20:00:32 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-07-23 20:00:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 23 20:00:32 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:34 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:39 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 20:00:45 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:00:47 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:00:54 <kmf> .fas kmf 20:00:55 <zodbot> kmf: kmfcandu 'Kyle Fletcher' <kyle.fletcher@candu.com> - kmf 'Karl Fischer' <kmf@fischer.org.za> 20:01:39 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:01:40 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giankonstantinidis@gmail.com> 20:02:51 <jonar> .fas jfarcher 20:02:52 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk> 20:02:55 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 20:02:56 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 20:03:20 <sesivany> jonar: welcome! ;) 20:03:54 <jonar> thanks sesivany, thought I'd better make an appearance sometime soon 20:04:24 <sesivany> let's wait a few more minutes, maybe more ppl will show up. 20:04:29 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:04:30 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <zacharias.mitzelos@gmail.com> 20:05:32 <sesivany> ok, let's start... 20:05:36 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 20:05:46 <sesivany> any announcement? 20:06:36 <sesivany> I've got a few as always 20:06:46 <Prometheas> .fas misaakidis 20:06:47 <zodbot> Prometheas: misaakidis 'Marios Isaakidis' <misaakidis@yahoo.gr> 20:07:20 <sesivany> #info Fedora 21 has been branched from rawhide. We've started the journey towards F21! 20:07:26 <jonar> :) 20:07:30 <kmf> :D 20:07:46 <sesivany> it means test days will follow soon. 20:08:06 <mitzie> Let me switch client 20:08:20 <sesivany> and those who are brave enough can spin it off on their computers :) 20:08:57 <sesivany> #info Flock 2014 starts in 2 weeks! 20:09:12 <sesivany> yeah, Flock is just two weeks away! 20:10:10 <sesivany> I blog about organizational stuff... 20:10:19 <sesivany> #link http://eischmann.wordpress.com/tag/flock/ 20:10:37 <sesivany> it may be interesting for those who are coming to Flock. 20:11:24 <sesivany> please don't mind my English, I really don't have much time to re-read it :) 20:12:05 <sesivany> Results of elections to FESCo have been announced. 20:13:18 <sesivany> #info Josh Boyer, Kalev Lember, and Tomas Hozza have been elected to FESCo. 20:13:59 <sesivany> have I missed any important news? 20:14:05 <dmaphy> .fas dmaphy 20:14:06 <zodbot> dmaphy: dmaphy 'Dominic Hopf' <dmaphy@googlemail.com> 20:15:20 <sesivany> ok, let's move on to the next topic. 20:15:27 <sesivany> #topic Requests 20:15:55 * sesivany is checking the trac... 20:16:45 <sesivany> good, no new tickets 20:16:56 <sesivany> looks like everyone is on holidays :) 20:17:20 <b10n1k> or working too much 20:17:27 <kmf> yep 20:18:33 <sesivany> ok, next topic. 20:18:45 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule 20:18:56 <sesivany> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-21/f-21-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:19:40 <sesivany> it's still quite early, but we might want to start thinking about swag we want to have for F21. 20:20:45 <sesivany> I've got enough of the regular swag: stickers, badges, case badges,... but if you have ideas for some special swag let's make it happen! 20:21:59 <sesivany> btw we also received a new batch of ambassador's t-shirts. So if you still don't have one, or if yours is more than 2 years old, just file a ticket! 20:22:22 <sesivany> #info we also received a new batch of ambassador's t-shirts. So if you still don't have one, or if yours is more than 2 years old, just file a ticket! 20:23:33 <kmf> awesome what sizes ? 20:24:04 <sesivany> kmf: anything between S and 3XL 20:24:23 <kmf> awesome 20:24:53 <sesivany> kmf: if you need to know how big the sizes are, search for Slazenger size chart. 20:24:59 <kmf> ok 20:25:32 <sesivany> #topic Events 20:25:35 <sesivany> and now events... 20:25:45 <sesivany> let's talk about Flock first. 20:26:02 <sesivany> is here anyone who is coming to Flock? 20:26:18 <jonar> :( not me 20:26:23 * giannisk is 20:26:34 <mitzie> me too 20:27:47 <sesivany> we're currently looking for people who would cover the event media-wise: photos, articles, interviews. That's pretty important. 20:27:55 <b10n1k> not me too. too busy this summer 20:27:57 <mitzie> I saw your mail in the marketing list, sesivany 20:28:02 <sesivany> I've already written about it on marketing mailing list. 20:28:29 <mitzie> and I have replied 20:28:48 <sesivany> mitzie: great! 20:29:36 <sesivany> there was also an idea that we can translate the articles and interviews to different languages and post them on national community websites. 20:30:30 <b10n1k> that s nice 20:30:36 <sesivany> I'll do that for fedora.cz, if you also have a Fedora website for your country you can do it, too, and you don't even have to attend the event. 20:31:02 <sesivany> the articles should be available at fedoramagazine.org. 20:31:09 <mitzie> I have offered for the Greek ones 20:32:11 <b10n1k> me too 20:32:40 <b10n1k> i mean count me in mitzie 20:32:42 <sesivany> but we would also need someone who would write the original articles and conduct interviews, so if you're attending and don't have any other job yet, think about it ;) 20:33:48 <mitzie> sesivany, I think that someone already said he could handle this 20:34:14 <sesivany> mitzie: ok then 20:34:41 <sesivany> anything else that needs to said about Flock? 20:35:16 <sesivany> I'd like to have a session for EMEA ambassadors there, but that's something we can arrange there. 20:35:28 <giannisk> +1 20:36:33 <sesivany> any other events? 20:36:45 <jonar> I have some event news 20:37:37 <jonar> Barcamp Blackpool has unfortunately been cancelled this year, which is a shame as we had a really good presence there last year 20:38:13 <sesivany> jonar: that's a pity :-/ 20:38:18 <jonar> Oggcamp 2014 has been announced, October 4th & 5th and we have a stand booked again 20:38:45 <twohot> .fas twohot 20:38:47 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 20:38:49 <jonar> This year it is in Oxford, more details can be found http://oggcamp.org/ 20:39:42 <sesivany> jonar: I see LinuxVoice is sponsoring it :) 20:39:46 <jonar> and lastly, Barcamp Manchester has been announced which is a revival of an old event. Also in October, where I'm looking to contact the organiser to see if a Fedora presence is possible 20:40:09 <jonar> sesivany, it is :) LV is great 20:40:58 <sesivany> jonar: I ordered LV for our office and I must say that it's even better than I hoped and I had a great feedback from other redhatters. 20:41:40 <sesivany> for others: if you want to have a really good magazine that also supports open source projects from their profit, go for Linux Voice ;) 20:41:57 <jonar> I have written for them so I'm biased but it's a great mag... 20:42:43 <sesivany> jonar: it'd be great if Fedora could be at both OGG camp and Barcamp Manchester. 20:44:04 <jonar> sesivany, I'll keep you informed of the Manchester progress 20:44:21 <sesivany> jonar: I'm not sure who could help you in the UK right now. jamielinux hasn't been around for some time, Paul Mellors wrote me some time ago that we'd like to be active again, and Keiran Smith is still active (you met him in Edinburgh). 20:45:56 <jonar> I've been in touch with Paul recently, I'll see if any of the guys are heading to OggCamp 20:46:01 <jonar> or indeed Manchester 20:47:38 <sesivany> jonar: or even Tony Dyer has been active even though he hasn't attended our meetings for some time. You also met him at LinuxCon. He became an ambassador after the event. 20:47:56 <jonar> yes I remember Tony 20:48:48 <jonar> there was supposed to be a UK community, but it never really took off 20:48:48 <sesivany> jonar: Keiran said he needed to build a Scottish community of Fedora before Scotland splits from the UK :) 20:49:05 <jonar> haha 20:50:08 <sesivany> jonar: anyway it's not only a problem of the UK. It's hard to build a community of active people anywhere. 20:50:25 <jonar> agreed. 20:51:35 <sesivany> jonar: we should really focus on getting new contributors and spend time to get them involved because there are not crowds of them coming. 20:52:23 <sesivany> there are more and more open source and IT projects in general and the competition is tougher. 20:52:47 <sesivany> ok, any other events? 20:52:51 <jonar> absolutely 20:53:14 <sesivany> AFAIK the only coming event besides Flock is Froscon in Germany. 20:54:28 <sesivany> the event owner should be heffer who is not here, so let's hope it's on track. 20:55:36 <sesivany> is anyone planning to organize or participate in Software Freedom Day? 20:55:49 <Prometheas> ! 20:56:11 <sesivany> Prometheas: yes? 20:56:15 <Prometheas> I might be hosting a SFD in Valencia, Spain 20:56:36 <mitzie> Sorry but I´ll have to leave in 5 20:57:05 <sesivany> mitzie: ok, see you at Flock! 20:57:19 <mitzie> ok sesivany! 20:57:56 <sesivany> Prometheas: good to hear! If you need swag, just file a ticket. 20:58:12 <sesivany> FSD is on Sept 20, so there is still enough time to ship it. 20:58:46 <Prometheas> thanks sesivany, will do so 20:59:36 <sesivany> #info Software Freedom Day is on Sept 20, consider organizing one in your city ;) 21:00:33 <kmf> ! 21:00:46 <sesivany> kmf: yes! 21:00:51 <kmf> sesivany, Doing one in mine :) 21:02:09 <sesivany> kmf: I hope you will propagate Fedora there ;) Again, if you need swag, just file a ticket. Although I sent quite a lot to South Africa. 21:02:23 <kmf> I will as around :) 21:02:40 <kmf> sesivany, the fossfa swag right? 21:02:51 <kmf> sesivany, ... I mean Idlelo 21:03:02 <sesivany> yes 21:04:15 <sesivany> kmf: also don't forget that we still have the saved money from idlelo for an African event, that's something you can team up with twohot on. It'd be a pity not to use it. 21:04:34 <kmf> ok 21:05:07 <kmf> sesivany, ... if twohot has an event in Nigeria ... I have mine in South Africa ... can we split the money? 21:05:34 <b10n1k> have to go for work. Good night everyone 21:05:44 <sesivany> kmf: sure, it's really up to you. 21:05:52 <sesivany> b10n1k: good night! 21:06:31 <kmf> okeyzey ... twohot ? 21:06:54 <sesivany> kmf: he doesn't seem to be here :/ 21:07:05 <kmf> sesivany, it's cool 21:07:37 <sesivany> ok, let's move to the openfloor 21:07:44 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 21:07:54 <sesivany> any other topics you want to discuss? 21:09:09 <twohot> Omg? 21:09:09 <sesivany> if not, I'll end the meeting in one minute... 21:09:10 <twohot> Kmf? 21:09:21 <kmf> twohot, :) 21:09:23 <sesivany> great, twohot is back. 21:09:50 <kmf> twohot, are you organizing an SFD event in Nigeria? 21:09:52 <twohot> I heard my name 21:10:23 <twohot> Not until now 21:11:11 <twohot> I could do something for SFD but it will be within campus 21:11:16 <sesivany> twohot: we still have $4000 unspent for idlelo, if there are any events in Africa, you can still use it for them. 21:12:25 <twohot> sesivany, I'll see what I can do within this week and report back 21:12:38 <sesivany> twohot: ok, thank you! 21:13:45 <sesivany> is that it for today? 21:13:54 <sesivany> anything else? 21:13:55 <twohot> Yes. 21:14:11 <twohot> I mean, that's all for now 21:14:47 <jonar> nothing more from me. 21:15:04 <kmf> done 21:15:25 <sesivany> ok, thank you for attending, I'm not sure if we will have a meetin in 2 weeks, it will be during Flock, so probably in 3 weeks, on Aug 13. 21:15:54 <jonar> thats good as i'll be back from holidays then 21:16:16 <sesivany> #info The next meeting on Aug 6th will most likely be cancelle because of Flock. Next possible date is Aug 13th. 21:16:29 <sesivany> #endmeeting