14:02:19 <mizmo> #startmeeting design-team 14:02:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 20 14:02:19 2017 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'design-team' 14:02:19 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.start -- duffy started meeting "design-team" in #fedora-design 14:02:32 <mshakshober[m]> hi hi :) 14:02:39 <mleonova> hey mshakshober[m] =) 14:02:44 <mizmo> #topic roll call! 14:02:44 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "roll call!" in #fedora-design 14:02:47 <mizmo> .hello duffy 14:02:48 <zodbot> mizmo: duffy 'Máirín Duffy' <fedora@linuxgrrl.com> 14:03:07 <mleonova> .hello mleonova 14:03:08 <zodbot> mleonova: mleonova 'Maria Leonova' <mleonova@redhat.com> 14:03:22 <etsang[m]> .hello etsang 14:03:23 <zodbot> etsang[m]: etsang 'Eric Tsang' <etsang647@gmail.com> 14:03:31 <mshakshober[m]> .hello mshakshober[m] 14:03:32 <zodbot> mshakshober[m]: Sorry, but you don't exist 14:03:40 <mizmo> thats a harsh error message lol 14:03:43 <mizmo> .hello maryshak1996 14:03:44 <zodbot> mizmo: maryshak1996 'Mary Shakshober' <mary.shakshober@snhu.edu> 14:03:56 <mshakshober[m]> I don't know why it always thinks I'm the wrong me... 14:04:16 <mizmo> i want to introduce etsang - he is a summer intern working with me and mshakshober in the red hat boston office for the summer, he just started this week 14:04:23 <mizmo> he's going to work with us on a project i wanted to talk about today 14:04:30 <mizmo> #topic open floor 14:04:31 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "open floor" in #fedora-design 14:04:38 <mizmo> does any body have any open floor items to cover? 14:04:40 <mleonova> cool! welcome, etsang[m] !! 14:05:00 <etsang[m]> thanks! 14:05:39 <mshakshober[m]> I was wondering if we could breifly look at the flock lanyards https://pagure.io/design/issue/516 14:06:02 <mizmo> sure! 14:06:05 <mshakshober[m]> I think that the front is good, but haven't gotten feedback on the back and those will probably have to be ordered soon 14:06:08 <mizmo> oh right youd emailed me about this 14:06:08 <mizmo> lets see 14:06:55 <mizmo> i think maybe the speaker and organizer colors are too close? 14:07:03 <mleonova> the sched link to be updated definitely =) 14:07:14 <mizmo> can you use the lighter aqua for organizer maybe? 14:07:24 <mizmo> mleonova: oh good catch! 14:07:48 <mshakshober[m]> yes! I have an updated version with the correct year (just forgot to post)! I can give a light teal a sot for the organizer 14:08:18 <mleonova> mshakshober[m], great! I love your work and the progress on these! 14:08:22 <mizmo> ok cool. feel free to darken the teal a little to get it the white text to stand out 14:08:37 <mshakshober[m]> sounds good :) thanks guys! 14:09:24 <mleonova> =) 14:10:19 <mizmo> i think it should have flock-staff@fedoraproject.org on there too 14:10:24 <mizmo> maybe "if you need help:" and under that, #flock-help and flock-staff@fedoraproject.org 14:10:34 <mizmo> really like this design, its so pretty :) 14:10:46 <mshakshober[m]> will do :) 14:11:14 <mizmo> ok so i wanted to talk a little bit about the project we're working on here in the boston office this summer for fedora design 14:11:18 <mizmo> #topic fedora design guide 14:11:18 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "fedora design guide" in #fedora-design 14:11:36 <mizmo> so you may know that ryanlerch has been working on fedora-bootstrap as a way to unify our CSS / styles / etc. across fedora project infrastructure apps 14:11:41 <mizmo> ( https://pagure.io/fedora-bootstrap ) 14:12:22 <mizmo> as we've been developing fedora hubs, we wanted to use fedora bootstrap, but as i was working with sayan on getting some hubs widgets implemented, he noted that other similar projects have documentation with pattern libraries with pseudocode and examples you can grab, 14:12:43 <mizmo> and that would make it much easier for developers to implement hubs stuff, and would make it easier for us to onboard new devs too into how we do things in fedora apps 14:12:57 <mizmo> the example sayan gave was the patternfly library, you can see here: http://www.patternfly.org/pattern-library/ 14:13:15 <mizmo> i think i've mentioned this before, but i've been playing around with a tool called patternlab to help us document our own patterns - 14:13:27 <mizmo> http://patternlab.io/ 14:13:27 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "http://patternlab.io/" 14:13:39 <mizmo> a demo of it is available here: http://demo.patternlab.io/?p=all 14:13:54 <mizmo> i set up a repo on pagure here to start this work: https://pagure.io/patternlab 14:14:12 <mizmo> and have a little 'staging' site here: https://docs.pagure.org/patternlab/ 14:14:15 <mizmo> anyway 14:14:38 <mizmo> i've pulled out some different patterns from hubs - the hubs widgets are internally inconsistent, there's a few different types of styles in there 14:15:06 <mizmo> so we're going to make them consistent, and then codify them in pattern lab, also generating the html / css needed to make them work, and try to roll that html / css upstream into fedora-bootstrap 14:15:17 <mizmo> it's kind of a big project, but when we have an initial release, i think it's going to be a big win for fedora apps 14:15:23 <mizmo> it'll give us better consistency across the board 14:15:42 <mizmo> so that's that project :) 14:15:50 <mizmo> any questions or anything? 14:15:59 <mleonova> that sounds great! atomic design seems to become the thing 14:16:12 <mizmo> yeh, so we're on the bandwagon :) 14:16:16 <mleonova> really interested in what you guys will create =) 14:16:33 <mizmo> i have a session proposed for flock about this project that got accepted so that's good too 14:16:39 <mizmo> cool 14:16:46 <mizmo> should we move on to triage then? 14:17:01 <mleonova> sure 14:17:06 <mizmo> #topic design queue triage 14:17:06 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "design queue triage" in #fedora-design 14:17:09 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issues 14:17:09 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issues" 14:17:36 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/532 14:17:37 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/532" 14:17:43 <mizmo> Generic presentation card of fedora project 14:17:53 <mizmo> so searchsam has sent some photos of a printed card that needs design review 14:18:06 <mizmo> i think it definitely needs some massaging 14:18:12 <mizmo> visually, and maybe content-wise too 14:18:15 <mizmo> this is an open ticket 14:18:43 <mshakshober[m]> I wouldn't mind grabbing something like this, so I can take it 14:19:10 <mizmo> mshakshober: ok cool! i'll assign it to you. i think the trickest part is figuring out what the content should be, i can add a comment on the ticket with some guidance 14:20:06 <mshakshober[m]> perfect! Until we know exactly what the content should be I can start at least making a template 14:24:12 <mleonova> Just noticed the topic: ..:: Fedora Design ::.. | Time to start thinking about F25 artwork :) 14:24:23 <mizmo> ok just added some notes, we'll need some more details from searchsam 14:24:32 <mizmo> mleonova: lol my fault i can't change topic in riot.im afaik 14:24:35 <mizmo> ill have to use hexchat and fix it 14:24:50 <mizmo> ok next ticket 14:24:51 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/531 14:24:51 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/531" 14:24:55 <mizmo> New design template for Fedora Business cards program 14:25:13 <mizmo> im pretty sure we have a business card template dont we 14:25:36 * mizmo looks 14:26:02 <mizmo> yep https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Business_cards 14:26:05 <mizmo> it could use an update tho 14:26:12 <mizmo> the fonts are not our new fonts 14:26:23 <mizmo> looks like it's using modata 14:26:36 <mizmo> anybody have any interest in updating our biz card template? 14:26:54 <mleonova> I can do that 14:27:20 <mizmo> cool thanks mleonova! 14:28:29 <mleonova> sure thing :) 14:29:28 <mizmo> ok next ticket 14:29:29 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/530 14:29:30 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/530" 14:29:34 <mizmo> Banner FB event page 14:31:33 <mshakshober[m]> I've been working on these this week, and it seems like gnokki is on board for the most part with the design... I think? 14:31:47 <mizmo> mshakshober: yep looks like you have a good back and forth so im not concerned on this one 14:32:05 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/529 14:32:05 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/529" 14:32:11 <mizmo> Requesting a Fedora-centric design for the proposed Fedora container registry front-end 14:32:15 <mizmo> i need to move my rear on this one 14:32:30 * mizmo adds to the queue 14:32:47 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/528 14:32:47 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/528" 14:33:11 <mizmo> this one is done, f26 artwork 14:33:11 * mizmo closes 14:34:33 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/527 14:34:34 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/527" 14:34:44 <mizmo> Poster design for Fedora 26 Release Parties 14:34:58 <mizmo> i think ill just close this, it's pretty much done 14:35:09 <fm-design> pagure.issue.edit -- duffy edited the close_status and status fields of ticket design#527 https://pagure.io/design/issue/527 14:35:10 <fm-design> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#527: "Poster design for Fedora 26 Release Parties" https://pagure.io/design/issue/527#comment-449524 14:35:36 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/526 14:35:36 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/526" 14:35:41 <mizmo> Foldable flyer 14:36:03 <mizmo> will just ping ryan on it 14:36:26 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/525 14:36:26 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/525" 14:36:31 <mizmo> Fedora Tshirt for active contributors of Translation group 14:36:50 <mizmo> mshakshober: i think the translators tshirt is all done right? we can close the ticket? 14:37:02 <mshakshober[m]> yup, I think it's all set! 14:38:03 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/524 14:38:04 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/524" 14:38:08 <mizmo> Add pulpproject.org at the bottom of the hexagon 14:38:15 <mizmo> mleonova: are we done with this one or keep it open? 14:38:22 * mizmo in a ticket closing mood today lol 14:38:27 <mleonova> almost, almost 14:38:39 <mleonova> waiting for one final confirmation 14:38:42 <mleonova> =) 14:38:52 <mizmo> okie doke 14:39:01 <mizmo> next is https://pagure.io/design/issue/520 14:39:04 <mizmo> Flock 2017 T-shirt 14:39:13 <K_REY_C[m]> Hello! I'll read along. 14:39:15 <mizmo> mshakshober: you're good on this one - just got list of sponsors, have a coupl eof weeks at least 14:39:21 <mizmo> hey K_REY_C :) good to see you :) 14:39:39 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/519 14:39:40 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/519" 14:39:45 <mizmo> Flock 2017 Banners 14:40:01 <mizmo> i'm going to open this one up since we gave two pings, does anybody want to work on this one? 14:40:34 <mshakshober[m]> I can work on it since i've got a lot of the other collateral docs 14:40:41 <mizmo> mshakshober: awesome thanks! 14:40:42 <mshakshober[m]> what is kind of the goal of this? 14:41:15 <mizmo> mshakshober: theres two types of banners needed here, a fedora magazine banner (specs are in the ticket comments) and a "i'm going to flock!" banner for ppl to put on their blogs 14:41:51 <mshakshober[m]> oh ok, cool so like blog banner type things? 14:41:57 <mizmo> actually it looks like the main one for the magazine is done: 14:41:58 <mizmo> https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.fedoramagazine.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F05%2Fflock2017.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffedoramagazine.org%2Fcategory%2Ffedora-project%2F&docid=0F4pjL0kQV0EqM&tbnid=_xYWdlJINGqOQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjhq7nxi5jVAhXFFT4KHQs7BjkQMwgtKAswCw..i&w=1890&h=800&bih=1300&biw=1280&q=i%27m%20going%20to%20flock%20banner%20fedora&ved=0ahUKEwjhq7nxi5jVAhXFFT4KHQs7BjkQMwgtKAswCw&ia 14:41:58 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.fedoramagazine.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F05%2Fflock2017.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffedoramagazine.org%2Fcategory%2Ffedora- 14:41:59 <mizmo> ct=mrc&uact=8 14:41:59 <fm-design> project%2F&docid=0F4pjL0kQV0EqM&tbnid=_xYWdlJINGqOQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjhq7nxi5jVAhXFFT4KHQs7BjkQMwgtKAswCw..i&w=1890&h=800&bih=1300&biw=1280&q=i%27m%20going%20to%20flock%20banner%20fedora&ved=0ahUKEwjhq7nxi5jVAhXFFT4KHQs7BjkQMwgtKAswCw&ia" 14:42:02 <mizmo> ugh 14:42:06 <mizmo> https://cdn.fedoramagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/flock2017.png 14:42:06 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://cdn.fedoramagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/flock2017.png" 14:42:07 <mizmo> ^ better url 14:42:20 <mizmo> but we'd need ones for "Flock 2017: Day 1" Day 2, Day 3, so on and so forth 14:42:26 <mizmo> for the fedora magazine posts that correspond to it 14:42:47 <mizmo> for the blog banner, something like this http://tatica.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/flock-going.png 14:42:51 <mshakshober[m]> ok I'll do that :) 14:43:43 <mizmo> this is an example of the guadec one https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEIKwcIXkAAkOd_.png 14:43:51 <mizmo> cool lemme update the ticket with these infos 14:44:06 <mshakshober[m]> perfect, thanks! 14:46:54 <mizmo> ok filled out 14:47:47 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/518 14:47:47 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/518" 14:47:49 <mizmo> flock party poster 14:47:57 <mizmo> mshakshober: whats the status on this? do you still need a QR code? 14:48:11 <mshakshober[m]> I think we're still waiting on the QR 14:48:33 <mizmo> do you know where the QR ticket is? we should probably link it up in the comments 14:48:37 <mshakshober[m]> I think someone posted on the badge ticket that the badge needed to be pushed before the QR could be generated 14:48:56 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/539 14:48:57 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/539" 14:49:29 <mizmo> ah i think nb was waiting for me to approve it? but i did. so i think we just need nb to push it? 14:49:48 * mizmo pings him in the ticket 14:50:38 <mizmo> mshakshober: ooh next is the signs they look great 14:50:44 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/517 14:50:44 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/517" 14:50:49 <mizmo> Flock 2017 Room Signage 14:51:06 <mizmo> mshakshober: did you end up doing a test print? if the test print looks fine i wouldnt worry about it 14:51:16 <mshakshober[m]> Thanks! I did a test print and they looked pretty great :) 14:51:22 <nb> mizmo, I am being pinged about something? 14:51:26 <mizmo> we could even print them here and laminate here, thomas has a laminator machine 14:51:27 * nb looks 14:51:31 <mizmo> nb: yeh, we need a badge pushed o_O 14:51:37 <mizmo> nb: got a sec? 14:51:49 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/539 nb ^ 14:51:49 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/539 nb ^" https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/539 14:52:03 <mshakshober[m]> That could be good, to get them printed and laminated here so that they are all set 14:52:23 <mizmo> let me make sure thomas is ok with that lol i dont know how expensive the sheets are, they come from a diff budget 14:52:27 <mizmo> may just want us to go to kinkos or whatever 14:53:05 <mizmo> there's 10 signs, we probably want 2x, then the party sign we probably want 4x? so that's 24 total 14:53:22 <nb> mizmo, working on it 14:54:08 <mizmo> mshakshober: ok i asked him about the laminator, will let you know what i find out, but in any case i think we should do the whole set here and just work out where to laminate later 14:54:09 <nb> mizmo, /me curious - do members of the papers committee count as organizer? 14:54:19 <mizmo> nb: i would count it :) 14:54:19 * nb likes badges :) 14:54:26 <mshakshober[m]> Ok sounds good! 14:54:28 <mizmo> nb: but i dont know if my opinion matter 14:55:39 <nb> last year it looks like they counted pretty much everyone 14:55:51 <nb> mizmo, /me is pushing the art out now, and will create the badge as soon as that is done 14:56:04 <mizmo> nb: awesome thank you :)! 14:56:05 <fm-design> infragit.receive -- root pushed a commit to the fedora-infra badges repo (master): "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pagure.io/fedora-badges-assets" https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/badges.git/commit/?h=master&id=ae65757e21d622183b96a27025af2f24bdc3fd85 14:56:43 <mizmo> let's do one more ticket then there was something i forgot to point out at open floor - 14:56:46 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/515 14:56:46 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/515" 14:56:50 <mizmo> Badge for RH Summit 2017 14:56:59 <mizmo> this should be closed and isnt lol. simplke fix 14:57:10 <mizmo> ok 14:57:14 <mizmo> #topic fedora 27 wallpaper 14:57:14 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "fedora 27 wallpaper" in #fedora-design 14:57:23 <mizmo> so there was a thread that mattdm started on our list about the f27 wallpaper 14:57:25 <mizmo> lemme get the link 14:57:57 <mizmo> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/XJE6TTN5H4T4VUASVAJDKBERFV2S3OYD/ 14:57:58 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/XJE6TTN5H4T4VUASVAJDKBERFV2S3OYD/" 14:58:01 <mizmo> Extending the life of the F26 wallpaper? 14:58:18 <mizmo> so mattdm had proposed keeping the f26 wallpaper around for an additional erlease or so and that we could iterate on it 14:58:28 <nb> mizmo, it was already done 14:58:29 <nb> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/steampunk-arcade 14:58:29 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- nb linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/steampunk-arcade" 14:58:44 <mizmo> i think there was a mixed reception there, gnokii felt strongly that as a project it's a good unifying thing for us to work on every release 14:59:02 <mizmo> i do think we've gotten good at getting it ready early etc, we've had very few issues with it in recent releases 14:59:07 <nb> mizmo, if you go to that page, do you get a link that lets you generate a QR code? I think I gave you authorizations for it 14:59:27 * mizmo checks 14:59:46 <K_REY_C[m]> I think a new wallpaper is a good idea too. I have no experience of the past, but it was fun to work on something so prominant -- and that should be an open opportunity. 15:00:08 <mizmo> nb: i dont seem to have perms to generate qr :( 15:01:18 <nb> mizmo, "You authorized duffy@fedoraproject.org to issue steampunk-arcade" 15:01:19 <nb> try now 15:01:34 <mizmo> nb: yay works now! 15:02:02 <mizmo> nb: it says it expires in an hour tho? 15:02:12 <nb> mizmo, you have to choose when you want the invite to expire 15:02:22 <nb> you can choose that you want it to go through a couple days after flock ends or something 15:02:49 <mizmo> nb: ohhhh i see it now 15:02:50 <mizmo> ok 15:02:52 <mizmo> its a bit confusing, but i think i got it now 15:03:48 <mizmo> i put it for sept 1 and it says "expires in a month" o_O 15:04:36 <mizmo> okay anyway! 15:04:42 <mizmo> so does anyone here have thoughts on the wallpaper for f27 15:04:51 <mizmo> gnokii put together a survyey for creating a new one 15:05:10 <mizmo> one thing i'd like to see, as a unifying project for the team, is the patternlab style guide i mentoined up front 15:05:14 <mizmo> so i dont think we necessarily need the wallpaper as a unifying thing? although i think it's a good activity 15:05:32 * nb is doing the attendee,organizer badges now. I will wait on the speaker one, since it seems like there is some discussion about not having a speaker badge 15:06:17 <mizmo> nb: ok cool thank you so much! :) 15:07:33 <K_REY_C[m]> What's the typical process for the wallpaper theme. F26 was Bell, Soundwaves, and nature mashup. It looks very different than the earlier wallpapers as far as I can tell, but I don't know what the themes to those were. 15:08:22 <mizmo> K_REY_C: we start with the name of a famous scientist / technologist and use that as the inspiration, bell was f26, f25 im trying to remember - was a mathematician i know, i think an ancient greek one that had some kind of screw 15:09:04 <mshakshober[m]> 25 was archimedes I believe... so the image was to mimic the archmedian screw 15:09:28 <mizmo> that's right mshakshober - thanks! 15:09:59 <K_REY_C[m]> Interesting. So 1st step is to decide on a famous scientist / technologist 15:10:29 <mizmo> i dont remember the scientist for f21 but his was the pinboard: https://www.pinterest.com/mairindubh/fedora-21/ 15:10:41 <mizmo> something to do with lightwaves 15:12:15 <mizmo> oh here's the poll for selecting the scientist for f27 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwS-4VvBJWrQ07xnnZekGP3JJwjh0WHcEcw-lw2yBkllmbqw/viewform 15:12:37 <mizmo> it's Vladimir Chelomey, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, or Jacques Cousteau 15:12:49 * mizmo picked Cugnot for steampunkyness :) 15:13:01 <mizmo> so we can go forward with a diff one for f27 if we want 15:13:05 <mizmo> i think it's up to us 15:13:18 <mizmo> but id like us to work on more ux centric kinds of projects too like the pattern library 15:13:58 <K_REY_C[m]> Sure. 15:14:01 <K_REY_C[m]> Thanks, 15:14:20 <mizmo> once we decide on a scientist the next step woul dbe to put together the board 15:14:30 <mizmo> aiight 15:14:33 <mizmo> #topic open floor 15:14:33 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "open floor" in #fedora-design 15:14:38 <mizmo> anything else or should we close up? 15:14:53 <K_REY_C[m]> Nothing from me. Thanks for explaining. 15:14:59 <mshakshober[m]> hmmm not that I can think of... 15:15:22 <mizmo> cool, see you guys next week since this is sort of a make up meeting :) 15:15:24 <mizmo> #endmeeting