20:00:17 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-05-25 20:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 25 20:00:17 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-05-25' 20:00:26 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:37 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:01:07 * nmilosev o/ ardian 20:01:13 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:01:14 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:01:17 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:01:18 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:01:26 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:01:27 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:01:29 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 20:01:30 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 20:01:31 * ardian nmilosev \o 20:01:49 <ardian> Hello and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. 20:02:13 <ardian> Let's wait a few minutes for others to show up as well. 20:03:32 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:03:32 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:04:04 <jflory7> .fas jflory7 20:04:04 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 20:04:09 <jflory7> Evening, all! 20:05:45 * nmilosev o/ jflory7 20:05:50 * nmilosev o/ giannisk 20:05:53 <jflory7> nmilosev: How goes it? 20:06:24 <nmilosev> Fine as usual :) You? 20:06:29 <ardian> #chair giannisk 20:06:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian giannisk 20:06:41 * giannisk waves back. 20:06:51 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:07:05 <ardian> I have three announcements to make 20:07:09 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 20:07:10 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:07:14 <ardian> #info Flock 2016 schedule is now out 20:07:21 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/flock-2016-schedule-now/ 20:07:36 <ardian> #info Fedora is on diaspora* 20:07:43 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-diaspora/ 20:07:55 <ardian> #info Fedora 24: Let’s have a party! 20:08:01 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-24-have-a-party/ 20:08:15 <jflory7> nmilosev: Doing well, slowly getting settled back home this week. :) 20:08:24 <jflory7> ! 20:08:25 <ardian> eof 20:08:32 <ardian> jflory7, yes 20:08:54 <jflory7> One announcement to make (had three, but ardian is on point today). ;) 20:09:40 <ardian> jflory7, if you would like to add anything about any announcement please do. 20:09:51 <jflory7> #info Come write for the Fedora Magazine! If you want to write for the primary publishing platform in Fedora, we are looking for new writers to join us. Whether it's a how-to for software, info about major events in Fedora, or other topics, we are looking for new writers to get involved. 20:09:53 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/write-for-the-fedora-magazine/ 20:09:53 <jflory7> eof 20:09:59 <jflory7> ardian: Nope, you got them down :) 20:10:03 <jflory7> ardian++ 20:10:51 <ardian> If there are no more announcement, we can move to the next topic ? 20:11:14 <jflory7> +1 20:11:22 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:11:32 * ardian is getting the link 20:11:46 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:12:15 <ardian> #info Funding request for EuroPython 2016 - Michal Cyprian (mcyprian) 20:12:26 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/573 20:12:54 <ardian> mcyprian, would you like to add anything regarding your ticket? 20:13:29 <mcyprian> ardian: I think everything important is there 20:14:12 <giannisk> mcyprian: could be please elaborate a bit more on accommodation? 20:14:45 <ardian> mcyprian, also can you elaborate on the $500 for booth participants 20:14:47 <giannisk> Ticket mentions $500 for booth participants. For how many people exactly? Also, for how many nights? 20:15:04 <giannisk> Thank you. 20:15:10 <mcyprian> we plan to use airbnb, we will share the room with nmilosev, and two more people 20:15:30 <giannisk> Which people? 20:15:40 <nmilosev> Yes, mcyprian and myself and two other people from RedHat 20:15:47 <mcyprian> 500$ is part of the price including only me and nmilosev 20:15:52 <nmilosev> If I understood correctly 20:15:55 <mcyprian> it will be 7 nights 20:16:02 <mcyprian> 17.7 - 24. 7 20:16:27 <giannisk> So, it would be approx. $1000 for 4 people and you will only be paying half of that, correct? 20:16:46 <mcyprian> giannisk: exactly 20:16:53 <decause> .hello decause 20:16:54 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 20:17:13 <giannisk> mcyprian: Thanks for clarifying, $500 for 2 people for 7 days sounds reasonable to me. 20:17:41 <giannisk> mcyprian: Of course, if you can end up with a less expensive solution, that'd be appreciated. 20:17:59 <mhroncok> as it always is 20:18:00 <giannisk> Considering it's air bnb. I don't know the prices around that area, however. 20:19:11 <mcyprian> it is not booked yet, it will be maybe a bit less 20:19:34 <giannisk> Well, I don't have any other questions at this point. Thanks. 20:20:29 <ardian> I think the other ticket is for the same event, the one from nmilosev 20:20:35 <mitzie> Sorry guys but I'm on my phone. I'm afraid that we only have up to 1200$ for this event 20:20:46 <giannisk> What I have to point out however, is that #573 and #574 combined make $1360 20:21:09 <giannisk> And yes, as mitzie has just said, available funds are up to $1200 AFAIK. 20:21:15 <mhroncok> ! 20:21:32 <ardian> mhroncok, yes 20:21:33 <giannisk> mhroncok: feel free 20:22:18 <mhroncok> I think we could give the extra money here form other parts of teh budget maybe, europython is important and we already tried to minimize the costs 20:22:37 <mhroncok> e.g. we are sending students and we bought the tickets in early bid 20:22:44 <giannisk> mhroncok: From which parts of the budget exactly? :D 20:22:46 <mhroncok> s/form/from 20:23:02 <mhroncok> no idea, but recent years, we had leftovers 20:23:15 <giannisk> Note that our budget is less this year, and event expenses have been adjusted accordingly. 20:23:17 <mhroncok> is the budget so tight? 20:23:27 <nmilosev> mitzie, is there an updated budget page other than this one: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget:2017 20:24:20 <giannisk> I won't lie to you, but in my opinion the budget could possibly be very tight this year. 20:24:21 <mhroncok> 3dexpo happened already, no fedora, we have 120 extra 20:24:39 <giannisk> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/ 20:25:02 <giannisk> mitzie: any suggestions on how to deal with this? 20:26:54 * mhroncok looking how much was spent on pycon sk 20:27:23 <mitzie> We lose money from one quarter to another. So we can only use money left from this specific quarter(June-August). And we don't know yet for sure if we will underspend in some events. 20:27:47 <mitzie> Maybe 100-200$ can be found, but I can't tell for sure yet. 20:28:08 <mcyprian> prices for the flight and the tickets are the cheapest options available 20:28:40 * mhroncok foun it, too much 20:29:39 <mhroncok> mitzie: so when 3dexpo didn't happen, we lost the money? 20:29:39 <giannisk> mcyprian: Hmm, could you possibly leverage accommodation? 20:30:33 <mitzie> Yes, because they are in the previous quarter. I'll talk to decause and ask him if we can keep some money that we didn't use from the previous quarter 20:30:33 <giannisk> mhroncok: Theoretically, we can't transfer budget leftovers between quarters. If we end up with extra money, it's lost. 20:30:39 <mcyprian> we can try to find something a bit cheaper, but I am not sure if we can save 200$ 20:31:16 <mhroncok> oh :( 20:32:40 <mitzie> Things have changed with budget.next :( 20:32:42 <giannisk> Entrance tickets for two people cost $180. Another option we can explore is if the organizers are willing to provide us with free entry. 20:33:08 <mhroncok> I'm afraid that has already been tried with NO 20:33:14 <mhroncok> not sure 20:33:19 <giannisk> For example, during the previous LinuxCon Europe, the organizers sponsored the tickets for me, sesivany and jon archer 20:34:07 <giannisk> Then, would Red Hat perhaps be willing to help with these expenses? 20:34:50 <mitzie> mhroncok: let me check with decause and I'll get back with you 20:35:27 <mhroncok> mcyprian: who are the 2 redhaters you share accommodation with? 20:36:09 <mcyprian> mhroncok: Petr and Slavek 20:36:52 <mhroncok> mcyprian: do you know if RH is paying for they accommodation? 20:36:54 <mhroncok> their 20:38:28 <mhroncok> if so, it might be possible to make it that RH pays 3/4 (i.e. also for mcyprian), that would save us ~250 20:39:20 <giannisk> mhroncok: something like that would work, yes 20:39:21 <mcyprian> mhroncok: Slavek will be not sponsored by RedHat and Petr doesn't know it for sure 20:39:37 <giannisk> mcyprian: hm 20:40:13 <giannisk> All: I don't know fellas, but as you have seen we have ended up with a negative difference of $160 20:40:22 <mhroncok> well if Slavek is not sponsored, I guess no money for mcyprian either :( 20:40:42 <nmilosev> Would it be possible for us to pay the extra $160? 20:41:00 <mhroncok> that's always possible 20:41:12 <giannisk> nmilosev: You can always pay it from your own pocket, if you're able and willing to 20:41:38 <nmilosev> For example I can transfer EUR80 which is roughly $90 to mhroncok 20:41:57 <nmilosev> For the conference ticket, and only get reimbursed for the flight and the shared accommodation 20:42:21 <nmilosev> Would that be ok? 20:42:24 <mhroncok> nmilosev: is that an option for you? 20:42:28 <mhroncok> what about mcyprian? 20:42:44 <giannisk> nmilosev: Yes. that's up to you to decide though. I mean, would you be totally comfortable with that? 20:42:45 <mcyprian> I can pay 100$ myself if it is the only possibility 20:42:47 <nmilosev> mhroncok, yes 20:43:10 <nmilosev> giannisk, yes of course 20:43:18 <nmilosev> I'm very excited to go :) 20:43:30 <giannisk> In any case, we will try to cover the whole amount, but as many people have already explained (cc mitzie) things are going to be reeeally tight. 20:43:35 <mhroncok> since the accomodation is already a split thing, I suggest to lower it down by 160 20:44:09 <mhroncok> where you either provide 80 each or, if the money magically appears, you don't 20:44:52 <nmilosev> mhroncok: So we pay for the accommodation 80 each on sight, and later we will see about the reimbursement? 20:44:59 <nmilosev> If I understand 20:45:01 <mitzie> mhroncok: let me check if we can use some funds from the previous quarter, and I'll get back to you tomorrow 20:45:07 <mhroncok> something like that 20:45:10 <mhroncok> proposal: 20:45:27 <mhroncok> vote for https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/573 where the amount for accomodation is 340 20:45:34 <giannisk> For now, let's approve up to $340 for accommodation 20:45:38 <giannisk> mhroncok: exactly, thank you 20:45:42 <mhroncok> get the extra 160 on peer review basis later fi possible 20:45:43 <giannisk> mhroncok++ 20:45:43 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for churchyard changed to 4 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:46:31 <mhroncok> vote time? 20:46:35 <giannisk> If we find money, we can cover the extra $160. I can approve the extra amount (on peer review basis). If not, unfortunately it's on you fellas. 20:46:48 <nmilosev> This is fine with me, mcyprian? 20:46:51 <mhroncok> mcyprian, nmilosev: both ok with that? 20:47:29 <nmilosev> mhroncok, it's fine with me 20:47:45 <mcyprian> yes, I agree 20:47:50 <mhroncok> mcyprian++ 20:47:50 <zodbot> mhroncok: Karma for mcyprian changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:47:53 <mhroncok> nmilosev++ 20:47:53 <zodbot> mhroncok: Karma for nmilosev changed to 10 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:48:02 <mhroncok> and +1 is my vote 20:48:13 <giannisk> Voting on #573 for up to $710 20:48:16 <giannisk> +1 20:48:28 <ardian> +1 20:48:29 <jonatoni> +1 20:49:00 <giannisk> More votes needed 20:49:25 <giannisk> Four votes so far, in need of at least five votes. 20:50:01 <mhroncok> mitzie: ? 20:50:06 <giannisk> Where has everyone else been? :) 20:50:18 <mitzie> +1 20:50:24 <mhroncok> mitzie: thanks 20:50:26 * nmilosev guesses he can't vote on this :D 20:50:26 <mitzie> Sorry for the delay 20:50:29 <giannisk> At least five individual votes, ticket approved. 20:50:47 <mcyprian> thanks 20:50:48 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #573 Approved (up to $710) 20:51:01 <giannisk> ardian: on to the next one :) 20:51:06 <giannisk> Thank you all for taking part in this. 20:51:42 <ardian> #info Funding request for EuroPython 2016 - Nemanja Milosevic (nmilosev) 20:51:50 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/574 20:53:02 <ardian> Anything to add on this, anyone ? 20:53:17 <giannisk> The amount here has not be changed, as we previously during #573 settled on leveraging accommodation. 20:53:37 <nmilosev> This ticket covers venue ticket (to mhroncok) and my travel 20:53:38 <ardian> If not, time to vote 20:53:52 <mhroncok> +1 20:53:56 <giannisk> nmilosev: just to make sure, no cheaper flight tickets, right? :( 20:55:01 <nmilosev> giannisk: only one was cheaper than this which was via Istambul (11h flight) :( It was $15 cheaper I can pay up extra for accommodation if it's a problem 20:55:14 <nmilosev> There are no 0 stops flights 20:55:15 <giannisk> nmilosev: Haha, no worries then 20:55:35 <giannisk> nmilosev: Flights to secondary airports can be tricky sometimes. 20:55:37 <giannisk> +1 20:55:43 <jonatoni> +1 20:55:45 <ardian> +1 20:55:52 <giannisk> Both time-wise and cost-wise, that is. 20:56:07 <mitzie> +1 20:56:44 <nmilosev> giannisk: yes, this also doesn't include the bus from Novi Sad to Belgrade, but I will pay for that it's not that much like $10 20:57:45 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #574 Approved 20:58:02 <giannisk> Thank you all for doing our best to resolve these. 20:58:17 <ardian> giannisk++ 20:58:27 <nmilosev> giannisk++ 20:58:45 <giannisk> Personally, it is my hope that we won't have similar "issues" with the budget in the near future. 20:58:57 <giannisk> Fingers crossed. :) 20:59:05 * ardian fingers crossed 20:59:32 <ardian> Alright, there are no more requests for tonight, let's move to the next topic. 20:59:45 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:59:59 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-ambassadors-tasks.html 21:01:03 <ardian> I don't see anything else to add here, besides the announcement I added before regarding the release parties 21:01:52 <ardian> If nobody has anything to add we can move to the next topic. 21:02:14 <decause> .hello decause 21:02:15 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 21:02:27 <ardian> #topic Events 21:02:40 <ardian> Any events taking place in your country ? Would you like to report from any recent events? 21:04:42 <giannisk> ! 21:04:46 <ardian> giannisk, yes 21:05:02 <giannisk> Basically, two events. 21:05:20 <giannisk> First one is DORS/CLUC, held between 11-13 May in Zagreb Croatia. 21:05:43 <giannisk> I was there, along with mitzie, elioqoshi, jonatoni and RGeri77 21:06:07 <giannisk> Also had some time to write a quick post-event report 21:06:09 <giannisk> #link http://konstantinidis.cc/2016/05/19/dors-cluc-2016-event-report/ 21:06:28 <giannisk> All in all, we had three Fedora-related talks. 21:06:37 <giannisk> And as usual we had a very large booth. :) 21:07:05 <ardian> nice!! 21:07:10 <nmilosev> giannisk++ 21:07:11 <giannisk> I engaged with several people and I hope that we will make progress in establishing a local fedora community in Croatia 21:07:20 * giannisk crosses fingers. 21:07:46 <ardian> giannisk, do we have a local community in Croatia ? 21:08:17 <giannisk> ardian: let's say that it's "in the making" :) 21:08:24 * ardian ah sorry IRC lag 21:08:30 <nmilosev> I was asked on my talk recently about the Croatian community and ambassadors there 21:08:51 <nmilosev> So there is interest I think 21:09:25 <giannisk> nmilosev++ 21:09:47 <giannisk> Also, right after DORS/CLUC 2016 we had OSCAL 2016, held in Tirana, Albania 21:09:57 <giannisk> Which, I can tell you, was huge. 21:10:22 <giannisk> Also, interestingly enough, approx. 55% of the participants are women. :) 21:10:40 <jonatoni> :) 21:10:58 <giannisk> During OSCAL, I was together with elioqoshi, jonatoni, rsc, ardian and sesivany 21:11:10 <giannisk> Plus with many more local Fedorians. 21:11:28 <giannisk> Event report is coming up as well, didn't have much time so far :/ 21:11:32 <rsc> Same here. 21:11:46 <giannisk> Both were great conferences, thanks to all of those that were part of it. 21:11:58 <giannisk> Fedora is growing in the Balkans :) 21:12:15 <giannisk> eof 21:12:56 <ardian> Great, OSCAL was super cool, and I personally think jonatoni and the OpenLabs crew have done an amazing job, and a ++ for jonatoni for giving us the best booth in the conference xD 21:13:05 <giannisk> jonatoni++ 21:13:08 <rsc> jonatoni++ 21:13:08 <zodbot> rsc: Karma for jonatoni changed to 10 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:13:10 <ardian> jonatoni++ 21:13:30 <ardian> rsc++ 21:13:30 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for robert changed to 13 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:13:33 <jonatoni> Thank you guys :) 21:13:39 <ardian> for the super cool rpm workshop 21:13:39 <nmilosev> jonatoni++ 21:13:40 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jonatoni changed to 11 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:13:59 * giannisk is glad the communities are expanding around the Balkans area. 21:14:29 * nmilosev same here :) 21:14:42 <ardian> That's it for the events topic. 21:14:58 <ardian> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:15:05 * ardian gets the link 21:15:18 <ardian> #link #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-05-11/emea_ambassadors.2016-05-11-20.00.html 21:15:40 <ardian> I don't see any actions from the previous meeting. 21:16:09 <ardian> #topic Open Floor 21:16:30 <ardian> So anything else you might have goes here 21:18:06 <ardian> #info Kicking off a new FOSCo discussion 21:18:45 <ardian> Christoph Wickert has sent an email about the changes that are going to take place, I suggest you take a look at his email, if you haven't. 21:19:22 <ardian> If there is nothing else to add, I will end the meeting in 3 min. 21:20:18 <mhroncok> ardian++ 21:20:19 <mhroncok> bye 21:20:46 <nmilosev> thanks for chairing ardian++ 21:21:07 <giannisk> ardian++ 21:21:09 <ardian> Thanks everyone for being part of this weeks EMEA meeting, see you in two weeks. 21:21:23 <giannisk> Good night everyone, see you around. 21:22:06 <ardian> #endmeeting