13:02:59 <bee_> #startmeeting Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting 13:02:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 15 13:02:59 2018 UTC. 13:02:59 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:02:59 <zodbot> The chair is bee_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:02:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_diversity_and_inclusion_team_meeting' 13:02:59 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.start -- bee_ started meeting "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" in #fedora-diversity 13:03:22 <bee_> #chair Amita bee2502 13:03:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bee2502 bee_ 13:03:35 <bee_> #topic Introductions 13:03:35 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of bee_'s "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting changed to "Introductions" in #fedora-diversity 13:03:49 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Hello everyone.. 13:04:03 <Amita> hello 13:04:15 <bee_> #info Hello, everyone, welcome to weekly meeting of Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team. Please introduce yourselves and FAS ID 13:04:15 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Hello, everyone, welcome to weekly meeting of Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team. Please introduce yourselves and FAS ID" 13:04:31 <bee_> .hello bee2502 13:04:32 <zodbot> bee_: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 13:04:45 <bee_> o/ Amita recursedd 13:05:20 <bee_> We will wait a two more mins for people to join 13:06:36 <bee_> Okay.. moving on.. 13:06:38 <Amita> .hello amsharma 13:06:39 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 13:06:45 <Amita> I will leave in 20 mins 13:06:53 <Amita> thanks bee_ for chairing 13:06:55 <bee_> okay, I will be fast 13:07:03 <Amita> you don't need to be :) 13:07:09 <Amita> there may be others as well 13:07:14 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I am here 👋 13:07:22 <bee_> #topic Updates and Review 13:07:22 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of bee_'s "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting changed to "Updates and Review" in #fedora-diversity 13:07:27 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Don't forget to type #meetingname diversity 13:07:35 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> So it will sort the meeting correctly with our previous meetings 13:07:43 <bee_> #meetingname diversity 13:07:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity' 13:07:54 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> 👍 13:07:56 <bee_> jflory7++ for the tip 13:08:17 <bee_> #info We talk about announcements after our last meeting and share any updates 13:08:18 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "We talk about announcements after our last meeting and share any updates" 13:09:19 <bee_> #info Diversity Team was at OSCAL 2018 and had a hack session on some of the top priorities like event guidelines for Fedora events 13:09:19 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Diversity Team was at OSCAL 2018 and had a hack session on some of the top priorities like event guidelines for Fedora events" 13:09:24 <bee_> #link https://whatamithinks.wordpress.com/2018/05/23/oscal-2018-tirana-albania-19-20-may-2018/ 13:09:24 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://whatamithinks.wordpress.com/2018/05/23/oscal-2018-tirana-albania-19-20-may-2018/" 13:10:16 <bee_> #info Fedora Appreciation Week planning is in progress, you can now submit contributor stories in the pagure repo 13:10:16 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Fedora Appreciation Week planning is in progress, you can now submit contributor stories in the pagure repo" 13:10:30 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/contributor-stories/issues 13:10:30 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/contributor-stories/issues" 13:11:26 <bee_> #action Amita jonatoni jflory7 other members .. please submit a contributor story saying thanks or showing appreciation towards Fedora community members soon 13:11:26 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Amita jonatoni jflory7 other members .. please submit a contributor story saying thanks or showing appreciation towards Fedora community members soon" 13:11:43 <bee_> any more announcements? 13:12:05 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Could you type #nick jflory7 so the action will show up in the logs for me? 13:12:21 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Since I'm not on IRC 13:12:54 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> We can mention the Flock proposals from our team too? 13:13:18 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Thanks for a great OSCAL, all 13:13:30 <bee_> #nick jflory7 13:13:40 <bee_> okay wait 13:13:49 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> The OSCAL read was really nice.. Cheers to all of you!! 13:14:03 <bee_> I wanted to discuss FLOCK proposals in meeting before we post it as announcement 13:14:14 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Okay, that works 13:15:05 <bee_> okay if there are no more announcements, I will move on 13:15:47 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> 👍 13:16:23 <bee_> #topic Tickets 13:16:24 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of bee_'s "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting changed to "Tickets" in #fedora-diversity 13:16:26 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> @reCursedd Glad you found the reports interesting 🙂 13:16:49 <bee_> #info We discuss tickets with 'next meeting' tag 13:16:49 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "We discuss tickets with 'next meeting' tag" 13:17:06 <bee_> recurseDD hopefully you can join at next OSCAL 13:17:32 <bee_> #info Ticket 70: Distribution of Fedora Women Stickers 13:17:32 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Ticket 70: Distribution of Fedora Women Stickers" 13:17:33 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> ya!! somewhere to meet all of you 13:17:42 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/70 13:17:42 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/70" 13:18:24 <bee_> We need to decide a number for stickers to give to MIndshare 13:18:42 <bee_> reCursedd have you considered submittting a proposal for FLOCK? 13:19:16 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> @bee2502 , no!! 13:19:16 <bee_> I feel like We can always print more if we finish our stock which I think is highly likely. We can start with a small fixed amount like 500 (for Mindshare now) and print more as we go. 13:19:26 <bee_> what does everyone think? 13:19:38 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I'm reading through ticket to see where we left off 13:19:55 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> umm.. will do a bit more research and let you guys know!! it's just intimidating 13:20:13 <bee_> jflory7 we decided we will give some to Mindshare, but number was not decided - was to be decided after OSCAL 13:20:54 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Right, 500 seems like a good baseline. I'm +1 to allocate and close out the ticket 13:21:38 <bee_> #proposed Allocate 500 stickers to Mindshare now and print more as we go 13:22:06 <bee_> please vote.. jflory7 Amita recurseDd.. 13:22:13 <bee_> we need 4 votes, right? 13:22:16 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> +1 13:22:17 <bee_> +1 13:22:19 <Amita> +1 13:22:32 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> +1 13:23:06 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> @reCursedd: I think it's a worthwhile experience. You should definitely consider. If you need any help or guidance, we are always happy to help you with this too 🙂 13:23:11 <bee_> Should I ping bexelbie? Do we still have some in spare after 500? I would really like to distribute some at FLOCK.. 13:24:23 <bee_> or is this agreed? 13:24:39 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> okay!! I am not available on 8-10th August.. :( That was why I backed off before trying.. 13:24:58 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Do you guys think I should still try for preparing one? just as a prep? 13:25:31 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> bee_: we can follow up with Mindshare next. We should incorporate them into the next step 13:25:44 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> So they can jointly work out logistics on fulfilling this request 13:25:52 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Probably as a new ticket in their Pagure 13:26:21 <bee_> reCursedd if you are sure you cannot attend, I feel like you shouldnt submit a proposal .. but u can always join via irc in our hacksessions at flock 13:26:29 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> @reCursedd: Ohh, I see. Now I understand. I didn't know you weren't available 13:26:31 <bee_> jflory7 okay, I will add an action item. 13:26:48 <bee_> #Agreed Allocate 500 stickers to Mindshare now and print more as we go 13:26:48 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.agreed -- bee_ noted agreement in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Allocate 500 stickers to Mindshare now and print more as we go" 13:27:12 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I agree with Bee about submitting a proposal – I'm hoping we can build remote contribution opportunities into the sessions 13:27:29 <bee_> #action bee2502 open a new ticket in Mindshare pagure to discuss logistics on Fedora Women stickers allocation to Mindshare 13:27:30 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "bee2502 open a new ticket in Mindshare pagure to discuss logistics on Fedora Women stickers allocation to Mindshare" 13:27:46 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> ya! I am traveling on 8th and 9th .. 13:27:56 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I have to commute to work, I will be away for a short while 13:28:18 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> ya.. even I think it will be a great experience for me trying to build a proposal 13:28:31 <bee_> #info Issue 69: Diversity Team at FLOCK 13:28:31 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Issue 69: Diversity Team at FLOCK" 13:28:36 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/69 13:28:37 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/69" 13:29:03 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> thanks :) 13:29:18 <bee_> #info Diversity and Inclusion Team has submitted three FLOCK proposals refelecting our goals and activities 13:29:18 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Diversity and Inclusion Team has submitted three FLOCK proposals refelecting our goals and activities" 13:29:51 <bee_> #info Mini FAD for team to primarily discuss Fedora Women Day/ Fedora Appreciation Week 13:29:52 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Mini FAD for team to primarily discuss Fedora Women Day/ Fedora Appreciation Week" 13:30:03 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/flock/issue/52 13:30:04 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/flock/issue/52" 13:30:56 <bee_> #info Will also act as a bridge to onboard new members to the team and community members can learn to take part in D&I team activities like organizing Fedora womens day in their local community 13:30:57 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Will also act as a bridge to onboard new members to the team and community members can learn to take part in D&I team activities like organizing Fedora womens day in their local community" 13:31:14 <bee_> #info Imposter Syndrome workshop and Unconscious bias training for Fedora community 13:31:15 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Imposter Syndrome workshop and Unconscious bias training for Fedora community" 13:31:25 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/flock/issue/54 13:31:25 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/flock/issue/54" 13:31:41 <bee_> #info International Candy Swap 13:31:41 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "International Candy Swap" 13:31:53 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/flock/issue/50 13:31:53 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/flock/issue/50" 13:32:27 <bee_> #info International Candy Swap can also act as an opportunity to Create new community oriented content at FLOCK! 13:32:27 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "International Candy Swap can also act as an opportunity to Create new community oriented content at FLOCK!" 13:32:49 <bee_> okay, I am done with raising info points about our submissions 13:33:00 <bee_> I think we are in time for first review 13:34:30 <Amita> yes 13:34:50 <bee_> I feel like FLOCK will be a good opportunity for reviewing and taking feedback on our event guidelines. However, I am not sure how many people we can reach if we do it during team sprints because most other teams will hack sessions at same time 13:35:16 <misc> add some cake, this will make people come 13:35:25 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> We have a FAD for team and for FWD?? 13:35:32 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Both half-days? 13:35:58 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Wait, I misread 13:35:59 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Never mind :P 13:36:03 <bee_> jflory7 there is only one, team sprint = FAD = discussion on FWD and event guidelines planning 13:36:15 <bee_> misc should we keep it with candy swap? :P 13:36:48 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> I really liked the idea.. sounds like a lot of fun 13:37:26 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> On the first day, when we pitch sessions, we should make it clear this is something we want to talk about 13:37:26 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Also something like if people want to wear region specific clothes.. (only if they wish to) .. both targeting geographic diversity 13:37:48 <bee_> adding on to my earlier point, I feel like we should announce the event guidelines before we do the team sprint so that people know that this is happening 13:38:32 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I think for the guidelines, we need to do outreach and communicate the need for wider feedback ahead of time. We could fit it towards the end of our session so people have a chance to float around 13:38:34 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> +1 .. 13:38:39 <misc> bee_: of course 13:39:04 <misc> bee_: also, maybe we need to add "do a candy swap" in the guidelines 13:39:05 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> @reCursedd We never tried that before but I like this idea 😊 I will remember this 13:39:24 <bee_> jflory exactly, pitching it on first day is a good idea - but I feel we need more - maybe a community blog post too? 13:39:42 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Yeah, this is what I was thinking 13:39:56 <bee_> announcing that we are working on this, and you can give us feedback through mailing list or at at FLOCK 13:42:51 <bee_> then I will add it as an action item.. anybody want to take this up? 13:43:38 <bee_> misc haha,definitely - Fedora candy swaps++ 13:45:57 <bee_> I will add an action item and we can look more into it near FLOCK 13:46:54 <bee_> #action team Publish a Community Blog post introducing Fedora Event Guidelines rough draft and asking for feedback from community through offline channels and at FLOCK.. 13:46:54 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "team Publish a Community Blog post introducing Fedora Event Guidelines rough draft and asking for feedback from community through offline channels and at FLOCK.." 13:47:17 <bee_> Moving on.. 13:47:37 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> I'll start a pitch for it?? 13:48:04 <bee_> reCursedd would be great! 13:48:10 <bee_> recursedd++ 13:48:19 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Okayy..will do that 13:48:20 <bee_> reCursedd++ 13:48:51 <bee_> #action reCursedd start a pitch for introducing Fedora Event Guidelines on Community Blog before FLOCK 13:48:51 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "reCursedd start a pitch for introducing Fedora Event Guidelines on Community Blog before FLOCK" 13:49:04 <bee_> #info Issue 60: Fedora Classroom Sessions from D&I Team 13:49:04 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Issue 60: Fedora Classroom Sessions from D&I Team" 13:49:12 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/60 13:49:13 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/60" 13:50:40 <bee_> We had planned to do some Fedora classroom sessions to help community members who are first time speakers in preparing for their presentations for flock 13:51:22 <bee_> jonatoni pointed out that for speakers who work at Red Hat, this was already an option internally within Red Hat. I am not sure if we have the bandwidth to do this either 13:52:06 <bee_> I feel like we should concentrate on this until after FLOCK as discussed in our last meeting.. 13:52:23 <bee_> not sure, why this ticket is still tagged next meeting.. 13:52:35 <bee_> anyvody has any concerns or any feedback on this? 13:53:06 <fdiversity-tg> <jonatoni> This was for everyone, not only for people that work for Red Hat 13:53:40 <bee_> jonatoni okay, I think jflory was going to follow up on this because not everyone got this email? 13:54:15 <fdiversity-tg> <jonatoni> Yeah, so if we want to do it we can collaborate woth them 13:54:38 <bee_> jflory jflory7 any updates on the followup? 13:54:38 <fdiversity-tg> <jonatoni> with* 13:56:01 <bee_> jonatoni +1 on collaborating 13:56:15 <bee_> I will add an action item for jflory on the followup 13:57:45 <bee_> #action jflory7 followup with RH internal on workshop for first time speakers at FLOCK 2017 - Is it happening again this year? Is it open to non RH community members? 13:57:45 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "jflory7 followup with RH internal on workshop for first time speakers at FLOCK 2017 - Is it happening again this year? Is it open to non RH community members?" 13:57:59 <bee_> Moving on.. 13:58:17 <bee_> #info Issue 31: Flock 2017 Video 13:58:18 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Issue 31: Flock 2017 Video" 13:58:27 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/31 13:58:27 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- bee_ linked to more information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/31" 13:59:20 <bee_> we need to publish a blog post announcing the video made by chhavi_ from FLOCK 2017 content - however, since we are so late, I propose we do it together with what we create from FLOCK 2018 content 13:59:47 <bee_> we can close this issue then. 14:00:02 <bee_> if nobody has objections 14:00:02 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> I agree.. 14:00:08 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> There was some follow-up. The people at Red Hat who organized it last year replied to my post on the Flock-planning mailing list. They were interested to run it again. They offered an opportunity to collaborate with them, but I am also concern Ed about team bandwidth 14:00:20 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I am ready to close the video ticket as complete 14:01:56 <bee_> jflory how long is the workshop? if we collaborate with them, what do we need to do? they might have resources from last year already.. so we just need to publicize it? 14:03:03 <bee_> I am not sure what will our part be in this collaboration 14:03:27 <bee_> anyway let me change topics quickly 14:04:00 <bee_> #Agreed Close FLOCK 2017 video ticket, and do outreach for it with FLOCK 2018 content 14:04:00 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.agreed -- bee_ noted agreement in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Close FLOCK 2017 video ticket, and do outreach for it with FLOCK 2018 content" 14:04:20 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I can follow up off-list and ask. 14:04:22 <bee_> #info Issue 60: Fedora Classroom Sessions from D&I Team 14:04:22 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- bee_ raised a point of information in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "Issue 60: Fedora Classroom Sessions from D&I Team" 14:04:32 <bee_> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/60 14:04:57 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> It's a day in the Brno office but also a remote participation option. I don't know all the details 14:05:57 <bee_> #action jflory7 to followup off list about first time speaker workshop - how will Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team support in this collaboration? How do we ensure that community beyond RH knows about it? 14:05:57 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "jflory7 to followup off list about first time speaker workshop - how will Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team support in this collaboration? How do we ensure that community beyond RH knows about it?" 14:06:22 <bee_> since it's a rolling application this year, we have to be careful too - we wont have a final speaker list until the very end 14:06:39 <bee_> it will be great to know when they plan to do it and how we can support them 14:07:43 <bee_> anyway we are lagging a lot on Fedora Womens Day and we are very late.. I dont want to start this discussion since few of us are here today 14:08:08 <bee_> so I am going to go to open floor and we can do FWD planning in next meeting 14:08:28 <bee_> recurseDD is it okay with u? I feel like the pitch is done and it came out great! 14:08:48 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> My pitch is up for next round of review.. I'll post the link towards the end of the meeting.. 14:09:10 <bee_> you can do it in open floor.. 14:09:15 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Yes perfect.. thanks a lot.. 🙈 14:09:24 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Okayy.. 14:09:52 <bee_> jflory7 jonatoni Amita okay to move to open floor? 14:10:56 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Yes, I am almost in office, I won't be able to continue 14:11:52 <bee_> I feel like Amita dropped off and jonatoni is not here.. 14:12:16 <bee_> I have been linking you as jflory7 when you are jwf in IRC 14:12:20 <bee_> it's so confusing 14:12:27 <bee_> #topic Open Floor 14:12:28 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of bee_'s "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting changed to "Open Floor" in #fedora-diversity 14:13:12 <bee_> I have one more quick announcement: we recorded the podcast for diversity and inclusion team 14:13:18 <bee_> it should be up soon 14:13:22 <bee_> x3mboy__ 14:13:26 <bee_> x3mboy__ 14:13:33 <bee_> aah, x3mboy++ 14:13:55 <bee_> recursedd: do u want to post the link ? 14:14:18 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Umm I'll be doing that after a while :( 14:14:26 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> I'm out for a minute.. 14:14:49 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> I wanted to say that we should decide dates for fwd..soon 14:15:06 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> So that we can start calling out 14:15:11 <bee_> recu 14:15:38 <bee_> recursedd +1, we will have a meeting next week again and we can just keep it for FWD 14:15:52 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Sure.. 14:15:57 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> +1 to scoping it to FWD only 14:16:12 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> We will work on flock this week 14:16:20 <bee_> jflory can u add a meeting in fedocal same time, next week? 14:16:47 <bee_> recursedd yes, it was tough with flock proposal deadline today 14:18:04 <bee_> #action jflory7 update fedocal with FWD only meeting next week, same time 14:18:04 <fm-diversity> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- bee_ noted an action in the "Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team Meeting" meeting in #fedora-diversity: "jflory7 update fedocal with FWD only meeting next week, same time" 14:18:04 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> I can make the meetings weekly. 14:18:08 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Please action me for it? 14:18:13 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Do we want weekly meetings? 14:18:15 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Generally? 14:18:42 <bee_> jflory I think we need more people before we decide that.. 14:18:58 <bee_> anyway.. closing the meeting now.. recursedd u can send the link on channel after 14:19:01 <bee_> thanks for joing 14:19:06 <bee_> Amita++ 14:19:10 <bee_> recursedd++ 14:19:14 <bee_> jflory7++ 14:19:17 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Okay. It seems like we meet weekly anyways though, which is why I asked 14:19:18 <bee_> jonatoni++ 14:19:47 <bee_> I know, but I am not sure if i can do it in JUly.. after flock definitely 14:19:50 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Thanks for chairing 14:19:53 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Thanks for chairing Bee! 14:19:53 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> bee2502++ 14:19:55 <bee_> ending in 3.. 14:19:58 <bee_> 2.. 14:20:02 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> bee2502++ 14:20:08 <bee_> I dont get cookies if u do from telegram 14:20:11 <fdiversity-tg> <jflory> Me either for July 14:20:17 <bee_> whenever u r in irc next, give me cookies 14:20:22 <bee_> :) 14:20:26 <bee_> 1.. 14:20:26 <fdiversity-tg> <reCursedd> Oh.. 14:20:31 <bee_> #endmeeting