19:31:56 <pboy> #startmeeting docs 19:31:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 15 19:31:56 2023 UTC. 19:31:56 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:31:56 <zodbot> The chair is pboy. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 19:31:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:31:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 19:32:08 <pboy> #chair pboy darknao 19:32:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: darknao pboy 19:32:18 <pboy> topic Roll call 19:32:23 <hankuoffroad[m]> .hello hankuoffroad 19:32:24 <zodbot> hankuoffroad[m]: hankuoffroad 'None' <allegrovelo@gmail.com> 19:32:30 <pboy> .hi 19:32:31 <zodbot> pboy: pboy 'Peter Boy' <pboy@uni-bremen.de> 19:32:35 <copperi[m]> .hello copperi 19:32:36 <zodbot> copperi[m]: copperi 'Jan Kuparinen' <copper_fin@hotmail.com> 19:33:20 <pboy> Welcome everybody 19:33:23 <hankuoffroad[m]> Greetings to all 19:33:43 <pboy> darknao will join us a bit later 19:33:54 <pboy> So let's start. 19:34:04 <pboy> topic Agenda 19:34:16 <pboy> #topic Announcements 19:34:31 <pboy> #topic #undo 19:34:34 <pboy> #undo 19:34:34 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f5be3a77b70> 19:34:39 <pboy> #topic Agenda 19:34:56 <pboy> #info Announcements 19:35:14 <pboy> #info Tickets review: there is one ticket flagged for the meeting on GitLab 19:35:28 <pboy> #info Quick docs update 19:35:41 <pboy> #info Open floor 19:35:57 <pboy> anything to add here? 19:36:16 <pboy> Obviously not 19:36:26 <hankuoffroad[m]> about Quick Docs, there are four PRs on YubiKey. https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs/pull-request/574 19:36:29 <pboy> #topic Announcements 19:37:30 <pboy> hankuoffroad[m] yes, we discuss those in the quick docs topic. 19:37:56 <pboy> Anythint to announce here? 19:38:12 <hankuoffroad[m]> nah 19:38:12 <pboy> s/Anythint/Anything 19:38:24 <pboy> OK, net topic 19:39:07 <pboy> #topic Tickets review. 19:39:23 <pboy> there is one ticket flagged for the meeting on GitLab : 19:39:41 <pboy> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/community-tools/documentation-contributors-guide/-/merge_requests/48 19:40:34 <hankuoffroad[m]> yep, that's from me. I found out when I wrote local authoring environment in December 2022, I accidentally stashed local preview page. 19:41:29 <hankuoffroad[m]> I updated it and put them back on nav.adoc 19:41:41 <pboy> Yeah, I see. 19:42:22 <pboy> It's now an item on the same level as How to create ... local authoring environment, isn't it? 19:42:28 <hankuoffroad[m]> I realized local preview is a key step for local authoring environment. Yes 19:42:45 <hankuoffroad[m]> same section level like a sequel :) 19:43:29 <pboy> Yeah, sequel nice concept. :-) 19:43:46 <hankuoffroad[m]> i mean a series, not SQL..lol 19:44:05 <hankuoffroad[m]> watched Netflix too much 19:44:24 <pboy> yeah, modern times 19:44:28 <pboy> Im considering, isn't a local preview a part in the local authoring workflow? 19:44:56 <pboy> editing -> local preview -> editing again, etc. 19:45:38 <pboy> And can someone do a local prfeview without having a local authoring environment? 19:45:39 <hankuoffroad[m]> yes. I just thought it is going to be a long doc if combined. 19:46:08 <hankuoffroad[m]> one can write on local authoring environment without local preview 19:46:11 <pboy> It is is one doc, it's really long. 19:46:29 <pboy> yes, but not vice versa, I think 19:46:30 <hankuoffroad[m]> my first article on local authoring was about git. 19:46:42 <darknao> hi! sorry for being late 19:46:52 <pboy> welcome darknao! 19:46:52 <darknao> thanks pboy++ for chairing 19:46:52 <zodbot> darknao: Karma for pboy changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 19:47:00 <hankuoffroad[m]> yes two are a great combo, I can't live without 19:47:20 <hankuoffroad[m]> welcome darknao 19:48:07 <hankuoffroad[m]> pboy: 100% 19:48:18 <pboy> hankuoffroad[m] comes into my mind, should we make two "subpages" under local authoring,.,,, about git and about prfeview? 19:49:13 <hankuoffroad[m]> could do, but nested navigation bar defeats the purpose sometimes 19:49:59 <pboy> We could try the corresponding option in Antora, navigation, or what was it? 19:50:00 <hankuoffroad[m]> i would leave it to you to take a look, and give comments back on PR if it takes time. 19:50:26 <hankuoffroad[m]> pboy: don't know tbh 19:51:15 <copperi[m]> PR is ok as it only fixes small typos, design issue is another matter as I see it. 19:51:38 <pboy> darknao knows, it automatically adds a "next page" or something like that. 19:51:49 <hankuoffroad[m]> yes it is minor fix with abstract and updated links 19:52:20 <darknao> pboy: :page-pagination: 19:52:38 <hankuoffroad[m]> pboy: i just managed to use images and nav.adoc..don't know advanced AsciiDoc stuff 19:52:54 <pboy> darknao yeah, that's what I mean. 19:53:26 <pboy> hankuoffroad[m] 'tumbs up' (don't know the ASCII short). :-) 19:53:35 <hankuoffroad[m]> Whole navagition bar and ToC is a mess tbh, so we could tidy them up as another MR. 19:54:13 <pboy> You should merge it as is, and we can check in a next step, whether we can or want optimize it. 19:54:27 <pboy> It is valuable information in any case 19:54:36 <hankuoffroad[m]> that'll do 19:55:19 <pboy> #agreed We want to merge the MR and consider possible optimization later in a second step 19:55:35 <pboy> Any objection? 19:56:17 <hankuoffroad[m]> thanks, self MR for an update looks bad. Can you merge it? 19:56:30 <pboy> Yes, I can! 19:56:31 <copperi[m]> done 19:56:49 <hankuoffroad[m]> bril 19:56:51 <pboy> copperi[m] even better :-) 19:57:10 <pboy> Can we switch? 19:57:38 <pboy> #topic Quick docs update 19:58:01 <pboy> darknao can you take over? I just chaired a server WG session. 19:58:09 <darknao> sure 19:59:32 <darknao> anything to report on the quick docs side? I think hankuoffroad[m] wanted to mention a couple of PR? 20:00:44 <hankuoffroad[m]> there are four PRs on YubiKey made by @w4tsn . Just thought anyone of you could triage and comment. 20:01:52 <pboy> Yea, that's a lot of text. 20:02:20 <darknao> I quickly checked them, and I don't see any reason to not merge them 20:02:26 <pboy> Who of us knows about Yubi Key? 20:02:40 <copperi[m]> They look ok to me too 20:02:51 <pboy> OK, so it might be best to process all PRs 20:03:04 <darknao> w4tsn obviously know about yubi key, I don't think that need any more review on the content 20:03:10 <pboy> And to add our template afterwards? 20:04:08 <pboy> OK, I'll merge it later and then check it for our new style with categories etc. 20:04:19 <pboy> later today, to get it done 20:04:43 <pboy> What about #565? 20:06:11 <pboy> hankuoffroad[m] What do you suggest what to do with it? 20:06:31 <pboy> (yours is the last comment) 20:06:57 <hankuoffroad[m]> hang on 565? 20:07:15 <pboy> yes 20:07:15 <hankuoffroad[m]> ah root account 20:07:57 <pboy> The concrete fixes look fine for. Your concern is more about the text as a whole? 20:08:12 <hankuoffroad[m]> This statement from the author seems incorrect: Fedora Workstation now disables the root account by default a 20:08:31 <pboy> Ah, didn't know that. 20:08:56 <pboy> What are they doing? (didn't use it for a long time) 20:09:03 <darknao> looks fine to me 20:09:46 <darknao> the root user is locked (no password set, and you can't login with it by default), or at least that was the case last time I checked 20:10:03 <darknao> so seems accurate 20:10:26 <darknao> I would say it's most likely also valid for all other Fedora editions 20:10:28 <pboy> This it also my last experience. 20:10:42 <pboy> But workstation WG is changing a lot all the time 20:11:17 <hankuoffroad[m]> i don't know the behavior although I installed various labs x 10. I don't set up root account 20:12:06 <darknao> login with root is a bad practice, and openssh don't let you login with it even if the account is set up 20:12:40 <darknao> anyway, i think the PR is good enough to be merged 20:12:58 <pboy> I'Ve to check workstation edition installation on an ARM machine. I'll look what they currently doing and then merge it. 20:13:18 <hankuoffroad[m]> ok, if the change reflects that, that's fine. thanks 20:13:59 <pboy> I just emerged from my backlog pile. and can do it tomorrow. 20:15:11 <darknao> anything else on Quick Docs topic? 20:15:28 <pboy> I've a side issue 20:15:29 <hankuoffroad[m]> nope 20:16:06 <hankuoffroad[m]> pboy: what is it? 20:17:11 <pboy> Oh yes. If I install (clone) our doc repos on my aarch64 machine I get a complain about Unexpected architecture. 20:17:56 <pboy> The "old" build.sh script stops. The new builder.sh script makes a long pause, but then continues and builds it. 20:18:18 <pboy> What may be the reason for that? 20:18:38 <pboy> Shouldn't we make our repos available for all supported architectures? 20:19:25 <darknao> I don't think that's a repo issue 20:19:29 <hankuoffroad[m]> which repo? Quick Docs? Server? 20:19:34 <darknao> but more a docker issue 20:20:05 <pboy> Qickdoc uses builder.sh and works. our teampage and server don't. 20:20:05 <darknao> the build script use a container to build the site, and I'm not sure if an antora image exist for aarch64 20:20:25 <darknao> it's only amd64 20:20:49 <pboy> darknao that would explain it. 20:21:24 <pboy> Can we do something about it? 20:22:36 <pboy> It's not a really important issue for me, because the machine is a crazy expensive big iron I can access just temporarily for testing. 20:22:50 <darknao> we don't maintain this Antora image, but you can build your own I guess 20:22:59 <darknao> not sure if that would work, but you can try 20:23:49 <pboy> I think this is beyond my time constraints. 20:23:55 <hankuoffroad[m]> if I have mac silicon, I would try to run Fedora VM. Is it not an option for you, I think? 20:24:27 <pboy> Yes, it will be an option as soon as my new Mac arrives! 20:24:52 <pboy> Our University administration has some issues about it. 20:24:57 <hankuoffroad[m]> when I stayed at an hotel with mac, I was going to try. 20:25:10 <darknao> #topic Open Floor 20:26:06 <bcotton> ohai. it seems that after the US switched to summer time, you have now stepped on the meeting i have scheduled :-) https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/location/fedora-meeting-1%40irc.libera.chat/ 20:26:53 <pboy> Well, we are finished, I think. And we should shift aur time as well, I think. 20:27:54 <darknao> ah those meetings are not all UTC based? 20:28:39 <pboy> bcotton precisely you stepped in ours. :-). UTC is worldwide binding 20:28:39 <darknao> but yeah we are at the end anyway 20:29:07 <bcotton> pboy: except my meeting existed first :-) 20:29:17 <darknao> Thanks everyone for today, and thanks again pboy for starting the meeting 20:29:18 <bcotton> by several years ;-) 20:29:22 <darknao> #endmeeting