20:00:07 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-09-16 20:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 16 20:00:07 2015 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:11 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:15 <giannisk> #chair giannisk sesivany 20:00:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk sesivany 20:00:18 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 20:00:26 <giannisk> let's see how many people we've here 20:00:32 <giannisk> use .fas yourusername 20:00:36 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:00:36 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:00:43 <andreasch> .fas andreasch 20:00:43 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 20:00:43 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:00:46 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:00:55 <jonar> .fas jfarcher 20:00:56 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk> 20:01:08 <giannisk> #chair jonar 20:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk jonar sesivany 20:01:30 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:01:30 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:02:18 <giannisk> So, welcome everyone to another meeting for the EMEA Region 20:02:30 <giannisk> I will be acting as the chair today. 20:02:54 <giannisk> Our agenda for today: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2015-09-16#Agenda 20:03:05 <giannisk> #info Our agenda for today: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2015-09-16#Agenda 20:03:22 <giannisk> I'd also like to remind everyone that the meeting protocol is in effect. 20:03:35 <giannisk> That means, that If you'd like to speak, please type ! 20:03:51 <giannisk> If you'd like to ask a question, type ? and if you're done speaking write eof 20:04:07 <giannisk> More info about the meeting protocol can be found here: 20:04:19 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol 20:04:29 <giannisk> #info The meeting protocol is in effect. 20:04:57 <giannisk> I don't think there are more people around, so we can move on. 20:05:09 <giannisk> #topic Announcements 20:05:23 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser 20:05:24 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com> 20:05:31 <giannisk> As you may already know, Fedora 23 Alpha has been around 20:05:38 <mitzie> Hi everyone, sorry for coming in late 20:05:44 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:05:45 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:05:50 <giannisk> Fedora 23 Beta is scheduled to be released in the upcoming days 20:05:55 * giannisk waves at FedoraUser and mitzie 20:06:09 * mitzie waves back 20:06:11 <giannisk> And we have Fedora 23 Final arriving in about 5 weeks from now. 20:06:33 <giannisk> That's all from me 20:06:41 <giannisk> Anyone who wishes to announce something? 20:07:05 * FedoraUser waves to all! :) 20:07:27 <sesivany> nothing from me... 20:08:08 <giannisk> Nothing else? We're moving on then. 20:08:18 <giannisk> #topic Requests 20:08:27 * giannisk takes a look at the EMEA trac. 20:09:28 <giannisk> Alright 20:09:59 <giannisk> #info Ticket #507 - LinuxCon 2015 Expenses 20:10:06 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/507 20:10:30 <giannisk> sesivany, any info on this one? 20:10:56 <sesivany> just noting that the budget for this event is $2000. 20:11:22 <sesivany> so we should be well within the budget even with Jon's flight ticket which is in a separate ticket. 20:11:36 <giannisk> Ticket info looks solid. 20:11:41 <giannisk> Let's vote on this 20:11:55 <jonar> flight costs at the moment for me are about £150 + taxes 20:12:27 <giannisk> I'm +1, it's a solid event and planned in the budget 20:12:43 <mitzie> +1 20:12:44 <andreasch> +1 20:12:53 <giannisk> jonar, sure, we will also vote on your seperate ticket afterwards 20:13:17 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:13:28 <giannisk> One more vote needed. 20:13:36 <jonar> +1 20:13:37 <FedoraUser> +1 20:13:53 <sesivany> Thank you, everyone! 20:13:54 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #508 approved 20:14:25 <giannisk> #undo 20:14:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by giannisk at 20:13:54 : Ticket #508 approved 20:14:34 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #507 approved 20:14:39 <giannisk> that was for #507, my bad 20:14:47 <giannisk> alright 20:15:13 <giannisk> Ticket #508 should be included in #507, so I guess we can skip that. 20:15:29 <giannisk> Ticket #507 is for up to $2000 as we agreed. 20:15:34 <Southern_Gentlem> giannisk, undo 20:15:51 <sesivany> giannisk: it's separate because jsimon wants to have it that way. 20:16:02 <giannisk> Southern_Gentlem, I did 20:16:06 <giannisk> sesivany, alrighty then 20:16:16 <sesivany> giannisk: separated by persons who pays that or get reimbursed. 20:16:30 <sesivany> giannisk: he doesn't want to mix several reimbursements into one ticket. 20:16:31 <giannisk> #info Ticket #508 - Travel expenses to LinuxCon Europe 20:16:36 <giannisk> sesivany, solid 20:16:47 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/508 20:17:03 <giannisk> jonar, how much is the amount being requested here? 20:17:10 <giannisk> can you please add this on the ticket? 20:17:11 <giannisk> thanks 20:17:43 <jonar> costs this evening are around £150 + taxes but i won't know for definite until its approved and i actually go through booking process 20:17:59 <giannisk> jonar, please provide an estimation 20:18:07 <jonar> I have 20:18:09 <giannisk> we have to know how much money we will be voting for 20:18:58 <sesivany> that could be around $300? 20:19:00 <giannisk> 200 GBP converts to around 300something USD 20:19:01 <giannisk> yeap 20:19:12 <giannisk> should we vote for $300? 20:19:37 <giannisk> jonar, any input? 20:19:53 <jonar> I'm just running through the process now to get an idea of costs 20:20:45 <sesivany> jonar: if there are any additional smaller expenses, we can approve it on peer review basis. 20:20:58 <jonar> It's just under £140, but hasn't given taxes yet without passport details etc 20:21:23 <jonar> which is around $220 20:21:34 <jonar> so lets say $300 20:21:35 <sesivany> let's assume it's <=$300, it should not be more. 20:21:53 <jonar> agreed 20:21:56 <giannisk> Let's go for up to $300, and if there are any extra expenses, you can have it approved on peer review basis 20:22:02 <giannisk> solid 20:22:09 <giannisk> +1 from me 20:22:43 <andreasch> +1 20:22:50 <FedoraUser> +1 20:23:04 <mitzie> +1 20:23:11 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:23:19 <jonar> thanks folks! 20:23:20 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #508 approved 20:23:53 <giannisk> jonar, is #509 also to be voted during the meeting? 20:24:43 <sesivany> giannisk: I suppose so, it's in the budget, but the expense is not approved officially. 20:24:52 <jonar> please 20:25:22 <giannisk> #info Ticket #509 - Sponsorship for OggCamp 2015 20:25:29 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/509 20:25:36 <giannisk> jonar, some input please 20:26:07 <jonar> Oggcamp is the UKs largest open source event 20:26:28 <jonar> we always have some excellent exposure at the event 20:27:22 <jonar> This sponsorship is to allow us to have a booth, and presence on all promotional materials associated with the event 20:27:40 <giannisk> jonar, seems like a promising event 20:28:06 <giannisk> request is for 1,000 gbp, which converts to around 1,500 usd 20:28:18 <jonar> its an excellent event and the Fedora booth is always exceptionally busy 20:28:42 <giannisk> it's already approved in the budget, but still requires to be voted 20:28:44 <giannisk> so let's vote 20:28:45 <jonar> yes, it was also included in the budget 20:28:52 <jonar> thanks 20:28:52 <sesivany> +1 20:28:55 <giannisk> i'm +1 20:29:33 <FedoraUser> +1 20:29:39 <andreasch> +1 20:29:41 <mitzie> +1 20:30:15 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #509 approved 20:30:20 <jonar> thank you! 20:30:34 <giannisk> jonar, good luck with your event :) 20:30:37 <jonar> thanks! 20:30:42 <jonar> ! 20:30:51 <giannisk> jonar, yes please 20:31:13 <jonar> if that is the last request ticket? i'd just like to mention ticket #482 20:31:21 <jonar> https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/482 20:31:43 <giannisk> jonar, what about it? 20:32:12 <giannisk> It was approved in a past meeting. 20:32:18 <jonar> Unfortunately the event was cancelled this year, one of the major organisers had a major family health issue so had to drop everything, this included the event. 20:32:39 <giannisk> jonar, oh 20:33:00 <jonar> Although the ticket was approved I never actually put the request in or any funds sent. But I thought best to explain. 20:33:18 <giannisk> jonar, perfect, thank you for letting us know 20:33:32 <sesivany> jonar: the one we paid was Barcamp Manchester, right? 20:33:50 <jonar> Thats right, which is the end of this month 20:34:15 <sesivany> jonar: ok, so just close #482 with a note that the event didn't take place. 20:34:22 <jonar> I have just done so 20:34:27 <giannisk> perfect 20:34:31 <giannisk> jonar, eof? 20:34:42 <jonar> eof 20:34:47 <giannisk> thank you jonar 20:35:01 <giannisk> All right folks, that's all the requests for now. 20:35:12 <giannisk> Anyone who wants to ask anything before we move on? 20:36:01 <giannisk> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:36:09 * giannisk looks for the link 20:36:26 <giannisk> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:36:56 <giannisk> as I mentioned, F23 Final will be arriving in about 5 weeks from now 20:37:12 <giannisk> it's a good time to start planning release events in the EMEA region 20:37:38 <giannisk> there's a deadline for requesting funds for your release events 20:38:13 <giannisk> that is until 9th October 20:38:35 <giannisk> anyone planning to hold a release event? 20:38:58 <jonar> hopefully yes 20:38:59 <sesivany> I'm! in Brno and maybe in Prague. 20:39:10 <lkurusa> .fas levex 20:39:10 <zodbot> lkurusa: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com> 20:39:12 * lkurusa is late 20:39:19 <giannisk> we could organise one with mitzie in our university 20:39:20 <lkurusa> We are planningone as well in Hungary (Budapest) 20:39:45 * giannisk waves at lkurusa 20:39:57 * lkurusa waves back 20:40:06 <giannisk> perfect 20:40:09 <FedoraUser> I am moving to the capital city, and I hope it will be good place to start building the community 20:40:28 <FedoraUser> I hope to have release party for F23 20:40:55 <giannisk> FedoraUser, sure, good luck with the community building 20:41:02 <FedoraUser> ty giannisk 20:41:14 <thunderbirdtr> I'm wanna make in Turkey too after my 1 year silent (because of job/university) 20:41:23 <thunderbirdtr> I'm/I (miss typed) 20:41:55 <giannisk> cool :) 20:42:16 <giannisk> everyone, if you need to ask for budget or swag, please do so quite some time in advance 20:42:16 <thunderbirdtr> thanks :) 20:42:29 <giannisk> okay fellas, anything else to be discussed here? 20:42:36 <giannisk> if not, we're moving on 20:43:40 <giannisk> #topic Events 20:43:54 <giannisk> Any events taking place in your area? 20:44:12 <sesivany> ! 20:44:26 <giannisk> Or have you organised any event(s) lately? 20:44:28 <giannisk> sesivany, sure 20:44:44 <sesivany> we might have a budget for one more ambassador/contributor for LinuxCon Europe. 20:45:04 <sesivany> if you can make it to Dublin for $300, it can still stay within the budget. 20:45:23 <giannisk> sesivany, hmm, I'd be certainly be interested 20:45:38 <sesivany> jonar and I can manage it ourselves, but there might be a budget for one more. 20:46:17 <giannisk> LinuxCon is one of the premier Linux/open source events, and it's always a pleasure to be there with Fedora. 20:46:24 <sesivany> giannisk: would you be able to make it for ~$300? 20:46:42 <sesivany> because we would need to buy another ticket for you which is $200. 20:46:44 <giannisk> sesivany, if airfare is the only thing considered, most likely yes 20:46:54 <lkurusa> that's my first week of university, so sadly I can't attend :( 20:47:12 <sesivany> and additional cost for accommodation would be around $200. 20:47:13 <giannisk> so, that would be 300 + 200 sesivany? 20:47:32 <giannisk> I mean, for the airfare + pass 20:47:38 <sesivany> but we would still be ~$2000. 20:48:02 <giannisk> I can still be partially subsidized, that would still work for me 20:48:21 <giannisk> fellas, anyone else interested to attend LinuxCon Europe with Fedora? 20:48:26 <sesivany> giannisk: yes, I would buy a ticket for you, no need to buy and ask for reimbursement. 20:48:54 <giannisk> if there's no-one else, I'd then like to step up 20:48:56 <giannisk> sesivany, sure 20:49:04 <sesivany> giannisk: great! 20:49:30 <giannisk> perfect :) 20:49:47 <giannisk> sesivany, eof? 20:49:55 <sesivany> giannisk: yes 20:50:05 <giannisk> sesivany, thank you 20:50:13 <giannisk> Anything else regarding events? 20:51:19 <FedoraUser> just to note, we had pretty successful event in Novi Sad, Serbia - reports are being made :) 20:51:53 <sesivany> FedoraUser: nice, looking forward to them. 20:51:55 <andreasch> I get approval to have a booth on Pentest Cyprus conference but I have a problem 20:52:19 <giannisk> FedoraUser, cool :) 20:52:25 <giannisk> andreasch, what kind of problem? 20:52:26 * thunderbirdtr also working on Serbia reports for awesome reports will be on Planet!! :))) 20:52:41 <andreasch> I didn't receive the swag 20:52:50 * thunderbirdtr say thank you to "Fedorauser" help us tooo much :) 20:52:52 <sesivany> andreasch: do you have a ticket number? 20:53:15 * FedoraUser is the one to be thankful for your help! ;) 20:53:36 <giannisk> andreasch, is it ticket #505? 20:53:38 <andreasch> #505 20:53:49 * giannisk is checking ticket #505 20:54:26 <giannisk> andreasch, the event is for 19th September? 20:54:31 <andreasch> Yes 20:54:54 <giannisk> andreasch, I see that you opened the ticket on 7th September 20:55:03 <giannisk> that's 12 days prior the event 20:55:15 <sesivany> yeah, that's very little time :-( 20:55:24 <sesivany> do you have a tracking number? 20:55:32 <giannisk> i certainly hope that the package will make it on time 20:55:37 <andreasch> Nope 20:55:37 <sesivany> You can ask kmrstiko for a tracking number. 20:55:58 <giannisk> but next time, please, submit your swag request at least 4-6 weeks prior the event 20:56:22 <andreasch> I got the approval on Monday 7 of Sep 20:56:31 <sesivany> we send it with standard postal service because services such as Fedex, DHL can easily cost up to $500 per package or even more. 20:56:32 <andreasch> That's why :( 20:56:44 <andreasch> Well noted 20:57:12 <giannisk> unfortunately, there isn't much we can do 20:57:26 <giannisk> do you have any other swag lying around? 20:57:51 <andreasch> Nope 20:58:11 <giannisk> well, all I can do is wish for good luck 20:58:38 <giannisk> anything else here? 20:58:46 <giannisk> anything else regarding events? 20:58:51 <giannisk> if not, we're moving on 20:59:57 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:00:07 * giannisk looks for the previous meeting minutes 21:00:48 <giannisk> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-02/emea_ambassadors.2015-09-02-20.00.html 21:01:18 <giannisk> As you can see there were two action items from last meeting, both were completed. 21:01:42 <giannisk> #info No action items left from the previous meeting. 21:01:53 <giannisk> anything to ask/say here? 21:01:54 <sesivany> I did send the email, haven't created the tickets though. 21:02:36 <mitzie> Will send a reminder about the EMEA FAD in the list, as we have no official response yet, and the deadline is near 21:02:53 <giannisk> #undo 21:02:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by giannisk at 21:01:42 : No action items left from the previous meeting. 21:03:47 <giannisk> #action sesivany to create the tickets about the new leadership initiative 21:04:02 <giannisk> mitzie, adding an action item for this? 21:04:46 <mitzie> Sure 21:04:53 <giannisk> #action mitzie to send a reminder on the mailing list about the EMEA FAD bids 21:05:15 <giannisk> thank you fellas 21:05:18 <giannisk> anything else here? 21:05:52 <sesivany> not from me 21:06:15 <giannisk> okay, moving on then 21:06:20 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 21:06:38 <giannisk> If you have anything else to be discussed, feel free to do so. 21:07:00 <sesivany> CEO of Red Hat is using Fedora ;) http://www.mylinuxrig.com/post/129154618674/the-linux-setup-jim-whitehurst-presidentceo 21:07:06 <thunderbirdtr> :))) 21:07:18 <thunderbirdtr> Who installed F23 ? :) 21:09:15 <giannisk> sesivany, seems like an interesting post 21:09:18 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, not yet 21:09:37 <giannisk> s/not/haven't 21:10:01 <giannisk> anything else for Open Floor? 21:10:10 <giannisk> If not, we can end this meeting in two (2) minutes. 21:11:51 <FedoraUser> is there a wiki page describing details about running a meeting (just so we can get familiar) or is it watch-and-learn? 21:12:21 <giannisk> FedoraUser, I think the second :) 21:12:38 <andreasch> sesivany interesting post:) 21:12:39 <giannisk> FedoraUser, but it would be a great idea to have one, if there isn't already 21:12:58 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, actually we have one about that... 21:13:02 <thunderbirdtr> let me check 21:14:26 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, not the best but... need love that's sure ; https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Development/Schedule/MeetingGuidelines 21:14:52 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting_channel?rd=Fedora_meeting_channel 21:15:43 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, thank you for posting it 21:15:53 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, it can surely be used as reference 21:15:57 <FedoraUser> giannisk, thunderbirdtr, thanks guys, will look into it 21:16:21 <giannisk> FedoraUser, eof? 21:16:27 <FedoraUser> yes, sorry 21:16:44 <giannisk> FedoraUser, no problem 21:16:56 <giannisk> alright, we will be ending our meeting in one (1) minute. 21:17:02 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, FedoraUser https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_IRC_meeting_process and 21:17:06 <thunderbirdtr> for last 21:17:07 <thunderbirdtr> eof :) 21:18:01 <giannisk> thank you everyone for attending 21:18:08 <giannisk> have a good night 21:18:12 <giannisk> #endmeeting