14:00:06 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora Diversity & Inclusion Team (2020-08-13) 14:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 13 14:00:06 2020 UTC. 14:00:06 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:06 <zodbot> The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_diversity_&_inclusion_team_(2020-08-13)' 14:00:11 <jwf> #meetingname diversity 14:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity' 14:00:12 <jwf> #nick di-team 14:00:17 <jwf> #topic Agenda 14:00:22 <jwf> #info (1) Roll call / introductions 14:00:22 <jwf> #info (2) Announcements 14:00:23 <jwf> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 14:00:23 <jwf> #info (4) Tickets 14:00:23 <jwf> #info (5) Open floor 14:00:29 <jwf> #topic Roll call / introductions 14:00:33 <jwf> If this is your first time at a D&I Team meeting, please say hello! If you have any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 14:00:33 <nasirhm> .hello2 14:00:34 <zodbot> nasirhm: nasirhm 'Nasir Hussain' <nasirhussainm14@gmail.com> 14:00:36 <jwf> .hello jflory7 14:00:38 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 14:00:42 <tatica[m]> .hello tatica 14:00:43 <zodbot> tatica[m]: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 14:00:45 <meskarune> .hello meskarune 14:00:46 <jwf> Hi all! 14:00:49 <zodbot> meskarune: meskarune 'Dolores Portalatin' <meskarune@archwomen.org> 14:00:50 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> .hello amsharma 14:00:51 <riecatnor> .hello riecatnor 14:00:52 <zodbot> riecatnor: riecatnor 'None' <mnordin@redhat.com> 14:00:53 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1 14:00:55 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com> 14:01:00 <nasirhm> .hello amsharma 14:01:01 <zodbot> nasirhm: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 14:01:11 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Hello everyone 14:01:12 <nkathole> .hello nikhilkathole 14:01:13 <zodbot> nkathole: nikhilkathole 'Nikhil Kathole' <nkathole@redhat.com> 14:01:16 <nasirhm> here @amsharma ^ :) 14:01:17 <jwf> #chair nasirhm tatica[m] meskarune riecatnor siddharthvipul amsharma nkathole 14:01:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: amsharma jwf meskarune nasirhm nkathole riecatnor siddharthvipul tatica[m] 14:01:21 <jwf> omg it is a party :P 14:01:26 <nkathole> :) 14:01:26 <meskarune> hehe 14:01:31 <riecatnor> I like parties :P 14:01:36 <nasirhm> nkathole: o/ 14:01:44 <fm-diversity> pagure.issue.comment.added -- bt0dotninja commented on ticket fedora-commops#218: "Collect usernames of FWD local organizers and pass to geofp" https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/218#comment-671100 14:01:44 <jwf> Super exciting to see so many folks :D 14:02:04 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> After so long 14:02:12 <jwf> I usually wait until 5 minutes after the hour before jumping into the agenda to give folks a chance to log in / get situated 14:02:22 <jwf> I have a meeting script I am working in here: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/fedora-divinc-meeting-script 14:02:30 <jwf> @amisha3: Too long :D 14:02:34 <tg-fed-di> <bee2502> Hi! 14:02:40 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> .hello jonatoni 14:02:53 <jwf> Hey @bee2502 @jonatoni :D 14:02:55 <jwf> .hello bee2502 14:02:56 <zodbot> jwf: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 14:02:58 <jwf> .hello jonatoni 14:02:59 <zodbot> jwf: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 14:03:01 <jwf> #chair bee2502 jonatoni 14:03:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: amsharma bee2502 jonatoni jwf meskarune nasirhm nkathole riecatnor siddharthvipul tatica[m] 14:03:11 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> 👋 hello all 14:03:17 <riecatnor> Hi friends :) 14:03:25 <jwf> Ok but we have a lot of people here and ready, so I think let's just go ahead and jump right in! 14:03:25 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Hey Marie 14:03:27 <fm-diversity> pagure.issue.comment.added -- nasirhm commented on ticket fedora-commops#218: "Collect usernames of FWD local organizers and pass to geofp" https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/218#comment-671101 14:03:29 <jwf> There is a lot to cover. 14:03:36 <tg-fed-di> <bee2502> +1 14:03:39 <jwf> Hope everyone is doing well and safe 14:03:41 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Agenda is too long 14:03:44 <jwf> #topic Announcements 14:03:49 <jwf> #info === "Nest: FWD 2020 planning started" === 14:03:54 <jwf> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w6iNEb3pLCXqSE5qYNxFp5gQMjD8aEsAfB0CQ7NrNEY/edit 14:03:54 <jwf> #info We started talking about how to take Fedora Women's Day 2020 virtual. We discussed using Hopin, collaborating with GNOME, and how to support local organizers in a pandemic. 14:03:54 <jwf> See the following tickets with more specific follow-ups, from our Nest session: 14:03:54 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/148 14:03:54 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/149 14:03:59 <jwf> #help === "Docs: Our docs need love! Consider taking on a docs issue to help the team." === 14:04:04 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issues?status=Open&tags=type+-+docs 14:04:04 <jwf> #info At Nest, jwf led a session on how to edit the D&I Team docs, both from the Pagure web interface and from the command-line. A recording is coming. If you feel comfortable editing our docs, try our your new skills! We have numerous issues open to help improve our docs. 14:04:08 <tg-fed-di> <bee2502> I will try to join from IRC.. in the meanwhile 14:04:08 <jwf> #info === "Open Source Diversity: First general interest call for a global D&I summit on Friday, 14 Aug @ 18:00 UTC" === 14:04:14 <jwf> #link https://discourse.opensourcediversity.org/t/call-for-interest-global-open-source-diversity-summit/359/10?u=jwf 14:04:15 <jwf> #info jwf is organizing the organizers for a global open source D&I summit in late 2020/early 2021. There are two calls this month to explore general interest and build an organizing team. Whether you are just interested or want to be hands-on, you are welcome to join! 14:04:16 <jwf> <eof> 14:04:29 <jwf> That is all the announcements I have. Anyone else want to add anything? 14:04:34 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Wow 14:04:45 <jwf> Will give a minute or two so folks can read 14:04:47 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Need time to read 14:04:47 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Lol 14:04:50 <jwf> Hahah yeah 14:04:53 <nasirhm> jwf++ for the calendar invite for the OS Diversity organizing call. 14:05:09 <jwf> Oh yeah if anyone wants a calendar invite for the global D&I summit calls, let me know 14:05:22 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> I can use one 14:05:25 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Thanks 14:05:34 <nasirhm> jwf: You've got all the meetbot commands on the Etherpad :P 14:06:09 * nasirhm will work on docs after work today or maybe tomorrow. 14:06:16 <jwf> @amisha3: Invite sent. 14:06:29 <jwf> nasirhm: Hahah, it makes for easier remembering than from the top of my head :) 14:06:37 <jwf> Will wait 30 more seconds for other announcements before moving on 14:06:38 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> @jwflory take a bow 14:06:54 <nasirhm> 🙇♂️ 14:07:00 <jwf> #chair bee2502 14:07:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: amsharma bee2502 jonatoni jwf meskarune nasirhm nkathole riecatnor siddharthvipul tatica[m] 14:07:03 <jwf> Announcements, going once… 14:07:06 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 14:07:07 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 14:07:10 <meskarune> For docs maybe you could do a wiki cleaning event or something 14:07:12 * nasirhm waves to bee2502 from matrix side to irc. 14:07:13 <jwf> Announcements, going twice… 14:07:21 <jwf> Announcements, going thrice! 14:07:25 <jwf> Onwards :) 14:07:30 <jwf> meskarune: Yes. We will def talk about docs today! 14:07:36 <meskarune> \o/ 14:07:36 <jwf> #topic Action items from last meeting 14:07:42 <jwf> Spoiler alert: There are none! 14:07:48 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> 😂😂😂 14:07:50 <jwf> So I took some from the FWD notes doc at Nest 14:07:56 <nasirhm> lol 🤣 14:07:58 <jwf> So we could get an idea of what is on the table 14:08:02 <jwf> #info How This Works: We review past #action items from the last meeting. For each task, we get a quick update on status and move forward. 14:08:07 <jwf> #info === [unassigned] "Propose 2-3 metrics we want to collect from local FWD's" === 14:08:10 <jwf> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w6iNEb3pLCXqSE5qYNxFp5gQMjD8aEsAfB0CQ7NrNEY/edit 14:08:19 <jwf> #info === [unassigned] "Open Fedora Badges tickets for FWD 2020 Attendee and Speaker badges" === 14:08:19 <jwf> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w6iNEb3pLCXqSE5qYNxFp5gQMjD8aEsAfB0CQ7NrNEY/edit 14:08:27 <jwf> #info === [nasirhm] "Draft CommBlog post for FWD 2020 call for organizers" === 14:08:28 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=9110&preview=1&_ppp=859047955b 14:08:30 <jwf> #info === [unassigned] "Create / curate resources on how to effectively use Hopin (for local FWD organizers who wish to use the platform)" === 14:08:31 <jwf> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w6iNEb3pLCXqSE5qYNxFp5gQMjD8aEsAfB0CQ7NrNEY/edit 14:08:42 <jwf> <eof> 14:08:48 <jwf> Just four things I saw from our Nest session… 14:09:11 <jwf> Some of these I think we will have time to discuss and maybe assign when we talk about FWD in a moment 14:09:31 <jwf> But for now, they are officially logged in our meeting minutes so we can remember to follow up on them at each meeting 14:09:33 <nasirhm> I have the bandwidth for one action item. 14:10:06 <jwf> nasirhm: Normally now is a great time to volunteer to take on a task - but I have gathered some tickets before this meeting that I think will be great beginner tickets 14:10:16 <jwf> Let's revisit these action items during open floor :) 14:10:25 <jwf> If anyone has bandwidth at the end of the meeting, we can definitely assign 14:10:29 <nasirhm> jwf: Awesome :) 14:10:35 <jwf> I don't think there is a lot to discuss here, so let's get to the main event of today's meeting! 14:10:41 <jwf> #topic Tickets 14:10:46 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issues?status=Open&priority=20 14:10:50 <jwf> #topic Fedora D&I docs tickets 14:10:55 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/116 14:10:56 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/142 14:10:56 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/143 14:11:01 <jwf> #info These three tickets are good first issues for anyone who wants more experience working on the D&I Team docs. #116 is most important and is about sharing correct info about our meetings. #142 and #143 cover event outreach we have done in the past and getting those into our docs. 14:11:06 <jwf> #help The D&I Team needs help on some of our Fedora Docs tickets! https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issues?status=Open&priority=20 14:11:11 <jwf> These are good beginner tasks to take on. If you are new to the team, or if you are a long-time team member and ping jwf when you need to edit the docs, these tickets are good chances to get practice and familiar with our docs. :) 14:11:27 <jwf> Will give 1-2 minutes for reading 14:11:57 <jwf> I think the question is, if anyone wants to take up one of these specific tickets 14:12:06 <jwf> They are things we need to improve in our docs, hopefully sooner than later 14:12:17 <jwf> These are great tickets to get some experience editing our docs 14:12:21 <nasirhm> you can ping nasirhm too if the docs needs some quick changes as I've worked on them earlier and am pretty familiar with it. 14:12:29 <jwf> Plus, there are team members on board who are ready to mentor and help :) 14:13:24 <jwf> Of course, no pressure if you want to take time to think about it. But if a ticket stands out, you can volunteer in the meeting. Or you can add a comment later in the ticket too. 14:13:46 <jwf> Would anyone like to add anything about the D&I team docs before we move on to FWD 2020? 14:13:50 <jwf> .thank nasirhm 14:13:50 <zodbot> jwf thinks nasirhm is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type nasirhm++ since that is what gives them a cookie) 14:14:28 <nasirhm> Nothing from my side, If someone would like to get started feel free to ping me, I can help with reviews and provide help with Asciidocs. 14:14:42 <nasirhm> .welcome jwf 14:15:04 <jwf> nasirhm: Thanks for helping with AsciiDoc mentoring :) 14:15:23 <nasirhm> jwf: Happy to help :) 14:15:31 <jwf> I'll pause until 10:17 EDT (two mins) to give a chance for typing before moving to FWD 14:15:43 <jwf> Or any questions / comments 14:16:21 <meskarune> Do you ever do sprints where a few people work on a task together? 14:16:48 <bee2502> we used to do hack sessions before.. 14:16:48 <meskarune> Maybe asynchronous is easier with so many time zones. 14:16:50 <jwf> Oh good question. We used to do things like that years ago. 14:16:51 <jwf> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hack_session 14:16:55 <jwf> bee2502: hahah exactly! 14:17:08 <nasirhm> bee2502: (ages ago) 14:17:15 <meskarune> Like 2x a year wiki cleaning event might help stay on top of the wiki 14:17:21 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hack_session 14:17:53 <meskarune> and people can chat and organize while working on it 14:17:54 <nasirhm> How about having tickets for that and we can work on it Asynchronously ? 14:17:54 <jwf> What if we organized an hourly "Write the D&I Docs!" session twice a month, in different time zones? 14:18:24 <jwf> I don't have a lot of bandwidth, but I could commit myself to at least one session a month in a NA/LATAM friendly time 14:18:35 <meskarune> Yeah, something that is part social and part getting things done and has a set time people can schedule 14:18:50 <nasirhm> jwf: Once a month sounds like a much better option. 14:19:23 <jwf> Makes sense. This is a good idea. I'll open a new ticket post-meeting to look at organizing a monthly docs hack session. 14:19:40 <nasirhm> <meskarune "Yeah, something that is part soc"> Hmm, I would personally love to work on it together, Like locally in events we use to organize hack sessions where we all sit together on a desk and work on a project and push our patches. 14:20:08 <nasirhm> jwf: Action item for you :) 14:20:10 <jwf> #action jwf Open new ticket about D&I Team docs hack sessions once or twice a month (due: 2020-08-17) 14:20:15 <jwf> nasirhm: Jinx! 14:20:26 <jwf> Ok! I think this is a good pausing point for the docs conversation 14:20:32 <bee2502> I feel it might be too much to sustain.. if its twice a month 14:20:36 <jwf> meskarune++ thanks for the suggestion about a social event for the docs 14:20:44 <nasirhm> meskarune++ 14:20:44 <zodbot> nasirhm: Karma for meskarune changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:20:46 <jwf> bee2502: yeah true, can always start once a month and if there is a big interest, we can scale 14:20:53 <bee2502> but +1 for a social event for docs.. 14:21:10 <jwf> Ok. A topic near and dear to our hearts! 14:21:11 <jwf> #topic Ticket #136: "Virtual Fedora Women's Days" 14:21:12 <nasirhm> Yep, Maybe I can lead some of them too. :) 14:21:16 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/136 14:21:22 <jwf> #info General ticket for organizing FWD 2020. This ticket is the main ticket and is a little disorganized. We should identify the top tasks to work on in August and break them out into new tickets. 14:21:41 <jwf> To start the discussion, here is what I thought our top focuses in August might be: 14:21:42 <jwf> #proposed (1) FWD call for organizers blog post (nasirhm), (2) request new Fedora Badges, (3) look at Resource Pack 14:22:17 <jwf> Item 1 is sort of tricky, since writing a call for organizers also is blocked on whether we collaborate with GNOME, whether we are including talk submissions this year, etc. 14:22:25 <jwf> #2 and #3 are more straightforward 14:22:54 <jwf> I was curious to know what other people thought about the #proposed, or if those three things make sense for August? 14:22:55 * nasirhm can work on improving Resource Pack or maybe write some well documented steps as good first issues for us to work on in our docs session ? 14:23:40 <jwf> nasirhm: Your help is always appreciated, but we should try and spread the load a bit since you are taking on the call for proposals! It is a big task. 14:24:34 <jwf> ahh someone is at the door need to go AFK for a few mins 14:24:36 <jwf> #chair 14:24:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: amsharma bee2502 jonatoni jwf meskarune nasirhm nkathole riecatnor siddharthvipul tatica[m] 14:24:37 <jwf> ^^ 14:24:53 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> Do we know in what level GNOME folks want to be included? Can we schedule a call or maybe ask them to comment on the ticket you opened Justin? 14:25:03 <nasirhm> jwf: One thing we've discussed in a Agenda deciding call was having a seperate global FWD with GNOME and a general FWD for local organizers. (not sure if it was discussed in the Hackfest) 14:25:26 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> nasirhm: yes true 14:25:36 <siddharthvipul> I can take care of requesting new badges (just because it's low hanging fruit) :( 14:25:44 <bee2502> i think jwf is AFK .. nasirhm do u wanna chair? 14:25:47 <nasirhm> I can continue with being the chair. 14:25:47 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> But we didn't go into it deeply during the Nesst 14:25:53 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> Nest* 14:25:57 <siddharthvipul> I am really interested in helping but I don't want to block you all in case I get busy 14:26:23 <bee2502> siddarthvipul every task counts :) no worries.. 14:26:28 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> I think one 3 day event in HopIn is what we should do. This includes the diff 'local' events as sessions. Any collaboration with GNOME should be done within that event as sessions/track 14:26:38 <siddharthvipul> bee2502: appreciate it :) 14:26:44 <meskarune> Does FWD have a place they organize online? 14:27:10 <bee2502> +1 to riecatnor's suggestion.. 14:27:15 <nasirhm> #action siddharthvipul to request new badges for Virtual FWD 2020 14:27:39 <bee2502> this way different GNOME community members can decide the level of involvement they want as well.. 14:27:55 <bee2502> meskarune .. we are thinking about using hopin platform 14:28:02 <bee2502> same as one for NEST.. 14:28:04 <nasirhm> @riecatnor Sounds like a nice idea, but I am thinking about letting the organizers decide about the dates. 14:28:24 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> nasirhm, they will have 3 days to choose from 14:28:26 <nkathole> Is call for proposal in review or public ? draft link in ticket is expired 14:28:49 <bee2502> nkathole i dont think we have a draft yet.. 14:28:49 <meskarune> Oh ok. Maybe it should be finalized so you can keep track of who is volunteering so that might be a ticket item 14:29:11 <nkathole> bee2502, https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/136#comment-669222 ? 14:29:12 <meskarune> To setup the venues that FWD organizers will use 14:29:16 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> This is a concern about money. As we pay per registration on HopIn. If folks can/want to participate in the 3 day event, awesome! If they cant, we will suppor them to organize a smaller thing on Jitsi I think 14:29:29 <nasirhm> nkathole: It's currently a Draft. 14:30:16 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> Plus, putting all of the FWD together in one event in HopIn gives us a nice chance to aggregate most of the data 14:30:18 <nkathole> ah okay. thanks 14:30:25 <meskarune> Calling for organizers and not having a space for them to organize is a bit messy 14:30:50 <jwf> Ok I'm back, sorry about that! 14:31:02 <nasirhm> jwf: No worries :) 14:31:23 <jwf> @jonatoni: No, we should discuss the GNOME collaboration for sure in this meeting. I made a separate topic because I think it will be a major discussion 14:31:34 <jwf> siddharthvipul: Thank you for taking on the badge requests! \o/ Every little bit helps. 14:31:45 <siddharthvipul> jwf: you all are too kind :) 14:31:47 <nasirhm> meskarune: We can ask them to create the tickets on pagure and on pagure in the template, We can add an option to select a date from the three. 14:32:05 <nasirhm> siddharthvipul++ :) 14:32:41 <jwf> @riecatnor bee2502 nasirhm meskarune: Maybe a question we should answer is whether we do a global FWD, support regional FWDs, or both 14:32:55 <jwf> Personally I am a big fan of supporting regional events and working on the smaller scale 14:33:01 <jwf> I feel that is where we have the bigger impact 14:33:07 <jwf> But it is a hunch and I don't have data 14:33:20 <nasirhm> I'm a +1 to regional one, and 0 to global one :) 14:33:43 <jwf> I am remembering the challenges we had in 2016 and 2017 when we tried to force the dates 14:33:57 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> True 14:33:59 <meskarune> with regional they can be more tailored to the local people 14:34:02 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> It was very hard 14:34:03 <nasirhm> As it provides local communities to get involved and expands Fedora in a lot places. 14:34:11 <jwf> For example, @jonatoni's Albanian community had exams right in the week when we started, which is why we first supported them to go for October instead of September 14:34:15 <meskarune> and specific to local culture and issues 14:34:31 <jwf> meskarune nasirhm +1 14:34:59 <jwf> I am big +1 to regional events, and also +0 to global. I am not sure what a global event would look like, or if the D&I team has bandwidth to pull off our own event 14:35:10 <bee2502> +1 to regional one as well.. but maybe we can suggest a time frame eg. some time in September but if its not possible, ofc they can go for other dates 14:35:12 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> If we are doing regional events, I am -1 to using HopIn 14:35:13 <jwf> At the global level, we have never actually organized an event… so that is a new thing for us to learn, if we go that route 14:35:31 <jwf> @riecatnor: Curious for your thinking? 14:35:32 <bee2502> riecatnor can u explain more on why 14:35:33 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> If we do one 3 day event where people can organize within that time frame locally, I am _1 14:35:35 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> +1 14:35:42 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> This puts a burden on the organizers 14:35:51 <meskarune> maybe global event could be highlights from the regional ones so people can see what the others are doing 14:35:55 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> It also increase registrations which we pay for by each 14:35:58 <jwf> bee2502: Makes sense to me, like we usually do when we suggest two weeks in September as "ideal" but we are always flexible 14:36:01 <nasirhm> jwf: We can surely work on a global one but for now, i think we're not sure if we have the bandwidth. 14:36:03 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> I agree with you Justin, I also do not think we have bandwidth to organize a global one so it's better to organize smaller local FWD 14:36:36 <meskarune> But also might not be needed if there are already social media posts 14:36:52 <jwf> nasirhm: Maybe this is something we revisit in another year, if we continue to grow the team. 14:36:55 <jwf> @riecatnor: Good to know, thanks for the context about Hopin. 14:37:10 <nasirhm> riecatnor++ 14:37:10 <bee2502> riecatnor how long can one event be in context of hopin? 14:37:17 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> 72 hours 14:37:19 <jwf> meskarune: I like that as a follow-up for Flock/Nest, although I guess that means waiting another year? :P :P idk 14:37:37 <meskarune> jwf: seems fine to me :) 14:37:57 <bee2502> maybe through hopin we can provide 2 3-day options and if organizers cant do those dates, they can use another platform? 14:38:04 <jwf> So, I am going to try and synthesize some of this discussion for meeting notes 14:38:04 <meskarune> Gives time to make a presentation and for info to percolate 14:38:23 <bee2502> i am pushing for hopin because its easier for us to collect event feedback and manage registrations etc 14:38:48 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> (i feel like we discussed these points on the call at nest? am I losing it?) 14:38:52 <jwf> #info Global or regional? Team is unsure if we have bandwidth and time for organizing global events. We have never done that before. Supporting local, smaller events is easier for us to plan with our limited bandwidth/time. 14:38:57 <nasirhm> @riecatnor : Can't we create different events on Hopin for different organizers ? 14:39:23 <bee2502> riecatnor i think there are more ppl in meeting than nest.. 14:39:24 <jwf> @riecatnor: I think at Nest, we were not all on the same page if there would be global/local events 14:39:36 <bee2502> i am sure there is some overlap.. 14:39:46 <jwf> bee2502: good point 14:39:47 <nasirhm> bee2502++ I'm thinking about the same thing, It would be much easier for us go with the Hopin way. 14:39:55 <jwf> Oh, hi solanch69! Bienvenido o/ 14:40:03 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> I thought I explained the hopin bits, and we were all on board with a 3 day event and supporting some outliers :) so if that is where we are at now.. cool 14:40:27 <nasirhm> bee2502: I was running the FCOS workshop while the FWD session was happening. :) Looking forward to the recording. 14:40:47 <jwf> I guess one challenging point in the past for events was it also required in-person logistic wrangling. This year, if it is all virtual… does that mean it will be "easier" to participate in a limited set of dates? 14:40:50 <nasirhm> Hey solanch69 o/ 14:41:33 <bee2502> how about for now we open the cfp on a 3-day time slot with hopin and see how many outliers are there? 14:41:33 <jwf> @riecatnor: So, let's get a temperature check on that! 14:41:42 <jwf> Let's try a quick +1/+0/-1 on this: 14:42:01 <nasirhm> +0 14:42:09 <jwf> #proposed For FWD 2020: 3 day event with local organizers presenting on Hopin, and supporting some outliers outside of a 3 day event 14:42:11 <jwf> +1 14:42:23 <ashlyna> +1 14:42:27 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> +1 14:42:36 <jwf> Going once… 14:42:45 <bee2502> i dont think its upto us to decide, what if there are more than 50% outliers 14:42:50 <jwf> Going twice… 14:42:53 <bee2502> we need to ask the organizers 14:43:02 <jwf> bee2502: I think we should wait and see the response we get 14:43:13 <jwf> We can always adapt if our expectations were wrong 14:43:42 <bee2502> will we ask the organizers on suggestions for the date? like a when is good? 14:43:51 <bee2502> for the 3-day slot? 14:44:07 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> I think we should present 2-3 options for weekends 14:44:32 <nasirhm> Hmm, we can initiate with the 3 day event for now and maybe adapt depending on the feedback. 14:44:33 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> or if it is not on the weekend, ok too :) 14:44:41 <jwf> We could do a short poll and send it out on our mailing list / chat groups with three choices for weekends in September. What do you think? 14:44:49 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> +1 14:44:54 <bee2502> +1 for the poll 14:45:03 <jwf> It seems like we are +1 on the idea of a 3 day event, but need to think about logistics for when/where/how 14:45:07 <nasirhm> +1 for the poll. 14:45:21 <jwf> Cool so let me synthesize this a bit… 14:45:27 <jwf> Also hi ashlyna, nice to see you here! o/ 14:45:28 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> if we go with the 3 day event, absolutely +1 to using hopin 14:45:42 * nasirhm waves to ashlyna 14:45:49 <ashlyna> good morning :) 14:46:12 <siddharthvipul> riecatnor knows I can help with poll :) 14:46:24 <nasirhm> if we go with the 3 day event, I too am absolutely +1 to using hopin. 14:46:40 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> +1 for the poll, but not sure if the idea for the 3 day event will work for everyone so maybe we will need to be flexible about the dates as we did previous years 14:46:45 <jwf> #agreed Pick a 3-day window in September for FWD, create a poll for figuring out specific dates, use Hopin for a global event featuring content local organizers. 14:47:20 <jwf> #info Note: There are a lot of "if's" and open questions about how this will work. We have never done this before! So we will figure out some details as we go, and we will adapt to changes to our plans as best we can. 14:47:22 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> Jona, yes I agree. I think we can advise a "small" fwd event - what to use for that, how to report back on it etc 14:47:40 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> +1 14:47:48 <jwf> So, I think this discussion was helpful to bring clarity on the immediate questions for FWD 14:48:03 <jwf> We have 13 minutes left for this meeting and still need to discuss GNOME + Fedora 14:48:04 <ashlyna> Having a main 3 day hub could be useful for those who aren't able to organize from within as we can use it as a central information space to a general attendence that could advertise and build awareness for the smaller events as well 14:48:15 <jwf> I am trying to think of action items to take from this discussion up to the next meeting? 14:48:26 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> Also, another note, I am working with Mindshare to do a similar event but for Release parties, so this will be nice to refine and also keep the process the same for me (phew!) 14:48:30 <meskarune> I am excited for all the virtual events because they are more accessible for tbe disabled who might not be able to travel as easily. 14:48:40 <jwf> ashlyna: Great point! I love the idea of using our space to highlight and promote local, smaller events and communities 14:48:42 <nasirhm> jwf: I've added one for siddharthvipul to work on the badges ticket (while you were away) 14:48:44 <meskarune> I hope they continue after the pandemic 14:49:11 <jwf> @riecatnor: We will need to sync up with you on that for sure :) 14:49:53 <jwf> nasirhm: Actually looking back in our meeting discussion, there were a lot of unassigned #action's for FWD at the start of the meeting. Let's revisit at Open Floor if we have time. Otherwise I think FWD 2020 announcement blog post and Badges tickets will keep us busy for two weeks, until we meet again 14:49:59 <jwf> meskarune: Me too! 14:50:10 <jwf> Ok, any final thoughts on FWD 2020 generally, before we jump to last topic for today? 14:50:13 <nasirhm> jwf: SGTM. 14:50:16 <jwf> (last topic: GNOME + Fedora) 14:50:26 <jwf> Going once… 14:50:28 <ashlyna> is there more help needed for poll making etc? 14:50:39 <nasirhm> +1 to move to the last topic (We've got 10 mins left) 14:50:40 <jwf> ashlyna: Would you be interested in pairing with siddharthvipul on that? 14:50:48 <ashlyna> yuppers 14:50:54 <siddharthvipul> ashlyna: :) 14:50:58 <jwf> Cool! 14:51:01 <nasirhm> ashlyna++ 14:51:02 <zodbot> nasirhm: Karma for ashlyna changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:51:05 <jwf> Let me make it official, and then we will jump topics 14:51:14 <riecatnor> ashlyna++ 14:51:14 <zodbot> riecatnor: Karma for ashlyna changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:51:27 <jwf> #action siddharthvipul ashlyna: Work together on making a new poll to send out about which weekend in September for the global FWD event 14:51:33 <jwf> ashlyna++ siddharthvipul++ 14:51:33 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for ashlyna changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:51:39 <jwf> Cookies!! \o/ 14:51:44 <jwf> Ok, moving ahead! 14:51:47 <siddharthvipul> jwf: I have a question 14:51:50 <jwf> #topic Ticket #148: "FWD 2020: Expanding to Fedora + GNOME Women's Day" 14:51:54 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/148 14:52:02 <jwf> siddharthvipul: Related to this, or can it wait to Open Floor? 14:52:13 <siddharthvipul> let's wait for open flooe 14:52:16 <jwf> Cool 14:52:18 <siddharthvipul> s/flooe/floor 14:52:21 <jwf> So, for this ticket: 14:52:33 <jwf> I think really I want to know from folks what is most helpful to push this forward? 14:52:52 <jwf> Should we work to get on a call with GNOMEies, should we coordinate over text chats, what makes sense here? 14:53:01 <jwf> I have a few ideas for *how* we can work together in the ticket 14:53:03 <riecatnor> jwf, I am unfamiliar with the connection. Can you give a brief summary of how the idea came o be 14:53:07 <meskarune> Maybe some gnome folks can be brought in here? 14:53:10 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> Call will be helpful 14:53:11 <jwf> riecatnor: Sure! Thanks for asking that 14:53:13 <tg-fed-di> <amisha3> For sure 14:53:20 <meskarune> Just as a first step 14:53:37 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> meskarune, +1 14:53:40 <nasirhm> Call could be a good starting point. 14:53:43 <tg-fed-di> <jonatoni> +1 14:53:58 <jwf> #info At GNOME GUADEC 2020, Fedora D&I team members attended the GNOME D&I team Birds of a Feather session. The GNOME D&I team wants to get more involved with global diversity events. We mentioned FWD as something we have done for years. The GNOME folks were interested in joining forces with Fedora on this! 14:54:25 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> Thanks 14:54:28 <jwf> #info At Nest 2020, we discussed for a very short time about collaborating with Regina Nkemchor Adejo about this but did not get far. 14:54:37 <meskarune> Also if the gnome folks have a chat maybe people here would also want to hangout there 14:54:48 <nasirhm> I think I saw Regina here too. 14:54:49 <jwf> Sounds like there is enthusiasm for a call. Makes sense to me too 14:55:01 <jwf> So, here are some actions I can take to push this forward: 14:55:12 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> I think it might make sense to gather some questions for them beforehand so there is more context for the call? 14:55:13 <jwf> (1) Reach out to GNOMEies about setting a date/time in August to chat about this 14:55:35 <jwf> (2) Invite GNOMEies to hang out in chat rooms, and maybe watch our Pagure repo / FWD ticket too 14:55:38 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> Provide some resources/include their vote in the poll for dates 14:55:51 <jwf> @riecatnor yes great point. I can do that as part of my outreach to the GNOME folks 14:56:10 <jwf> So probably the very first step to action item #1 is putting together a WhenIsGood poll 14:56:37 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> I think my first question is do they want to do a GNOME women's day along side of FWD, OR do they want to participate in FWD 14:56:41 <meskarune> yeah setting a dates dictates when things need to get done 14:56:44 <jwf> #action jwf Reach out to GNOME D&I folks and co-conspire to schedule a meeting date/time via WhenIsGood 14:57:07 <nasirhm> .thank jwf 14:57:08 <zodbot> nasirhm thinks jwf is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type jwf++ since that is what gives them a cookie) 14:57:15 <jwf> #info We should gather context from GNOME D&I folks in advance of the call 14:57:23 <tg-fed-di> <riecatnor> (also I have a meeting at 11) 14:57:27 <jwf> #info do they want to do a GNOME women's day along side of FWD, OR do they want to participate in FWD? 14:57:36 <jwf> Ok, I can follow up on this post-meeting 14:57:39 <jwf> Thanks for the quick feedback! 14:57:45 <jwf> #topic Open floor 14:57:48 <jwf> siddharthvipul: Floor is yours! 14:58:56 <siddharthvipul> my question is for the platform 14:59:10 <siddharthvipul> riecatnor: will we be using limesurvey for the poll? I would need your +1 on that 14:59:26 * jwf is in favor of what has the least red-tape to making a poll and launching ASAP 14:59:28 <jwf> :P 14:59:34 <riecatnor> +1 to limesurvey poll 14:59:43 <jwf> +1 to limesurvey then :) 14:59:44 <riecatnor> I think it will be more clear than the whenisgood 14:59:49 <siddharthvipul> awesome 14:59:58 <jwf> Just remember time zones :D 14:59:58 <nasirhm> +1 it is then. 15:00:10 <jwf> siddharthvipul: Doubt resolved on your side? 15:00:11 <riecatnor> Ah, yes, UTC is probably best to put that in 15:00:17 <siddharthvipul> jwf: oh yeah 15:00:20 <jwf> Super! 15:00:23 <jwf> So we are RIGHT on time 15:00:24 <siddharthvipul> and there are no timezones other than UTC :P 15:00:24 <nasirhm> jwf: Yeah, I think I saw something earlier in D&I side where TZ was not defined :P 15:00:27 <jwf> This was a jam-packed meeting! 15:00:36 <jwf> Next time, will try to leave a little more time leftover at the end 15:00:39 <riecatnor> jwf++ 15:00:40 <nasirhm> jwf: Thank You for running it. 15:00:42 <riecatnor> thanks jwf 15:00:45 <riecatnor> <3 15:00:46 <jwf> Thanks everyone for being a part and being here!! So great to see everyone! :D <3 15:00:50 <jwf> #endmeeting