#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors 2014-06-11
Meeting started by sesivany at 20:00:07 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (sesivany, 20:00:14)
- Announcements (sesivany, 20:03:41)
- The schedule of Flock 2014 has been published:
http://flocktofedora.org/schedule/ (sesivany,
- The new Fedora Project Leader is Matthew
Miller. (sesivany,
- Flock sponsorships from EMEA budget (sesivany, 20:09:32)
- AGREED: We're going
to sponsorship campaign for EMEA contributors with the following
points: 1. the budget is $2000, the limit per person is $200, 2.
FAmSCo will pick the best candidates, 3. the call period will be 2
weeks, 4. people who have actively contributed to Fedora and have
some work agenda for Flock should be prioritized. (sesivany,
- Requests (sesivany, 20:53:23)
- Sponsorship of €150 was approved for Antriksh
Shah who cooperate with Fedora Security Lab. (sesivany,
- Ambassador's Schedule (sesivany, 20:59:45)
- F21 most likely be released 2 weeks later. The
Server WG proposed a slip because they need time to finish their
agenda. (sesivany,
- Events (sesivany, 21:02:05)
- Openfloor (sesivany, 21:09:05)
- Late announcement: we have new (unofficial) F20
live respins, openssl bug fixed and less updates necessary, build
date is June 9th. http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins (sesivany,
Meeting ended at 21:21:07 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- sesivany (114)
- giannisk_ (22)
- cmpahar (17)
- kmf (15)
- gnokii (15)
- zodbot (15)
- robyduck (15)
- thunderbirdtr (13)
- pandaconstantin (10)
- kubblai (7)
- biker (5)
- giannisk (3)
- heffer (3)
- edgates (1)
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