20:00:45 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-04-27 20:00:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 27 20:00:45 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-04-27' 20:01:05 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:01:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:01:20 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:01:27 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 20:01:27 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:01:29 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 20:01:30 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 20:01:34 <jonatoni> .hello jonatoni 20:01:35 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:01:42 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:01:42 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:01:43 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:01:45 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:01:50 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:01:51 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:02:03 <giannisk> We have a new chair, congratulations ardian. :) 20:02:06 <giannisk> ardian++ 20:02:14 <rsc> .hello robert 20:02:15 <zodbot> rsc: robert 'Robert Scheck' <redhat@linuxnetz.de> 20:02:16 <ardian> Let's see how many people are here 20:02:46 <Anxhelo> .fas anxh3l0 20:02:46 <zodbot> Anxhelo: anxh3l0 'Anxhelo Lushka' <an_xhelo@hotmail.com> 20:02:51 <ardian> giannisk, thanks, good you are around if I break anything 20:03:07 <giannisk> ardian: nah, no worries :P 20:03:18 <ardian> #chair giannisk 20:03:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian giannisk 20:03:53 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:03:53 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:04:05 * mitzie can't stay for long 20:04:18 <ardian> Hello and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. 20:04:35 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:04:35 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:04:35 <lupinix> good evening everyone :) 20:05:21 <jflory7> Hey everyone! 20:06:00 * ardian o/ jflory7 20:06:07 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:06:24 <jflory7> ! 20:06:41 <ardian> jflory7, Go ahead 20:06:59 * jflory7 has six announcements... things are starting to heat up with F24 around the corner. :) 20:07:06 <jflory7> #info === "Fedora translation sprint – 5 days, 50 members and 20+ thousand words" === 20:07:12 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-translation-sprint-5-days-50-members-20-thousand-words/ 20:07:19 <jflory7> #info The Fedora Globalization group ran a 5-day virtual translation sprint to focus on the translation of important GUI packages. During the 5 day sprint, 53 contributors translated 22,723 words to over 18 different languages. Learn more about the awesome work done by the G11n team in the Community Blog article (also featuring elioqoshi, jonatoni, and more Albanian Ambassadors)! 20:07:31 <jflory7> #info === "Announcing Fedora Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Class of 2016" === 20:07:32 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-google-summer-of-code-2016/ 20:07:38 <jflory7> #info On Friday, April 22nd, Google officially announced the participants for the 11th year of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. This year, Fedora was a participating organization. There are ten interns who will be hacking on Fedora over this summer. Read the full post on the Community Blog for more information. 20:07:44 <jflory7> #info === "Introducing the extra wallpapers for Fedora 24" === 20:07:50 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/introducing-extra-wallpapers-fedora-24/ 20:07:55 <jflory7> #info The people have spoken! The supplementary wallpapers for Fedora 24 are now official. You can see what beautiful scenery is coming soon to desktops near you in the next release of Fedora. 20:08:02 <jflory7> #info === Fedora 24 Beta Release Readiness Meeting, Thursday, April 28 19:00 UTC === 20:08:08 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/logistics@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/JMZO6YNQSBMQHQNTYKF7EXRK3CMZGGDY/#JMZO6YNQSBMQHQNTYKF7EXRK3CMZGGDY 20:08:15 <jflory7> #info Before each public release all of the groups participating in the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated. This meeting is called the: Release Readiness Meeting. The Release Readiness Meeting is held after after the Go/No-Go Meeting that is held for each public release. All are welcome to attend, but jkurik, the Fedora Release Manager, has reached out to candidates of each team to request a 20:08:15 <jflory7> representative. 20:08:26 <jflory7> #info ...representative. 20:08:39 <jflory7> #info === More information about Fedora Hubs === 20:08:44 <jflory7> #link http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2016/04/26/plan-to-level-up-contributors-with-fedora-hubs/ 20:08:51 <jflory7> #info This is a big overview of "the future of Fedora". If you aren't aware, there is a large project underway to help improve how Fedora is presented to newcomers and active contributors. Fedora Hubs will help centralize many different resources and make it easier for contributors to find information. Read more details on mizmo's blog post. 20:08:57 <jflory7> Okay, that's all! eof 20:09:09 <nmilosev> jflory++ 20:09:13 <nmilosev> jflory7++ 20:09:13 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jflory7 changed to 54 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:09:38 <ardian> jflory7, thanks a lot for this great round up 20:09:41 <ardian> jflory7++ 20:09:58 <jonatoni> jflory7++ 20:10:03 <ardian> #info New chairman for Fedora Ambassadors EMEA meetings 20:10:28 <jflory7> Happy to share the info :) 20:10:34 <sesivany> jflory7++ 20:10:34 <zodbot> sesivany: Karma for jflory7 changed to 55 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:10:37 <ardian> I am very happy to chair this and the upcoming meetings. This is my first time chairing a meeting I apologize if I am not very fast. 20:10:49 <lupinix> jflory7++ 20:11:00 <ardian> thanks to giannisk I got some tips from here and will see if I can do the job like he did. 20:11:01 <jflory7> ardian++ Thanks for stepping up to help out with chairing the EMEA meetings! 20:11:05 <ardian> giannisk++ 20:11:22 <ardian> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/AF5POEVODITWKAXJTWRML4KMBIRELE4K/ 20:11:30 <giannisk> ardian: Glad to see new people stepping up and taking the lead. :) 20:11:45 <GITNE> .fas gitne 20:11:47 <ardian> thanks 20:11:48 <zodbot> GITNE: gitne '' <gitne@gmx.de> 20:11:54 <ardian> #info EMEA Has a Storyteller Delegate 20:12:25 <ardian> Elijah Hanson FAS: edgates has been announce as our storyteller delegate 20:12:34 <ardian> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/IQIGCJEOVK363YLEEL3SHKDZONB5WQRD/ 20:12:53 <ardian> #info Fedora Developer Portal Has a New Look 20:12:58 <jflory7> edgates++ for taking lead as Storyteller 20:13:00 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for edgates changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:13:13 <ardian> Fedora Developer Portal got a refined look 20:13:21 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-developer-portal-updated/ 20:13:26 <ardian> #link https://developer.fedoraproject.org/ 20:13:52 <ardian> If you are a developer please take a look at the site 20:14:28 <ardian> Any other announcements? 20:14:46 <jflory7> Nothing from me. 20:15:22 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:15:56 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:16:29 <ardian> #info Funding Request for DORS/CLUC 2016 - Accommodation 20:16:46 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/571 20:16:56 <ardian> mitzie, do you anything to add ? 20:17:24 <mitzie> Sorry, I'm on my phone 20:17:41 <mitzie> I think I explain pretty much everything in the ticket 20:18:00 <mitzie> Any questions? 20:18:51 <giannisk> +1 20:18:53 <lupinix> ticket looks reasonable 20:18:56 <Anxhelo_> Is the food included in the price? 20:19:08 <giannisk> Anxhelo_: The food? It's on us. 20:19:19 <ardian> +1 20:19:22 <lupinix> +1 20:19:37 <jonatoni> +1 20:20:01 <sesivany> +1 20:20:03 <Anxhelo_> +1 20:20:51 <ardian> #agreed Funding Request for DORS/CLUC 2016 - Accommodation Ticket #571 20:21:09 <ardian> Let's get to the next ticket. 20:21:18 <mitzie> Thank you ardian 20:21:43 <ardian> #info Fedora Localization Sprint #5 in Tirana, Albania 20:21:52 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/570 20:22:24 <ardian> jonatoni, if you have anything to add ? 20:23:14 <jonatoni> i have explained everything in the ticket 20:23:46 <giannisk> Just a quick note: I have previously discussed this w/ jonatoni and the amount being requested is small. 20:23:54 <sesivany> +1 20:24:05 <Anxhelo_> +1 20:24:13 <ardian> Great thanks giannisk 20:24:17 <giannisk> In general, next time, everyone please submit budget requests at least 4 weeks in advance if it's not urgent. 20:24:17 <ardian> +1 20:24:21 <sesivany> giannisk: this can be simply approved by you as FAmSCo member. 20:24:22 <giannisk> +1 20:24:24 <lupinix> +1 20:24:24 <nmilosev> +1 20:24:26 <GITNE> +1 20:24:43 <giannisk> sesivany: Of course, but I'd rather leave it to the community. :) 20:25:18 <giannisk> sesivany: I mean, there was still time for it to be reviewed by the community. 20:25:56 <ardian> #agreed Funding request for Fedora Localization Sprint #5 in Tirana, Albania Ticket #570 20:26:11 <jonatoni> Thank you :) 20:27:00 <ardian> Okay I don't see we have any other open tickets left to discuss. 20:27:46 <ardian> #Topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:28:06 * ardian looking for the link 20:28:23 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:29:17 <ardian> I don't see anything we can add for here, anyone wants to add something ? 20:29:57 <jflory7> ! 20:30:05 <ardian> jflory7, yes 20:31:22 <jflory7> I think they are almost ready for the printing press, but the Design + Marketing teams have been working on producing some brochures on Python + Fedora. These would be *really* good deliverables for any Python conferences and to have near the F24 launch. Once they are finalized and "ready to print", I was planning on doing an announcement on the Ambassadors list. More info is in the ticket. https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219 20:31:23 <jflory7> eof 20:31:36 <jflory7> (just a heads-up of "what's coming" soon) 20:32:29 <giannisk> sesivany: do we have the t-shirts and the other swag we ordered? :) 20:32:31 <elioqoshi> .fas 20:32:31 <zodbot> elioqoshi: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 20:32:35 <ardian> jflory7, great, please take action to announce it also on the ambassadors mailing list 20:33:00 <elioqoshi> .fas elioqoshi 20:33:00 <zodbot> elioqoshi: elioqoshi 'Elio Qoshi' <ping@elioqoshi.me> 20:33:28 <sesivany> giannisk: t-shirts should be delivered this week. 20:33:40 <giannisk> sesivany: awesome :) 20:33:44 <sesivany> giannisk: other swag should be in stock. 20:33:49 <giannisk> sesivany++ 20:33:57 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Announce the Python brochures on the Ambassadors list once they are ready 20:34:25 <ardian> Ok if you don't have anything else to add lets go to the next topic. 20:34:42 <ardian> #topic Events 20:35:08 <ardian> Any events taking place in your country ? Would you like to report from any recent events? 20:35:24 <nmilosev> ! 20:35:36 <ardian> nmilosev, yes 20:35:54 <nmilosev> I want to talk about two events. 20:35:55 <pkwesihanson> .fas pkwesihanson 20:35:55 <zodbot> pkwesihanson: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 20:36:19 <ardian> nmilosev, go ahead 20:37:13 <nmilosev> Firstly, I got accepted as a speaker at that big Microsoft conference in Belgrade which is on the May 7th which I mentioned at our last meeting. I wanted to thank all ambassadors who contributed to the Why FOSS page (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Why_FOSS) I will be presenting there, and try to promote Fedora the best I can. 20:37:59 <nmilosev> I have some small swag which I got with my Fedora Ambassador shirt, and Fedora ambassador Emmanuel Seyman sent me 30 Fedora Workstation DVD's which should be plenty. 20:38:36 <nmilosev> Around 600 people confirmed that they are coming already, I hope that some of them at least will be interested about Fedora and FOSS. 20:39:09 <ardian> wow seems like a good opportunity to promote fedora there 20:39:13 <nmilosev> The Workstation DVDs should arrive by the end of the week. 20:39:17 <giannisk> nmilosev++ 20:39:28 <nmilosev> The link for the conference is here: http://tarabica.msforge.net/ 20:39:33 <ardian> Do you have a booth there too ? 20:39:49 <nmilosev> The link for my talk is here: http://tarabica.msforge.net/Session/Details/1190 20:40:16 <elioqoshi> nmilosev++ 20:40:16 <zodbot> elioqoshi: Karma for nmilosev changed to 5 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:40:19 <jflory7> nmilosev++ 20:40:34 <nmilosev> Sadly no booths are available. This isn't that kind of an event. It's being held in one of the Faculties in Belgrade. 20:40:39 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:40:42 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:40:55 <nmilosev> Mostly talks. I visited last year and there were no booths at all. :( 20:41:17 <pkwesihanson> nmilosev: ++ 20:41:24 <jonatoni> nmilosev++ 20:41:28 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for nmilosev changed to 6 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:41:36 <ardian> Sad :\, anyway wish you good luck and if you need anything else please ping us 20:41:39 <JacobCZ> hi 20:41:47 <ardian> nmilosev++ 20:41:47 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for nmilosev changed to 7 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:42:15 <nmilosev> About the second event. Just to be short. I contacted sesivany about EuroPython in Spain, but he told me the budget will be tight and that there are already interested ambassadors and developers. 20:42:44 <sesivany> right now, ardian and mcyprian are going. 20:42:47 <nmilosev> He also told me that there is still a chance for me to go, and I am waiting for his response. 20:43:03 <nmilosev> Just wanted to let everyone know, because of the thread on the ambassadors list. 20:43:07 <nmilosev> eof 20:43:14 <sesivany> I told ardian to put together a budget on the wiki page to see if we have money left for anyone else. 20:43:40 <elioqoshi> ardian did you figure out the visa problem? 20:44:33 <ardian> I will open today a ticket regarding the EuroPython event. 20:45:13 <ardian> elioqoshi, yes since Spain doesn't accept my passport, I have to go to Skopje and get a visa on an A4 letter 20:45:43 <ardian> I will have an appointment next week, I have already contacted the organizers they will send me an invitation for the conference 20:46:38 <sesivany> ardian: please ask mcyprian if he really wants to come with you and what's his budget estimation. 20:47:08 <nmilosev> Ok, when you figure out your budgets, please let me know if I can squeeze in. And good luck with the Visa, I know how hard it can be :( 20:47:38 <nmilosev> ardian++ 20:47:43 <nmilosev> sesivany++ 20:47:43 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for eischmann changed to 9 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:48:45 <jflory7> JacobCZ: o/ 20:49:11 <elioqoshi> ardian++ 20:50:43 <giannisk> Alright, taking the lead for now. 20:50:56 <giannisk> ardian_: there? 20:51:00 <ardian_> sorry guys seems my connection is unstable 20:51:10 <ardian_> I am from a remote server 20:51:21 <ardian_> and it is very slow for me 20:51:21 <giannisk> ! 20:51:34 <ardian_> giannisk: please go ahead 20:52:12 <giannisk> Just wanted to remind everyone that we're gonna have DORS/CLUC in Croatia and OSCAL in Albania in about two and a half weeks from now. :) 20:52:36 <giannisk> And I'm really excited since they're going to be really big events within the region, and especially the Balkans area. 20:52:55 * ardian_ will be there too \o/ 20:53:00 * jonatoni *awesome* 20:53:31 <giannisk> We are going to have several ambassadors and contributors in these events, all planning for some great Fedora presence. :) 20:53:52 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DORS-CLUC_2016 20:53:58 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSCAL_2016 20:54:12 <nmilosev> giannisk: There is also an event in Serbia not too far away (September, I think) :) 20:54:35 <giannisk> nmilosev: nice :) 20:54:44 <nmilosev> link: https://2k16.balccon.org/index.php?title=Main_Page 20:55:17 <giannisk> Also, I'd like to report back from FOSSCOMM, which is apparently the biggest foss-related conference in Greece. 20:55:44 <giannisk> Last edition took place between 16-17 April. Me and mitzie went there, alongside other Greek Fedora contributors. 20:56:21 <giannisk> I was expecting a larger attendance this year, but nevertheless we had a really interesting booth targeted at robotics. :) 20:56:36 <giannisk> I should be writing a short blog post within these days. 20:56:43 <giannisk> Thank you, eof. 20:56:51 <nmilosev> giannisk++ 20:56:51 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for giannisk changed to 12 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:57:15 <sesivany> we have story teller now, right? :) 20:57:16 <JacobCZ> giannisk++ 20:57:17 <zodbot> JacobCZ: Karma for giannisk changed to 13 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:57:26 <jonatoni> giannisk++ 20:58:04 <giannisk> sesivany: We do, it's edgates :) 20:58:05 <ardian> ok I think my connection is stable 20:58:58 <pkwesihanson> Yes we do, I'm the new storyteller 20:59:15 <giannisk> pkwesihanson++ 20:59:19 <lupinix> pkwesihanson++ 20:59:50 <lupinix> edgates++ 20:59:52 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for edgates changed to 2 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:00:15 <giannisk> edgates++ 21:00:15 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for edgates changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:00:53 <giannisk> As ardian's connection is currently unstable, I've been asked to continue the meeting. 21:01:05 <giannisk> So, anything else regarding events? 21:01:32 <giannisk> If not, we will be moving on to the next topic. 21:02:21 <decause> pkwesihanson++ 21:02:25 <decause> .hello decause 21:02:25 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 21:02:30 * decause is also in fedora-magazine meeting though 21:02:38 <decause> errr, mktg 21:03:02 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:03:12 * giannisk is looking for the link to the previous meeting minutes. 21:03:18 * giannisk waves at decause. 21:04:00 <giannisk> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-04-13/emea_ambassadors.2016-04-13-20.01.html 21:04:13 <giannisk> #info No action items left from the previous meeting 21:04:22 <giannisk> Any questions here? Anything to add? 21:05:05 <giannisk> Moving on to the Open Floor, then. 21:05:10 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 21:05:16 <giannisk> Anything else goes here. :) 21:05:34 * lupinix goes offline 21:05:41 <lupinix> good night everyone 21:05:50 <lupinix> ardian giannisk thank you for chairing :) 21:06:07 <lupinix> ardian++ 21:06:10 <lupinix> giannisk++ 21:06:10 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for giannisk changed to 14 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:06:36 <giannisk> Big thanks and congrats to ardian, he did great today. :) 21:06:50 <JacobCZ> giannisk++ 21:07:00 <jonatoni> ardian++ 21:07:11 <giannisk> Ending the meeting in three (3) minutes... 21:07:21 <nmilosev> good night everyone :) 21:07:31 <jonatoni> Good night all :) 21:07:39 <JacobCZ> bye y'all 21:07:48 <Anxhelo_> good night all :) 21:07:49 <giannisk> Have a great night everyone, see you again in two weeks! 21:08:09 <pkwesihanson> Night everyone 😀 21:09:19 <ardian_> Hey thanks everyone for being part of this weeks EMEA meeting, sorry for my unstable connection. Nighty everyone. 21:09:38 <b10n1k> good night guys 21:09:48 <edgates> ardian: ++ 21:10:11 <giannisk> #endmeeting