20:00:00 <nmilosev> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2017-08-16 20:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 16 20:00:00 2017 UTC. The chair is nmilosev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2017-08-16' 20:00:06 <nmilosev> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 20:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:11 <nmilosev> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 20:00:16 <nmilosev> #topic Roll Call 20:00:21 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:00:22 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:00:35 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 20:00:37 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:00:39 <lupinix> good evening :) 20:01:05 <nmilosev> hey :) 20:01:41 <nmilosev> Let's wait a few more minutes for others to show up. 20:01:44 <robyduck> .hello2 20:01:57 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 20:01:59 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:02:03 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:02:15 <nmilosev> hey robyduck x2 :) 20:02:15 <haghighi> Hi I am an ongoing ambassador from Iran, robyduck is my mentor and I would like to attend the meeting today. :) 20:02:16 <robyduck> doh 20:02:32 <nmilosev> hello haghighi! Can you introduce yourself? 20:02:34 <bt0> awesome 20:02:37 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:02:37 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:02:39 * jwf is sort of around :) 20:02:42 <robyduck> hi haghighi, nice to have you around ;) 20:03:00 <jwf> haghighi: Hello, and welcome! :) 20:03:08 <haghighi> robyduck: thanks :) 20:03:15 <bt0> haghighi++ 20:03:15 <zodbot> bt0: Karma for haghighi changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:03:20 <lupinix> haghighi: you're welcome :) 20:03:38 <jwf> .hello jflory7 20:03:39 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 20:04:18 <rsc> .hello robert 20:04:20 <zodbot> rsc: robert 'Robert Scheck' <redhat@linuxnetz.de> 20:05:11 <haghighi> Thank you guys, nice to meet you :) 20:05:31 <robyduck> haghighi: if you want you can make a short introduction of yourself, just 1-2 lines ;) nmilosev asked you. 20:06:10 <haghighi> ow, sorry nmilosev 20:06:49 <nmilosev> no worries, it is a "tradition" to make a short introduction if you are on your first meeting :) 20:06:58 <haghighi> nmilosev: I'm a Network Security Engineer, C and Python developer from Iran 20:07:25 <jwf> haghighi: What's your favorite thing about Fedora? :) 20:07:34 <haghighi> I started using GNU/Linux by installing Red Hat Linux in 2002, and now using Fedora on my Laptop 20:08:13 <nmilosev> Do you use Fedora Security Lab? :) 20:08:38 <haghighi> jwf: More close to GNU and being free, being up to date and testing new technologies 20:09:02 <lupinix> nice :) 20:09:42 <haghighi> nmilosev: No, currently in my profession, I don't need Sec. Lab., but maybe use that for my next project :) 20:09:54 <jwf> haghighi: Awesome. :) Well, happy to have you here! 20:10:04 <nmilosev> Great! Welcome once again, and don't hesitate to ask around. :) 20:10:14 <nmilosev> #topic Announcements 20:10:19 <nmilosev> #info A proposal: Ambassadors and Fedora strategy 20:10:19 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ambassadors-fedora-strategy/ 20:10:25 <nmilosev> #info Flock 2017 Schedule 20:10:25 <nmilosev> #link https://flock2017.sched.com/ 20:10:30 <nmilosev> #info LXQt Test Day Tomorrow 20:10:30 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/lxqt-test-day-2017-08-17/ 20:10:37 <nmilosev> Anyone else have any announcements? 20:10:52 <robyduck> yes me 20:10:57 <Southern_Gentlem> *** F26-20170815 updated lives available: http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins2 Built by the Fedora Respin Sig more info #fedora-respins *** 20:10:59 <haghighi> Thanks again :) 20:11:11 <nmilosev> Thanks Southern_Gentlem! :) 20:11:15 <nmilosev> robyduck, go ahead please 20:11:28 <robyduck> FAmSCo and FESCo elections are still in progress, second round! 20:11:49 <nmilosev> Shall we add it to minutes? 20:11:59 <robyduck> All who wants to participate need to vote (or revote), as the first round has been cancelled 20:12:24 <nmilosev> Ah I got it, one second. 20:12:37 <nmilosev> #info Fedora August 2017 election change 20:12:41 <nmilosev> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-august-2017-election-change/ 20:12:44 <robyduck> till AUgust 21th 23:59 UTC 20:12:56 <nmilosev> Thanks, missed that one somehow, sorry! 20:13:05 <Rathann> good evening, sorry for being late 20:13:11 <Rathann> .hello rathann 20:13:12 <zodbot> Rathann: rathann 'Dominik Mierzejewski' <dominik@greysector.net> 20:13:24 * nmilosev o/ Rathann 20:13:24 <jwf> vote++ 20:13:33 <nmilosev> Any other announcements? 20:13:44 * jwf waves to Rathann 20:13:51 * Rathann waves back 20:14:01 * nb notes I am running for FAmSCo and would appreciate everyone's support :) 20:14:14 <jwf> Oh, I have one 20:14:37 <nmilosev> jwf, yes please 20:14:53 <jwf> #info === "Organizing a Fedora Women Day 2017 event" === 20:14:59 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/organizing-fedora-women-day-2017/ 20:15:54 <nmilosev> Thanks for the help :) 20:15:55 <jwf> #info The Fedora Diversity team is looking to work with Ambassadors on organizing Fedora Women Day events this September. To organize an event, please submit have a proposal to the Diversity Team before August 20th for budget planning. See more info and details in the Community Blog post. 20:15:56 <jwf> <eof> 20:16:09 <nmilosev> jwf++ 20:16:09 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jflory7 changed to 16 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:16:12 * jwf waves to nb :) 20:16:20 <nmilosev> #topic Requests 20:16:25 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 20:16:26 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 20:16:26 <nmilosev> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 20:16:30 <nmilosev> #info Ticket 27 - Production of English Fedora User Handbooks 20:16:36 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/27 20:16:41 <nmilosev> Please review the ticket 20:16:52 <robyduck> nmilosev: you just posted the link to it, but FAmSCo recommends to all ambassadors to read the blog post of our FPL 20:16:54 <robyduck> https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ambassadors-fedora-strategy/ 20:16:58 <robyduck> ops, late 20:17:36 <nmilosev> Ah, well, it's the first link, so hopefully everyone will see it 20:18:35 <mitzie> I'm +1, actually I have talked with sesivany if we need anything regarding swag 20:18:47 <nmilosev> +1 for the handbook 20:18:56 <lupinix> +1 20:20:09 <jwf> I think the handbook is a strong appeal for the Workstation, and seems like the Czech version is already useful. Saw them at DevConf and they looked like a nice deliverable item to bring, instead of DVD media. :) 20:20:12 <jwf> +1 from me 20:20:18 <robyduck> +1 20:20:39 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket 27 Approved 20:20:49 <nmilosev> Thanks everyone, can't wait for these ones to ship 20:21:05 * jwf hopes to get a few in NA 20:21:11 <nmilosev> Hopefully we can translate them to other languages 20:21:20 <nmilosev> #info Ticket 28 - Parts for 4-5 more "Fedorators" for EMEA 20:21:24 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/28 20:21:30 <robyduck> jwf: with NA budget, sure :P 20:21:56 <mitzie> haha :) 20:22:01 <jwf> robyduck: Yeah, I mean to get a few handbooks generally. :P 20:22:05 <jwf> They're nice deliverables 20:22:08 <robyduck> lol 20:22:13 <robyduck> agree 20:22:31 <nmilosev> About the Fedorator, there is a nice component breakdown in the comments 20:22:38 <nmilosev> But I don't see a case cost? 20:23:01 <jwf> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Stp7ir4YWy1nxBItFLU8QJQOfZ8qC9QhMrX8nRLFGQs/edit#gid=0 20:23:01 <mitzie> It's about 130$ for each 20:23:20 <lupinix> i really like the idea @Fedorator much better than making DVDs again 20:23:51 <mitzie> I talked with @sangui and we can build 5, if we approve the budget 20:23:52 <nmilosev> Wow, the screen costs more than the raspi 20:24:03 <mitzie> So we can have enough for every region in EMEA 20:24:27 <robyduck> which regions? 20:24:56 <mitzie> *active communities, sorry 20:26:08 <jwf> So, the final ask is $550? 20:27:01 <lupinix> i think so 20:27:19 <mitzie> nmilosev: I know, I talked to sangui and he told me that the performance is better with the more expensive one, so he preffers to go with these 20:27:25 <robyduck> if the single cost is 130$, building 5 pieces is 650$ 20:27:32 <mitzie> Actually 550$ is for 4 unites 20:27:59 <lupinix> well, how many do we need? 20:28:02 <mitzie> robyduck: yes 20:28:25 <mitzie> I would prefer to build 5 on our own, tbh 20:28:34 <jwf> Worth looking at: 20:28:36 <jwf> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html#q2-budget-report 20:28:43 <jwf> My understanding is that Q2 ends in August 20:28:49 <robyduck> I would not spend too much on this immediately, we might try with 3 pieces and then, if they have success, build other ones. But we can also start with 4 fedorators 20:29:14 <robyduck> yes, Q2 ends in August 20:29:32 <jwf> And there's $1000 USD left? 20:29:33 <mitzie> It's a good opportunity to equip our communities, plus I don't know when we could build one again, because we need a 3D printer 20:29:37 <jwf> Or is it $2000 USD? 20:30:00 <jwf> I'm having a hard time parsing the table 20:30:11 <robyduck> jwf: the budget has been set for the whole year now 20:30:22 <mitzie> No, actually we have ~10k in our reserves 20:30:30 <jwf> robyduck: Yes, I know, I mean I'm confused about how much is available for the rest of this quarter by the current allocation 20:30:41 <jwf> It seems like $1035 USD is leftover for this quarter 20:30:53 <mitzie> Sorry, ~$6k 20:31:06 <jwf> I just want to make sure that I'm reading the table right before I make a final decision 20:31:19 <robyduck> well, we spent 8$ for now? 20:31:22 <robyduck> mitzie: ^ 20:31:33 <jwf> robyduck: Actually $8, but see the other costs for FRoSCon and release parties 20:31:35 <lupinix> jwf: yes, so i would approve 5 pieces as Q2 is almost over 20:31:45 <jwf> Only $8 is actually spent, but there is nearly a thousand that is planned to be spent 20:31:49 <jwf> This is my understanding 20:31:55 <lupinix> same for me 20:32:07 <robyduck> but even if we go over that, we don't have so much for the rest of the year, normally, to pay for 20:32:22 <mitzie> We are given $11.000, and so far we have spent 5,3k, including our expenses in Q2 20:32:51 <nmilosev> Are we also considering distribution (how will active communities actually get the devices)? Shipping is expensive 20:32:58 <mitzie> We can keep the remaining money for the next quarter, but I would say we have enough already 20:33:19 <mitzie> nmilosev: Since they will be assembled in Flock, we can take it back ourselves 20:33:44 <nmilosev> mitzie, that's a good plan, but because Flock is in USA this time, many people won't be there (myself included) 20:33:48 <robyduck> if the plan is to build them at FLOCK we can give them directly to the ambassadors present at flock (of the communities we identify would need it) 20:34:00 <robyduck> mitzie: ha, yes 20:34:01 <jwf> So, if EMEA votes to approve $550 for the production of the Fedorators, it would leave $685 leftover for the quarter, which seems like it could be used for a busier part of the year. 20:34:06 <mitzie> (about the budget): And also we will receive more money when the quarter begins 20:34:35 <mitzie> robyduck: Yes, that's the whole point :) 20:35:01 <jwf> Here's my thinking of this, curious what you all will think– 20:35:23 <mitzie> But still, if we have some money left at the end of the quarter, they will be moved to our "reserves" 20:36:13 <lupinix> so will we have 550$ (4 pieces) or 650$ (5 pieces) now? 20:36:17 <robyduck> jwf: we are fine with the budget, not sure why you ask always about it 20:36:21 * lupinix would prefer 5 20:36:30 <mitzie> lupinix: right 20:36:52 <jwf> Given the quarter is nearly over and that we have the opportunity to combine this all into Flock to save on other costs, I think it would be an exciting experiment for us to commit to by producing four more of the Fedorators than the original number. A lot of areas in NA and EMEA are struggling to find other ways than DVD media to bring to events, and while some places might need them more, we are looking for something better. The Fedorator seems 20:36:52 <jwf> like a strategic item to help us save costs in the long run on media production. I think it makes sense to commit to this ticket as a long-term strategy for how we're attending events and making Fedora accessible. 20:37:00 <jwf> Not mention, I think it will be a cool conversation starter 20:37:35 <lupinix> jwf: exactly :) 20:37:41 <jwf> robyduck: I like to know the full context before giving a +1 or -1 on something. :) 20:37:51 <nb> jwf, are we able to vote if we are not in EMEA? 20:37:57 <nb> 1 v 20:38:00 <nb> oops 20:38:23 <robyduck> jwf: you are not in EMEA 20:38:33 <robyduck> ops, today I am slow 20:38:44 <nb> jwf, I would like to see NA produce at least one 20:38:51 <nmilosev> if jwf is not allowed to vote (why??) we have to vote on #27 again 20:38:52 <nb> we might have to approve budget via ticket 20:38:59 <nb> nmilosev, because jwf is not EMEA ambassador? 20:39:23 <mitzie> But the point is that every active community will get one.. I think that 8 are too much, plus we will receive max 2 during the workshop 20:39:44 <jwf> robyduck: True, not anymore 20:40:12 <mitzie> They plan to assemble 6-7 during the workshop and then give them away 20:40:27 <robyduck> mitzie: 6-7 is optimistic I guess :) 20:40:28 <nmilosev> We still don't know the impact of the Fedorator, because it hasn't been used. So it could be very popular on events, but we just don't know yet. Thing is, we won't know if we don't make them. For that reason I'm voting +1 20:41:43 <robyduck> I am also +1, but for max 4 pieces. Let's see how its impact is, and then eventually make more 20:42:11 <nb> mitzie, are they making some anyway? or do the regions have to pay for all of them? 20:42:14 * nb hopes NA gets one 20:42:17 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:42:19 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:42:19 <robyduck> people will still need to bring a USB key, so personally I think the handbook might have a better impact at events 20:42:29 <nb> robyduck, true 20:42:31 <mitzie> The regions won't pay for those 20:42:34 <nb> mitzie, oh ok 20:42:35 <lupinix> so can we have some concrete agreement on what we vote now? 20:42:53 <lupinix> how many/ how much budget 20:43:52 <nmilosev> we are voting for the ticket, so 4 pieces or 550 USD 20:43:52 <jwf> I think that this is a fair ask: [15:27:32] <mitzie> Actually 550$ is for 4 unites 20:44:09 <nmilosev> So far we have +2 20:44:13 <nmilosev> Please vote 20:44:18 <robyduck> yes, then I am +1 20:44:30 <lupinix> +1 20:44:37 <jwf> Hmm, does my vote carry weight as a former EMEA Ambassador? 20:44:52 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:44:53 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:44:53 <mitzie> Actually for ~130$ more and because we will have ~4k at the end of the quarter , I'm +1 for 5 20:44:55 * giannisk waves 20:44:59 <nmilosev> jwf, I would argue yes (you are an ambassador still) 20:45:20 <lupinix> hi giannisk :) 20:45:35 <nmilosev> So far we have +4 on #28 20:45:43 <jwf> If I hadn't spent a significant amount of time in EMEA, I wouldn't feel comfortable voting, but if nobody has an issue with it, I am also +1 to $550 for four units 20:45:53 <mitzie> giannisk: Actually the question is wether to produce 4 or 5 Fedorators, for 550$ or 670$ 20:46:06 <giannisk> Who gets to keep the Fedorators? 20:46:17 <b10n1k> i dont think I can vote I was late and I have not followed the conversation. sorry 20:46:32 <mitzie> We will distribute them to the active communities in EMEA 20:46:57 <nmilosev> mitzie, I still believe distribution is going to be difficult, because they are fragile electronics 20:47:05 <mitzie> we will also get one or two after the workshop, regardless of what we choose now. (although it's most likely to get 1) 20:47:10 <nmilosev> Only way, is who gets them, keeps them for good 20:47:21 <giannisk> If there are funds available, we can go for 5 to serve as many EMEA communities as possible 20:47:30 <giannisk> The only thing that concerns me is selection criteria 20:47:53 <mitzie> nmilosev: FOSDEM is upon us, where most of us will meet again 20:48:01 <jwf> (1) Each Fedorator is appx. $130 each; (2) current ask is $550 for four units; (3) current unallocated budget for this quarter is $1035 USD; (4) "every active community" is planned to get one, but it's not more concrete than that 20:48:05 <giannisk> On which criteria does X community receive the Fedorator and Y community does not? 20:48:15 <lupinix> well, how many "active communities" do we have? 20:48:17 <jwf> b10n1k: ^^ 20:48:35 <giannisk> lupinix: That's debatable, it means how we perceive "active" 20:48:40 <nmilosev> giannisk, on the criteria on who is available to pick one up on Flock/FOSDEM? 20:48:42 <giannisk> s/means/depends on 20:49:00 <b10n1k> jwf: thanks 20:49:18 <giannisk> nmilosev: But that wouldn't be fair, people from "active" communities might not be able to attend Flock/FOSDEM 20:49:27 <lupinix> yes 20:49:29 <nmilosev> I agree 20:49:46 <giannisk> We can vote right now to allocate the budget 20:49:54 <nmilosev> We can think about distribution later, let's just vote on the ticket 20:50:02 <giannisk> But we should definitely define the distribution criteria as well 20:50:08 <nb> giannisk, nmilosev i think that is a good idea 20:50:08 <giannisk> nmilosev: +1 20:50:09 <jwf> giannisk / nmilosev: +1, I think we can figure out these logistics. 20:50:17 <nmilosev> We have +5 already, but the log will be messy, maybe a revote? 20:50:20 <nmilosev> Or no need? 20:50:24 <mitzie> giannisk: One of us can take the extra one with him and get reimbursed to ship it somewhere else 20:50:40 <jwf> I think all five votes are for four Fedorators produced at a total of $550 USD 20:50:43 <lupinix> we have +5 on 4 pieces 550$ now 20:50:49 <nmilosev> Yes, so no revote? 20:51:00 <giannisk> How many votes for 5 pieces? 20:51:14 * giannisk gave a vote for 5 pieces, if the budget allows for it 20:51:14 <nmilosev> We didn't vote for that 20:51:16 <robyduck> do we have 5 votes? 20:51:26 <nmilosev> We have 5 votes for 4 pieces 550 USD 20:51:28 <mitzie> I'm +51 for 5 20:51:41 <mitzie> wow :P +1 for 5 I mean :P 20:51:57 <nmilosev> Why didn't the ticket state 5 pieces :S 20:52:04 <lupinix> as said before, i'm fine with 4, but would prefer 5 if we have enough money 20:52:15 <mitzie> Because the case is 3D printed, it's a good chance to produce more now 20:52:21 <lupinix> nmilosev: ticket says 4-5 :P 20:52:27 <nmilosev> Okay, so let's vote for 5 pieces now 20:52:31 <nmilosev> Please vote now for 5 pieces 20:52:38 <giannisk> +1 for 5 20:52:40 <mitzie> lupinix: It means that it's up for discussion :) 20:52:40 <nmilosev> +1 from me because we have extra budget 20:52:41 <lupinix> +1 20:52:51 <mitzie> +1 20:53:06 <lupinix> mitzie: yes :D 20:53:14 <nmilosev> Need one more 20:53:52 <jwf> Sanqui: Are you at the keyboard? Just curious to know if you plan to have the materials for five 20:53:58 <robyduck> ok let's give it a try then, +1 20:54:10 <jwf> I'm +1 to allocating for five 20:54:17 <mitzie> I have checked with sangui, and we can build the cases for 5 20:54:18 <b10n1k> +1 as far as the distribution criteria are fair 20:54:28 <giannisk> jwf: Did you move back to EMEA again? :P 20:54:33 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket 28 Approved (Five units) 20:54:45 <nmilosev> Please update the ticket asap 20:54:51 <nmilosev> Thanks everyone for voting 20:54:52 <mitzie> Actually the cases are the problem, because it takes time to produce the case. But we can produce 5 cases in time 20:54:59 <robyduck> jwf: you should not vote on other region's budget 20:55:00 <jwf> mitzie: Ah, okay, excellent, I was hoping to make sure that he had the resources for creating them since he asked for four and it seemed there was a concern about getting the material there in time 20:55:12 <mitzie> nmilosev: Will do, thanks 20:55:37 <jwf> robyduck: Okay, that's fair – I was going off of the previous comment on this 20:55:47 <nmilosev> mitzie, we should probably also say in the ticket who gets these 20:55:55 <nmilosev> Just so it is clear 20:56:36 <nmilosev> robyduck, we have a problem with the vote for the previous ticket then, because I counted jwf's vote on it 20:56:42 <nmilosev> So we actually have +4 then 20:56:45 <nmilosev> Without his vote 20:56:52 <robyduck> nmilosev: no, we have 6 votes even without him 20:57:01 <nmilosev> For ticket #27 (handbooks) 20:57:06 <nmilosev> Are you sure? 20:57:11 <robyduck> giannisk: lupinix nmilosev mitzie robyduck b10n1k 20:57:20 <nmilosev> Okay, great 20:57:21 <lupinix> i count 4 on #27 20:57:33 <nmilosev> Hmm, let me check 20:57:42 <lupinix> (without jwf) 20:57:44 <robyduck> ah 27 is the handbook 20:57:49 <mitzie> giannisk is around now :) 20:57:57 <nmilosev> We have 4 20:58:05 <nmilosev> giannisk, can you review #27 and vote 20:58:07 * giannisk deus ex machina 20:58:13 <nmilosev> If you vote +1 we don't have to revisit 20:58:13 * giannisk is having a look 20:58:16 <nmilosev> (no pressure :D) 20:58:37 <giannisk> Aha, yes, seen that 20:58:37 <robyduck> and b10n1k too 20:58:39 <giannisk> +1 20:58:43 <lupinix> +1 means you buy a new washing machine *scnr* 20:58:44 <giannisk> Good work everyone 20:58:46 <nmilosev> thanks! 20:59:29 <nmilosev> mitzie, about the fedorator, can we put a comment about active communities requesting ones? 20:59:54 <nmilosev> So I think the best course here is to send an email to the ML asking people who wants fedorators? And then decide who gets them. 21:00:06 <lupinix> ! 21:00:13 <mitzie> nmilosev: I can handle that 21:00:14 <nmilosev> lupinix, yes please 21:00:34 <lupinix> maybe we can check events within last year to get some impression on activity of the communities 21:00:37 <lupinix> eof 21:00:45 * robyduck agrees with lupinix 21:00:49 <mitzie> Although if a community asks for one, it should be able to prove why it needs it 21:00:53 <nmilosev> lupinix, that's a good idea 21:00:58 <robyduck> if you ask, everyone will raise his hand 21:00:58 <nmilosev> mitzie, also a good ide 21:01:00 <mitzie> yes 21:01:07 <robyduck> we need to set at least some criteria 21:01:09 <nmilosev> We can decide in one of the following meetings 21:01:17 <lupinix> yes 21:01:21 <nmilosev> I think it's better than just one person deciding 21:01:34 <nmilosev> But we can also trust mitzie to do it, if it is okay with everyone 21:01:38 <robyduck> or at FLOCK 21:02:00 <mitzie> We can talk about the criteria at Flock 21:02:16 <nmilosev> robyduck, it's better to discuss it on the meeting, because everyone is here 21:02:16 <giannisk> True, we could shape the criteria at Flock 21:02:41 <robyduck> nmilosev: yes, but we could make a first draft proposal there 21:02:46 <nmilosev> #action mitzie to write to ML about Fedorator distribution 21:03:01 <nmilosev> mitzie, you can write that after Flock, no hurry 21:03:10 <nmilosev> Okay let's wrap the requests? 21:03:15 <nmilosev> Anything else? 21:03:17 <lupinix> yes 21:03:20 <lupinix> @wrap 21:03:25 <jwf> I see Fedorators (generally) being a topic in this session. :) https://flock2017.sched.com/event/Bm9N/fedora-ambassadors-the-future 21:04:03 <robyduck> yeah, but then nb wants to have one :D :D 21:05:04 <jwf> Heheh 21:05:17 <jwf> I just like the kind of thinking that went into coming up with something like this 21:05:31 <nmilosev> Let's move on 21:05:31 <robyduck> nod nod 21:05:32 <jwf> It's super creative and I'm looking forward to seeing how we use these in regions 21:05:37 <nmilosev> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 21:05:42 <nmilosev> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-27/f-27-ambassadors-tasks.html 21:05:46 <nmilosev> Have fun at Flock everyone 21:05:59 <nmilosev> So, about the next meeting, it will be on Aug 30 21:06:14 <nmilosev> Shall we postpone it? 21:06:27 <jwf> ! (after meeting planning) 21:06:28 <mitzie> +1 21:06:42 <lupinix> +1 21:07:01 <robyduck> remember F27 is a short release, means no Alpha 21:07:02 <nmilosev> Maybe it's better to skip one meeting because of flock 21:07:19 <robyduck> skip++ 21:07:38 <nmilosev> Anyone thinks we shouldn't skip? 21:07:50 * nmilosev noted jwf request 21:08:09 <jwf> Generally, skipping because of Flock seems like a good reason to me :) 21:08:33 <nmilosev> I agree, if someone wants to have the meeting please reach me on fedora mail 21:08:51 <nmilosev> #info Next meeting (Wed Aug 30) will be skipped because of Flock! 21:09:03 <nmilosev> #action nmilosev to write to ML about meeting skip 21:09:13 <nmilosev> #topic Events 21:09:19 <nmilosev> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 21:10:01 <jwf> Oh, still wanted to share something 21:10:08 <nmilosev> wow 21:10:12 <nmilosev> Sorry jwf 21:10:17 <nmilosev> I'm getting sleepy 21:10:19 <jwf> No worries, this topic is relevant too :) 21:10:19 <nmilosev> please go 21:10:31 <jwf> I just wanted to say, in case you missed it on the list, there is a release party badge: 21:10:32 <jwf> #link https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-26-release-partygoer 21:10:48 <nmilosev> Ah yes, sadly it was a bit late this time :( 21:10:58 <jwf> If you're organizing a release party or already have, please drop a line in the ticket with a link to the wiki page or event report, and we can get you the privileges. 21:11:07 <jwf> nmilosev: Yeah, that was my fault, remembered a little too late this time 21:11:59 <nmilosev> jwf, no worries, we also organized a bit early :( 21:12:04 <nmilosev> Thanks for mentioning it 21:12:08 <jwf> Yep! 21:12:10 <jwf> <eof> 21:12:12 <nmilosev> Anyone else for events? 21:12:48 <nmilosev> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:12:52 <nmilosev> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/emea_ambassadors/emea_ambassadors.2017-08-02-20.00.html 21:12:57 <nmilosev> #info JacobCZ to write to the ML about F26 DVDs in the near future 21:13:12 <nmilosev> JacobCZ isn't around, anyone got any info regarding DVDs? 21:13:37 <lupinix> nothing here, but i might have missed it as i was on vacation 21:14:02 <nmilosev> I'll just re-action it for next meeting 21:14:27 <nmilosev> #action JacobCZ to write to the ML about F26 DVDs in the near future 21:14:32 <nmilosev> #topic Open Floor 21:14:42 <robyduck> ! 21:14:47 <nmilosev> robyduck, yes please 21:14:50 <robyduck> as we have jwf around, congrats to his election to the Council! 21:15:02 <nmilosev> well deserved :) 21:15:11 <lupinix> ah right, congrats :) 21:15:14 <lupinix> jwf++ 21:15:14 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for jflory7 changed to 17 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:15:32 <nb> FYI I am running for FAmSCo and would appreciate receiving your votes. 21:15:45 <lupinix> nb++ 21:15:46 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for nb changed to 18 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:15:49 <lupinix> already done 21:15:52 <jwf> Cheers, thank you robyduck. :) 21:15:59 <robyduck> :) 21:16:12 <jwf> Looking forward to serving the Fedora community in a new capacity and representing you all 21:16:41 <jwf> It's a privilege and an honor, and not something I take lightly. 21:18:18 <lupinix> btw nice to have a meeting with many people and discussion again, looks like holidays are over :) 21:18:22 <nmilosev> robyduck, eof? 21:18:26 <nmilosev> lupinix, yes! 21:18:34 <robyduck> yeah, sorry 21:18:36 <nmilosev> If that is all I will be ending the meeting in two (2) minutes. 21:18:40 <nmilosev> Thanks everyone for coming 21:18:45 <nmilosev> See you in one month. :) 21:18:53 <lupinix> nmilosev: thanks for chairing :) 21:18:59 <lupinix> good night everyone :) 21:19:58 <jwf> nmilosev++ Thanks as always for chairing! 21:19:59 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for nmilosev changed to 4 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:20:12 <lupinix> nmilosev++ 21:20:21 <jwf> lupinix: Definitely nice to see a little more activity, same thing happens in NA over the summer, everything almost grinds to a halt. :P 21:20:24 <mitzie> Thanks nmilosev! 21:20:30 <lupinix> .moar cookies nmilosev 21:20:32 <zodbot> here nmilosev, have some more cookies 21:20:40 <nmilosev> #endmeeting