing the CLA, they may still have to get approval from their employers's legal department which is definitely a burden to contribution 18:38:42 <acozine> hard feelings, maybe lawsuits, American society being what it is 18:38:49 <gotmax23> acozine: 100% 18:39:07 <Leo[m]> samccann: While we investigate the issue, I like the approach of leaving it to the contributor for those collections that have/need it, but mentioning the guidelines quoted by gotmax23 somewhere in the inclusion rules for community namespace for example. 18:39:52 <cyberpear> there's also the problem if someone has personally signed the CLA but then works something on the project on company time but the company hasn't signed 18:39:57 <acozine> I worked on a completely-open-source project for library software that required a CLA and a lot of folks just couldn't contribute because they couldn't get approval to sign the CLA, which covered the person's employer. 18:40:15 <cyberpear> (that's part of why I won't sign one personally because I don't want to be "able" to accidentally make that mistake) 18:40:30 <gotmax23> yeah, if we can't get consensus to ban them completely for new collections, we could start with something like collections in the community namespace MUST NOT have these, but other collections are strongly encouraged not to use them 18:40:54 <acozine> so I guess my take is a Free-and-open-source project that has a CLA is not quite so free-and-open-source 18:41:12 <Leo[m]> acozine: and that would harm the collection itself in the end, wouldn't it? I mean, the best reason to not require it, is for them to understand they wont get (as many) contributions if they do. 18:41:18 <acozine> Leo: yes 18:41:23 <samccann> Sounds like we should ping more people to participate in that discussion before we vote 18:41:35 <gotmax23> yeah, it has multiple downsides. it adds hindrance, takes away community ownership, and may bar someone from contributing all together whether they have legal or moral objections 18:41:47 <gotmax23> samccann: SGTM 18:41:57 <acozine> and what harms collections harm the overall project too 18:42:08 <acozine> s/harm/harms/ 18:42:27 <samccann> #info please add your comments to the issue on whether or not to band CLAs - https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/221 18:43:17 <samccann> yeah I'm leaning to it could have a negative 'mark' on the whole Ansible community/ecosystem, even thought it's only one minor part of it. 18:43:27 <gotmax23> might want to #undo that and fix that band typo :) 18:43:29 <samccann> #undo 18:43:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by samccann at 18:42:27 : please add your comments to the issue on whether or not to band CLAs - https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/221 18:44:08 <samccann> #info addo your comments to the issue on whether or not to ban CLAs - https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/221 18:44:21 <samccann> ok I have one quick topic and then we can open the floor 18:44:30 <samccann> #topic Ansible roadmaps 18:44:42 <samccann> #info - created a project roadmap so we track alpha/beta etc releases - https://github.com/orgs/ansible-community/projects/7/views/1 18:44:45 <samccann> #info documentation roadmap will remain the cannonical source. Project board it just to help us keep on track. 18:44:56 <samccann> Is this useful? Are there other items we want to add? 18:45:00 <remindbot[m]> @cybette:ansible.im cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting 18:45:36 <gotmax23> I think having issues to track release dates are a great idea. Thanks for doing that! 18:45:59 <samccann> cool. if there are more issues to track, go ahead and add them or ping me if you need help 18:46:00 <samccann> #info Ansible 9 roadmap work needs to start. discussion: https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/222 18:46:12 <samccann> ... in the hopes of getting a roadmap out on time :-) 18:46:26 <samccann> #topic Open Floor 18:46:33 <samccann> Anyone have a topic to bring up? 18:47:24 <cybette_> I should add those dates as reminders in bullhorn as well 18:47:25 * gotmax23 looks 18:47:55 <samccann> #info community website WG is actively creating a prototype! If interested in web design/UX - head over to https://matrix.to/#/#website:ansible.com to see what's happening 18:48:14 <samccann> that's about alls I got 18:48:25 <samccann> anything else lingering or should I end the meeting? 18:48:40 <gotmax23> #info ansible 8.0.0a1 was released today: https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-announce/c/MPRZTafDerA 18:48:51 <samccann> woot!! 18:49:00 <samccann> Thanks anwesha !! 18:49:06 <gotmax23> I had https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/218 18:49:52 <gotmax23> I don't have anything to update about that and still need to put together a draft PR but wanted to remind y'all 18:50:21 <acozine> gotmax23: it seems like a good idea to me, keep everybody up-to-date 18:50:28 <samccann> #info take a look at https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/218 18:50:30 <acozine> as long as the release managers are okay with it 18:50:45 <gotmax23> yeah, my one question was where this should be documented 18:50:52 <acozine> heh 18:51:00 <acozine> on the new website . . . ? 18:51:11 <gotmax23> I don't think the current ansible release process is documented anywhere 18:51:31 <gotmax23> IIRC, someone said there's some internal documentation 18:51:57 <acozine> we could put it in the same spot as the documentation about including collections 18:51:58 <gotmax23> but one of the requests was that I document this new process and how to handle pinning collections, etc. 18:51:58 <samccann> I only skimmed the issue - I thought this is a step the collection maintainers do? 18:52:31 <acozine> samccann: yeah, that's why I was thinking document it next to collection inclusion 18:52:33 <acozine> same audience 18:52:45 <samccann> we have collection developer docs scattered in a few places. andersson007_ might know of the top of his head when he's back tomorrow 18:52:50 <gotmax23> I was referring to the ansible community package release process 18:52:52 <acozine> only I can't remember where that is 18:53:06 <Leo[m]> acozine: this? https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible-inclusion 18:53:07 <samccann> yeah we don't document the community package release process anywhere yet afaik 18:53:12 <gotmax23> specifically this comment: https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/218#issuecomment-1489105440 18:53:47 <acozine> samccann: I meant, I can't remember where we put the rules for removing collections, adding collections, etc. 18:54:04 <gotmax23> I think that's in ansible-build-data 18:54:12 <samccann> yeah, that's scattered too 18:54:25 <acozine> Leo: thanks, that's the right content 18:54:36 <acozine> somehow I remembered it as a markdown page 18:54:52 <acozine> anyway, gotmax23 you could do a docs PR against that page to start with 18:55:01 <acozine> if folks think there's a better place, they'll chime in 18:55:09 <gotmax23> but I'm not sure there's anything about releasing a new version (i.e. filing the PRs, running the release process, uploading the package to PyPI, announcing on the mailing list, etc.) 18:55:18 <gotmax23> s/process/playbook/ 18:57:09 <acozine> ah-HAH! What about https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.html#collections-requirements? 18:57:37 <acozine> we could add a header for Tagging there 18:57:50 * gotmax23 worries he's not being clear 18:57:53 <acozine> gotmax23: I agree we should add documentation about hte release process 18:58:13 <acozine> but I think we'd need more information before we could do that 18:58:26 <acozine> at least, i don't know enough about how it works to document it 18:58:36 <gotmax23> :nod: 18:59:00 <acozine> I do hear you - there is no documentation about uploading to PyPI or any other parts of the release process 18:59:14 <acozine> but if we let that be a blocker for the Tagging docs, we might have to wait a while 18:59:44 <samccann> yeah it's a known issue. Parts of it I think were only 'doable' by a RH'er. I think that's changed and there's probable internal docs somewhere we can work to get external 19:00:12 <gotmax23> I'm mainly asking, because I was asked to document the work that the release managers would need to do as part of this proposal, but I don't know where to do that, as the rest of the process isn't documented 19:00:46 <cybette_> I think it could be detailed in this issue, but definitely requires more input and info https://github.com/ansible-community/community-team/issues/160 19:01:29 <gotmax23> cool, thanks. 19:01:29 <samccann> thanks cybette ! 19:01:35 <samccann> anything else? 19:02:27 <gotmax23> In the meantime, I can write up documentation about this specific process in my draft ansible-build-data PR and then it can be reorganized later 19:02:36 <samccann> cool thanks 19:02:47 <gotmax23> it can just be a separate section of the README 19:03:41 <acozine> thanks gotmax23 ! any documentation expansion is a good thing, even if it's partial and not in the perfect location 19:03:51 <gotmax23> yeah 19:04:05 <gotmax23> does anybody have any other topics or something else to add to this? 19:04:17 <acozine> I put two comments in the issue 19:04:27 <acozine> otherwise I'll forget by next week 19:05:02 <samccann> ok sounds like a good stopping point 19:05:30 <acozine> thanks for running the meeting samccann 19:05:35 <samccann> #endmeeting