11:59:09 <jflory7> #startmeeting Fedora Diversity Team - Wednesday, 2016 Sept. 14 11:59:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 14 11:59:09 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:59:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:59:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_diversity_team_-_wednesday,_2016_sept._14' 11:59:13 <jflory7> #meetingname diversity 11:59:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity' 11:59:22 <jflory7> #topic Roll Call / Q&A 11:59:25 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 11:59:26 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 11:59:29 <Amita> .fasinfo amsharma 11:59:30 <zodbot> Amita: User: amsharma, Name: Amita Sharma, email: amsharma@redhat.com, Creation: 2011-08-31, IRC Nick: Amita, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 11:59:33 <zodbot> Amita: Approved Groups: +diversity-team marketing cla_fpca cla_done qa magazine fedorabugs 11:59:38 <a2batic> .hello a2batic 11:59:39 <jflory7> #chair Amita 11:59:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita jflory7 11:59:39 <zodbot> a2batic: a2batic 'Kanika Murarka' <kmurarka@redhat.com> 11:59:40 <Amita> .hello amsharma 11:59:42 <jflory7> #chair a2batic 11:59:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita a2batic jflory7 11:59:42 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 11:59:43 <MooDoo> .fasinfo paulmellors 11:59:45 <zodbot> MooDoo: User: paulmellors, Name: None, email: prjmellors@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-07-28, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: None, Locale: None, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 11:59:46 <jflory7> #chair MooDoo 11:59:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita MooDoo a2batic jflory7 11:59:48 <zodbot> MooDoo: Unapproved Groups: diversity-team videos 11:59:51 <zodbot> MooDoo: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done +fedora-uk +ambassadors 11:59:57 <jflory7> Hey everyone! 12:00:02 <Amita> hello j 12:00:04 <devyani7> jflory7, o/ 12:00:05 <Amita> hello jflory7 12:00:06 <MooDoo> hiya 12:00:10 <a2batic> Hello 12:00:11 <Amita> thanks for starting 12:00:24 <jflory7> #info tatica is not able to be present today due to a last-minute emergency 12:00:30 <jflory7> #chair devyani7 12:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita MooDoo a2batic devyani7 jflory7 12:00:49 <MooDoo> just have to bear with me as well as I'm currently at work as well :D 12:01:14 <Amita> MooDoo, ditto 12:01:17 <Amita> :) 12:01:17 <jflory7> MooDoo: No worries. :) 12:01:57 <Amita> jflory7, let's start with agenda 12:02:02 * jflory7 nods 12:02:21 <jflory7> Anyone else who arrives later can chime in. 12:02:22 * Amita remembers it is 30 mins meeting ;) 12:02:30 <jflory7> I thought we have an hour? 12:02:48 <jflory7> I think the 30 minutes block in the poll was just for the convenience of solving the time zone issue. 12:02:50 <Amita> jflory7, we are going to have weekly meeting, so 30 mins 12:03:13 <Amita> jflory7, mail from tatica is there in this in list 12:03:16 <Amita> let me link it 12:03:28 <jflory7> Ahh, hmmm. Well, there's nobody after us, so if it does go over, it's a non-issue too. Let's jump into announcements then. 12:03:46 <jflory7> Amita: I think I must have misread the mail then. 12:03:50 <jflory7> #topic Announcements 12:04:03 <jflory7> #info === FY18 budget process is happening now === 12:04:08 <jflory7> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/council/council.2016-09-12-18.01.log.html#l-55 12:04:43 <Amita> tatica in her mail "aving a 30 (expandable) minutes meeting every week will keep us more focus on the latest updates now that the pagure is quite active. 12:04:43 <Amita> " 12:04:44 <jflory7> #info The FY18 budget process is beginning now. It's important to keep this in mind as we advance with planning our FAD event. The quicker we move, the better it will be for us. 12:04:57 <jflory7> Amita: Ahh, okay, I definitely missed that line. 12:05:03 <Amita> jflory7, :) np 12:05:11 <jflory7> #info === "FUDCon Phnom Penh: Call for Papers" === 12:05:17 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-phnom-penh-call-for-papers/ 12:05:30 <Amita> hi bee2502 12:05:42 <bee2502_> hi Amita o/ 12:05:50 <devyani7> bee2502, o/ 12:05:53 <jflory7> #info Call for Papers open for FUDCon APAC - important to keep in mind for discussing a diversity panel at FUDCon (more about this in the ticket in a moment) 12:05:55 <jflory7> bee2502_: o/ 12:05:57 <jflory7> #chair bee2502_ 12:05:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita MooDoo a2batic bee2502_ devyani7 jflory7 12:05:59 <bee2502_> .hello bee2502 12:06:00 <zodbot> bee2502_: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 12:06:09 <a2batic> bee2502, o/ 12:06:16 <jflory7> #info === "FOSS Wave: Women in Technology (Part 2)" === 12:06:20 <bee2502_> o/ devyani7 jflory7 a2batic 12:06:22 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/foss-wave-women-in-technology-part-2/ 12:06:53 <jflory7> #info A great write-up of some local work a2batic has been doing to help bring more women into FOSS and Fedora! 12:06:55 <jflory7> a2batic++ 12:07:21 <jflory7> #info === "FOSS Wave: FOSS and Fedora in Bangalore, India" === 12:07:24 <a2batic> thanks jflory7 ^_^ 12:07:33 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/foss-wave-fedora-bangalore-india/ 12:07:56 <jflory7> #info Another event that a2batic and sumantrom helped plan and organize - a2batic gave a talk on women in FOSS there as well! 12:08:00 <jflory7> a2batic: You've been busy! :) 12:08:15 <jflory7> That's all the announcements I had for today. 12:08:16 <a2batic> :p 12:08:25 <jflory7> Anyone else have anything they want to add? 12:08:47 <jflory7> Oh, also, hey marinaz! 12:08:58 <Amita> hi marinaz 12:08:58 <marinaz> hi jflory7! 12:09:03 <marinaz> hi Amita! 12:09:06 <jflory7> #chair marinaz 12:09:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita MooDoo a2batic bee2502_ devyani7 jflory7 marinaz 12:09:08 <Amita> a2batic++ 12:09:08 <zodbot> Amita: Karma for a2batic changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:09:28 <Amita> a2batic, looking forward to work with you on upcoming Sunday event 12:09:36 <jflory7> Okay, if no other announcements, we can go ahead and move on to the next topic. 12:09:40 <Amita> jflory7, you want to add action items pending for FAD? 12:09:57 <jflory7> Normally I would review past action items, but I don't think we have any from our last meeting to go over, so we will go straight to tickets 12:10:08 <jflory7> #topic Tickets 12:10:08 <jflory7> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting 12:10:09 * Amita nods 12:10:18 <bee2502_> a2batic++ 12:10:27 <a2batic> Amita, yup, same here 12:10:30 <a2batic> :) 12:10:45 <jflory7> Since it's a shorter meeting than I realized, I'm going to do some jumping around in the order from the page. 12:10:55 <jflory7> #info === "Planning a FAD event" === 12:10:59 <jflory7> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/8 12:11:30 <jflory7> So the current proposal for the FAD can be found here: 12:11:42 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Diversity_2017 12:11:56 <Amita> jflory7, what I remember the priority is to get the final list of participant and budget estimation + aligning the goals with fedora project 12:12:03 <jflory7> A lot of the groundwork is done, but it still has a ways to go if we will be on track for getting it submitted by the end of the month. 12:12:05 <jflory7> Amita: Exactly 12:12:25 <Amita> jflory7, thanks for shaping the things I have put in the page 12:12:35 <jflory7> There's a checklist (more or less) of the order of things we should do in the "Planning Prerequisites" section of that wiki page. 12:12:40 <Amita> but surely want more into page 12:12:48 <jflory7> Also worth noting from last night in #fedora-council, a few things: 12:13:12 <Amita> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Diversity_2017 12:13:16 <jflory7> #info Before filing a Council Trac ticket, contact bexelbie first and work with him once the planning details are ready 12:13:22 <Amita> oh you done that already :) 12:14:06 * jflory7 is making a quick pastebin from the logs in #fedora-council 12:14:32 <jflory7> #link https://paste.fedoraproject.org/427933/ 12:14:44 * devyani7 clicks 12:14:49 <Amita> jflory7, let's divide the sections we would like to work on and do the action items for it 12:15:21 <jflory7> Amita: Agreed - the next action item I see would be defining the impact on the project that we hope to bring through the FAD. 12:15:50 <jflory7> It would be *super effective* if we used the logic model template that matt dm has on Pagure for shaping how that would look, I think. 12:16:12 <jflory7> And the relevant bit from that log snippet is that February may be a very hard time to execute the FAD 12:16:13 <Amita> jflory7, link? 12:16:18 <jflory7> We may not be able to get budget for it in Q4 12:16:22 <jflory7> (of FY17) 12:16:28 <jflory7> #link https://pagure.io/FedoraLogicModelTemplate 12:16:46 <Amita> jflory7, we vcan target Mar/Apr 2017 is Q1 of FY18 12:16:55 * jflory7 thinks we will probably go over the 30 minute mark today just because we haven't had a full meeting in some weeks 12:17:19 <Amita> jflory7, let's keep the in detail discussion for tickets 12:17:21 <jflory7> Amita: I think that's probably our best bet. Finding a venue / date that works in Q1 should probably be our aim. 12:17:43 <jflory7> jonatoni was also going to talk to Jiri / eischmann in Brno about location options. 12:17:48 <jflory7> #nick jonatoni 12:18:09 <jflory7> I can try to work on defining the impacts of the FAD 12:18:11 <Amita> jflory7, okay 12:18:16 <Amita> jflory7, thanks 12:18:29 <Amita> jflory7, I will help 12:18:38 <jflory7> #action jonatoni Share any info you learned about venue options in Brno in the ticket for the FAD planning 12:18:47 <Amita> jflory7, also let's update the ticket with latest information & todos 12:19:06 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Amita Work on defining planned impact / scope of the FAD 12:19:17 <Amita> perfect 12:19:19 <jflory7> Amita: Definitely will do so. 12:19:26 <jflory7> Is there anything else we should cover right now on this? 12:19:26 <Amita> thanks jflory7 12:19:32 <jflory7> Or should we go ahead and move on? 12:19:42 <Amita> jflory7, let's move 12:20:15 * jflory7 nods 12:20:34 <jflory7> #info === "Next Diversity Panel Planning" === 12:20:37 <jflory7> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/10 12:20:51 <Amita> aha and that goes for fudcon :) 12:20:55 <jflory7> I think this ticket was originally intended for Flock, but in light of FUDCon, we probably want to change targets now :) 12:21:26 <jflory7> So, from those present now, is there anyone who is planning to go to FUDCon this year? 12:21:39 <Amita> Inviting panelists ahead of time - should be agenda 12:21:56 <Amita> ah you are always quicker jflory7 ;) 12:22:05 <Amita> I think if Harish Pillay is going 12:22:13 <Amita> he would be one of the great candidates 12:22:21 <jflory7> Amita: Definitely. I think getting a head count of people on the team who are going should be first priority, and then contacting some others in the community who we know are going. 12:22:40 * jflory7 is not in the loop for knowing who is heading over / planning to go to Phnom Penh 12:22:45 <jflory7> .fas Harish Pillay 12:22:46 <devyani7> jflory7, am submitting a workshop on hubs. *fingers crossed* 12:22:46 <zodbot> jflory7: harishpillay 'Harish Pillay' <harish.pillay@gmail.com> 12:23:02 <devyani7> :) 12:23:16 <a2batic> jflory7, I have to submit one on diversity 12:23:17 <jflory7> devyani7++ Awesome! That's right, I forgot you were going to propose one of your own. :) 12:23:26 <devyani7> :P 12:23:34 <jflory7> devyani7: Curious, would you be interested in participating on a diversity panel if we organize one? 12:23:36 <Amita> devyani7++ 12:23:37 <zodbot> Amita: Karma for devyani7 changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:23:48 <devyani7> jflory7, yes, ofcourse :) 12:23:57 <Amita> thanks devyani7 12:24:03 <devyani7> Amita, :) 12:24:03 <jflory7> Ideally, there would be 5-7 panelists we have, as well as people in the audience who attend (it was a pretty chatty panel at Flock, so I imagine it would be the same for FUDCon too) 12:24:27 <jflory7> So currently we have devyani7 and a2batic. Amita, do you know when you will have an idea if you will be able to go? 12:24:56 <Amita> jflory7, I would like to give little more priority to the candidates outside the team, and bit more experienced like marinaz Harish (seniors) 12:24:57 * jflory7 also wonders if trishnag is planning to be at FUDCon APAC 12:25:10 <jflory7> Ahh, will marinaz be there too? 12:25:17 <Amita> I am not sure 12:25:40 <Amita> tatica will be online, I am sure 12:25:51 <marinaz> Amita, jflory7: at FUDCon - no..., but I'm happy to work with the panelists to plan things out 12:26:15 <trishnag> jflory7: would love to. let's see what happens :) 12:26:18 <Amita> we team members can help with the coordination and organizing a panel 12:26:26 * jflory7 nods 12:26:36 <jflory7> Amita: Right. 12:26:46 <Amita> but a little more experienced faces make it the right panel 12:26:53 <marinaz> Amita, jflory7: some of the feedback I heard from the panel is Flock is that we had too many panelists, and still didn't hear enough from them, and that the audience dominated the discussion 12:27:08 <Amita> marinaz, I agree 12:27:18 <jflory7> Yeah, I also felt the same with that too 12:27:26 * jflory7 will make some quick notes 12:27:39 <Amita> marinaz, as It was the first one, we were not planned to face such a thing 12:27:39 <marinaz> Amita, jflory7: I agree that we need to identify the panelists well ahead of time, and make sure that they are the ones who do most of the speaking 12:27:57 <Amita> marinaz, +1 12:28:02 <jflory7> #info Feedback from Flock panel: Too many panelists / not hearing enough from them, audience dominated the discussion (more structure to planned discussion on panel?) 12:28:21 <Amita> marinaz, jflory7 we would like to have a stopwatch kind of thing to cut it sort 12:28:53 <Amita> among the last panel, salviya was one who got max time 12:29:04 <jflory7> Amita: Yeah - a moderator position would definitely be helpful here 12:29:09 <Amita> and it is the moderator's job 12:29:12 <misc> or you can collect the question in advance and sort them, rather than letting audience speak directly 12:29:21 <Amita> jflory7, we are speaking the same 12:29:21 <misc> (and speak for 5 minutes to ask a question...) 12:29:36 <Amita> misc, yeah some thing like that 12:29:39 <jflory7> misc++ Ah, yeah, that as well 12:29:39 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for misc changed to 8 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:29:45 <Amita> and hello misc :) 12:29:49 <misc> hi Amita 12:29:56 <jflory7> #idea Collecting questions ahead of time for answering during the panel 12:30:09 <Amita> jflory7, we did collect the questions 12:30:25 <jflory7> Amita: I think it was a little more of a time crunch than we wanted though, right? 12:30:31 <Amita> #idea speak for 5 minutes to ask a question 12:30:34 <marinaz> jflory7, Amita: I think having panelists identified well ahead of time and making sure they are experienced with diversity issues like Amita said would be most helpful; otherwise, another part of the feedback I heard, is that it would make more sense to hold a BoF or a working session instead 12:31:00 * Amita nods 12:31:03 <jflory7> I see two action items being developed here: (1) begin creating a structure for the panel itself, and (2) begin identifying panelists to participate on the panel 12:31:27 <marinaz> jflory7, Amita: I think we had a solid plan with the questions, but at the same time we wanted to hear from the audience - it's possible that we needed a BoF instead 12:31:50 * Amita likes the idea of BoF 12:32:09 <Amita> marinaz, I think both have its own values - panel and BoF 12:32:30 <Amita> having both gives us a freedom to have pannalist only speaking in the panel 12:32:38 <Amita> and having BoF to include audience 12:32:43 <devyani7> +1 on BoF 12:32:43 <Amita> and it solves the time issue too 12:33:35 <jflory7> I think a BoF also makes sense too. I'm not all too familiar with if FUDCons are structured differently from Flocks, but it would be ideal to do both if possible. 12:33:35 <Amita> #idea Diversity BoF to be included as diversity activity 12:33:38 <marinaz> Amita: they do! it depends on who are the participants - I recommend watching the Diversity panel from All Things Open - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQrkgyArV5k - for an example of a well-prepared and moderated panel with experts 12:34:19 <Amita> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQrkgyArV5k 12:34:28 <jflory7> Beat me to it :) 12:34:28 <Amita> thanks marinaz for sharing 12:34:31 <jflory7> marinaz++ 12:34:32 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for marinaz changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:34:37 <Amita> marinaz++ 12:34:38 <zodbot> Amita: Karma for marinaz changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:34:40 <marinaz> of course :)! 12:35:45 <jflory7> I think the best plan for now on this one is breaking up and assigning action items. 12:35:58 <Amita> jflory7, yes 12:36:42 <jflory7> a2batic, do you want to work with tatica, Amita, and other participants (to be determined) on helping develop some of the panel structure? 12:37:02 <a2batic> jflory7, yes :) 12:37:12 <jflory7> Okay, great - let's make it official! 12:37:14 <jflory7> #nick tatica 12:37:49 <jflory7> #action a2batic Amita tatica Begin working on initial structure / format of the panel and what content to deliver 12:38:05 <mythcat> hi 12:38:06 <Amita> jflory7, please involve marinaz 12:38:11 <jflory7> #undo 12:38:11 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jflory7 at 12:37:49 : a2batic Amita tatica Begin working on initial structure / format of the panel and what content to deliver 12:38:26 <jflory7> #action a2batic Amita tatica marinaz Begin working on initial structure / format of the panel and what content to deliver for FUDCon diversity panel 12:38:37 <Amita> thanks jflory7 12:38:38 <jflory7> mythcat: Hello! 12:38:42 <Amita> hi mythcat 12:38:43 <jflory7> Yep! 12:38:49 <marinaz> thanks jflory7 12:38:54 <jflory7> Anything else we want to cover on this one for now? 12:38:55 <a2batic> thanks jflory7 :) 12:39:08 <jflory7> I imagine you all will have your hands full with that, that's a big action item. :) 12:40:11 * a2batic nod nod 12:40:24 <jflory7> If not, I think there's two tickets we can close today before we end the meeting while we're all here. 12:40:34 <devyani7> jflory7, wanna add something to my plate? 12:40:35 <MooDoo> sorry all work called :( 12:41:45 <Amita> jflory7, let's wrap up, I have another meeting scheduled in another 10 mins 12:42:04 <Amita> this was indeed a productive one, and major action items assigned 12:42:23 <jflory7> devyani7: I think having you involved with the panel with your perspective as an Outreachy applicant and continuing involvement would be great. If you could help with the panel planning, I think that would be awesome! 12:42:34 <jflory7> Amita: Ah, gotcha. Then let's do these last two quick: 12:42:37 <jflory7> #info === "Define onboarding steps for bringing in new members" === 12:42:43 <jflory7> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/2 12:42:47 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Diversity/Join 12:42:57 <devyani7> jflory7, nod nod. cool :) 12:43:02 <marinaz> jflory7: thank you for ensuring we get a meeting scheduled and sending a reminder! 12:43:05 <jflory7> I mostly want to see if you all think the Join page does a good job of explaining how people can get involved. If so, then I think we can close this ticket. 12:43:06 <marinaz> jflory7++ 12:43:06 <zodbot> marinaz: Karma for jflory7 changed to 46 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:43:23 <jflory7> marinaz: Happy to help :) As of now, we will officially be at this time every week! 12:43:26 <Amita> thakns devyani7 , you already doing awesome :) 12:43:33 <jflory7> ^ ++ 12:43:38 <sumantro_> jflory7++ 12:43:41 <devyani7> Amita, thanks ^_^ 12:43:50 <jflory7> sumantro_: o/ 12:43:51 <Amita> hey sumantro_ :) 12:44:12 <jflory7> Do you all think this ticket can be closed? Or do you think the getting involved process has more work to do? 12:44:19 <sumantro_> o/ Hey all Amita jflory7 :) 12:44:22 <Amita> so many lovely people around, so want this meeting can go on little longer :) 12:44:41 <Amita> jflory7, checking 12:44:58 <jflory7> :) 12:45:03 <MooDoo> I had to go and missed lots of it, but i'll catch up and thanks for accepting me in the diversity team :) 12:45:22 <jflory7> MooDoo: Cheers, glad to have you with us. :) 12:45:28 <Amita> jflory7, it has most of the things, I would like to see, event is missing though 12:45:39 <Amita> MooDoo, yeah :) 12:46:00 <MooDoo> :) 12:46:01 <Amita> jflory7, let tatica take a review and then we can close it 12:46:08 <jflory7> Amita: Kind of included with the self-intro, right? 12:46:12 <jflory7> Alrighty, that works for me. 12:46:32 <jflory7> #action tatica Give the onboarding process (ticket #2) a final review; if it looks good, it can be closed! 12:46:39 <marinaz> jflory7: great! 12:46:54 <Amita> jflory7, thanks 12:47:08 <jflory7> Amita: Since you're about to run, I can just ask it - think we can close ticket #13 about keeping wiki pages up-to-date? I think we've taken care of that now. 12:47:13 <jflory7> If so, I can close it out after meeting. 12:47:25 <Amita> jflory7, Sure 12:47:30 * jflory7 nods 12:47:36 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Close ticket #13 as complete 12:47:40 <jflory7> #topic Open Floor 12:47:50 <jflory7> Phew! This meeting felt very fast! 12:47:57 <Amita> jflory7, I am maintaining it - the events one, and will keep changing when required 12:47:59 <devyani7> :P 12:48:09 <devyani7> jflory7++ 12:48:16 <jflory7> I think it's just because it's been a while. But once we get into the swing of it, I think it will slow down a bit. :) 12:48:24 <jflory7> Amita: Awesome, sounds good to me. :) 12:48:36 <MooDoo> i think also people are clock watching due to being at work as well, well I am :D 12:48:41 <jflory7> Heh 12:48:52 <Amita> same goes with me.. lol 12:49:01 <jflory7> I've got an hour until my first class in the morning, and I need to grab breakfast. ;) 12:49:01 <MooDoo> helps me being in charge of it lol :) 12:49:08 <bee2502_> me too 12:49:08 <jflory7> Anyone have anything they want to bring up here at open floor? 12:49:17 * MooDoo shakes head 12:49:21 <jflory7> Going once... 12:49:28 <Amita> twice 12:49:30 <jflory7> Going twice... 12:49:35 <jflory7> And thrice... 12:49:38 <jflory7> "Sold!" 12:49:45 <devyani7> :) 12:49:48 <jflory7> Thanks all for coming out, see you in channel :) 12:49:51 <jflory7> #endmeeting