18:30:10 <pboy> #startmeeting docs 18:30:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 25 18:30:10 2023 UTC. 18:30:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:30:10 <zodbot> The chair is pboy. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:30:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:30:21 <pboy> The object today is to provide an opportunity to discuss some current issues directly, quasi virtually vis-a-vis 18:30:21 <pboy> Therefore, let's see who is here. 18:30:31 <pboy> #topic Roll call 18:30:42 <pboy> Please, everybody who is lurking, say either ".hello2" or ".hello <fasname>" 18:30:43 <hkl> .hello klavier 18:30:44 <zodbot> hkl: klavier 'Test Lab' <hanku.lee@gmail.com> 18:30:52 <hkl> hi all 18:31:08 <pboy> Hi Hank! 18:31:27 <hkl> how are you? 18:31:53 <hkl> I need your understanding today. I have to go out in 30 min for family. 18:32:00 <pboy> Was a nice day. And I was able to a lot about my backlog 18:32:21 <hkl> Sounds good 18:32:46 <pboy> Yeah, it is very reassuring when the mountain becomes smaller. 18:33:03 <hkl> Meaning your backlog as hybrid IT :) 18:33:19 <pboy> :-) 18:34:19 <hkl> my day was productiive too. I feel like achieving something against the all odds 18:34:54 <hkl> it is thrilling to beat sceptics at work 18:35:36 <pboy> It's a good feeling when one actually has the feeling of having accomplished something in the evening. 18:35:49 <pboy> I mised that for quite a time 18:36:23 <pboy> and an ever growing mountain in front 18:36:36 <pboy> I think we can start now. 18:36:41 <hkl> yes 18:36:48 <pboy> #topic Agenda 18:36:56 <pboy> #info Writing together virtually 18:37:04 <pboy> #info Current state of Quick Docs issues and PRs 18:37:14 <pboy> #info Current state of Docs Team tickets and PRs 18:37:25 <pboy> #info Open floor 18:37:40 <pboy> Anything to add? 18:37:48 <hkl> no, all good 18:38:00 <pboy> #topic 1. Writing together virtually 18:38:09 <pboy> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/write-together-virtually/82564/17 18:38:22 <pboy> Tomorrow we have the next session. 18:38:39 <pboy> Anything to discuss about it? 18:38:58 <hkl> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/82564/18 18:39:16 <hkl> this link reflects time for 26 October 18:40:16 <pboy> Yes, I read this, too. I'll have a prominent participant :-) 18:40:47 <hkl> it is posted to social media and a couple of technical writer communities. also thanks to Alan Bowman, he reposted to Reddit. 18:41:11 <pboy> I check JJitzi yesterday and could configurfe the permissions with my browser 18:41:13 <hkl> I have a question on the demo - how to use Pagure for PR 18:41:27 <pboy> OK, go on 18:41:29 <hkl> That's good to hear 18:42:16 <hkl> you and I need to deliver one method to create PR using web browser, right? it is regardless of each other's preference. 18:42:25 <hkl> we can't confuse new people 18:43:19 <hkl> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-docs/contributing-docs/contrib-quickdocs/ 18:43:21 <pboy> Yes, but in this case we use the Pagure WEB interface to (automatically) create a fork and at the end a PR 18:43:36 <hkl> cool. simple is best 18:44:08 <pboy> I would like to demonstrate the same steps as I did at FLOCK. 18:44:14 <pboy> It means: 18:44:15 <hkl> and one contentious topic that always comes up is GitLab. 18:44:51 <hkl> you first 18:44:55 <pboy> I would start with an QD article and go from reading an article to work on it. 18:45:25 <pboy> And probably ask participants to choose another one to follow the steps. 18:45:47 <hkl> ++ 18:46:36 <pboy> Yes, I hope, that will workl. At FLOCK it did. 18:47:19 <pboy> According to the plan we'll have about 40 Mins for it. Isn't it? 18:47:21 <hkl> ok I'll be excited to how you do it :) 18:47:46 <hkl> yeah let's plan 40 min for interactive writing session 18:48:05 <hkl> that leaves 10 min to share the result and go for Q&A 18:49:00 <pboy> Yeah, maybe we need just 30 min, depends how quick we are selecting an article. 18:49:13 <pboy> And I'm curious to see how well it works with the back and forth with screensharing. 18:49:21 <pboy> So it is really interacrtive. 18:49:42 <hkl> you can test it on your own with the second monitor 18:49:53 <pboy> Yes, I did that. 18:50:12 <hkl> sorted awesome 18:50:13 <pboy> It is a little chubby 18:50:26 <pboy> And a lot of work with the mouse 18:50:49 <hkl> well enterprise video call disappoint me every day. Jitsi is awesome 18:50:51 <pboy> chubby -> fiddly 18:51:01 <hkl> i got it:) 18:51:26 <pboy> Well, and what about gitlab? 18:51:33 <hkl> luckily I can stay a bit more here. My daughter didn't take the train home yet. 18:51:47 <pboy> that's good! 18:52:54 <pboy> I mean, what topic comes up with Gitlab? 18:52:55 <hkl> ah, GitLab thing often start like this: a versus b. why moving? It will confuse new people. 18:53:20 <pboy> Yes, it is an issue. 18:53:47 <hkl> that happened last time again. 18:53:58 <pboy> I noticed that Gitlab change the GUI again. I think, it is a bit betterm now. 18:54:30 <pboy> Yeah, we can't do a lot, at the moment, I suppose. 18:54:34 <hkl> we just need them to focus on the learning experience on the session Not time to debate which tool is best 18:54:46 <pboy> The migration is discussed in several threads. 18:54:56 <pboy> Or the non-migration. 18:55:26 <pboy> If I get it right, the migration is more or less stalled, until various issues are resoveld 18:55:33 <hkl> oh no. I can't follow the pace of change at GitLab. Anyhow, all user docs are either in Pagure or GitHub. 18:56:18 <hkl> i didn't know that. Migration of which repo? RelNotes? 18:57:15 <pboy> No specific repo. but the "official" announcement, that Gitlab is the authoritative Fedora medium or tool. 18:57:35 <hkl> i think it iis not helping if a group suggest a change of tool, and they are not invovled with the docs day to day work. it is contradiction 18:58:12 <hkl> Pagure is the Fedora-maintained Git forge. Why favor GitLab? 18:58:13 <pboy> Yes, indeed. That's really bad. 18:58:38 <pboy> Same is true with the Antora CMS. 18:58:40 <hkl> i have many things to do without GitLab. 18:59:00 <pboy> But we have to somehow cope with it at the moment. 18:59:11 <hkl> Antora CMS is only for the skin of web pages, not user documentation. 18:59:36 <hkl> yes mostly around docs build and UX 18:59:36 <pboy> Yes, but we have to use it and to resolve various issues and questions. 19:00:02 <hkl> migration for that respect is already completed 19:00:15 <hkl> i mean repo 19:00:32 <pboy> Yes, it is. 19:01:14 <pboy> We mave to find someone who will continously participat in docs work and specializes on Antora 19:01:53 <hkl> i want to learn Antora thing, but maybe later next year. We need someone who is specialist 19:02:20 <hkl> I can see a few names who already contributed to UX. 19:03:21 <pboy> Yes, hopefully we can keep them motivated. 19:03:36 <pboy> or better grow motivation. 19:03:39 <hkl> ++ 19:03:52 <pboy> Yes, at the moment we are very limited with the design and layout of the articles. 19:04:16 <hkl> let's know about people who come to workshop. 19:04:51 <pboy> Well. do we have an idea who will come? 19:05:15 <hkl> enthusiastic new documentarians !! 19:05:51 <pboy> Yeah, currently er are living from enthusiastic :-) 19:06:05 <hkl> Justin Flory will join, too. Few people from technical review group in Reddiit and Linked wiill join 19:06:32 <pboy> Oh, that looks like a lot of progress. 19:06:43 <hkl> i also joined Write The Docs group for a chat 19:06:49 <pboy> progress in terms of number of participants 19:07:16 <hkl> i'm pretty sure we will see more people than previous time 19:07:19 <pboy> You mean that group whoi is meeting in Australia and that Matthew mentions? 19:07:51 <hkl> yes that organization. 19:08:01 <hkl> btw, i need to leave in 2 min 19:08:07 <hkl> soorry 19:08:24 <hkl> i think my daugher took ICE from LONDON 19:09:00 <pboy> OK, to I think, we should close now. I'm in the process of writing some Server doc. 19:09:08 <hkl> Reddit and Linkedin group are much bigger than WTD matthew mentioned 19:09:25 <hkl> that'll do. time to focus on that 19:09:39 <hkl> see you tomorrow 19:09:54 <hkl> thanks and bye 19:10:01 <pboy> Yeah, see you (literally) tomorrow 19:10:06 <pboy> Bye Byw 19:11:17 <pboy> #topic 4. Open floor 19:11:26 <pboy> I'll leave the channel open until the regular end in case anyone else has a question or concern. 19:11:37 <pboy> So, I'm listening ... 19:24:05 <hkl> back 19:29:05 <pboy> Oh, I was playing around with my system configuration and could get to my 3rd monitor showing IRC for some time :-) 19:29:17 <pboy> could not get _) 19:29:51 <pboy> Welll, time is up now. So it's tomorrow. Looking forward to our meeting. 19:30:11 <pboy> #endmeeting