20:00:17 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-07-08 20:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 8 20:00:17 2015 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:19 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:23 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 20:00:43 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 20:00:43 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:00:44 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:00:46 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:00:51 <lupinix> good evening :) 20:00:52 <andreasch> .fas andreasch 20:00:52 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 20:00:58 <mailga> .fas mailga 20:00:58 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 20:01:09 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser 20:01:11 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com> 20:01:22 <FedoraUser> evening! 20:02:12 <sesivany> welcome everyone, let's wait a bit longer for others to show up. 20:02:45 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:02:45 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:03:59 <mrunge> .fas mrunge 20:03:59 <zodbot> mrunge: mrunge 'Matthias Runge' <mrunge@redhat.com> 20:04:03 <mrunge> o/ 20:04:12 <sesivany> ok, let's start. 20:04:17 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 20:04:27 <sesivany> any announcements? 20:05:04 <sesivany> nothing comes to my mind... 20:05:42 <lupinix> no announcements here 20:06:07 <sesivany> ok, looks like we don't have any important announcements. 20:06:36 <sesivany> let's move on to another topic then. 20:06:43 <sesivany> #topic Requests 20:07:02 * sesivany is looking at the trac... 20:07:17 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=ticket&page=1&asc=1 20:08:25 <sesivany> I don't see any requests we need to vote about. 20:08:43 <lkurusa> .fas Levex 20:08:43 <zodbot> lkurusa: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com> 20:08:48 <lkurusa> sorry, I'm late 20:09:29 <sesivany> I just want to mention that we still have a plenty of F22 DVDs, so if you want some for your users, file a request. 20:09:51 <sesivany> this time, we also have Alternative Desktops DVD with KDE, Xfce, MATE,... 20:10:39 <sesivany> a new thing is a Fedora sticker you can put on the "Windows" key to replace the Windows logo ;-) 20:10:47 <lupinix> nice :) 20:10:56 <andreasch> Very nice;) 20:11:17 <misc> sesivany: we were wondering what it was at the fedora booth 2 days ago, now, it make sense 20:11:32 <FedoraUser> I didn't get those! *fake angry face* 20:11:36 <FedoraUser> :) 20:12:25 <sesivany> FedoraUser: we got them just recently. 20:13:05 <FedoraUser> no worries, I'll ask fot those with polo 20:13:05 <sesivany> so now you know what those tiny stickers are :) 20:14:11 <sesivany> ok, let's move to the next topic if you don't have any other questions about requests. 20:14:13 <FedoraUser> oh yeah, polo didn't arrive with the swag. do you have any info regarding this? 20:15:01 <sesivany> #topic The tiny Fedora logo stickers we now ship in swag packages are to replace the Windows logo on Windows keys. 20:15:17 <sesivany> grrr 20:15:20 <sesivany> #undo 20:15:20 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x37132bd0> 20:15:34 <sesivany> #info The tiny Fedora logo stickers we now ship in swag packages are to replace the Windows logo on Windows keys. 20:16:01 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule 20:16:42 <sesivany> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:17:21 <sesivany> we're in early stages of F23 cycle. 20:17:30 <sesivany> nothing special expected from us. 20:18:31 <sesivany> #info The final release of Fedora 23 is scheduled on Oct 27th. 20:19:19 * sesivany notes that he has a birthday on Oct 28th, so he hopes the schedule won't slip and there will be two reasons to celebrate :D 20:19:59 <sesivany> any questions about the schedule? 20:20:05 <lupinix> nope 20:20:16 <b10n1k> i dont think so 20:20:53 <sesivany> ok, let's move on... 20:21:14 <sesivany> #topic Events 20:21:43 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/EventPlan:2016 20:22:26 <sesivany> FedoraUser: any progress with BalCCon 2k15? 20:23:11 <FedoraUser> yes, there are talks summited 20:23:23 <sesivany> any booth planned? 20:23:29 <FedoraUser> there are wiki pages created 20:23:50 <FedoraUser> call for booths for communities is not yet up 20:24:16 <sesivany> you mean fedora wiki pages? 20:24:22 <FedoraUser> yes 20:24:39 <sesivany> do you have a link? I can't find it. 20:24:52 <FedoraUser> it is on event page 20:24:56 <FedoraUser> wait 20:26:25 <FedoraUser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BalCCon_2k15 20:26:47 <sesivany> thanks 20:27:08 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 20:27:08 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 20:27:18 <sesivany> glad to see ambassadors from other countries helping. 20:27:19 <FedoraUser> it is not final yet because details are still unclear (exact location is not yet published) 20:27:56 <FedoraUser> it should be pretty nice coverage 20:28:24 <sesivany> gnokii told me that FrosCon booth had been registered by heffer, so hopefully we'll have some presence there, too. 20:28:53 <gnokii> but still no page in the wiki 20:29:10 <FedoraUser> is there a reason why there aren't any recent EMEA events on main events page 20:29:33 <gnokii> because there are none 20:29:36 <sesivany> bookwar and jonar are not here to discuss LVEE and Barcamp Mancherster. 20:30:35 <lupinix> gnokii: do you know who will attend @FrOSCon? 20:31:14 <sesivany> gnokii: there are some, but I don't add my events to the Event wiki page. That page is pretty useless IMHO. Too difficult to edit it, too difficult to get oriented in. 20:31:16 <gnokii> lupinix: I know that some told they want to come but as there is no wiki page yet, I not rally know it 20:31:35 * lupinix will attend @sunday, but not on saturday due to astrophysics conference directly before FrOSCon 20:32:55 <gnokii> I think the reaper might be there because he is kind of local and heffer but who else I dont know 20:33:06 <sesivany> anyone from Hungary here today? 20:33:12 <gnokii> sesivany: did heffer order swag? 20:33:36 <sesivany> gnokii: no, as far as I know. 20:34:11 <gnokii> sesivany: becomes a little bit trouble then 20:34:38 <gnokii> you will be at flock one week before froscon so there should be soething arranged soon 20:34:48 <lupinix> maybe we should init @discussion @mailing list? 20:35:01 <sesivany> ok, I will try to contact heffer directly. 20:36:11 <sesivany> anything else to events? 20:37:39 <sesivany> if not, please move to the last topic... 20:37:52 <sesivany> #topic Open Floor 20:38:00 <sesivany> now you can discuss anything. 20:38:13 <gnokii> sesivany: if he not answer and I shall take the swag we have to arrange how I receive it until friday 20:40:38 <sesivany> gnokii: I suppose sending it to you by mail? 20:40:45 <FedoraUser> sesivany, I think you missed my question earlier. polo didn't arrive with the swag, do you have any info regarding this? do i now file another request or make a comment on existing? 20:40:50 <gnokii> sesivany: can be hard 20:42:04 <sesivany> gnokii: well, there won't be any opportunity to give it to you in person. 20:43:07 <gnokii> sesivany: I think best is we send it to ScottyTM what eans to froscon 20:43:43 <sesivany> gnokii: just file a ticket and specify to what address to send it. 20:44:21 <gnokii> sesivany: try to reach heffer tomorrow if he doesnt answer I ask scotty if he would help us, I a sure they do 20:45:07 <sesivany> ok 20:45:12 <sesivany> anything else today? 20:45:34 <lupinix> yes 20:46:03 <lupinix> FESCo voted for the Astronomy Spin @F23 :) 20:46:09 <lupinix> so we reach another communiy 20:46:15 <lupinix> *community 20:46:47 <sesivany> oh great! 20:47:03 <gnokii> AstroGarobo 20:47:07 <sesivany> #info Fedora will get Astronomy Spin. 20:47:43 <b10n1k> thats cool 20:47:51 <sesivany> if there is not anything else, I'll close the meeting in 1 minute. 20:48:43 <lupinix> will we discuss about FrOSCon details on mailing list? 20:49:37 <lupinix> and shall i create the wiki page? 20:49:46 <sesivany> that's a question for gnokii 20:50:23 <gnokii> lupinix: the question is if we create that page if heffer realizes that and does the steps like registering us and so on 20:51:50 <mailga> FedoraUser: for your polo I think it's better to comment the existing ticket, it seems to be shipped yet. 20:52:34 <FedoraUser> mailga, thank you! :) 20:53:15 <mailga> FedoraUser: yw 20:53:16 <lupinix> gnokii: ok, maybe we can talk about this again @german irc and/or mailing list 20:53:29 <gnokii> lupinix: sure we can do 20:54:39 <lupinix> great, i'm out now 20:54:44 <lupinix> good night everyone 20:55:06 <sesivany> ok, good night. 20:55:14 <sesivany> see you in two weeks. 20:55:25 <sesivany> #endmeeting