17:05:03 <smooge> #startmeeting epel 17:05:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 16 17:05:03 2015 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:05:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:05:08 <smooge> #meetingname epel 17:05:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 17:05:42 * bstinson is here 17:05:52 <smooge> #chairs smooge bstinson Evolution dgilmore nirik 17:05:54 * maxamillion is here 17:05:58 <smooge> #chair smooge bstinson Evolution dgilmore nirik 17:05:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson dgilmore nirik smooge 17:05:59 <Evolution> present. 17:06:05 <smooge> #topic Robot Roll Call 17:06:08 <smooge> here 17:06:11 <maxamillion> here 17:06:13 <avij> hi 17:06:35 <smooge> sorry guys... was dealing with a sick pup and missed the timer 17:06:37 <nirik> somewhat here 17:06:48 <maxamillion> smooge: sorry to hear that, hope everything is alright 17:06:55 <dgilmore> hola 17:07:16 <Evolution> smooge: back feeling better? 17:07:39 <smooge> yep. 17:08:45 <smooge> #topic Next Orphan Day 17:09:21 <dgilmore> smooge: reminds me 17:09:22 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5963#comment:7 17:09:38 <smooge> So I see tyll_ has put out another set of orphaned packages. The issue that they weren't caught before was that he wasn't looking at packages that had been retired in rawhide 17:10:43 <smooge> so I think we can answer that with a yes.. and we will do it in X days? 17:11:01 <smooge> How does the 22nd of January sound for Orphan Day? 17:11:14 <nirik> sure, sounds fine. 17:11:16 <dgilmore> works for me 17:11:18 <dgilmore> yes 17:11:22 <bstinson> +1 17:11:29 <Evolution> yeah, that's safe enough prior to fosdem 17:11:39 <Evolution> +1 here 17:11:58 <smooge> +1 from me 17:12:32 <smooge> #agreed Next orphan removal day is 2015-01-22 +5 -0 17:13:18 <smooge> #topic Website Cleanup? [Is smooge every gonna start?] 17:14:32 <smooge> well hopefully soon 17:14:40 <smooge> sorry dog needed to go outside 17:15:09 <smooge> I have stuff started to be written, but haven't had enough time without interruptions to concentrate on it 17:15:16 <smooge> same story for everyone else I expect 17:15:38 <smooge> #topic FOSDOM EPEL/CentOS meeting 17:15:58 * nirik will not be there, but will be available via irc/email for questions, etc 17:16:02 <smooge> Evolution, do you know what the current plans on this are? I am expecting it will be BOF instead of a dinner 17:16:17 * maxamillion will not be there either but pending schedules will be available on irc/email 17:16:46 <smooge> and it looks like it will be mostly getting stories from users about what they want in EPEL 17:16:53 <Evolution> smooge: yeah. that's the current idea 17:17:03 <Evolution> 20 people at a dinner isn't meaningful 17:17:15 <Evolution> we're going to attempt to comandeer a bof area 17:18:34 * quaid leaps in for a few minutes 17:19:16 <quaid> smooge: yeah, getting user stories together basically aiui; we need to have a better idea from the CentOS perspective what people want, so we know what to work on, ask for, bargain for, build, etc. 17:19:22 <smooge> ok I expect it will be less than 20 people since possible free food/beer is gone :). BUt then again the Red Hat BOF at USENIX was 40-60 people when 10 listed they would come up 17:19:55 <quaid> the folks who've responded seem to have an investment beyond free-beer :) and this is Belgium, there might be beer anyway :) 17:20:38 <smooge> thanks 17:20:55 <smooge> do you guys have a date for it? 17:21:25 <Evolution> I don't recall seeing a date offhand on the list, but I think we were trying to keep the same schedule as the dinner. 17:21:32 * dgilmore did book fosdem 17:21:45 <dgilmore> I will definitely be there 17:22:44 <quaid> dgilmore: looking forward to seeing you, been a long time 17:22:55 <smooge> and quaid maybe sometime this year we (various committee members) can have a working meeting after some direction? 17:23:06 <quaid> Evolution: that's a good question, I presumed it moved back to Sat afternoon for the event venue? 17:23:16 <smooge> various committee members + CentOS committee members 17:23:19 <Evolution> something to post to the list then. 17:23:26 <Evolution> for clarity at least. 17:23:46 <quaid> smooge: yeah, I asked KB if he wanted us all to have a Hangout before FOSDEM, but when I got the fuller scope on user stories, I realized it would be better after we had something solid to share; one of us will look to arrange a meeting in Feb then 17:24:06 <quaid> Evolution: good point, I don't think it's been addressed, yeah. 17:24:27 <smooge> quaid, thanks 17:25:43 <quaid> smooge: also, if no one objects, I plan to video the meeting itself (non-social parts), we can either share privately or publicly, depending (and I can always turn off the camera for a private story, etc.) 17:25:53 <smooge> ok I don't have anything I would like to pose at the meeting beyond the generals "What is it being used for? Where are these people and how do we communicate with them better? etc" 17:27:29 <Evolution> certainly on the plan to ask. 17:27:49 <dgilmore> quaid: it has been 17:29:41 <smooge> ok so next EPEL meeting could we firm up on everything that is going to happen then? We can work on a followup later 17:30:54 <Evolution> I might propose that we cancel the meeting for the 30th, as that's fosdem 17:31:04 <smooge> OK will do so 17:31:21 <smooge> since basically 3 out of 5 members aren't available 17:31:54 <smooge> #info 2015-01-30 meeting is cancelled due to FOSDEM and 3 out of 5 members being there versus available. 17:32:21 <smooge> #topic python3x proposal 17:32:43 * nirik has marked to look at that, but haven't had time yet 17:32:56 <smooge> so there has been a proposal on the list about how to package up python3x items. 17:33:10 <smooge> I have only looked at it and went "wow.. thats going to be a pain in the ass..." 17:33:58 <smooge> also followed by f*ck interpretive lanugages and "wtf can't we all just use perl4 and be happy." 17:34:52 <smooge> so what I am going to ask is that the packages be built together in a copr for viewing 17:35:27 <smooge> that way everyone will have an idea if it will work and how it might not work 17:36:17 <smooge> nirik, dgilmore does that sound useful or waste of time idea on my part? 17:36:35 <nirik> an example python and package could be usefull yeah. 17:36:53 <dgilmore> smooge: having osmething to look at would be useful 17:37:02 <nirik> like I said, I haven't had time to look at the last proposal yet, so I don't want to comment on if I like it or not 17:38:34 <smooge> ok no problem 17:38:45 <smooge> will hold off on suggesting it until you have. 17:39:29 <smooge> after that I think that is all I have on the item. If it is workable I want to play with it for python27 in RHEL-5/RHEL-6 since we are going to lose python26 and all its children in epel next week 17:40:10 <smooge> but that is in my copious free time 17:40:22 <smooge> ok time to open the flood gates 17:40:27 <smooge> #topic Open Flood 17:40:35 <smooge> anyone have items for the open floor? 17:41:10 <smooge> if not thank all committee members and maxamillion quaid for coming 17:41:24 * dgilmore has nothing 17:41:31 * nirik has nothing 17:41:37 <smooge> I will close the meeting in 1 minute 17:41:52 <maxamillion> nodda 17:41:57 <maxamillion> thanks everyone! :D 17:42:16 <bstinson> cheers all! 17:42:57 <smooge> #endmeeting