#fedora-meeting: EMEA Ambassadors 2012-12-19
Meeting started by cwickert at 21:02:52 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (cwickert, 21:03:10)
- Announcements (cwickert, 21:05:45)
- Fedora Ambassadors Day EMEA 2012 took place
last week, you can find the results at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012 (cwickert,
- new FAmSCo has met for the first time on
Monday. tuanta has replaced dbruno (cwickert,
- sesivany is new FAmSCo chair, herlo is
vice-chair (cwickert,
- we had 102 voters in the FAmSCo election. Next
time, spread the word and try to have more people vote (cwickert,
- Ambassadors Schedule (cwickert, 21:14:58)
- http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-ambassadors-tasks.html
- http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/18/final/buglist
- January 8th as release date for F18 is still
doable, but we are not 100% sure. If you have a release event,
please be careful with announcements and make sure to follow all
updates about the schedule. (cwickert,
- if we get the RC composed next week, we are
pretty much good to go (cwickert,
- updates will be available on common mailing
lists - devel/test-announce (jreznik,
- It's not to late to submit a release event. Add
your event at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events#EMEA
now, create a wiki page and file a ticket to request funding or
swag (cwickert,
- Tickets (cwickert, 21:23:52)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS
- ACTION: sesivany to
talk to lh about accommodation at FOSDEM (sesivany,
- ACTION: rbergeron to
talk to suehle, lh, quaid about updating the OSAS wiki page
- ACTION: rbergeron to
find somebody to fix https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS
- AGREED: airfare from
the ticket #196 approved. Decision about accommodation
postponed. (sesivany,
- AGREED: airfare from
the ticket #196 approved. Decision about accommodation
postponed. (sesivany,
- https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/183
// https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/189 (netSys,
- ACTION: cwickert to
add a 'Budget' column to
- AGREED: Fedora will
sponsor CLT NPO with 1k EUR (cwickert,
- Events (cwickert, 22:05:41)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Greece_2013
- deadline for FOSDEM open source game developer
devroom was extended to 2012-12-23. See the original announcement at
if you want to apply for a talk (cwickert,
- deadline for FOSDEM cross-desktop devroom was
extended to 2012-12-21. See the original announcement at
if you want to apply for a talk (cwickert,
- ACTION: cwickert to
ask biertie if he can arrange something for Friday afternoon before
FOSDEM beer event (cwickert,
- http://goo.gl/lr017 - if anyone
is interested (sesivany,
- preliminary schedule for devconf is at
http://goo.gl/lr017 (cwickert,
- FAD EMEA 2012 Review (cwickert, 22:18:04)
- ACTION: cwickert to
move confirmed events from
over to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events (cwickert,
- ACTION: everybody
look at
and see which events you take over (cwickert,
- heffer confirmed he will take over
FrOSCon (cwickert,
- delhage and rsc will (probably) take over
FSCONS (cwickert,
- ACTION: everybody if
you ran an event in 2011 or 2012, make sure it is in the wiki and in
the "events" category. We really need to know where we were
- ACTION: twohot and
frankice to look for events in Africa in 2013 (cwickert,
- mailga will try to take over LibreOffice
conference 2013 (cwickert,
- ACTION: robyduck ask
on the ML who is interested in Fedora cycling jerseys to see how
many would order at least one (cwickert,
- ACTION: sesivany and
gnokii to sort out media artwork (cwickert,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/MediaArt/F18
- sesivany had 1000 buttons produced.
Peer-approved in the ticket #195 (sesivany,
- ACTION: zoltanh7211
to make his event report public, like *really* public ;)
Meeting ended at 23:06:31 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- sesivany to talk to lh about accommodation at FOSDEM
- rbergeron to talk to suehle, lh, quaid about updating the OSAS wiki page
- rbergeron to find somebody to fix https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS
- cwickert to add a 'Budget' column to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners
- cwickert to ask biertie if he can arrange something for Friday afternoon before FOSDEM beer event
- cwickert to move confirmed events from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners over to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
- everybody look at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners and see which events you take over
- everybody if you ran an event in 2011 or 2012, make sure it is in the wiki and in the "events" category. We really need to know where we were
- twohot and frankice to look for events in Africa in 2013
- robyduck ask on the ML who is interested in Fedora cycling jerseys to see how many would order at least one
- sesivany and gnokii to sort out media artwork
- zoltanh7211 to make his event report public, like *really* public ;)
Action items, by person
- cwickert
- cwickert to add a 'Budget' column to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners
- cwickert to ask biertie if he can arrange something for Friday afternoon before FOSDEM beer event
- cwickert to move confirmed events from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners over to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
- frankice
- twohot and frankice to look for events in Africa in 2013
- gnokii
- sesivany and gnokii to sort out media artwork
- rbergeron
- rbergeron to talk to suehle, lh, quaid about updating the OSAS wiki page
- rbergeron to find somebody to fix https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSAS
- robyduck
- robyduck ask on the ML who is interested in Fedora cycling jerseys to see how many would order at least one
- sesivany
- sesivany to talk to lh about accommodation at FOSDEM
- sesivany and gnokii to sort out media artwork
- twohot
- twohot and frankice to look for events in Africa in 2013
- zoltanh7211
- zoltanh7211 to make his event report public, like *really* public ;)
- everybody look at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FAD_EMEA_2012#Events_and_their_owners and see which events you take over
- everybody if you ran an event in 2011 or 2012, make sure it is in the wiki and in the "events" category. We really need to know where we were
People present (lines said)
- cwickert (290)
- sesivany (85)
- mailga (32)
- delhage (31)
- zodbot (27)
- ibancioiu (27)
- robyduck (24)
- thunderbirdtr (20)
- netSys (16)
- rbergeron (15)
- zoltanh7211 (15)
- jreznik (11)
- comzeradd (11)
- cmpahar (8)
- gnokii (7)
- frankice (4)
- egyDev (2)
- rgeri77 (2)
- d3vnull (2)
- twohot (2)
- misaakidis (2)
- AndChat-370944 (1)
- giulivo (1)
- rsc (1)
- frafra (1)
- dramsey (1)
- Southern_Gentlem (1)
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