18:30:33 <bcotton> #startmeeting docs 18:30:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 4 18:30:33 2022 UTC. 18:30:33 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:30:33 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:30:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:30:36 <bcotton> #topic Roll call 18:30:52 <darknao> .hi 18:30:53 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <darknao@drkn.ninja> 18:30:56 <pboy> .hi 18:30:57 <zodbot> pboy: pboy 'Peter Boy' <pboy@uni-bremen.de> 18:31:03 <AdvikaSingh[m]> Hi! 18:31:58 <shaunm[m]> .hello shaunm 18:31:58 <zodbot> shaunm[m]: shaunm 'Shaun McCance' <shaunm@gnome.org> 18:33:55 <bcotton> #chair pboy shaunm 18:33:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pboy shaunm 18:33:58 <bcotton> okay, let's get this starty parted! 18:34:16 <bcotton> #topic Agenda 18:34:16 <bcotton> #info Announcements 18:34:16 <bcotton> #info Review action items 18:34:20 <bcotton> #info GitLab followup 18:34:20 <bcotton> #info Content plan proof of concept 18:34:20 <bcotton> #info Backlog grooming 18:34:33 <bcotton> #topic Announcements 18:34:33 <bcotton> #info F36 Final release is targeted for 10 May 18:34:40 <bcotton> #help Contribute to the F36 release notes: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/how-to-write-fedora-release-notes/38311 18:34:47 <bcotton> #info We're using the docs-fp-o repo to track meta-work 18:34:47 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issues 18:34:58 <bcotton> #info The Write the Docs Prague CfP is open (conference will be held online this year) 18:34:59 <bcotton> #link https://www.writethedocs.org/conf/prague/2022/cfp/ 18:35:03 <bcotton> any other announcements? 18:36:27 <bcotton> #topic Previous action items 18:36:42 <bcotton> #info bcotton to create docs-fp-o issues for repos to migrate to GitLab 18:36:42 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/boards/GitLab%20migration 18:36:46 <bcotton> #info darknao to merge the websites PR that adds Docs visibility 18:36:52 <bcotton> this is done, i believe? 18:36:58 <darknao> yes it is 18:37:11 <bcotton> #info this is done 18:37:12 <pboy> +1 18:37:32 <bcotton> #info pboy to schedule office hours for the content plan 18:37:46 <AnushkaJain[m]1> Hello everyone! 18:37:53 <pboy> I'm waiting for the final release date to be able to add 14 days 18:38:42 <bcotton> i'm pushing the "Go" button as hard as I can :-D 18:38:54 <pboy> bcotton -1 18:38:55 <bcotton> #info This is waiting until the release date is official 18:39:01 <pboy> bcotton +1!!!! 18:39:19 <shaunm[m]> now you've done it 18:39:22 <bcotton> pboy giveth, pboy taketh away 18:39:56 <bcotton> #topic GitLab followup 18:39:57 <bcotton> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/gitlab-migration-plan/38092 18:39:57 <pboy> yeah me and my keyboard. 18:40:29 <bcotton> so as I was creating the issues above, i noticed a few repos whose fate seemed uncertain 18:40:33 <bcotton> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting&close_status= 18:40:51 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/226 18:41:25 <bcotton> this repo has one file that seems to be a historical reference. it doesn't seem worth migrating, but do we want to keep it at all? 18:41:47 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/design-documents/blob/master/f/po-pot-repo-structure.md 18:42:05 <bcotton> darknao: do you know if this is even accurate still? 18:43:10 <darknao> i'm reading it 18:44:42 <darknao> that seems accurate, but not sure if this is still relevant as anything documented here is automated already 18:45:09 <bcotton> objections to just removing the repo instead? 18:45:24 <pboy> In general, I tend not to take an old repo with us if in doubt. Maybe not delete it yet, but wait to see if it's really needed. 18:45:35 <pboy> (or not) 18:45:51 <darknao> yeah either remove it, or maybe move the file to the translations-scripts repo 18:45:52 <bcotton> we could certainly just leave it in place 18:45:56 <darknao> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translations-scripts 18:46:13 <pboy> an mark it to be checked if it can be deleted 18:47:34 <bcotton> darknao: you have commit on the translations-scripts repo. would you mind moving it? ithen we can ask asamalik to delete the design-documents repo, as he's the only one with access 18:49:01 <darknao> yeah i was wondering maybe we should translate that to adoc and put it in the l10n documentation instead? 18:49:33 <bcotton> that works, too 18:49:54 <bcotton> i'll assign the issue to you and update it. you can handle it how you see fit :-) 18:49:59 <darknao> (the l10n documentation really needs some work) 18:50:17 <darknao> ok agree 18:50:56 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/227 18:51:16 <bcotton> this is a fork of a DocBook to AsciiDoc converter 18:51:55 <bcotton> i don't see a need to migrate it. we can just leave it in place as an ancient ruin. any objections? 18:52:04 <darknao> +1 18:52:09 <pboy> I suppose, we don't need it anymore 18:52:26 <pboy> -1 18:52:28 <pboy> +++1 18:52:44 <pboy> Oh my, sorry, something is going wring here 18:53:16 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/230 18:53:52 <bcotton> As best I can tell, this is an older version of the documentation-contributors-guide repo 18:54:19 <pboy> +1 for keeping it until the new style guide is in place 18:54:37 <pboy> and than delete it! 18:54:46 <bcotton> okay, then! 18:55:04 <darknao> yeah that seems quite incomplete and/or obsolete 18:57:19 <bcotton> just got a call from my daughter's school. she's injured and i need to go pick her up. can someone please take the rest of the meeting? 18:57:56 <pboy> good luck for her and you! 18:58:10 <pboy> darknao, do you! 18:58:18 <AdvikaSingh[m]> Oh no, Take care! 18:58:19 <bcotton> #chair darknao 18:58:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton darknao pboy shaunm 18:58:28 <darknao> yes sure, please go bcotton! 18:59:07 <darknao> alright, next tagged one is 18:59:11 <darknao> .docs 231 18:59:12 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #231: Migrate epel-docs repo to GitLab - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/231 19:00:27 <pboy> indeed, there is no content at all 19:00:34 <darknao> indeed 19:00:44 <darknao> the good one is https://pagure.io/epel 19:01:13 <darknao> +1 to drop it then 19:01:16 <pboy> we should not move it and make a note will be deleted after finishing the migration. 19:01:28 <pboy> darknao +1 19:03:07 <darknao> .docs 234 19:03:08 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #234: Migrate fedora-docs-web repo to GitLab - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/234 19:03:40 <darknao> this repo is still used 19:04:48 <darknao> but not sure if it's really useful to move it as it's basically only about old docs, that we should remove at some point 19:05:18 <pboy> But you say there, we should drop it. Because it is related to pre-Antora doc, isn't it? 19:05:49 <darknao> yes, but the redirects for instance are still here and in use 19:06:18 <pboy> But do we want them to still be in use? 19:07:01 <darknao> I vote to link that ticket to #183, and if/when we decide to drop old docs, this one will be included 19:07:12 <pboy> Maybe we mark it for deletion, when #183 is completed? 19:07:23 <pboy> Yeah, same idea. 19:08:03 <darknao> ok agree 19:08:14 <darknao> .docs 246 19:08:17 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #246: Migrate the taiga-docs repo to GitLab - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/246 19:09:11 <darknao> Since the taiga instance has already been decommissioned, I think we can safely remove this doc 19:09:27 <pboy> +1 19:10:12 <darknao> and last one 19:10:16 <darknao> .docs 250 19:10:17 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #250: Migrate websites repo to GitLab - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/250 19:10:52 <darknao> that one is easy, we already moved the content in another repository. 19:11:04 <darknao> so we're going to remove this one 19:11:09 <pboy> +1 19:11:58 <darknao> ok I think that's it 19:12:31 <darknao> what was the next topic for today? 19:12:38 <darknao> backlog? 19:12:47 <pboy> We have backlog grooming 19:13:04 <darknao> #topic Backlog grooming 19:13:12 <darknao> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issues?status=Open&order_key=last_updated&order=asc 19:13:34 <darknao> .docs 81 19:13:35 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #81: Figure out remix page publishing - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/81 19:14:59 <darknao> I think this is still relevant 19:15:41 <pboy> yes, and obviously it has to be translated to adoc and put into the new docs space? 19:15:48 <darknao> right 19:16:06 <pboy> And who is supposed to do it? 19:16:32 <pboy> I can't provide a translation service, I think 19:16:41 <pboy> I -> We 19:17:09 <darknao> I don't know who is responsible of the Fedora Remix space 19:17:44 <pboy> maintainer of the linked repo is bex 19:18:17 <darknao> but if someone in our team is willing to do the translation job, I'm ok with that 19:18:53 <darknao> I'll tag it as low priority/content 19:18:59 <pboy> Hold on, Folks! We need not such many for this. :-) 19:19:33 <pboy> I think, bcotton should contact them and ask them to organize the move. 19:19:54 <pboy> He is currently the de facto the docs leader 19:20:37 <pboy> Maybe, we should not action him, but ask him. :-) 19:20:42 <darknao> We can mention bex again in the ticket and see? 19:20:57 <pboy> OK with that. 19:23:43 <darknao> .docs 89 19:23:44 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #89: Implement some URL checking system - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/89 19:24:37 <pboy> Doesn't include Antora a link checker, most CMS do.? 19:25:01 <darknao> tag as feature request, can be linked to the other one about CI, and I think I opened another ticket about that not so long ago 19:25:19 <pboy> OK 19:25:37 <darknao> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/74 and https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/219 19:26:33 <darknao> .docs 98 19:26:34 <zodbot> darknao: Issue #98: Make Remix documentation more visible - docs-fp-o - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/98 19:28:02 <pboy> Same solution as with #81? 19:28:03 <darknao> The remix doc space is now available through the navigation panel, so I'd say we can close it ? 19:28:46 <pboy> OK, we can close it with your comment as resolved, and see what happens 19:31:23 <darknao> ok I'll just ask if there is still something to be done about it, then close if no answer 19:31:34 <pboy> OK 19:31:44 <pboy> I think, time is up? 19:31:48 <darknao> and seems like we're already out of time 19:32:12 <pboy> yeah, to. guys with the same idea 19:32:37 <darknao> no open floor unfortunately, but if there is anything to talk about, we can have it in #fedora-docs 19:32:54 <darknao> thanks everyone! 19:32:58 <pboy> yeah, ok with that 19:33:13 <darknao> #endmeeting