13:30:38 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora Diversity Team - 2018 March 16 13:30:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 16 13:30:38 2018 UTC. The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:30:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:30:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_diversity_team_-_2018_march_16' 13:30:42 <jwf> #meetingname diversity 13:30:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity' 13:30:47 <jwf> #topic Roll call / Q&A 13:31:25 <jwf> .hello jflory7 13:31:26 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 13:32:15 <jwf> Will wait a few minutes to see who is around. 13:35:00 <Amita> .hello amsharma 13:35:01 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 13:35:27 * jwf waves 13:35:29 <jwf> #chair Amita 13:35:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita jwf 13:36:44 <jwf> We'll wait for five minutes before jumping in 13:36:54 <jwf> I'm not sure if there was an agenda, but I'm putting one together really quick. 13:37:58 <Amita> jwf, objectives need to be discussed on high priority 13:40:26 <jwf> Amita: Right, looking at tickets now. 13:40:38 <jwf> I assume some of the others will arrive a little bit later 13:40:39 <jwf> #topic Announcements 13:40:45 <jwf> #info === "Fedora Diversity: 2017 Year in Review" scheduled for Monday, Mar. 19 === 13:40:49 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=5400&preview=1&_ppp=d6a25c4cec 13:40:52 <jwf> #info Year in Review of the Diversity Team is scheduled for Monday, Mar. 19 at 08:15 UTC. Thanks bee2502++ for putting it together. 13:40:58 <jwf> That's the only announcement item I had 13:41:17 <jwf> Anything on your end, Amita? 13:42:07 <Amita> jwf, do we want to share about mindshare FAD - anything in there discussed about diversity which is our in written now? 13:42:11 <jonatoni|m> .hello jonatoni 13:42:12 <zodbot> jonatoni|m: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 13:42:58 * jwf waves to jonatoni|m 13:43:01 <jwf> #chair jonatoni jonatoni|m 13:43:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita jonatoni jonatoni|m jwf 13:43:29 <jwf> Amita: Nothing comes to mind for me about the Mindshare FAD. There is some on-going work with regards to Ambassadors, but more info is coming soon on the CommBlog. 13:43:41 <jwf> x3mboy has a draft written now, so hopefully next week. 13:43:46 * jonatoni|m waves back at jwf :) 13:44:01 <jwf> Announcements, going once… 13:44:05 <Amita> ok 13:44:11 <jwf> Going twice… 13:44:20 <jwf> And thrice… 13:44:25 <jwf> #topic Action items from last meeting 13:44:29 <jwf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/diversity/diversity.2018-03-02-13.31.html 13:44:33 <jwf> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 13:44:37 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] "jwf Ping mattdm and bexelbie in person for final feedback on video" === 13:44:40 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/31#comment-497141 13:44:44 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "jwf If no other feedback by final deadline, upload video to YouTube by Friday, March 9, 2018" === 13:44:47 <jwf> #link https://youtu.be/Wm-wQCl3jBI 13:44:51 <jwf> #info New version of the video with feedback from the Docs FAD is complete by chhavi_. jwf will work on uploading this to YouTube soon. 13:44:55 <jwf> #action jwf Upload video to YouTube by Monday, March 19, 2018 13:44:59 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] "Amita Put together a pitch for the Diversity Team 2017 Year in Review by next meeting on Friday, March 9th, 2018" === 13:45:03 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=5400&preview=1&_ppp=d6a25c4cec 13:45:11 <jwf> That's all the action items from the last meeting. 13:45:30 <jwf> Since no other follow-up is needed, we can go straight to tickets. 13:45:40 <jwf> #topic Tickets 13:45:44 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting 13:46:34 <jwf> A lot of tickets there, I did a quick update to try to focus our discussion for this meeting 13:47:17 <bee_> o/ 13:47:25 <jwf> #info === Ticket #49: "Article for Year in Review 2017" === 13:47:30 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/49 13:47:43 * jwf waves to bee_ 13:47:46 <jwf> #chair bee_ bee2502 13:47:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bee2502 bee_ jonatoni jonatoni|m jwf 13:48:06 <jwf> Since this is scheduled for Monday, I'm going to close this ticket as complete! 13:48:18 <jwf> I don't think any other follow-up is needed here. 13:48:27 <bee_> jwf were any tickets discussed before? 13:48:41 <jwf> bee_: Nope, we just finished with action items, you're in time. :-) 13:49:13 <bee_> great! Did I have any action items? 13:49:49 <bee_> for YiR, I was thinking it would be great if we have translations 13:50:05 <jwf> bee_: Nope, there was the feedback on the video and the YiR post. 13:50:11 <jwf> bee_: Just saw your comment about translations 13:50:16 <bee_> x3mboy was going to help with Spanish ones but he might be too busy. 13:50:19 <jwf> Two things: 13:50:53 <bee_> .. 13:51:22 <jwf> (1) We discussed translations for the Fedora Magazine before, but the technical implementation for doing this is difficult in WordPress. There's not an easy way to translate the content and have multiple languages for a single post. It's something we ruled out on the Magazine because we don't have a way to maintain translated content in a sustainable way. 13:51:26 <jonatoni|m> he is writing Bee, wait :P 13:51:36 <jwf> (2) I don't think translations should hold up the article, since I think it's important we publish soon 13:51:38 <Amita> :) 13:51:42 <Amita> +1 13:51:46 <Amita> I agree totally 13:51:48 <jwf> There are some sites that take content from the Magazine and CommBlog and translate it too 13:52:01 <Amita> on the requirement basis 13:52:08 <jwf> I don't think it's a bad idea to get translated content if there is an interest, but I'm not too sure on how we handle it and make it accessible. 13:52:18 <bee_> jwf +1, it shouldn't hold up the article 13:52:28 <bee_> but if we can have them, we should have them. 13:52:51 <jwf> I'm open-minded, but not sure where we publish or make the translations available. 13:53:11 <jwf> We don't have a way to do localization for Magazine / CommBlog content. 13:53:22 <jwf> At a technical level, I mean 13:53:41 <bee_> Also, I think we should publish the post and If x3mboy does translate, then we can link them to post. 13:53:52 <jwf> Where would his translations go? 13:54:12 <bee_> as an etherpad link in the original post? 13:54:23 <bee_> read spanish translations here.. 13:55:24 <jwf> That could work, but it's not a great experience for a reader to go from a pretty post with pictures to a text-based pad that they can also modify and delete. I'm also unsure if someone would take the opportunity to delete everything there since we're publishing this out to the world too. 13:55:37 <jwf> I think it might be better to start a discussion on how to localize content first, and where we put it 13:55:51 <bee_> jwf I see, sure :) 13:56:02 <jwf> This might be a more relevant discussion for CommOps too, to talk about how to support localized content 13:56:07 * jwf nods 13:56:14 <jwf> Okay, going to close the ticket and we can move to the next. 13:56:31 <bee_> also, I am not sure how much of commblog readers are not comfortable with english 13:58:35 <bee_> can we discuss the ticket about team goals next? 13:58:44 <jwf> #info === Ticket #48: "Diversity Team Goals - From Jan, 2018 to Jan, 2019" === 13:58:51 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/48 13:58:52 <bee_> :)) 13:59:11 <jwf> I'm a few hundred emails behind on our Pagure :P 13:59:20 <jwf> Someone may have to catch me up on where we are with this one 14:02:04 <jwf> Amita, bee_, jonatoni|m? 14:02:10 <bee_> Mainly we want to understand what tasks we want to do over upcming year so that we can have an idea about resources, budget, bandwidth etc 14:02:28 <jonatoni|m> AFAIK we need to finalize our team goals, by the end of march, what will be our focus 14:03:00 <bee_> Apart from the initiatives we had last year, what new things can we do? They were some new ideas from FLOCK and FAD discussion 14:03:00 <jonatoni|m> ah yeah, Bee replied too :P 14:03:09 * jwf nods 14:03:13 <jwf> Do we have a list somewhere already? 14:03:26 <Rhea> I see a lot more words that won't produce actions in 2018 goals. 14:03:40 <jonatoni|m> the list is at the ticket 14:03:43 <bee_> jwf FAD ticket or etherpad 14:03:46 <jonatoni|m> in the beginning 14:04:02 <Rhea> I would say Pull back on the new events and new activities, and focus on improving what needs improving... 14:04:24 <jwf> jonatoni|m: I wasn't sure if the list at the top of #48 was still accurate 14:04:33 <jwf> bee_: Do you have a #link to the Etherpad? 14:04:38 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:04:39 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:04:39 <jonatoni|m> Rhea: what do you propose, what actions? 14:05:02 <x3mboy> I will do the translation this afternoon 14:05:07 <jonatoni|m> https://etherpad.persephone.cloud/p/diversity-fad-2018 14:05:11 <Rhea> Ticket 48 has a list of goals in the top post, I would like to remove and forget the 5th point alltogether, and vastly expand the 2nd point. 14:05:14 <bee_> jwf let's decide 1. Primary and secondary goals (what do we want to accomplish?) 2. Anticipated impact of our meeting (to justify using Fedora's diversity budget) 3. Logistics (timeline/resources) 14:05:19 <Rhea> 5th point being "at least one more new diversity event...." 14:05:21 <jonatoni|m> Bee, this one? 14:05:31 <bee_> #link https://etherpad.persephone.cloud/p/diversity-fad-2018 14:05:38 <bee_> jonatoni yes :) 14:06:01 <jwf> x3mboy: Scroll up a bit, I think we're going to hold off on translating until we know how we can handle localized content. Thanks for your enthusiasm though. :-) 14:06:06 <jwf> #chair x3mboy 14:06:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bee2502 bee_ jonatoni jonatoni|m jwf x3mboy 14:06:22 <jwf> jonatoni|m: Thanks for the link, looking 14:06:55 <bee_> Rhea. I agree that event inclusion should be one of our primary goals 14:07:18 <bee_> x3mboy great podcast! less on your plate now hopefully :) 14:09:15 <bee_> I was thinking that 1. inclusive events in fedora and 2. fedora womens days should be our primary goals 14:09:31 <jwf> I'm thinking we can do 0 and 1 offline. I think 3, 4, and 5 are good targets. For 2, I think it needs to be better defined. 14:10:09 <jwf> I like the idea of engaging with CHAOSS too 14:10:43 <jwf> #info Need to establish three things: 14:10:49 <bee_> jwf I dont see 0,1 as goals for the year.. mainly tasks 14:10:55 <jwf> #info (1) Primary vs. secondary goals (what do we want to accomplish?) 14:11:04 <jwf> #info (2) Anticipated impact of accomplish these goals 14:11:12 <jwf> #info (3) Logistics (timeline / resources) 14:11:19 <jwf> bee_: Ah, got it – agreed 14:12:06 <bee_> jwf can you open an etherpad for this? 14:12:23 <jwf> bee_: For what, sorry? 14:12:33 <jwf> Different from the FAD Etherpad? 14:12:54 <jonatoni|m> why not use the same one 14:12:57 <x3mboy> bee_, yes, thanks for being up-to-date 14:13:24 <jonatoni|m> we will get lost if we use a lot of different pads 14:13:39 <bee_> we can create a subsection in FAD one 14:13:56 <jonatoni|m> +1 14:13:58 <jwf> I could take an action item to work on a draft of goals and impact for next Friday 14:14:06 <jwf> And then review then 14:14:22 <jwf> I have a hard stop in 15 minutes today too, I have a work meeting right after this. 14:15:35 <bee_> okay, then.. I want to discuss the obvoarding ticket before everyone leaves 14:15:48 <bee_> and also wiki gardening 14:16:02 <jwf> Not sure if we can cover both before meeting end – is one more important? 14:16:11 <bee_> wiki 14:16:41 <jwf> #action jwf Prepare draft of primary / secondary goals, impact from larger pad of team goals, prepare in format for a potential FAD proposal 14:16:43 <Rhea> I need to order the stickers within a week https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/59 14:16:46 <jwf> #undo 14:16:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jwf at 14:16:41 : jwf Prepare draft of primary / secondary goals, impact from larger pad of team goals, prepare in format for a potential FAD proposal 14:16:57 <jwf> #action jwf Prepare draft of primary / secondary goals, impact from larger pad of team goals, prepare in format for a potential FAD proposal (due: 2018-03-23) 14:17:37 <jwf> Rhea: Oh, I missed this ticket, will tag as meeting 14:18:23 <jwf> #info === Ticket #24: "Wiki gardening" === 14:18:28 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/24 14:18:39 <x3mboy> Sorry, I'm between meetings 14:18:48 <x3mboy> But I'm here, ping me if needed 14:18:59 <bee_> I have proposed introducing two new sections on wiki 14:19:05 <bee_> and removing contacts list 14:19:22 <bee_> if everyone is okay, we can change it and have updated wiki ported to docs 14:19:34 <jwf> bee_: The new sections sound good to me 14:19:48 <jwf> We can work it into the wiki for now, and later, when we move to docs, we can port the content 14:19:49 <bee_> jonatoni x3mboy Rhea 14:19:56 <jwf> so, +1 from me 14:20:11 <bee_> x3mboy will port it sometime soon and hopefully I can help. 14:20:34 <jwf> We should probably file a new ticket for the migration work too, so we can keep tabs on what's happening. :-) 14:20:52 <jwf> Let's try to make a quick vote so we can get to one last ticket 14:20:53 <jwf> #chair 14:20:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bee2502 bee_ jonatoni jonatoni|m jwf x3mboy 14:20:55 <jwf> ^^^ 14:21:05 <x3mboy> +1 from me too 14:21:08 <bee_> jwf if it's not ported by next meeting we can file a new ticket for migration 14:21:10 <jonatoni|m> sorry bee_ I haven't checked your comment 14:21:13 <jonatoni|m> need to see the ticket 14:21:25 <jwf> jonatoni|m: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/24#comment-499296 14:21:36 <bee_> +1 14:21:39 <jwf> bee_: I think it will take longer than a week to migrate them 14:21:39 <x3mboy> I propose this idea to bee_: Having a tree with diversity docs, having the main page as "About Diversity" and bellow that, the other documents 14:22:02 <bee_> jwf ^ 14:22:04 <x3mboy> To have an structure similar to the one from CommOps 14:22:32 <jwf> x3mboy: I think it makes sense, but I think we should organize this discussion outside of a meeting. I'll file a ticket for this and we can discuss asynchronously there. 14:24:14 <x3mboy> jwf +1 14:25:09 <jwf> x3mboy: We can follow-up here. https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/61 14:25:51 <jwf> I think we're going to have to vote in tickets if we want consensus since we're nearing the end of our meeting 14:26:07 <jwf> I'm going to switch us to open floor and set some action items to cast votes in tickets 14:26:10 <jwf> #topic Open floor 14:26:40 <jonatoni|m> yeah it's better to vote in tickets, so we can have feedback even from the others that are not here 14:26:50 <jwf> #action jwf Amita bee2502 bee_ jonatoni Rhea x3mboy Cast vote for proposed wiki page restructuring in #24: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/24#comment-499296 14:27:15 <jwf> #action jwf Amita bee2502 bee_ jonatoni x3mboy Cast vote for sticker request from Rhea in #59: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/59 14:27:17 <bee_> then lets vote on tickets with open for voting tag with next meeting as deadline 14:27:42 <jonatoni|m> agree 14:27:44 <jwf> Ah, okay, I missed that tag 14:27:45 <x3mboy> Since I bring the Podcast topic to the ML, I like to know how we can proceed with this 14:28:12 <bee_> x3mboy maybe a ticket ? :P 14:28:16 <jwf> x3mboy: Were you looking for a candidate to interview? 14:28:29 <jonatoni|m> hahaha bee_ I was going to right the same :P 14:28:56 <jwf> x3mboy: Since we had some of the discussion in the IRC channel after you posted to the mailing list, maybe a ticket is better to organize our thoughts 14:29:08 <jwf> x3mboy: I thought it would be more straightforward – sorry to put you through the run-around 14:29:13 <jwf> I know that's annoying :P 14:29:37 <x3mboy> jwf, no, That works perfectly for me. It helps me to keep track of the anwers, better than email 14:29:40 <jwf> Anything else we want to cover before our meeting time expires? 14:29:45 <jwf> x3mboy: Then all the better. :-) 14:29:50 <jonatoni|m> jwf I think you have a meeting now, in a few seconds :P 14:29:53 <jwf> Open floor, going once… 14:29:56 <jwf> jonatoni|m: Yes :D 14:30:05 <jwf> Going twice… 14:30:15 <jwf> And thrice… 14:30:20 <jonatoni|m> thanks for chairing jwf :) 14:30:23 <jwf> Thanks everyone for coming out today! 14:30:27 <jwf> See you around next time. 14:30:29 <jwf> #endmeeting