18:30:33 <pboy> #startmeeting docs 18:30:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 10 18:30:33 2022 UTC. 18:30:33 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:30:33 <zodbot> The chair is pboy. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:30:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:30:43 <pboy> #chair pboy darknao 18:30:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: darknao pboy 18:30:51 <pboy> #topic Roll call 18:30:59 <py0xc3[m]> .hello py0xc3 18:31:00 <zodbot> py0xc3[m]: py0xc3 'Christopher Klooz' <py0xc3@my.mail.de> 18:31:02 <hankuoffroad[m]> .hello hankuoffroad 18:31:02 <pboy> Let's see, who it here. 18:31:03 <zodbot> hankuoffroad[m]: hankuoffroad 'None' <allegrovelo@gmail.com> 18:31:09 <copperi[m]> .hello copperi 18:31:10 <zodbot> copperi[m]: copperi 'Jan Kuparinen' <copper_fin@hotmail.com> 18:31:47 <JaredSmith[m]> .hello jsmith 18:31:48 <zodbot> JaredSmith[m]: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 18:33:23 <pboy> OK. 'm happy not having to discuss with zodbot. I'll post the agenda 18:33:35 <pboy> #topic Agenda 18:33:48 <pboy> #info Action item review 18:34:07 <pboy> #info GitLab status check 18:34:23 <pboy> #info Workflow and howto MR 18:34:30 <pboy> #info Open floor 18:34:43 <pboy> Anything else to discuss? 18:35:40 <pboy> Obviously not. So let's start. 18:35:56 <pboy> #topic Action item review 18:36:19 <pboy> #info Done: @pboy to update the team page regarding board and members 18:36:32 <pboy> Any comment about the text? 18:37:17 <pboy> I see no objection so far. 18:37:37 <pboy> What about @py0xc3 to prepare the GitLab dashboard for the workflow? 18:37:56 <pboy> I think it's done? or at least started? 18:38:44 <py0xc3[m]> I just skimmed through it after I came home, but I like it. 18:39:21 <py0xc3[m]> Yes, the GitLab dash is ready, you can everything on the dash, and in MR. 18:39:31 <pboy> OK. 18:39:48 <py0xc3[m]> The MR is ready: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/docs-meeting-agenda-2022-08-10/41267 18:39:51 <pboy> #info DONE @py0xc3 to prepare the GitLab dashboard for the workflow 18:40:33 <pboy> py0xc3[m] Thanks, I think it was a lot of work. 18:40:55 <pboy> What about @py0xc3 to add the workflow docs to the team docs 18:41:13 <pboy> I suppose, the docs are not ready yet.? 18:41:34 <pboy> not ready to include the workflox doc 18:41:46 <py0xc3[m]> I have prepared the dedicated workflow page, and the 7-step HowTo page. 18:42:16 <py0xc3[m]> Also, I added a note in the prerequisite page, that casual contributors have less requirements to fulfill 18:42:30 <pboy> #info DONE @py0xc3 to add the workflow docs to the team docs 18:42:42 <py0xc3[m]> So the question is if everyone agrees on the outlined workflow, or if there is an issue at some point. 18:43:30 <pboy> I must admit, I could read it yet, but will tomorrow or Friday. 18:43:40 <pboy> could -Y couldn't 18:44:17 <py0xc3[m]> It ain't critical. All links are in today's meeting thread on discussion.fp. Ben is also not here. Maybe we can shift it to next week? Ain't critical. 18:44:29 <py0xc3[m]> Then everyone can have a review. 18:44:49 <pboy> Yes. but anyway, regarding the action item it is done. 18:45:27 <pboy> #info DONE @py0xc3 to add the “7-step howto” (focused on GitLab, but with links to .... 18:45:45 <py0xc3[m]> Generally, it is just waiting for approval :) The MR already fulfills the workflow organization :D So theoretically, we can tackle it within GitLab's comments 18:46:15 <py0xc3[m]> I have not added links to GitHub as darknao can make it that the HowTo only appears on GitLab-pages 18:46:47 <pboy> #agreed we will discuss about how to integrate the workflox doc and the 7-steps doc into the team page next meeting. 18:47:58 <pboy> Yes, maybe we can continue on discussion as well? Specifically how to extend our team page. 18:49:56 <pboy> OK, can we proceed with the next topic? 18:50:31 <hankuoffroad[m]> yes 18:50:33 <pboy> #topic GitLab status check 18:51:09 <pboy> Any comment ? 18:52:06 <pboy> I guess, we need darknao for this? 18:53:45 <py0xc3[m]> I expect so. I am not involved. 18:53:54 <pboy> Obviously, there is nothing to discuss at the moment. So we may proceed with the next topic. 18:54:11 <pboy> #topic Workflow and howto MR 18:55:26 <pboy> Unfortunately, I couldn't prepare for this topic. Someone else? 18:55:47 <py0xc3[m]> Check the MR, comment if I shall make a change, or make an approval if it is ok for you :) 18:56:55 <pboy> Yeah, I've to read all the stuff asap. Maybe somene else will comment now? 18:57:26 <py0xc3[m]> So the other two (7step HowTo+workflow org) are DONE. Now the joint MR is ready for approval. I think this is why it is stored as two topics. 18:58:28 <bcotton> .hello2 18:58:28 <pboy> OK, so I'm the culprit because I didn't read all the text. :-) 18:58:29 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 18:58:35 * bcotton just got home 18:58:51 <pboy> Very good! 18:58:59 <pboy> #chair bcotton 18:58:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton darknao pboy 18:59:15 <bcotton> fwiw, i haven't re-reviewed the MR but it's probably good enough at this point. we can continue to refine it later as-needed 19:00:17 <pboy> Yes, and we have to integrate it into the team pages (the new intended structure) 19:00:59 <pboy> Maybe, I should make a proposal for that? (Because I invented the new structure?) 19:01:59 <py0xc3[m]> pboy: I assume it doesn't need much dedicated work. 19:02:23 <pboy> py0xc3[m]> 19:02:44 <pboy> py0xc3[m] Would be good. I can do it on Mondey / Tuesday. 19:02:56 <py0xc3[m]> Let me know if I can help somehow 19:03:23 <pboy> OK. 19:04:08 <pboy> #action pboy and py0xc3[m] prepare a proposal to integrate the new docs into the team pages. 19:04:18 <py0xc3[m]> The page that elaborates everything is next to the team page, so a short information that there is a specific workflow and that that the page is there should be sufficient I guess? 19:05:11 <pboy> py0xc3[m] We have decided a slightly new structure. As far as I saw you used the old one. 19:05:48 <pboy> And you couldn't use the new one because it is not yet in place. 19:06:49 <py0xc3[m]> Seems I have missed something. Structure in technical terms, of the pages? 19:07:19 <pboy> No, the table of content and the menue items. 19:07:28 <py0xc3[m]> Wait I skimm your MR 19:07:50 <pboy> There is no MR, but a preview. 19:08:01 <py0xc3[m]> MR: Draft: first cut of a new team page structure ? 19:08:31 <pboy> Draft: first cut of a new team page structure ? Yes that looks like it. 19:08:54 <pboy> I remember, yes, darknao made a MR 19:09:33 <py0xc3[m]> Ah, I think there is a misunderstanding. Yeah no problem. Of course you can put it to the structure where it makes sense. I just used the old one so that it can be merged. But the changed structure doesnt affect the page itself, does it? 19:10:19 <pboy> No, it doesn't change the page content, basically. 19:10:24 <py0xc3[m]> So my expectation is that you simply overwrite the nav.adoc? 19:10:57 <pboy> Slightly modified introductions may be necessary in some cases, 19:11:44 <pboy> Yes, we can (simply) change the nav.adoc and maybe the location. 19:11:59 <py0xc3[m]> pboy: Ah ok. Didn't know that. I can do it within the pages if that makes sense. 19:12:59 <pboy> py0xc3[m] Give time until Monday /Tuesday and then we can look at it? 19:13:14 <py0xc3[m]> Is there a documentation of changed instructions? 19:14:18 <py0xc3[m]> pboy: Ok. No stress. So I let the MR open for review anyway. 19:14:27 <pboy> There are no changed instructions, I think. It is just the document structure and therefore a slightly different context. 19:14:42 <pboy> Yeah. Lets disuss on Monday. 19:15:05 <pboy> Unfortunately, I'm totally unprepared at the moment. Mea culpa. 19:15:18 <py0xc3[m]> Ignore my recent comment. I read "instructions" where you wrote "introductions" 😬 19:15:34 <py0xc3[m]> No worries. Nothing of that is urgent I think. 19:16:33 <pboy> Sorry about my drop out. I was busy with our servers. But I'm back now. :-) 19:17:11 <pboy> Anything else? Can we proceed with next topic? 19:18:04 <pboy> #topic Open floor 19:18:34 <pboy> It's a long time ago we had so much of time for this topic. 19:19:14 <py0xc3[m]> :D 19:19:32 <bcotton> it helps when we only have a few people in the meeting, I guess :-) 19:20:04 <py0xc3[m]> We can introduce a participant limit if that helps ^^ 19:20:31 <pboy> OK, let's start with 20? 19:20:40 <py0xc3[m]> But if we have nothing else to say, it might be interesting to note what @bookwar put forward in discussions.fp, since we also use much Matrix 19:20:53 <py0xc3[m]> pboy: Sounds good xD 19:20:54 <bcotton> FWIW, she was talking about social/general support channels 19:20:57 <bcotton> not team channels 19:21:20 <bcotton> (which isn't to say we couldn't make a choice on bridging independently) 19:21:40 <py0xc3[m]> Yeah, but I had to think that the issues might appear here,too. Just out of curiousity: do we have IRC users here? 19:22:03 <pboy> Yes, me. :-) 19:22:14 <py0xc3[m]> Sorry, I forgot to provide the link: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/lets-de-bridge-generic-support-social-community-channels/41249 19:22:25 <hankuoffroad[m]> no, I'm Fedora chat user 19:22:29 <py0xc3[m]> pboy: Can u see if someone uses the "reply to" button in some way? 19:23:01 <py0xc3[m]> I would imagine it became confusing in the recent weeks' debates^^ 19:23:03 <pboy> I just don't know. I never checked that. 19:23:31 <py0xc3[m]> ah, ok. 19:24:29 <pboy> Do we have all the zodbot functionality in matrix, too? without the bridging? 19:24:40 <py0xc3[m]> So silent ^^ Indeed a nice alternative to the recent weeks :) 19:24:45 <bcotton> No. Zodbot is IRC only at the moment 19:25:01 <py0xc3[m]> Oh, wow. Ok, didnt know that. 19:26:22 <pboy> Hm, zodbot is very useful, and matrix much more comfortable. 19:27:21 <pboy> py0xc3[m]> 19:27:23 <karlisk> There's Matrix channel for this? Tried to find it but nada via "Element" desktop client 19:27:37 <pboy> py0xc3[m] Thanks for the link. I missed that. Interesting discussion. 19:27:57 <py0xc3[m]> Yeah, it may have indirect relations to Docs on the long term. 19:28:23 <pboy> karlisk Matrix channel for what? 19:28:42 <karlisk> "fedora-meeting-1" 19:28:48 * bcotton has to drop to interview a new candidate 19:29:03 <pboy> bcotton. byebye 19:29:23 <py0xc3[m]> bye! 19:30:00 <py0xc3[m]> karlisk: I am in Fedora meeting 1 with matrix 19:30:24 <py0xc3[m]> https://matrix.to/#/#meeting-1:fedoraproject.org 19:31:05 <pboy> Oh, I see our time is up! 19:31:23 <py0xc3[m]> Yes, and we made it today :D 19:31:31 <hankuoffroad[m]> yay 19:31:37 <pboy> Anything to say before we endmeeting? 19:32:02 <py0xc3[m]> I'm fine for today 19:32:18 <pboy> OK. Thanks for comming. See you next week an on discussion. 19:32:27 <pboy> #endmeeting