20:30:06 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL (2011-02-21) 20:30:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 21 20:30:06 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:30:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:30:06 <nirik> #meetingname epel 20:30:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 20:30:06 <nirik> #topic init process/agenda 20:30:06 <nirik> EPEL meeting ping abadger1999 rsc stahnma tremble dgilmore smooge nb maxamillion 20:30:18 * nb is here 20:30:19 * abadger1999 here 20:30:46 <smooge> Here 20:30:59 <nirik> I just had 2 items today... clamav status and then talking about/working on the wiki repave if we have time/energy. 20:31:36 <nb> hmm, i had thought you sent me a copy of your clamav 20:31:37 <dgilmore> nirik: ok 20:32:01 <dgilmore> nirik: i should test your clamav package 20:32:18 <nb> nirik, who would it have been from? kevin@tummy? 20:32:21 <nirik> anyone have other items for agenda? or shall we start in with those? 20:32:23 <nirik> nb: yeah. 20:33:23 * nirik hears nothing, so drives on. 20:33:26 <nirik> #topic Clamav 20:33:36 <nirik> So, yeah, there has been some discussion on the list about this. 20:33:40 * dgilmore thinks we should just push it out 20:33:45 <nirik> http://www.scrye.com/~kevin/fedora/clamav/ 20:34:06 <dgilmore> i think we should maintain a list of packages we dont guarantee smooth upgrades on 20:34:44 <nirik> well, this should mostly be smooth. 20:34:48 <dgilmore> nirik: 0.91? 20:34:54 <nirik> no, the 0.97 one 20:35:05 <nirik> and the spec should be 0.97-2 20:35:18 <dgilmore> nirik: ahh ok all the binaries are 0.91 20:35:22 <nirik> did I fail to copy the latest srpm? humm... 20:35:43 <dgilmore> nirik: there is a 0.97 srpms 20:35:52 <dgilmore> but no binaries 20:36:18 <nirik> yeah, I think I just tested scratch builds. 20:36:26 <nirik> I can stick binaries there tho 20:36:35 <dgilmore> no biggie 20:36:37 <smooge> I think we can test it on pkgs and pkgs.stg 20:36:46 <smooge> after the freeze 20:36:59 <dgilmore> smooge: pkgs.stg can be tested now 20:37:04 <nirik> sounds good to me. 20:37:07 <dgilmore> pkgs we should not use as a test bed 20:37:10 <nirik> nb: you able to test/push the update? 20:37:19 <nb> nirik, sure i can do that 20:37:23 * nb can test on el6 20:37:25 * nb has no el5 20:37:32 <nb> but i can push it sure 20:37:37 <dgilmore> my mail server is el5 20:37:41 <dgilmore> ill test it there 20:37:45 <nb> dgilmore, ok 20:37:47 <nirik> I have heard nothing at all back from the other comaintainers of it in epel. 20:38:29 <dgilmore> i need to plan el6 migrations 20:38:40 <nirik> I tested on both el5 and el6 20:38:59 <nirik> the only gotcha was that you have to mv /etc/freshclam.conf.rpmnew /etc/freshclam.conf 20:39:01 <nb> nirik, dgilmore we are wanting this on el6 and el5? 20:39:08 <nirik> as the existing package has a different config for freshclam. 20:39:22 <nirik> I'd say so... el5 is also out of date and hard to maintain. 20:39:32 <nb> nirik, would it work if we moved it to %config instead of %config(noreplace) 20:39:35 <nb> for freshclam.conf? 20:39:39 <smooge> the following hosts run clamav on them: people, pkgs01 and hosted02 20:39:42 <nb> or idk, manual might be better 20:39:51 <smooge> I think people would be the only one we could do a 'test' on 20:40:06 <smooge> pkgs01.stg needs to be updated to match pkgs01 I think 20:40:13 <nirik> nb: if you can come up with a way... 20:40:16 <dgilmore> i think its enough to document in the update and changelog 20:40:28 <dgilmore> maybe a README also but thats probably overkil 20:40:29 <dgilmore> l 20:40:39 <nirik> an announcement to epel-announce about it would be required I think... 20:41:46 <nirik> so, I would think: a) everyone test who can, b) push to updates-testing, c) get feedback, d) mail epel-announce about it just before it goes to stable. d) profit 20:42:48 <nirik> any objections to that plan? 20:42:56 <nb> +1 20:43:07 <nb> i'll try to get it built and update submitted in bodhi tonight 20:43:32 <nirik> nb: ok. There was still a concern on the list, but I haven't puzzled out exactly what he wanted... 20:43:42 <nirik> a empty db, but not sure why it mattered so much. 20:44:58 <nirik> ok, I guess silence indicates consent? ;) 20:45:06 <nirik> #agreed a) everyone test who can, b) push to updates-testing, c) get feedback, d) mail epel-announce about it just before it goes to stable. d) profit 20:45:13 <nirik> #topic Wiki 20:45:30 <nirik> So, I got busy and haven't done much on this in the last week again. ;( 20:45:52 <nirik> I got a list of *EPEL* pages... thanks to ianweller 20:45:55 <nb> nirik, your server must be getting hammered or something 20:45:55 <nirik> http://fpaste.org/m8kE/ 20:46:10 <nirik> oh? downloading slow? 20:46:23 <nb> around 35k/sec 20:47:08 <nirik> I think we can ask to archive all the meeting and reports ones? 20:47:40 <nb> yeah 20:48:18 <abadger1999> +1 20:48:29 <smooge> I would say any page with a / should be archived. 20:49:01 <nirik> So, my archive list is: 20:49:03 * smooge should probably wait until the pain medicine cuts in 20:49:03 <nirik> http://fpaste.org/WsWv/ 20:49:15 <nirik> smooge: yeah, by the end, yep. 20:49:45 <nirik> anyone have objections or additions to the above 'to be archived' list? 20:50:14 <smooge> one sec 20:50:38 <smooge> nirik add in # 20:50:38 <smooge> De DE/EPEL 20:50:38 <smooge> # 20:50:38 <smooge> De DE/EPEL/FAQ 20:50:38 <smooge> # 20:50:40 <smooge> De DE/EPEL/FrontPageContributors 20:50:42 <smooge> # 20:50:44 <smooge> De DE/EPEL/FrontPageStarters 20:50:46 <smooge> # 20:50:48 <smooge> De DE/EPEL/Über 20:50:50 <smooge> # 20:50:52 <smooge> EPEL 20:51:01 <abadger1999> I'd move the reports to Meeting: and the others to Archives: but it's not that important. 20:51:04 <nirik> well, the base EPEL page we need to re-write first. 20:51:16 <nirik> but yeah, not sure about those DE ones... 20:51:40 <smooge> I figure that since they will need to be retranslated 20:51:43 <smooge> they can go 20:51:49 <smooge> same with the japanese ones 20:51:58 <nirik> ah, good point. 20:52:48 * nirik adds those. 20:53:39 <nirik> ok... 20:53:49 <nirik> http://fpaste.org/B7Go/ 20:55:14 <nirik> look ok to everyone? 20:56:46 <abadger1999> +1 20:57:22 <nirik> I can ask ianweller to archive/meeting them... :) 20:57:26 <abadger1999> Note -- some of those pages are redirects 20:57:49 <nirik> yeah, the other thing that might be good is to look at the stats...what pages do people hit often currently? 20:57:54 <abadger1999> And we don't want the redirected-to-page to go away 20:58:41 <nirik> wasn't there a webalizer running at some point? 20:59:43 <smooge> there was and it went unloved 20:59:50 <smooge> very very very unloved 20:59:51 <nirik> yeah. ;( gone now? 20:59:57 <smooge> it maybe its still there 21:00:07 <smooge> I will go look 21:01:05 <nirik> ah ha 21:01:07 <nirik> http://fedoraproject.org/awstats/fedoraproject.org/ 21:01:37 <smooge> awstats 21:01:39 <smooge> oh wait 21:02:09 <nirik> http://fedoraproject.org/awstats/fedoraproject.org/awstats.fedoraproject.org.urldetail.html lists pages... 21:02:13 <nirik> can grep EPEL out of that 21:03:32 <nirik> none of the report/meeting ones show up 21:04:10 <nirik> only 9 EPEL pages show uip 21:04:52 <smooge> well then. we keep those 9 and archive the rest :P 21:05:16 <nirik> yeah. I will make sure none of those are on the archive list. ;) 21:05:46 <ricky> Not sure that that includes meetbot.fp.o 21:05:59 <nirik> yeah, I don't think it does. 21:06:07 <ricky> Looks like it's not tracked - shouldn't be hard to addd 21:06:45 <nirik> might be nice to see what meetings are popular... ;) 21:07:00 <nirik> #action nirik to finish archive list and get pages archived. 21:08:01 <nirik> so, I was thinking if we wanted we could work on some pages here if we had time... or if folks are busy we could just adjourn and I can try again to work on them this week. 21:08:58 <smooge> Today is busy. You have a time later this week you want to catch up? 21:09:24 <nirik> yeah, perhaps we could get some folks together in #epel later in the week to work on it. 21:09:32 <abadger1999> Sounds fine 21:09:34 <nirik> it's just a matter of sitting down and doing it I guess. 21:09:40 <abadger1999> What's the top page you'd like to work on? 21:09:49 <nirik> do we replace pages as we go? or should we mock up something and then swap it in? 21:10:00 <nirik> I think the main landing page and grow out from there. 21:10:10 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/EPEL_Wiki_Redesign 21:10:12 <nirik> was my plan 21:10:20 <smooge> I would think mock up and replace 21:11:02 <nirik> ko. 21:11:14 <nirik> Anything more on wiki? 21:11:21 <smooge> not at moment 21:11:31 <nirik> #action will try and get some folks working on wiki redesign in #epel later in the week. 21:11:36 <nirik> #topic open floor 21:11:39 <nirik> Anything for open floor? 21:12:24 <abadger1999> not from me 21:12:51 <smooge> Frida is good for me 21:13:08 <nirik> ok, cool. 21:13:15 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone... 21:13:23 <nirik> #endmeeting