14:35:10 <mizmo> #startmeeting design-team 14:35:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 30 14:35:10 2016 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:35:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:35:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'design-team' 14:35:10 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.start -- duffy started meeting "design-team" in #fedora-design 14:35:16 <mizmo> #topic stuff for flock! 14:35:17 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "stuff for flock!" in #fedora-design 14:36:27 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 14:36:28 <mizmo> okay 14:36:28 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 14:36:34 <mizmo> .fas duffy 14:36:34 <zodbot> mizmo: duffy 'Máirín Duffy' <fedora@linuxgrrl.com> - owenduffy 'Owen Duffy' <owen@owenduffy.net> - cduffy 'Charles Duffy' <charles_duffy@dell.com> - pduffy 'Pat Duffy' <Pduffy117@gmail.com> - dufflebag 'Martin Duffy' <duffym@gmail.com> - mikeduffy 'xiaofeng.wu' <mikeduffy@qq.com> - dduffy 'David Duffy' <duffy.david@gmail.com> - kdpkd 'kev duffy' <kevduf@gmail.com> - thequbit 'Tim Duffy' <thequbit@gm 14:36:48 <mizmo> oh, hm i guess im not the unique snowflake i thought i was :-p 14:37:06 <mleonova> .fas mleonova 14:37:06 <zodbot> mleonova: mleonova 'Maria Leonova' <mleonova@redhat.com> 14:37:47 <mleonova> that's a lot of Duffies! 14:37:52 <riecatnor> .fas riecatnor 14:37:52 <zodbot> riecatnor: riecatnor '' <riecatnor@gmail.com> 14:38:02 * mizmo rubs palms and plots world duffy domination 14:38:44 <mizmo> ok lemme look up this tracker ticket 14:38:49 <radhikak> .fas radhikamani88 14:38:50 <zodbot> radhikak: radhikamani88 'Radhika Kolathumani' <radhikak@umich.edu> 14:39:15 <mizmo> mshakshober_, around? 14:39:25 <mizmo> here's the main tracker tickte for our flock stuff: 14:39:25 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/459 14:39:26 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/459" 14:39:59 <mizmo> so my stress this week was trying to figure out how many people are going 14:40:07 <mizmo> so we could order the right quantities of badges and booklets 14:40:19 <mizmo> i dont remember how many extra we ordered past registered attendees in previous years :-/ 14:40:44 <mizmo> we think we have ~250 people registered at this point so i thought maybe 30 extra would be reasonable so put the quotes in for 280 14:40:57 <mizmo> Kveta is working with the vendor to see what they can do and for how much 14:41:13 <mizmo> jzb is the budget point person on this, so before we got ahead and have stuff printed we have to get his ok 14:41:36 <mizmo> mleonova, i hope you don't mind, i told Kveta to cc you on anything next week since i'm out, so if we hear back from the printers next week you should get a copy of the email 14:41:53 <mleonova> mizmo, yeah, sure, of course) got it 14:42:07 <mleonova> she's right on my floor actually 14:42:13 <mizmo> oh great! 14:42:22 <mizmo> so i think since the design drives other things, we should talk about the tshirt first, lemme grab mshakshober_ 14:43:09 <mizmo> you might have seen her blog post with her draft design 14:43:32 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/455 14:43:32 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/455" 14:43:39 <mshakshober_> hey everyone, so i have a draft of the shirt that's pretty much all set! just need to fix a few coloring issues with it 14:44:27 <mshakshober_> since we're looking to try a different colored shirt, i am going to make some sections of the design transparent to show the color of the shirt through it 14:44:42 <mizmo> mshakshober_, are you looking at doing the fedora blue or fedora dark blue? 14:46:11 <mshakshober_> i feel like trying to use a dark blue shirt (and eliminating the dark blue from the design) might stand out best since much of the design is in lighter shades... might allow for a little bit more contrast between the color of the shirt and the design 14:46:50 <mizmo> mshakshober_, do you think the white areas would be too much bc of ink cracking? would the white areas work inverted with the dark blue so the fabric goes thru? 14:47:27 <mshakshober_> i could try inverting parts of the design like that, for sure! 14:47:43 <mizmo> cool! 14:47:50 <mizmo> have you emailed bex yet with the design? 14:47:54 <mshakshober_> would we still try to keep to a dark blue shirt? 14:47:57 <mizmo> i think it's probably far along enough we should show it to him 14:48:10 <mizmo> yeh i think still stick to dark blue - the idea being make more parts of the design dark blue so there's less ink 14:48:51 <mshakshober_> i haven't emailed him yet, but i can do that today with the design as well as my notes of what still needs to be changed it it 14:49:00 <mizmo> sounds great! thanks!! 14:49:25 <mizmo> #action mshakshober_ to email bex + Dominika with draft design for feedback 14:49:26 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- duffy noted an action in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "mshakshober_ to email bex + Dominika with draft design for feedback" 14:49:45 <mizmo> does anybody here have feedback on the design thus far? 14:49:53 <mizmo> the ink thing is something gnokii pointed out in the ticket 14:49:54 <mshakshober_> no problem! should i email him just the design itself or the mockup on the shirt too? 14:50:09 <mizmo> we also got a lot of feedback about shirt colors and folks really want either blue or heather dark grey 14:50:36 <mshakshober_> ya, i noticed his comment about that which is something i hadn't though about 14:50:40 <mizmo> mshakshober_, if you can mock it up on a shirt that'd be great so they know what color it'll be, you can use that svg tepmlate i sent yesterday 14:50:42 <mleonova> mizmo, I loove gray, but that's just me ;) 14:51:11 <mshakshober_> oh and i have those mockups pretty much done with both of those colors and i can post them in the ticket right now! 14:51:17 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/455 14:51:22 <mizmo> oh great! 14:51:51 <mizmo> cool. any other concerns / feedback on the design? 14:52:08 <mshakshober_> attaching them right now... stay tuned! 14:52:09 <mizmo> i love it! the flowers are really cool too, they're a nice kind of embellishment we can use on the other components to tie them all in together 14:52:25 <mleonova> the flowers are amazing! 14:52:43 <riecatnor> the bottom right flowers seem more condensed than the top ones 14:53:09 <mizmo> riecatnor, ah i see that too now that you point it out 14:53:27 <mizmo> mshakshober_, can you tighten the upper ones a bit and space out the lower ones a bit? 14:53:41 * mizmo looks a bit more 14:53:43 <riecatnor> also I am thinking maybe a straight line between the left bubble and the fedora logo 14:53:52 <mizmo> it looks like the 'flock' blue text isn't centered in the white outline 14:54:03 <mizmo> riecatnor, makes sense 14:54:17 <riecatnor> or make the bubble more bubbly between? 14:54:24 <riecatnor> something is a little off with that white shape 14:55:25 <riecatnor> I am not sure on this, but how will the small black outlines print on the flowers? ok? 14:55:28 <mizmo> maybe make it a little bubblier and stick a very small flower + leaf in there 14:55:39 <mizmo> oh thats a good point, id probably drop the outlines 14:56:01 <mizmo> on a screen i think they are probably too narrow 14:56:42 <mizmo> i think they'll still look amazing without the outline 14:56:52 * mizmo starts a list to log in the ticket 14:57:07 <mleonova> mizmo, maybe try printing the design out and see what looks off? 14:57:13 <mshakshober_> i'll fix the alignment with the white and drop the thin black outlines 14:57:58 <mleonova> mshakshober_, ^^ 14:58:23 <mizmo> riecatnor, the negative white shape between the fedora bubble on the left bubble is off right? 14:58:48 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- maryshak1996 updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/455 14:58:58 <riecatnor> yeah, every other white space seems to have a purpose 14:59:14 <riecatnor> so id either make it more bubble or straighten the line out and see what that looks like 15:00:06 <mizmo> riecatnor++ 15:00:07 <zodbot> mizmo: Karma for riecatnor changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:01:04 <mizmo> okay any other points? 15:01:09 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/455 15:01:18 <mizmo> ^^ list of feedback we got 15:01:29 <mizmo> cool we are doing really good in terms of time / etc so far right now 15:01:41 <mizmo> one concern aobut the tshirt is i do not know who is handling getting them ordered / printed / what vendor 15:01:57 <mleonova> mizmo, Kveta? 15:02:07 <mizmo> maybe Kveta could help with that too? but i dont know, there was discussion on the flock planning list about t-shirt ordering so someone may already be working on it (either jzb or stickster may) 15:02:12 <mizmo> but both are at summit 15:02:13 <mizmo> this week 15:02:24 <mizmo> mleonova, yeh maybe ill send her a quick email about shirts too 15:02:29 <mleonova> mizmo, yeah! she totally orders t-shirts for everybody in Brno office 15:02:48 <mleonova> I just ordered some last week ;) 15:02:56 <mshakshober_> the mock ups (obviously without most recent feedback applied) is posted in the ticket! 15:02:56 <mizmo> mleonova, oh okay great. what i'll do is send her another email about that and cc you again and let her know to talk to you next week? 15:03:08 <mleonova> mizmo, sure! 15:03:11 <mizmo> mshakshober_, i can show you how to fill the shirts in with the heather, it's a cool trick :) 15:03:21 <mizmo> okay 15:03:21 <mshakshober_> awesome, thanks :) 15:03:29 <mizmo> since we have you here mleonova (do you still have time?) we could talk about the lanyadr 15:03:35 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/457 15:03:36 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/457" 15:04:12 <mleonova> mizmo, absolutely 15:04:37 <mizmo> cool 15:04:48 <mizmo> i *love* the mockups you put together 15:05:04 <mizmo> wondering if we kill the outlines on the shirt flowers should we do the same on the badge too? 15:05:42 <mleonova> mizmo, thanks =) maybe, yeah 15:06:00 <mleonova> it wouldn't hurt 15:06:08 <mizmo> i love how the devconf badges looked, i hadnt seen them before. they are plastic cards? 15:06:14 <mizmo> it looks like flock prague was a paper card 15:06:21 <mleonova> mizmo, laminated paper 15:06:32 <mizmo> okay cool 15:06:38 <mleonova> but feels like plastic 15:06:47 <mizmo> it looks really good quality 15:06:54 <mizmo> so if we get that printer we should be good :) 15:07:12 <mizmo> do you know what they did at devconf for people who werent pre-registered? did they have blank cards to write a name in? 15:07:33 <mleonova> mizmo, yeah, we had blank card and markers 15:08:01 <mizmo> okay cool 15:08:19 <mleonova> mizmo, so what info should be on them? 15:08:30 <mizmo> maybe we should talk to the organizers and see what they really want 15:08:35 <gnokii> charleston, prague was paper rochester was plastic 15:08:46 <mleonova> gnokii tells me in Prague you had the ssid, IRC, the link to the schedule, get help irc and phone numbers from ruth, spot, josh and robyn 15:08:48 <mizmo> but have a design ready to go in case they don't care / don't get back to us 15:08:59 <mleonova> ah, okay 15:09:09 <mleonova> will you contact them? 15:09:44 <mleonova> also: do we want have color differentiation for volunteers / organizers/ guests / speakers / etc? 15:10:40 <mizmo> mleonova, yep i can contact them and cc you 15:10:55 <mleonova> mizmo, awesome, thank you! 15:11:02 <mizmo> i think the color differentiation is nice to have, and if the printers can do it, let's do it 15:11:31 <mizmo> i do think the extra line should be under the person's name on the badge, 15:11:41 <mleonova> mizmo, ok! so do 4 categories of badges make sense? 15:11:46 <mizmo> for whateve rreason i dont have my fedora / fudcon / flock badges but i think the line is usually always under the name 15:12:10 <mizmo> organizer, speaker, attendee? i dont think we really do volunteers - they are just organizers 15:12:15 <mleonova> mizmo, ok 15:13:29 * jflory7 has his 2015 badge nearby if anyone wants / needs a picture 15:13:32 <mizmo> i think the stuff gnokii mentioned from prague is good for the back 15:13:35 <mizmo> jflory7, YES!!! PLZ!!! 15:13:45 <jflory7> Ahh! One minute then, let me go grab a picture. :) 15:13:49 <mleonova> jflory7, yeah! =) 15:14:06 <mizmo> mleonova, i think the contacts / numbers for getting help on the back might be different tho, i dont think ruth/spot/josh are really the orgs anymore 15:14:20 <mizmo> mleonova, but that info i am pretty sure we really need to have, so ill point that out in the organizer email we need to know who to put on there 15:14:47 <mleonova> mizmo, ok, yeah. and which badge is better: right or left? or I can keep working on both for now.. 15:15:18 <mizmo> they both look fantastic but theres something about the left one that's really cool. what does everybody else think? 15:16:12 <riecatnor> i like the left one too.. would it be possible to have the area with the name be a dark color with white text? 15:16:12 <mleonova> ^_^ must be the flowers 15:16:14 <riecatnor> that way it can stand out 15:16:29 <riecatnor> right now i think it is blending in a little bit 15:16:42 <riecatnor> or maybe a thicker outline? 15:16:49 <mleonova> riecatnor, I don't see why not, good idea 15:16:49 <mizmo> yeh thats a good idea, to make the name pop 15:17:01 <jflory7> Pictures incoming... 15:17:14 <mizmo> mleonova, well not just the flowers - it's not typical of what you'd see on a conf badge. 15:17:18 <riecatnor> should 'flock' be centered as well? 15:17:38 <riecatnor> maybe not, cuz the fedora logo is off center too 15:18:09 <mleonova> riecatnor, yep, that's why it's there 15:18:14 <mizmo> i'd center both but then you'd lose the cool diagonal mirroring of the pattern 15:18:20 <jflory7> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zvf82ro5f1c5h14/AAAZCwiaB50PelwPAHJ_l19na?dl=0 Let me know if you see them in there 15:18:20 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- jflory7 linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zvf82ro5f1c5h14/AAAZCwiaB50PelwPAHJ_l19na?dl=0 Let me know if you see them in there" https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zvf82ro5f1c5h14/AAAZCwiaB50PelwPAHJ_l19na?dl=0 15:18:24 <mizmo> maybe cut the fedora logo 15:18:55 <mizmo> jflory7, you the best! \o/ 15:19:02 <jflory7> No problem :) 15:19:07 <mizmo> jflory7, is your name printed or is it on a label / sticker? 15:19:11 <mleonova> jflory7, \o/ 15:19:23 <jflory7> mizmo: It's on a sticker label. 15:19:33 <jflory7> I remember some people having their "extra" line below the Twitter handle 15:19:52 <mizmo> ah coolio 15:20:19 <jflory7> Or maybe that was supposed to be IRC username, not Twitter? 15:20:21 <mizmo> jflory7, is it ok if i upload these to the ticket? 15:20:23 * jflory7 can't remember which 15:20:25 <jflory7> mizmo: Go for it!! 15:20:32 <mizmo> jflory7, ppl usually do their irc nick in the extra line 15:20:38 <jflory7> Ahhh, gotcha 15:21:24 <mizmo> okay 15:21:34 <mizmo> so a lot of details that we need to get from the organizers on the badge 15:21:41 <mizmo> but for the most part we have a solid basic design 15:22:05 <mizmo> did anybody see the signage design micahdenn worked on? 15:22:06 <mleonova> great! 15:22:18 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/454 15:22:18 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/454" 15:22:31 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/454/flock_sign_wip.000.png 15:22:31 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/454/flock_sign_wip.000.png" 15:22:59 <mizmo> i think maybe replace the text 'flock' with the 'flock' logotype, keep the room name - looks fine - and maybe replace the stripes with the flowers pattern? and have the building in the corner? 15:23:43 <mleonova> flowers sound nice ^_^ 15:24:11 <mleonova> mizmo, and the logo - definitely 15:24:25 <mizmo> coolio ill put that in the ticket and link him to the tshirt svg so he can grab the assets from that 15:24:39 <mizmo> re the booklet, looks like ryanlerch got a good start on it: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/456 15:24:47 <mizmo> im trying to open the pdf but its a bit slow 15:26:29 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/flock-booklets/raw/master/f/2016/flock-booklet-merged-pages.pdf 15:26:29 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/flock-booklets/raw/master/f/2016/flock-booklet-merged-pages.pdf" 15:26:35 <mizmo> there we go 15:27:23 <mizmo> okay cool 15:27:27 <mizmo> anything else to talk about? 15:27:34 <mizmo> any concerns / worries? awesome thing sgoing on? 15:28:16 <mleonova> mizmo, what should Kveta and I achieve during next week? 15:28:18 <gnokii> riecatnor: would you have time to make my ticket 15:28:36 <mleonova> July 5 and 6 are holidays here 15:28:39 <riecatnor> gnokii: is it the logo one? 15:28:45 <gnokii> yes 15:29:10 <mizmo> mleonova, if she gets back to you with price quotes, can you forward them to jzb@redhat.com and cc me? he has to make the call on okaying the $$ 15:29:16 <riecatnor> I can try to work on it this week.. working two jobs right now so time is tight. let me look at the ticket now to see if i have questions 15:29:20 <mizmo> mleonova, if she doesn't get the price quotes back from the vendor next week, no worries 15:29:29 <mleonova> mizmo, okay! 15:29:40 <jflory7> For reference, recently found a lot of Flock 2015 things from moving recently, so if you need pictures / references on anything, feel free to ping me and I might have it 15:29:55 <mizmo> jflory7, awesome thank you!! 15:30:21 <gnokii> riecatnor: its a bit urgent now, we have just 3 months left to organize fudcon, so we need to get the call out 15:31:17 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/454 15:31:34 <mizmo> gnokii, whats the ticket number for it? (i know i asked this from you before but then i got pulled away and missed it) 15:31:45 <riecatnor> ok gnokii, what exactly are you looking for with this? i talked about my ideas in a meeting you were at, made a design based off that and you didnt like it. i think i just need a clearer idea of what you want 15:31:51 <gnokii> mom 15:31:54 <riecatnor> i like the chibi 15:32:38 <riecatnor> it is a translation challenge that is at a fudcon? 15:33:03 <gnokii> riecatnor: not this ticket, that has more time 15:33:46 <gnokii> aargh, net soooooooo slow 15:35:03 <gnokii> mizmo: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/453 15:35:15 <mizmo> gnokii, got it 15:35:41 <mizmo> gnokii, what's your timeline? is it ok if it gets done next week? 15:35:42 <riecatnor> ah, yep! i can convert this into vector lines 15:35:56 <mizmo> riecatnor, beautiful drawing!!!! 15:36:09 <gnokii> yeah next week should be fine 15:36:41 <mizmo> mshakshober_, would you be able to help with https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/453? 15:36:44 <riecatnor> gnokii, looking for text or anything with that? 15:36:50 <riecatnor> thanks mizmo 15:37:01 <gnokii> riecatnor: the usual FUDCon logo stuff 15:37:10 <mleonova> riecatnor, wow! 15:37:40 <gnokii> maybe we should add the outline of angkor to it or independence memorial, wat phnom and kings palace lets see 15:38:12 <riecatnor> ok, I need to do a bit more research on past FUDcon logos. never been to one or designed a logo for one :P 15:38:26 <riecatnor> but yeah, I will vectorize the dancer to start 15:38:38 <mizmo> riecatnor, look up the fudcon pune logo, it's a similar style to what you'd be doing i think 15:38:49 <mizmo> riecatnor, and if you are out of time and need help, mshakshober_ should be able to help 15:39:02 <riecatnor> ok thanks mizmo 15:39:10 <mshakshober_> sure! whatever you need me to do with it, just let me know! 15:39:21 <riecatnor> thank mshakshober_ 15:39:50 <mshakshober_> would you like me to work on vectorizing the drawing that you have? 15:42:06 <gnokii> I think angkor is better its easier recognizable, wat phnom and independence memorial have to fine details 15:44:13 <riecatnor> mshakshober_: I will work on that, maybe you can get the other parts needed together? 15:44:25 <riecatnor> I am hoping to do this tonight 15:46:03 <mshakshober_> what other parts? 15:47:40 <riecatnor> we need a whole logo http://fudcon.in/ 15:48:13 <riecatnor> so, let me vectorize first, and see where we are at 15:48:26 <mizmo> mshakshober_, i can send you the fudcon logo template 15:49:05 <mshakshober_> ok, thanks! 15:52:19 <riecatnor> mizmo, mshakshober_ thanks! 15:53:00 <radhikak> /query stickster 15:53:07 <radhikak> opps 15:53:12 <radhikak> sorry about that 15:54:09 <mizmo> its all good 15:54:12 <mizmo> all right lets endmeeting 15:54:15 <mizmo> #endmeeting