18:30:18 <darknao> #startmeeting docs 18:30:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 19 18:30:18 2022 UTC. 18:30:18 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:30:18 <zodbot> The chair is darknao. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:30:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:30:29 <darknao> #topic Roll call 18:30:31 <darknao> #chair pboy darknao pbokoc py0xc3[m] 18:30:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: darknao pbokoc pboy py0xc3[m] 18:30:37 <pboy> .hi 18:30:38 <zodbot> pboy: pboy 'Peter Boy' <pboy@uni-bremen.de> 18:31:19 <darknao> .hi 18:31:22 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <darknao@drkn.ninja> 18:33:23 <py0xc3[m]> .hello py0xc3 18:33:24 <zodbot> py0xc3[m]: py0xc3 'Christopher Klooz' <py0xc3@my.mail.de> 18:33:30 <copperi[m]> .hi 18:33:31 <zodbot> copperi[m]: Sorry, but user 'copperi [m]' does not exist 18:33:59 <darknao> hi everyone o/ 18:34:00 <py0xc3[m]> Unfortunately, I will be widely inactive since I have to work in parallel 18:34:09 <darknao> let's get started 18:34:16 <darknao> #topic Agenda 18:34:24 <darknao> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/docs-meeting-agenda-2022-10-19/43354 18:34:31 <darknao> #info Announcements 18:34:33 <darknao> #info Action item followup 18:34:35 <darknao> #info Release Notes in Changes proposals 18:34:37 <darknao> #info First cut on the new Fedora docs homepage 18:34:39 <darknao> #info Open Floor 18:34:41 <darknao> #topic Announcements 18:34:54 <darknao> #info F37 Final freeze is on going 18:34:56 <darknao> #info F37 was NO-GO for 10/18 18:34:58 <darknao> #info Go/No-Go for F37 Final tomorrow 18:34:59 <py0xc3[m]> I have one ^^ 18:35:00 <darknao> #info Next target is 10/25 18:35:04 <darknao> #info An Outreachy contributor is working on our new Fedora Chat logo, please take a moment to review their work and provide feedback 18:35:12 <darknao> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-documentation-chat-icon/43303 18:35:31 <darknao> py0xc3[m]: go ahead :) 18:35:42 <py0xc3[m]> #info The Anaconda team agreed to support us with creating the new guide that will include the future Web-UI installation. They will provide me with current ISO and screenshots/information to keep on par with their development. We agree that we can be complementary for each other: the new WebUI and a guide maintained by us can help to promote both: we can include and encourage more user groups to provide feedback of the Web-UI 18:35:42 <py0xc3[m]> (e.g., on ask.fp we made good experiences with such approaches), but also "exploit" the new Web-UI to promote and make aware of the changes and new developments on Fedora Docs. Feel free to review the recent chats I had with them in #anaconda:fedoraproject.org if you want to know more. We were only asked to not publish the content on docs.fp.org before they published the Web-UI for public use. I hope that I can start with the guide 18:35:42 <py0xc3[m]> on the weekend (I had a "public bureaucracy issue" that causes me work atm). 18:35:43 <py0xc3[m]> ;) 18:36:28 <pbokoc> Very nice 18:36:33 <pboy> Waht means atm? 18:36:44 <py0xc3[m]> at the moment :) 18:36:50 <darknao> that's great 18:36:57 <pboy> thanks 18:37:04 <pboy> it's great, indeed 18:37:35 <darknao> #info We use GitLab to track work: https://gitlab.com/groups/fedora/docs/-/boards 18:37:35 <py0xc3[m]> Nothing else from my side ^^ 18:37:48 <darknao> ok thanks 18:37:50 <pboy> maybe an addendum: what is the state of current release notes? 18:38:16 <pboy> (I have to write one. :-). ) 18:38:46 <darknao> pboy: can we discuss that on the release note topic, or in open floor? 18:39:00 <pboy> ok! 18:39:04 <darknao> good 18:39:13 <darknao> let's proceed with the next topic then 18:39:17 <darknao> #topic Previous action items 18:39:21 <darknao> #info pboy was to test run the new builder script on Mac 18:39:42 <pboy> still work in progress 18:39:50 <darknao> ok 18:40:01 <darknao> #action pboy to test run the new builder script on Mac 18:40:14 <darknao> #topic Release Notes in Changes proposals 18:40:22 <darknao> #link https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2868 18:41:27 <pboy> I think, the question is, what is our preference regarding the categories? 18:42:15 <pboy> i think, darknao, that's a question for you? I think, you know best 18:42:26 <darknao> do I? 18:42:47 <pboy> probably 18:42:53 <darknao> I think I've a preference for the fine grained alternative 18:44:06 <pboy> And the second part seems to be, if we want. to use something like "wiki categories" (I even don't know, what tha is) or something else like a simple list. 18:44:23 <darknao> or a mix of the 2: detailled categories for global changes (all systems) and something more compact for desktop/server 18:44:42 <darknao> I approve Ben proposals to use Categories 18:45:35 <pboy> OK. and I think, your mix seems to be a good idea 18:46:20 <darknao> yeah, I mean, I like the compact one, but I don't think the 3 proposed categories for global changes are enough 18:46:52 <pboy> darknao agreed! 18:47:06 <darknao> maybe remove the All systems: Applications one? 18:47:23 <darknao> not sure what fits in that one 18:48:04 <pboy> It's about apps, update of mysql database 18:48:13 <pboy> as an example 18:48:53 <pboy> we currently have that splitted in several subcategories. 18:49:14 <pboy> but that's too fine grained 18:50:02 <darknao> that make sense 18:50:32 <darknao> I was going to put that kind of changes in Server for instance 18:50:42 <darknao> since it's a server application 18:51:10 <pboy> yes,but mysql has also client programs, like mysql admin or postgres admin 18:51:20 <darknao> right 18:51:31 <darknao> so ok to keep the application categoriy 18:51:34 <darknao> category* 18:52:01 <darknao> anything else to decide? 18:52:16 <pboy> I don't think so 18:52:46 <pboy> darknao, do you want to answer in the ticket or should I continue? 18:53:16 <darknao> #agreed to use fine-grained global categories and compact listing for desktop/server 18:53:49 <darknao> #agreed to use wiki categories for release notes 18:55:24 <darknao> pboy: can you provide our final decision in the ticket? 18:55:41 <pboy> Yes, I'll do it 18:55:47 <darknao> thanks! 18:56:05 <darknao> ok next topic? 18:56:16 <pboy> or current rel nortes here? 18:56:18 <darknao> ok 18:56:53 <pboy> Probably a dump question: Do we have rel notes 37 at all anywhere? 18:57:33 <darknao> tickets are here: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/roadmap/F37 18:58:19 <darknao> and I see a few PR too 18:58:57 <pboy> I take. 850. :-) 18:59:36 <darknao> sold :) 19:00:05 <pboy> 7 PR's and 46 open? 19:01:04 <darknao> only 4 PR regarding f37 19:02:14 <pbokoc> I'm working on relnotes for 37 pboy 19:02:59 <pboy> OK! very good. 19:03:01 <pbokoc> I mean if anyone wants to do some, go ahead :) But I'm planning to do the bulk of it tomorrow and Friday. 19:03:29 <pboy> pbokoc +1 19:04:03 <darknao> thanks pbokoc for taking care of release notes :) 19:04:08 <pboy> As I said, I'll take my change proposal 19:04:50 <darknao> pboy: can you assign the related ticket to yourself? 19:05:29 <pboy> Done 19:05:34 <darknao> thx! 19:05:52 <darknao> ok, is there anything else on this topic? 19:05:59 <pboy> not from me 19:06:13 <darknao> #topic First cut on the new Fedora docs homepage 19:06:31 <darknao> #link https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/en-US/docs/ 19:07:28 <pboy> Somehow I don't get the "Fedora Linux" homepage, I mean the correct link 19:07:42 <darknao> that looks good, but there is a few links that doesn't work 19:08:03 <pboy> Yes, I have to add some new boxes. 19:09:22 <pboy> And I need some target links, e.g. Fedora Workstation & spins @py0xc3[m] 19:10:11 <pboy> And in general, a check of wording to correct my german english 19:11:16 <py0xc3[m]> I think we can use the index of the guide, but we have to avoid that the web ui guide gets already published. Can we isolate the index somehow or so? So that no menu with all sub pages gets published 19:11:54 <py0xc3[m]> But I will have to remove the WebUI guide draft link from the index content in advance 19:12:09 <pboy> I think yes, if you prepare such a page we can link to it. 19:13:03 <py0xc3[m]> https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/fedora-linux-documentation/fedora-linux-workstation-spins-guide/-/blob/main/modules/ROOT/pages/index.adoc 19:13:27 <py0xc3[m]> I'll exclude the link to the web ui drafting 19:14:26 <darknao> if you want to remove something from the left menu, it's on this file: https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/fedora-linux-documentation/fedora-linux-workstation-spins-guide/-/blob/main/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc 19:14:29 <pboy> Hm, that looks not like a suitable doc link. We don't need the gitlab stuff, do we? 19:15:38 <pboy> And Regarding the Fed Doc homepage, I've guessed the link would be https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora/latest/ 19:15:44 <pboy> But it isn't 19:15:46 <darknao> this docs is not yet published on the docs site (either prod or stg) 19:16:28 <pboy> OK, py0xc3[m] could you publish it? 19:16:39 <darknao> (I was reffering to the workstation/spin guide) 19:16:45 <py0xc3[m]> Just working on removing the links 19:17:06 <pboy> OK 19:17:07 <py0xc3[m]> How to publish its main? 19:17:43 <darknao> to publish, we need to add your repo to the main antora playbook 19:17:47 <darknao> here: https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/docs-fp-o/-/blob/stg/site.yml 19:17:57 <darknao> but I can do that for you, just tell me when it's ready 19:18:35 <py0xc3[m]> Ok. I'll let you know 19:19:17 <pboy> Ok, so 'just' remains the home page, resp. the correct address 19:20:06 <darknao> what home page are you referring to? The fedora linux one? 19:20:18 <pboy> Yes 19:20:31 <pboy> I uploaded it into stg. 19:20:52 <darknao> I see "/fedora/fedora-linux/index.html" in the index.adoc 19:20:52 <pboy> But stg in the address doesn't work 19:21:14 <darknao> should be "../fedora/latest" 19:22:01 <py0xc3[m]> darknao: which file do you mean? my index adoc is https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/fedora-linux-documentation/fedora-linux-workstation-spins-guide/-/blob/main/modules/ROOT/pages/index.adoc 19:22:14 <pboy> https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/fedora/latest. doesn't work 19:22:39 <darknao> yeah there is a "en-US" missing 19:23:14 <pboy> https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora/latest/. shows the old one 19:23:15 <darknao> should not be an issue if you use the relative notation: "../" 19:23:40 <py0xc3[m]> Ah, sorry. Got it 19:23:43 <darknao> ok I'm lost :p 19:23:44 <pboy> Hm, I'm not aware I used ../ anywhere 19:23:49 <py0xc3[m]> Thought you mean me ^^ 19:23:58 <py0xc3[m]> Ignore my comment, I thought you meant me ;) 19:24:17 <pboy> py0xc3[m] OK 19:25:23 <darknao> pboy: I'm not sure what page you are looking for 19:25:37 <pboy> darknao I'm looking how to address the homepage. It doesn't work. 19:26:39 <pboy> I tried the address https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/fedora/fedora-linux/index.html 19:26:45 <darknao> you mean https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora/latest/ ? or another page? 19:27:37 <pboy> Yes, but the page is not the new content as I uploaded into stg branch 19:27:50 <darknao> do you have the gitlab link? 19:28:05 <pboy> just a moment 19:29:16 <darknao> you mean this maybe? https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora/rawhide/ 19:29:39 <pboy> YES! 19:30:23 <pboy> But I think, that's not the final link? 19:31:09 <darknao> the final one will be fedora/latest 19:31:35 <darknao> if you want that on staging, you'll have to push your changes on the f37 branch then 19:32:23 <darknao> or we can just change the version in https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/fedora-linux-documentation/release-docs-home/-/blob/stg/antora.yml 19:33:33 <darknao> does that make sense? 19:33:58 <pboy> OK, what is the best way or most easy way for later publication? 19:34:44 <darknao> the most easy way is to keep the fedora/rawhide link for staging, and change that to fedora/latest for prod 19:35:08 <pboy> OK, that's the most easy for me, too. :-) 19:35:16 <pboy> Thanks! 19:35:31 <darknao> ok, we are a bit overtime 19:35:40 <py0xc3[m]> I think we are overdue. I will write in the #fedora-docs channel when the repo can be punlished. 19:35:53 <darknao> py0xc3[m]: good :) 19:36:01 <pboy> I've nothing else 19:36:18 <py0xc3[m]> Can I use # in the nav.adoc to avoid that pages get added to the menu yet? 19:36:29 <darknao> then, let's close the meeting 19:36:31 <darknao> py0xc3[m]: yes you can 19:36:39 <py0xc3[m]> Ok. Thanks ;) 19:37:03 <darknao> thank you everyone, see you next week or in #fedora-docs 19:37:08 <darknao> #endmeeting