#fedora-meeting-1: docs

Meeting started by darknao at 18:30:41 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll call  (darknao, 18:30:48)

* Agenda  (darknao, 18:34:41)
  * LINK:
    (darknao, 18:34:48)
  * Announcements  (darknao, 18:34:50)
  * Action item followup  (darknao, 18:34:52)
  * Maintenance strategy of the Workstation & Spins User Guide
    (darknao, 18:34:54)
  * Status updates on the new variant-orientated structure  (darknao,
  * Open Floor  (darknao, 18:34:58)

* Announcements  (darknao, 18:35:00)
  * F37 Final freeze is on going  (darknao, 18:35:07)
  * Go/No-Go for F37 Final tomorrow  (darknao, 18:35:09)
  * We use GitLab to track work:
    https://gitlab.com/groups/fedora/docs/-/boards  (darknao, 18:35:11)

* Previous action items  (darknao, 18:36:59)
  * pboy was to test run the new builder script on Mac  (darknao,
  * py0xc3 was to create tickets on Gitlab to track the required tasks
    for next release  (darknao, 18:37:07)
  * ACTION: pboy was to test run the new builder script on Mac
    (darknao, 18:39:52)

* Maintenance strategy of the Workstation & Spins User Guide  (darknao,
  * LINK:
    (darknao, 18:41:54)

* Status updates on the new variant-orientated structure  (darknao,
  * LINK:
    (darknao, 18:57:05)

* Open Floor  (darknao, 19:02:22)

Meeting ended at 19:30:41 UTC.

Action Items
* pboy was to test run the new builder script on Mac

Action Items, by person
* pboy
  * pboy was to test run the new builder script on Mac
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* darknao (52)
* py0xc3[m] (34)
* pboy (21)
* zodbot (12)
* pbokoc (5)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.4

.. _`MeetBot`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions